#eldarya archives
linaselandbasil · 26 days
New chapter yall!
The Eldarya community is truly blessed by me
This chapter is very very very short, around 1000 words, but it's intriguing all the same. This is a direct continuation of another spinoff chapter, have fun yall!
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crowned-clown-rising · 9 months
Chapter 5 is finally out. In case anyone is still interested after I took half a life or want to read foor the first time my attemp to write an Eldarya ANE that doesn't make me mad <3
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foresthuntermajrach · 9 months
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klamv-art · 1 year
Heyy I just wanted to let you guys know that from now on I won't be posting anymore Eldarya related content. I want to focus on posting just oc content since that's what really motivates me right now.
I just thought that since the majority of people that follow me in here are following me because of my eldarya content I should give a little explanation.
Since Tumblr doesn't have an archive option I'm going to keep eldarya post still in my account I'm just going to silence them.
I think that's everything I wanted to say (? If you aren't interested in the content I'll be posting from now on feel free to unfollow and if you are just wait because I have so many things I can't wait to post AAA 🤲🏼🤲🏼
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ruuu-by · 1 day
❝ A ton tour Sorcière. _ J'ai un nom je te signale. C'est Feyra. _ Je sais, mais je préfère Sorcière. Je trouve que ça te va mieux. ❞
Les élémentaris constituaient autrefois un peuple de faeries vénéré et respecté. Ils pouvaient contrôler les éléments auxquels ils étaient rattachés : la terre pour les terrarius, le vent pour les ventis, l’eau pour les aquarius et le feu pour les infernis. Mais le grand exil et l’instabilité qui s’en suivit eurent raison de leur race. Les autres faeries crurent, à tort, qu’ils descendaient des dragons et que, tant qu’ils vivraient, le sacrifice bleu ne serait pas complet. A l’instar des daemons, ils furent traqués et massacrés pendant des siècles et aujourd’hui, seule une petite poignée d’individus subsiste encore, vivant cachés, la peur au ventre de tomber entre les mains de mercenaires ou de marchands d’esclaves.
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darkheartstarlight · 3 years
Chapter 4  -  Looking Forward
After the events of last night, all Erika wanted was to avoid the embarrassment of being in the presence of a certain vampire. But at the moment, standing in front of a room, she had the feeling that her plan was already failing miserably because she was summoned to a meeting of the Light Guard.
- Do you really see the need for my presence? – She asked Huang Hua
- But of course! - replied the guard chief, while pushing the girl into the room - We are all here and one of the main subjects is you! - she finished gesturing for the young woman to sit next to Leiftan.
Looking around, she could see the presence of almost every member of the guard, with the exception of the Obsidian leader, but before she had time to ask that question, Feng Zifu took the floor and thanked again for the sacrifice on behalf of Eldarya. The girl couldn't help herself and looked at Leiftan, who reciprocated with a knowing look, this hero thing really didn't fit him either.
However, before she could dive into her inner world of thoughts about the sacrifice, the invitation made by Feng Zifu snapped her out: they wanted her to join the Light Guard. Heart-pounding and truly flattered, Erika thought it was best to refuse the invitation, explaining that her hiatus caused her to regress regarding her powers. And that for now, if possible, she would rather be part of one of the other three guards.
Feng Zifu, admired by such behavior, did not object, adding that knowing their place was a virtue and Huang Hua gave her the choice of being re-selected for a guard or joining her former one. In her head there was no doubt about what to do. There was no way she could stand being in the guard that was once headed by Ezarel without him being there and the same was goes for the guard of Valkyon. So, going back to her former guard, now being led by Chrome was the right choice.  After all, Nevra wasn’t there anymore.
- If there is no opposition, I would like to rejoin the Shadow Guard - She said smiling to Chrome who replied by stretching his hand across the table and assuring her that their guard would always be her family.
After the weren’t any oppositions , Leiftan announced to everyone that he would not join any guard and that he would no longer like to be called to this type of meeting, that he needed to be alone and wouldn’t like to get involved in any matters, much to the disappointment of those present.
After discussing some topics, when Huang Hua was ending the meeting, the young woman gathered her courage and asked for the floor.
- I know that this is not a matter that concerns everyone here, but I would like to make a request to you - she said to fenghuang - I would like to meet with Ezarel. And I know you guys told me you don't know exactly where he is. But I believe that if Chrome doesn't mind, the task of locating him wouldn't be that difficult for the Shadow Guard. Don't get me wrong, but after everything I've lost since I got here, I just wanted Ezarel to know that I'm alive.
- I don’t oppose to lead this search chief- the werewolf answers directly to Huang - I would even be happy to be able to contribute to something so important for our heroine.
Before happiness could take over the girl, a dry voice cut the conversation.
- Do you really think it is easy to locate a former guard chief, who doesn’t want to be located?
- Nevra - Chrome started - I didn't say it was easy, I said I was willing to try. That I could put together a team to worked on that.
- And do you think it prudent to spend the guard resources to reunite two little lovers? - Replied the vampire.
There was a deadly silence in the room and before Huang could deliver her verdict, against all her senses, Erika turned to face Nevra, who remained with an unreadable impression.
- I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you, right Nevra? -Huang said in her calm voice - The least we can do to you is this, some kind of compensation for everything, but it’s also a proof of my esteem for you. I had talked to Ewelein about the periodic exams she needs to do on you and the only thing I ask is a month, both to see if everything is fine with you and to find him. Does this term work for you too Chrome?
- I will do it - Nevra, with the same icy voice and expression, interrupted before his pupil could answer – I will locate Ezarel, after all I dispatched his things and there is not to a better locator than me.
- So it is decided - Huang announced happily, ignoring the bad weather that had set in - You are all dismissed! Erika, go see Jamon in the afternoon because your sword is ready and afterwards I believe your leader has a mission for you.
Still impacted by what had happened, the young woman thanked fenghuang and went to her room, when, in the middle of the corridor, she felt a hand grab her arm.
- We need to talk...
I have nothing to say to you, Nevra -  She said without looking back.
- But I have...
With a sigh she disengaged her arm from the vampire's hand, who was making no effort so he wouldn’t hurt her, and turned to face him. The coldness in his voice and gaze were something that bothered her deeply, for he was nothing like the man she once met.
- I'll make this as clear as possible, I don't want to talk to you right now, goodbye - She said turning toward the room, giving the vampire no chance to respond.
The rest of the day went as expected, after picking up her sword, beautiful and lethal by the way and spending some quality time with Jamon, the young woman went on a mission with Chrome, Mathieu and Koori, and ended up with a ticket to infirmary as usual. After having dinner with her companions, she decided that she couldn't stand still and that she would ask Leiftan to train her, so that she could defend herself with her powers and so that she wouldn’t be so useless like today.
Going towards the aengel's room, she had the misfortune to meet Nevra with whom she engaged again in an argument, until Leiftan arrived and the boys started arguing among themselves, exchanging acid words and veiled accusations.
- Enough! – She said putting herself between them - Please grow up both of you! I thought I could still count on you, but I was clearly mistaken!
Hot headed, the young woman stamped out without believing the day she had lived. Leiftan vehemently refused to train her, even though she explained that her life could be at risk, while Nevra was acting like an asshole to her with no apparent explanation. Absorbed in her thoughts, the girl only felt the fall when it was too late.  
Sitting on the floor, with a hand being extended to help her up, she took it grateful and started to apologize to the person she ran into. When she raised her head to look, she felt all the blood drain from her face when she looked into those piercing blue eyes.
- L ... La ... Lance?
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aloy97 · 4 years
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Apparently the 10th scroll is already seen, but we don't know what is written LMAO.. I've said they 'll release one scroll per week.. We have to wait this week to read it
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ezarelz · 4 years
Eldarya archives
Has anybody noticed a pattern in the dates during which archives are released?
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nelielombrelune · 4 years
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Note: Warning! This post contains spoilers. If you haven’t completed episode 30, we suggest that you don’t continue reading
The war is over, but the city did not get out unharmed. There is a long path ahead to reconstruct HQ. Eldarya cries for the loss of its heroes, but has not given up: everyone contributes to rebuild the flamboyant city, and tries to find their life from before. Chrome has decided to recount the renewal of the city, and pay tribute to all the guardians that fought. 
  >> ...A NEW ONE BEGINS! << 
A new tab is available in the Library (or on the HQ page of the mobile application): The Archives! You will find new content, narrated by Chrome. The little wolf, not being very gifted with his feelings and words, will need some time to put his emotions onto paper: The archives will appear one by one. Don’t worry! As soon as a new archive is available, you will know when you log in! Actually, the first archive has arrived today!
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norellenilia · 4 years
Ah ça y est, enfin on parle de Valkyon, au bout de 7 archives sur 12 !!! Pas trop tôt.
Maintenant est-ce qu’on peut virer la statue de Leiftan et mettre une statue de Valkyky à la place car si y’avait pas eu Leiftan y’aurait probablement pas eu tout ce bazar merci bye
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linaselandbasil · 7 months
New chapter yall, the depression is bad but I persevered and created something!
Doibhyd is NOT short! Alright??
There's a little bit of violence in this one, not too graphic, but blood is spilt.
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crowned-clown-rising · 2 months
New chapter is up <3
Open to read everyone having a terrible time in Genkaku and Erika trying desperately to remain sane (she's slowly losing her marbles)
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thirstyforred · 4 years
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cdpr: the Red Riders, known to humans also as the Wild Hunt, look like a metal band me: yeah, but why like no red tho??
i was in the mood to log back into Eldarya after months of ignoring it and do some fun new outfit for Namrevlis, it's what I like to call "let's try to replicate the Wild Hunt look, but there's not a single piece of armor to choose from, and also I want it in red"
bold what applies - italicize sometimes - strike out never. tag some friends to play along! && repost don’t reblog!
EROS: • scornful jealousy • pink • presents a certain decorum • heavy air in a nightclub • has a tattoo they regret • sex & love therapist for their friends • juvenescent • uses enchantments • aloof • wears rose-coloured glasses • velvet, latex, & lingerie • milk baths with champagne bubbles • impetuous in love • intense eye contact is a sport • kinky • soft lips • wears stacked rings • sets fashion trends • graceful movements • marble floors • heavy perfume or cologne • deeply emotional • born glamorous •  [4/23]
HECATE: • prefers canine companions • wears symbolic jewelry • can see spirits • melting wax • uses hexes • feels most comfortable at night • smell of cinnamon • moonlight • red wine • understands poisons & herbs • collects bones or feathers • partakes in rituals • black • fog at night • is aware of their shadow self • embraces the unknown • enjoys collecting secrets • approves of necromancy • meditates • has prophetic dreams • lace • knowing too many secrets • fishnet stockings  • [8/23]
PAN: • enjoys poetry & prose • wool • smell of decaying leaves in autumn • prefers to be barefoot  • tends to overindulge  • easily excitable • thriving in social circles • loves being around campfire  • antlers • dirt paths • the sound of wind chimes • penchant for sticky fingers • pine trees • stamina for days • falls in lust • vagabond • physically stronger than given credit for • foxglove • welcomes luxury • non-confrontational • charming words • talking to animals • nature for jewelry • [9/23]
NEMESIS: • angry • protective of their values • balance & harmony • looks like an angel but isn’t • more perceptive than people realize • snow capped mountains • grey • wears leather • silver jewelry • likes snakes • can’t stand ignorance • believes in retribution • analytical of own emotions • well read • marble columns • has very rigid morals • bruised knuckles • humorous under the sarcasm • clean workspace • everything in moderation • cold morning air • resting glare face • fluent in curse words  • [11/23]
HYPNOS: • very calm demeanor • easily overwhelmed • relaxing is their vice • transactional friendships • has a soft voice • head in the clouds • carries drugs with them • has a sibling they’re close with • drawn to winged animals • lavender • has plush furniture/blankets  • starry eyed • horrible money management  • gives amazing hugs • dreaming big as a full time job • wears comfy or loose clothes • existential questions • not good at memory based skills • fairy lights • can’t sleep somewhere unfamiliar • crystalline chandeliers • dislikes bright sun • fluttering eyelashes  • [4/23]
IRIS: • life’s a technicolor spectrum • has a lot to say • beaming smiles • always has candy with them • flirting by accident • walking to the beat of their own drum • gossamer curtains • has a surprising amount of connections • blushes very easily • confident laughter • uses a staff • fresh fruit slices • decorated handwritten letters • a social chameleon • blood made of honey • treating people with kindness • sentimental heart  • vases full of wildflowers • feels fulfilled when helping others • has a healing aura • always travelling • stained glass windows • just trying to be a good person  • [7/23]
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kurenafujio · 6 years
I’m not supporting Eldarya’s event. This could’ve been you.
Everyone can you please stop supporting eldarya for the rest of their event? I know I don't have a lot of followers but please share this around and pledge to halt your support too. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. I've made several videos about this. They have no respect for you and you're seriously going to continue the event even after this? That makes you part of the problem. I used to think "well eldarya has their shit together so I'll play that and stuff." But its the same company. =/ After this everyone seriously needs to boycott beemov. They have no respect for their payers and they're ALWAYS going to try to manipulate you to stay on the page whenever you plan a boycott day. Just like the Q&A. It was planned ON the boycott day. That’s why they removed accounts during the event. So the rest of us could be like "b-but the clothes...." and not support the players who were fucked. Most of you have friends who were affected so again. If you have a heart, I am asking you to please-boycott-beemoov until they resolve this issue and bring the accounts back. They can bring them back and put out a warning, like a normal site would through the bot private messenger, that any FURTHER use of gaining extra maana will resort in a ban. At the very least that is what a decent company would do. Which they are not. Again share this around and if anything just don't give them your money. And ask your friends not to too. They're just virtual clothes you guys. Ask yourself, “Is it seriously worth it to pay at the expense and beemov's disdain of others? Even though they hate me too?” I'm fed up are you? Make posts about this! Seriously share this around and STOP supporting them! I hope we do it this time. I’m done. #beemoovboycott
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kireikoami · 2 years
They are back
If I say I was not expecting the boys to come back some day, I would be lying. I totally expected them to come back once Beemoov couldn't milk MCL anymore, but I'll say that this happened sooner than I thought!
It's a business, Beemoov likes money and of course the boys are bringing good money! and they were soooooo stubborn! they always knew how much the fandom cared about Lysander, Armin and Kentin and they still refused to put them back in the main storyline. And I believe that it was out of pride. They didn't want to accept that they were wrong when they got rid of the boys.
Anyways, a lot of things had happened in this almost 4 years. I played MCLU till the middle of episode 4 and I got mad at Alexy and since I was butthurt because of Kentin I didn't keep playing. But I complete all the events (but I didn't gave them a single cent). I'm talking about my account in the US server, because in my main account in the Spanish server I never started the adventure in the University. Because if you don't start it, you won't break up with your crush lol
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So, I cannot play events because it's necessary to start MCLU or MCLLL.
Oh, and by the way, when I play the events in the US server I only get black clothes because my Candy is a widow mourning Kentin lol
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And she is always crying because of her lost love
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Anyways, I know people that won't forget Beemoov. They were pretty rude a lot of times, they lost the trust of a lot of players, not only because of the boys (MCL AND ELDARYA), but because they raised the prices, the events were so difficult and full of bugs, they banned the YouTube videos, and many people say that the story was weak and soulless -which I cannot know because I followed the story till MCLU and I don't really know what happened in Love Life besides you can cheat on your partner-. I think the final straw was that they didn't have a backup of the translations of the Eldarya episodes. I know the fire destroyed all the players data for most of the servers, and it wasn't their fault, but not having in their own archives the raw episodes with the translations is so irresponsable and lazy to me. Now all the servers are forced to play it in English because that server was not in the fire... Imagine... they could have lost the whole game! They didn't store a copy of the raw game!! Whatever I'm losing focus here lol... what I'm trying to say is that I understand that some people won't forgive all the shit that Beemoov has pulled off all these years...
Me? I was so mad and the new crushes and the beautiful new art were not enough for me. I said: if you don't bring my boy back, I won't give you any more money (I used to put money on the game every month for years!)
Lys is coming back now and as some people already pointed out, they are keeping Armin and my sweet Kentin hostages. Lys spinoff has to be a success in order to get the other boys.
So, Beemoov, do you think that after all the pain I went through and after feeling insulted by your policies, after being actually insulted by other players I will come back?. After almost 4 years don't you think I moved on? Do you think I'm going to fall for your emotional blackmail and give you money to play Lysanders special episode because that could mean I will have Kentin back? And not in the main story, but a side story with only 4 episodes???
You are absolutely right!!! just shut up and take my money and bring my boy back!!!!
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years
Reimagine Eldarya - New Era
After playing both episodes of Eldarya New Era, I felt compelled to redo the reactions of the guardian (which for practical purposes I will adopt the name Erika).
I intend to gradually writing situations the way they should happened, in a route that the song Daddy Issues inspired me. So, stay tune to see how this goes.
 Chapter 1 - The Awakening
The first thing she could feel was the cold, a sensation she had not felt for a long time, and after it came firmness, and with it the feeling of no longer being floating. When she realized that she could dominate her body again, her eyes slowly opened with certain difficult, because she was no longer used to seeing anything but light, a light that soothed and calmed her, feelings that at the moment she didn’t know.
Then she began to hear voices and noticed figures that were frantically moving around her and was able to distinguish an “it’s not possible”, “it’s a miracle”, “call the chief”. In an attempt to understand what was going on, she made her body sit and looked around. Pain, confusion and fear followed right away, as she was in a place she didn't know, being looked at with disbelief by people unknown to her.  
At this point, she had the feeling that her lungs stopped working (or maybe they stared to work, it was hard to tell) and her breathing quickened. She looked around in a vain attempt to understand what was going on. Where were Valkyon and Lance? Where were Miiko and Leiftan? Her memory was hazy, but she vaguely remembered the facts she had witnessed.
And then it hit her, Valkyon had died by the hands of his brother and she and Leiftan teamed up to restore the crystal, so she should have woken up in the infirmary if she wasn't dead. Was this heaven? Panic started to take hold of her, as so many thoughts crawled their away inside her brain and tears were flowing, not being able to contain them. And when she remembered that she had a voice and shouted as loudly as she could:
It was clear that at this moment, no matter where she was, he would come to her aid, he would never fail her again. A pang of pain squeezed her chest, and a flashback of a dream where Nevra said goodbye to Ezarel passed her mind. She shook her head to ward off the thought, and before she could take a breath to scream again, she felt the warmth of an embrace, a familiar warmth that had been nurturing her from the first moment she felt ir: Huang Hua.
- Praise be the Oracle! It's you, Erika! - Said the fenghuang while hugging her.
Between sobs the young woman tried to answer, but breathing was difficult. Her heart was racing at the same speed as her thoughts, which were trying to understand what was going on.
- Breathe in and out, let's do it with me, that’s it, you can do it - said that soft voice.
And as the air came in and out, the calm came back.
- Huang - she started to mumble - What is ... where am I ... what happened ... where's Ezarel ... Valkyon - and the as she remembered the scene she witnessed, the look of her friend before taking his last breath. The tears started flowing uncontrollably, while Huang Hua tried to calm her down.
- Ewelein, please help me get her up and take her to the infirmary. You – she said to a boy that Erika didn’t kwon - help Leiftan.
With the help of the two women, she felt her body rise and respond. She had legs, but did she remember how to walk? All of her muscles hurt as if she had the worst training session of her life, she felt rusty, her mouth tasted awful and her head felt dizzy. But with the notion that she was in the same place that the one who had been her battle companion, her head turned looking for him to find Leiftan collapsed on the floor, at the feet of a crystal totally different from the one she had known.
Looking around, as she was led to the infirmary, she finally realized that they succeeded in their sacrifice to save Eldarya, but the question that echoed in her mind was, at what cost?
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