darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Initiating chapter 9 with this awesome laughter!
So precious see this baby boy happy 🥺
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Let’s see what this episode has in store for us 👀
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
I decided to post the screenshots and a little resume of chapter 8 of Ethan’s route, including the opcional sex scene.
Note: I play the game in portuguese (the brazilian portuguese), so may translation may not correspond exactly to the english episode, but the ideia of what is happening is the same! With you have any doubts, feel free to message me 😉
Note 2: This post got awfully long! Sorry but I wanted to give some context.
Same deal as ever, spoilers under the cut.
Important: keep in mind that I doing my route with the Eloise liking Ethan, not going psycho and wanting to kill him. I would never hurt that boy.
So the episode starts and we dump into Ethan in the corridor, acting like he was there doing something and not waiting for Eloise.. Silly boy, just say you want to spend some time with her already.
Then you have the choice to suggest three activities to do with him. I chose fighting because I thought that we wore going fisical, but no! We went shooting, but it was kind of cute because Eloise gets flustered about Ethan being behind her teaching how to shoot and like hugging her. It was not a hug.
Ethan then gets tired and just goes to Moondance and Eloise is so concentrad that takes sometime to realize that he isn’t there anymore. She goes back to the mansion, in my case talks to Aaron and goes to Moondance.
There Ethan openn his heart, and say that eventought he thinks human kind is evil, he wants to feel again, and not be an animal that does thinhs because of his instincts. After a sad but heart warming conversation, he says that they should go back.
And then, this happens:
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After that they talk a little in front of the mansion and went inside, and then silly me tought that he wanted to do something romantic, because he put his fingers in her lips, but he just wanted Eloise to be quiet hahaha
In his room, Ethan says a few more things and that Beliath said that you should do something to relax, and again you have the option of leaving, agreeing to relax or implying that Beliath would say that you should do something else, ending with a you know what. Obviously, I chose to do the other thing 🤭
A the Ethan says: "Yes..... I understand perfectly. And we need to hear it. He must be the wisest guy I know". AND BLUSHES! DEAR LORD! Eloise is realizing something I feel for quite sometime now: She loves him hahaha
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The sex scene happens next, a little more romantic then the other, but not very lovely. It’s something carnal, they tease each other a lot, and apparently moan a lot too.
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After Eloise can’t sleep and goes to the library to read and had the idea of saying to Ethan that he should do a serum to get back to being human. She is happy and goes to his to say that, and we get a shirtless but VERY rude Ethan. He goes ballistic and shove Eloise out of his door.
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The next night he goes to her room and apologize, talk about his feelings and she offers to be his test subject. He says he needs to think, but after she finds some supplies, she goes to his room and he agreeds to do it. We get to see lab cot science doctor Ethan.
In the end, Eloise drinks the serum he made and they lay to sleep, first facing each other - you get the illustration here - but then he turns and face the other side. STOP TEASING WITH MY HEART AND JUST SHOW YOUR LOVE ALREADY BABY BOY!
Particularly, I thought it was an awesome episode because we get to see so many new sides of him. And I think he is such a beautiful, in many ways, character ♥️
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
I should be sleeping but I was playing the latest chapter of Ethan’s rout, and I’m kind of speechless.
Spoilers ahead 🙃
First, I didn't think that Ethan wanted to be human again and for sure I did not expected that the plot was going this way!
I haven’t played any other route because since the game was announced, he was the only one that caught my attention, but I read here on tumblr the other plots, and bravo! I'm really enjoying his plot development.
Second, I love him! Such a dense character, with so many layers, I just can’t help but love him 🤷🏻‍♀️
When he said that the first step towards the cure is admitting you have a problem, he won the rest of my heart hahahaha
Now, all I want is my human and happy Ethan, being a doctor and helping people with his lab coat talking about injections 🥺
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Ps. I have so many screenshots of this episode, feel free to ask with you want something or with you want to know about something that happen, like the sex scene or the walking hand to hand. It was an awesome episode.
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Eldarya has me facing a new dilemma.
I decided that I'm going to play the two routes I was wanting: Nevra and Lance.
But now I can’t decided which account to use.
I have an account that the ex is Ezarel and the other that is Nevra.
So in one hand, Erika can get back with the vampire or trade him for Lance.
On the other hand, because she is dumb and apparently can’t ask anyone with they know where to find Ezarel, she can fall in love with her best friend or her worts enemy.
So what should I do? 🤔
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
My first impression about the new Eldarya episode was that it took me a week to finish hahahaha
For me it was a drag and basically boring episode, despite Lance's "revelation" (which the entire fandom already knew).
Apart from Jamon and Karuto, everyone else irritated me deeply. Especially Huang Hua, who should be empathetic. For the love of God!
Érika just woke up from a coma, they can’t expect her to digest a change they took YEARS to get used to in just two weeks!
According to the history, Lance was imprisoned for a while before joining the guard, so they lived their grief, let the girl live hers! Do not come with that talk about trust. They all said that they didn’t trust him right away!
I think the only sensible ones were Karuto and Jamon. Chrome was doing well, but he got lost in the end hahahaha
Specifically in this episode my image was with Nevra, which I thought was kind of funny because with Ezarel being meu ex my, Érika starts the internal monologue saying that she was happy that Nevra could still be one of her best friends, and then she says something about a romantic atmosphere and you get the illustration.
On the one hand, I would like to see this development, of what it will be like to fall in love with someone who has always been her friend.
But on the other hand I would love to see what the dynamics of her relationship with Lance will be like (which I know has so many problems that I can't even list).
It’s going to be a difficult decision to make for the next episode ahahahah
The only thing that saddened me was that she clearly forgot (in my case) Ezarel. I can’t comprehend that she didn't even try to find out where he was or something like that!She is already having mixed feelings for someone else.
I thought that was too fast, because if we consider the issue of the passage of time in relation to Lance, we should also consider here. Despite the fact that for an hour she said that she decided to be well alone, I still found this outcome very poorly addressed to.
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
And here I was thinking that my heart couldn’t break any further because of an otome game 😬
But chapter 7 of Ethan’s route prove that there is no limit of how much I can suffer because of a 2D guy hahahaha
You know the deal... Spoilers bellow
Baby boy got some serious trauma going on! Although being a psychologist I think that the ideia of him going alone to face his traumas is really bad, a part of me was hopping that he was a little better.
Kids, don’t do that at home! There are much better techniques that help you cope to with traumatic situations than to go a place where you can have a crisis without any help.
That’s why, his awful atitude doesn’t suprise me. Facing your fears is a step to cure your problems, not the whole solution, medic baby should know better then thinking that one single trip would heal all the trauma and fears that he had so many years.
Still I wished that we could hold him and make everything better. And that he didn't take all his anger out on Ivan, who has nothing to do with the situation.
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Chapter 5 - Wise Advice
The young woman blinked a few times, looking from the hand that she was holding to the face of the person she had just bumped into, until her brain processed what was happening. In front of her, looking back at her, with an absolutely indecipherable expression, was the one who had been responsible for all the pain she had been feeling since her awakening.
- Are you blessing me with your sacred energy that don't want to let go of my hand? - The man finally spoke.
That was when the girl's eye went back to her hand and recorded the information that she was holding hands with her biggest enemy for a few minutes now, which made her withdraw the hand abruptly as if it had been burned.
- I know I'm hot, but I don't burns - The man replied in a teasing tone.
Lance… The same Lance the greatest enemy of the guard, the one who had brought so much suffering to that land, who had killed so many people, broken the crystal, murdered his own brother Valkyon, made her and Leiftan have to sacrifice themselves, which impacted the life of so many people. The man who had made her lose Ezarel was in front of her, looking at her as if they were just old acquaintances and not as if he had destroyed the lives of so many people.
- Well, this conversation is great - said the dragon with a voice full of sarcasm - But I need to deliver a mission report. See you around, little aengel.
What happened looked like a movie in the girl's mind, as if she was watching the scene of her attacking Lance through the eyes of a spectator, not as she was the person who had screamed and jumped at the man, who caught by surprise fell in to the ground. But when Erika came to her senses, she was on top of Lance, sitting on his waist with one leg on either side of his body, with her sword firmly placed over his neck, with him looking at her with an air of defiance. Before either of them could make any move, she heard Huang's voice beside her.
- Erika, please let me explain ...
- YOU THIS MURDEROUS SNAKE, THIS TRAITOR LIVE HERE - replied the young woman looking at the fenghuang with hatred in her eyes.
- Dragon - Lance said - I am a dragon and not a snake.
- Lance ... - Huang Hua said looking from Erika to Lance with a look that said be quiet.  
- I think it's important to clarify these things, boss ...
- Genocidal as your human race?
- Erika - the young woman heard Leiftan's voice – Don’t do anything rush, he is not worth it…
- If I had done something that day, when he fell, Valkyon would be alive ...
- Killing Lance won't bring Valkyon back -  Nevra said softly - Erika, please.
- YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!!!! - She replies with tears streaming from her eyes while looking at Huang.
The girl's mind could not understand how Lance was there, among them, being protected by people she considered her friends, what could have happened in those seven years that could justify such behavior? Inundated with doubts, her breathing began to accelerate as her mind swayed, in what seemed to her like a panic attack. That was when she felt a soft touch on the rist of the hand that held her sword and turned her gaze to the owner of the hand.
- Little Aengel, you do not want to kill me, you are not like me. So let's put that sword in here - Lance said calmly as he moved Erika's arm to the side, freeing his neck - you can let go, no one is gonna hurt you.
Hearing the sound of the object falling on floor, Erika felt the dragon quickly lift its body, sitting upright with its face just inches from hers. But before either of them could say anything, the girl felt her body being lifted by Nevra, who led her to her room.
- Erika - the vampire started while closing the door after putting the girl in the bed - I wish I had told you something earlier, he wasn't supposed to be back today. We wanted to tell you when you were more adapted
- He said he was on a Nevra mission! How do you allow him to join a guard!?
- Well ... There is no use hiding anything anymore - said the man sighing as he went to sit next to the girl - Lance is the new chief of the Obsidian Guard.
- GET OUT OF HERE – that was too much for her to handle.
- Erika be rational, I want to explain…
- GET OUT OF HERE NEVRA! He killed his brother, one of your best friends! And now he is a guard chief?! That is too low even for the persons that ruin my family.
When the door closed, the young woman collapsed on the bed consumed by various feelings, still unable to believe that the people of Eldarya had forgiven Lance and, on top of that, had given him the guard that belonged to his brother, the brother he killed, she had to do something about that. She didn’t how many time had passed, but when she decided to get up to take a breath, she realized that she hadn’t slept all night because the sun was beginning to rise.
In order to clear her thoughts, she found herself unconsciously going to Valkyon’s grave, where she sat down to watch the sunrise. With her back against the headstone, looking at the horizon, she realized too late the approach of the last person he would like to meet.
- It seems that fate is trying to unite us - Lance said, sitting beside her uninvited.
- I really don't have the energy to talk to you right now Lance ...
- The problem is yours then, because you are in the place I want to be, or did you happen to think I was looking for you? I'm not Leiftan who would die for you, we just had the misfortune to choose the same place to be.
- You often come here to alleviate your guilt? - The girl asked acidly looking at the man.
- Erika, if you're expecting a formal apology, forget it. If you think I'm going to ask for your forgiveness and say that I'm a changed man, don't waste your time. I just told you, I'm not Leiftan - He replied, with the same acidity and with an empty look.
There was a silence in the air until the first rays of sunlight began to illuminate the lawn where they were sitting.
- Speaking of Leiftan - the dragon started - Huang told me that he is not very inclined to train you but that it would be very good for you to develop your powers. And I think this is important too, you have potential little aengel ... So what I can do for you, is offer to be your master.
After Erika looked at Lance with an expression of utter shock, a new silence fell between then.
- You don't have to answer me now - said the man, rising - I imagine you need to think.
- No, I don't need to think – Erika said getting up too - I need training and maybe an unscrupulous mass murderer will teach things that no one else would teach me.
Smiling, the girl shook the man's hand, as if to seal the deal, while something she had learned from her father resonated in her mind: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Sweet Dreams
I'm still having a hard time dealing with the roller coaster of emotions that were the last two chapters of Ethan’s route...
So I decided to use writing as a cooping mechanistic!
Hope you enjoy it!
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After convincing Beliath that despite your tiredness, you would like to stay, after all you like it was your duty as his chalice, your eyes went back to the vampire who lay asleep and when you finally heard the door closing, you allowed back the thoughts that had been interrupted by the inopportune entrance.
Your eyes went down to Ethan's mouth and all you wanted to understand was witch was the feeling that squeezes your chest so tightly: an uncontrollable desire to love or kill him? The last few days had been chaotic and intense, and although your new condition was not directly Ethan's fault, he wasn’t doing anything to facilitate your coexistence.
Although after the last few events, seeing the vampire's eyes so fragile and painful, you started to wonder if that cold attitude was really his personality or just a facade to defend himself. Regardless, you had to admit to yourself that seeing him in that state, so hurt, was hurting you too.
Wondering if that could be explained by the paranormal bond they now shared, your hand began to move, almost by itself to caress the vampire's troubled face, who seemed to be fighting a battle in his sleep. Remembering how you used to calm down while living in the orphanage, your lips began to sing a melody, a song to lull that sleep and bring some peace.
The stroking movements in Ethan's hair, coupled with the sound, seemed to do the trick, as his expression softened, as if he were finally finding a little tranquility in the chaos of his mind. That was when an involuntary yawn called your attention to how tired you were and maybe it was time to sleep, even if it was in the chair next to the bed.
Gently removing your hand from the vampire's hair, you couldn’t resist the urge to give him more affection and lowering your body, you kissed his forehead, while softly whispering.
- Sleep tight, you're safe now.
When you were getting up in the best possible way to not wake him, you felt a hand grab your wrist and turning around, you saw Ethan, half asleep half wake, murmuring incomprehensible words, of which you could only distinguish one stay. Even though you were sure he didn't know it was you who were there, like in one of his hallucinations, you felt your heart tighten inside your chest.
Shaken by the fragility in the vampire's voice, you felt that you had no other option, and taking off your shoes lay down beside him, with your back facing his body. And then a thought took over your mind. Being there, like this, was something much more intimate than the night of sex you two had shared. The sex was carnal, filled with feelings of bitterness and possession. This right here was intimacy, it was fragility, it was caring.
Before you could make any conclusions, the change of weight on the mattress and the feeling of the vampire's arms around you made your brain shut down your thoughts to seize the moment. And then a shiver ran through your body when you felt Ethan's lips against the back of your neck spoke, as he gently murmured  a few words.
- Kauniita unia...
Overcome by tiredness, you abandoned yourself to sleep, while smile was forming on your face
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Until now, playing chapter 6 and learning a little more about Ethan's story I can understand why he is the way he is.
Spoilers bellow
From what he says, he enlisted in the army because he had an ideal of saving people and contributing to a greater good, and end up living the horrors of war at a young age (he says he was not even twenty-five and left the university to go).
Working with people who have experienced major trauma (of a different nature, not that of a war) I know that this type of event leaves deep scars on the psyche.
However, this is no excuse for him to treat Eloise (or anyone) badly, someone's pain does not justify for that person to cause pain in another.
So far my greatest desire is to embrace him and say, that at least from the suffering and consequences of the battles of World War II, he is safe 😔
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The corpses that we have to move before they rotten, the men who call their mothers crying before they die, the screams of pain that go through the night when there is no morphine.
(in a raw translation from the brazilian portuguese)
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Beginning chapter 6 of Ethan's route and being a psychologist, I admit to I’m intrigued by how the issue of his problem will be addressed.
So far so good, his self-diagnosis is good (and I know he is a doctor, but believe me, not every doctor understands psychiatric diagnoses).
Until now, where I am in the chapter it seems (I will wait to be sure) that the issue will be handled responsibly.
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Chapter 4  -  Looking Forward
After the events of last night, all Erika wanted was to avoid the embarrassment of being in the presence of a certain vampire. But at the moment, standing in front of a room, she had the feeling that her plan was already failing miserably because she was summoned to a meeting of the Light Guard.
- Do you really see the need for my presence? – She asked Huang Hua
- But of course! - replied the guard chief, while pushing the girl into the room - We are all here and one of the main subjects is you! - she finished gesturing for the young woman to sit next to Leiftan.
Looking around, she could see the presence of almost every member of the guard, with the exception of the Obsidian leader, but before she had time to ask that question, Feng Zifu took the floor and thanked again for the sacrifice on behalf of Eldarya. The girl couldn't help herself and looked at Leiftan, who reciprocated with a knowing look, this hero thing really didn't fit him either.
However, before she could dive into her inner world of thoughts about the sacrifice, the invitation made by Feng Zifu snapped her out: they wanted her to join the Light Guard. Heart-pounding and truly flattered, Erika thought it was best to refuse the invitation, explaining that her hiatus caused her to regress regarding her powers. And that for now, if possible, she would rather be part of one of the other three guards.
Feng Zifu, admired by such behavior, did not object, adding that knowing their place was a virtue and Huang Hua gave her the choice of being re-selected for a guard or joining her former one. In her head there was no doubt about what to do. There was no way she could stand being in the guard that was once headed by Ezarel without him being there and the same was goes for the guard of Valkyon. So, going back to her former guard, now being led by Chrome was the right choice.  After all, Nevra wasn’t there anymore.
- If there is no opposition, I would like to rejoin the Shadow Guard - She said smiling to Chrome who replied by stretching his hand across the table and assuring her that their guard would always be her family.
After the weren’t any oppositions , Leiftan announced to everyone that he would not join any guard and that he would no longer like to be called to this type of meeting, that he needed to be alone and wouldn’t like to get involved in any matters, much to the disappointment of those present.
After discussing some topics, when Huang Hua was ending the meeting, the young woman gathered her courage and asked for the floor.
- I know that this is not a matter that concerns everyone here, but I would like to make a request to you - she said to fenghuang - I would like to meet with Ezarel. And I know you guys told me you don't know exactly where he is. But I believe that if Chrome doesn't mind, the task of locating him wouldn't be that difficult for the Shadow Guard. Don't get me wrong, but after everything I've lost since I got here, I just wanted Ezarel to know that I'm alive.
- I don’t oppose to lead this search chief- the werewolf answers directly to Huang - I would even be happy to be able to contribute to something so important for our heroine.
Before happiness could take over the girl, a dry voice cut the conversation.
- Do you really think it is easy to locate a former guard chief, who doesn’t want to be located?
- Nevra - Chrome started - I didn't say it was easy, I said I was willing to try. That I could put together a team to worked on that.
- And do you think it prudent to spend the guard resources to reunite two little lovers? - Replied the vampire.
There was a deadly silence in the room and before Huang could deliver her verdict, against all her senses, Erika turned to face Nevra, who remained with an unreadable impression.
- I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you, right Nevra? -Huang said in her calm voice - The least we can do to you is this, some kind of compensation for everything, but it’s also a proof of my esteem for you. I had talked to Ewelein about the periodic exams she needs to do on you and the only thing I ask is a month, both to see if everything is fine with you and to find him. Does this term work for you too Chrome?
- I will do it - Nevra, with the same icy voice and expression, interrupted before his pupil could answer – I will locate Ezarel, after all I dispatched his things and there is not to a better locator than me.
- So it is decided - Huang announced happily, ignoring the bad weather that had set in - You are all dismissed! Erika, go see Jamon in the afternoon because your sword is ready and afterwards I believe your leader has a mission for you.
Still impacted by what had happened, the young woman thanked fenghuang and went to her room, when, in the middle of the corridor, she felt a hand grab her arm.
- We need to talk...
I have nothing to say to you, Nevra -  She said without looking back.
- But I have...
With a sigh she disengaged her arm from the vampire's hand, who was making no effort so he wouldn’t hurt her, and turned to face him. The coldness in his voice and gaze were something that bothered her deeply, for he was nothing like the man she once met.
- I'll make this as clear as possible, I don't want to talk to you right now, goodbye - She said turning toward the room, giving the vampire no chance to respond.
The rest of the day went as expected, after picking up her sword, beautiful and lethal by the way and spending some quality time with Jamon, the young woman went on a mission with Chrome, Mathieu and Koori, and ended up with a ticket to infirmary as usual. After having dinner with her companions, she decided that she couldn't stand still and that she would ask Leiftan to train her, so that she could defend herself with her powers and so that she wouldn’t be so useless like today.
Going towards the aengel's room, she had the misfortune to meet Nevra with whom she engaged again in an argument, until Leiftan arrived and the boys started arguing among themselves, exchanging acid words and veiled accusations.
- Enough! – She said putting herself between them - Please grow up both of you! I thought I could still count on you, but I was clearly mistaken!
Hot headed, the young woman stamped out without believing the day she had lived. Leiftan vehemently refused to train her, even though she explained that her life could be at risk, while Nevra was acting like an asshole to her with no apparent explanation. Absorbed in her thoughts, the girl only felt the fall when it was too late.  
Sitting on the floor, with a hand being extended to help her up, she took it grateful and started to apologize to the person she ran into. When she raised her head to look, she felt all the blood drain from her face when she looked into those piercing blue eyes.
- L ... La ... Lance?
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Sooooo... Ethan’s chapter 5 is out... and damm!
I really wasn’t expecting that, but the world is still full of wonderful surprises 😂
Be aware of spoilers bellow
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Come on ... you've played enough. I don't have much time to prepare for tomorrow. Rest Eloise. (in a raw translation from the brazilian portuguese)
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Just finished chapter 4 of Ethan's route in Moonlight Lovers and I’m slightly regretting no taking printcreens of one scene so I could savor for life (although, in my defense, I was so focused on the scene that I only thought about it later).
With you don’t want spoilers, stop reading here 😬
But during the party at the mansion, the choices I made resulted in a scene where Eloise and Ethan dance, without touching each other but with a clear sexual tension going on.
I just loved the way it was written (and translated into my language).
I knew waiting for this route would be worth it 😍
Although I found the ilustracion okay, my favorito so far was from chapter 2, the context behind it felt in charter for the way Ethan behave around Eloise.
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Chapter 3 - Winds of Change
Apologies for the long chapter, but I'm trying to reach the story and I wanted to get to where it is before the launch of the new episode of the game, as I already have "two routes" programmed in my head hahahah
Anyway, I hope you like it = D
  As the water ran down her body, the girl couldn't help thinking about the events she had experienced the day before, after Huang Hua had picked her up at Valkyon's grave. Together, they took a tour in the HQ so that the new leader could show the changes, which included two statues dedicated to the young woman and Leiftan, a memory that made her blush even in the shower ... She definitely didn't want all that attention.
She smiled when she remembered her reunion with Jamon, who had promised to make her the best and most beautiful sword ever seen, with such affection that he no longer resembled that giant who had put her in jail when she first arrived in those lands. She was also happy for Chrome, for whom she had a special affection, but who was no longer the puppy she saw as a little brother, he had grown up, conquered Karenn and was doing everything to repair his mistakes. She also met some of the new members of the Guard of Eel such as Koori and Huang Chu, the second surprising her with the difference she had with her older sister.
She also met a young human like her, or almost like her now that she knew she also had aengel blood, named Mathieu who seemed to be pleasant and who she thought she could talk to about things on Earth, but who seemed to want something more. But in Erika's head, and in her heart, she was still in a relationship with Ezarel, even though he was gone.
Turning off the shower, she couldn't help thinking about the elf's departure. Not that not that he leaving was a surprise to her, after all, it wouldn't be the first time that escaping would have been the way Ezarel chose to deal with a problem, but what left her intrigued was who he had left with: Mary-Anne and Twylda. She couldn't understand how that happened and how Mery's mother had agreed to move in with her son's murderer, somewhere remote to start over. Well, but she didn't have to understand anything now, so she could ask the woman directly, because ever since Huang Hua had told that to her, only on thought had dominated her mind: go after Ezarel.
When getting ready for the event that was going to happen that evening, in honor of her and Leiftan, she wondered how was Ezarel, if he was still thinking about her or if he had move on to a new love. The decision to go after him was not just an attempt to revitalize their relationship, but because mainly she thought that he should know she was alive again and because she missed him. Rekindling what they had would be, if possible, a consequence, but she couldn't forgive herslef if she didn't try, after all, she loved that bastard more than anything in this world and the relationship had gone through so many ups and downs, that she  couldn't live in peace if she didn't try.
Looking in the mirror while fixing her hair, which was to too long by the way, she stared at her room, invaded by a nostalgic feeling. Anyone who saw the place like this, completely remodeled, wouldn’t believe that when she was assigned this room, there wasn’t even a mattress! Although beautiful, she had to admit to herself that she missed Nevra's old gothic decor and how she was afraid at first, after all, the vampire had a copy of her room key. She smiled as she remembered the deliberate flirtations of the one who later became her best friend, her confidant, and who spent several nights with her when she had nightmares. Despite having a lot of affection for Valkyon and being in love with Ezarel, Erika needed to admit that she always had a special connection with Nevra, from whom she could not wait to receive a hug.
Thinking about connections, she also remembered Leiftan and how distant the aengel seemed during their meeting at the infirmary. Despite everything they lived together, he seemed to be absorbed in a melancholy and a sense of guilt that the girl hoped would pass soon, because she wanted to see him happy and to develop their powers together, so that they could fight side by side again, in case it was necessary.
Before she could start thinking about the Obsidian Guard, which everyone avoided talking about the leader, she was taken out of her thoughts by a knock on the door and was pleasantly surprised to find Karenn and Chrome asking for help organizing the party with Karuto. The feeling of being treated as it always was great, as she didn't want to be on a pedestal and definitely didn't want to have to give speeches anymore. This change in posture of the eldaryans was understandable, but even so, she was embarrassed.
Despite not being in the most festive spirit of all, she understood the importance of such a meeting, especially for Huang Hua, and as the leader of the Light Guard was always kind to her, she felt obliged to repay with this small gesture that was her presence. Even though she wasn't in the mood, she had to admit that the party was not unpleasant, especially sinceshe could spend time with the people she liked and be shocked by the fact that she hadn't realized sooner that Huang Hua and Ewelein were now a couple! Ezarel always told her that she was often slow.
She felt a twinge in her chest when she saw the exchange of affection between the two women, in addition to the other couples who were there, she decided to take a break to get some air, after all she had promised herself that it was no longer time to cry, it was time to act. While sitting a little afar from the crowed, Mathieu came over and sat beside her, making small talk about the songs of Earth and how a cellphone was needed in this world. After talking for a few minutes, the young man bluntly declared that he was interest in her and that he would like to get to know her better.
- Mathieu - she said trying to choose the words in the best possible way - You seem to be a nice guy, but I'm in a relationship, at least that's how I feel. Until two days ago I was practically living with someone, so all I can offer you is my friendship.
With a slightly annoyed look, the boy laughed and said that there was no problem and he only said that because he thought he should be frank but that he would now withdraw because he was no longer able to bear the looks Leiftan was giving. Laughing, he said goodbye, while the young woman saw Leiftan approach to talk, telling her that he had decided to spend some time alone to think about everything that had happened. With a nod, he said goodbye, without giving Erika much of a chance to try to convince him otherwise or help him with those feelings.
After some time, she decided it was time to go to bed too, she didn't want to experience more emotions than she could handle in one day. As she headed in the direction that led to her destination, she heard a yell of happiness from Huang Hua and when she turned, she saw him. He had changed a lot, he looked more serious and mature, but she would recognize him anywhere in the world ... Nevra. With her heart racing, the young woman didn't think twice before running and throwing herself into the arms of the vampire, who, very confused by everything, pushed her lightly, as if he wanted to defend himself. But when their eyes met, the young woman could see the realization on the man's face.
- Erika ... you ... how? - It was all he managed to murmur.
- I don't know well - she replied laughing half-heartedly - Leiftan and I woke up yesterday and well ... I'm alive.
Looking her up and down, the vampire smiled slightly and apologized, to which the young woman replied that she was wrong one, but that she cannot contain the emotion of seeing her friend again. She waited for him grab her and hold her tight in his arms, but there was nothing. He seemed cold and distant, as if all their complicity was gone. And that's when she realized that he had spent seven years without her and that maybe her existence wouldn't make a difference in his life anymore. And it was as if someone had punched her in the stomach and fearing that her emotions would again gain the best of her, she excused herself and hurriedly headed for the room, unable to look back.
Throwing herself on the bed, catching her breath again, she tried one more time to soak all of the changes.  
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Chapter 2 - The News
As she sat down in one of the beds in the infirmary, helped by Huang Hua and Ewelein, Erika took a deep breath, trying to understand what was going on, but when she looked at her friends for an explanation, she felt more confused. Despite the sweet looks she was receiving, she couldn’t help to notice a drastic change in the features of both women. The only thing she could think of was: how long have passed since the last moment she remembered?
Clearly, her internal confusion was showing in her face, because Huang cleared fer throat to get attention and began to speak, in a very serene tone of voice, while placing the girl's hands under hers.
- I imagine your mind is swarming with a thousand questions and I want to answer everything but I don't want to hurt you ...
- Due to your condition - Ewelein started - I think it is better to situate you a little and after doing some exams we can go on telling you more things. I understand that you're anxious, but we don't want to make you worse. Can you comprehend?
The young woman shook her head as the two women exchanged a knowing look while smiling, making Erika amazed at how much their relationship had changed. Of course, both have always been very cordial, not just with each other but generally with everyone, but there was a whole new level that something else there that she couldn't decipher.
- Well ... I don't think it's prudent for me to dwell on the most important fact, so I'll get straight to it - said the fenghuang - That day of the battle against Lance, what you and Leiftan did saved our world, saved all Eldarya. You joined Cristal, in what became known as the White Sacrifice ... But that happened seven years ago and despite our various attempts, over time we have come to believe that you would stay there forever. I just have to thank you and apologize for not having tried enough... - ending with tears in her eyes looking at the floor.
- Don't say that - Ewelein said in a sweet voice to Huang - Erika, we tried everything, for a long time, but there was nowhere an explanation or a solution to get you both out of there. To be honest, we didn't even know if you were still there, do you understand me? Sometimes we could see your silhouettes, floating inside, but ... it was difficult for everyone - the elf ended up sighing.
Shaking her head again, a bitteraweet sensation started to invade her being, she was finally able to understand a little more of what is was happening.
- Huang, Ewelein ... I'm sure you tried everything, you can rest assured. When I, or rather, when we decided to do what we did, we didn't know what to expect, I didn't know if I would make it out alive or not, so I understand.. I won’t hold any grudge on that - after a moment of pause, taking courage, she finally decided to ask - Ezarel is in a mission that he still don't know that I woke up?
After an exchange of distressed looks, the elf decided to speak up, after all, there was no point in hiding this type of information.
- Erika ... a lot has changed in the last few years, including Ezarel. It was very hard for him to be here without you and after a while ... he decided to leave. I promise you that we will tell you everything, but now I think it is more prudent to take it easy, I will examine you and meanwhile Huang will tell you some more details.
While Ewelein was conducting a series of exams, the fenghuang told how Miiko had survived the battle but decided to leave claiming to be for family reasons, but Erika suspected that a lot was also due to everything that had happened under her command. She also said that with the departure of kitsune, she had taken over the leadership of the HQ, revealing nothing about her phoenix training. Also all the guard had new chiefs, happily reveling that Chrome was now leading the Shadow Guard, while Nevra had taken over the place that had previously belonged to Leiftan, becoming her right-hand man.
Hearing about all the changes in the HQ and the naturalness with which the women spoke, made the young woman feel very sick, with a strong nausea. Obviously for them it was easier, they had years to digest all those changes, but for her it is as if the world had changed after a night sleeping. Her head ached, but before she could ask anything, her thoughts were interrupted by Ewelein who said that at first sight everything seemed normal, but she was going to do periodic checkups, but that for now Erika was excused and that she, Ewelein, would go see Leiftan.
Smiling, Huang Hua said that she could not let her walk down the corridors before making an official announcement of what had happened, but that she could go see some of her ex-companions or go to bed a little. Without hesitation, Erika asked for what she wanted do what Huang nodded, giving her instructions and said she would give her some time.
Leaving the HQ disguise with an outfit Huang had giving her, she follow the instructions and arrived on a hill where sea of ​​grass that mixed with the immensity of the sky, was a stone tomb. Sitting next to the grave, she rested her head in the rock and in the middle of uncontrolled sobs she only managed to mumble “I'm sorry, Valkyon”, allowing herself to feel all the pain of having once again lost everything she loved.
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Reimagine Eldarya - New Era
After playing both episodes of Eldarya New Era, I felt compelled to redo the reactions of the guardian (which for practical purposes I will adopt the name Erika).
I intend to gradually writing situations the way they should happened, in a route that the song Daddy Issues inspired me. So, stay tune to see how this goes.
 Chapter 1 - The Awakening
The first thing she could feel was the cold, a sensation she had not felt for a long time, and after it came firmness, and with it the feeling of no longer being floating. When she realized that she could dominate her body again, her eyes slowly opened with certain difficult, because she was no longer used to seeing anything but light, a light that soothed and calmed her, feelings that at the moment she didn’t know.
Then she began to hear voices and noticed figures that were frantically moving around her and was able to distinguish an “it’s not possible”, “it’s a miracle”, “call the chief”. In an attempt to understand what was going on, she made her body sit and looked around. Pain, confusion and fear followed right away, as she was in a place she didn't know, being looked at with disbelief by people unknown to her.  
At this point, she had the feeling that her lungs stopped working (or maybe they stared to work, it was hard to tell) and her breathing quickened. She looked around in a vain attempt to understand what was going on. Where were Valkyon and Lance? Where were Miiko and Leiftan? Her memory was hazy, but she vaguely remembered the facts she had witnessed.
And then it hit her, Valkyon had died by the hands of his brother and she and Leiftan teamed up to restore the crystal, so she should have woken up in the infirmary if she wasn't dead. Was this heaven? Panic started to take hold of her, as so many thoughts crawled their away inside her brain and tears were flowing, not being able to contain them. And when she remembered that she had a voice and shouted as loudly as she could:
It was clear that at this moment, no matter where she was, he would come to her aid, he would never fail her again. A pang of pain squeezed her chest, and a flashback of a dream where Nevra said goodbye to Ezarel passed her mind. She shook her head to ward off the thought, and before she could take a breath to scream again, she felt the warmth of an embrace, a familiar warmth that had been nurturing her from the first moment she felt ir: Huang Hua.
- Praise be the Oracle! It's you, Erika! - Said the fenghuang while hugging her.
Between sobs the young woman tried to answer, but breathing was difficult. Her heart was racing at the same speed as her thoughts, which were trying to understand what was going on.
- Breathe in and out, let's do it with me, that’s it, you can do it - said that soft voice.
And as the air came in and out, the calm came back.
- Huang - she started to mumble - What is ... where am I ... what happened ... where's Ezarel ... Valkyon - and the as she remembered the scene she witnessed, the look of her friend before taking his last breath. The tears started flowing uncontrollably, while Huang Hua tried to calm her down.
- Ewelein, please help me get her up and take her to the infirmary. You – she said to a boy that Erika didn’t kwon - help Leiftan.
With the help of the two women, she felt her body rise and respond. She had legs, but did she remember how to walk? All of her muscles hurt as if she had the worst training session of her life, she felt rusty, her mouth tasted awful and her head felt dizzy. But with the notion that she was in the same place that the one who had been her battle companion, her head turned looking for him to find Leiftan collapsed on the floor, at the feet of a crystal totally different from the one she had known.
Looking around, as she was led to the infirmary, she finally realized that they succeeded in their sacrifice to save Eldarya, but the question that echoed in her mind was, at what cost?
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