darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
OMFG THANK YOU for blessing us with this!!!!! 💗💗💗 I am WEAK for wholesome Anasui 
The world is in a drought of Anasui content, and I’m fucking thirsty (also i’ve never done this before plz don’t roast my ass)
Anasui would take note of all your favorites. Favorite foods, favorite animals, favorite media. Not a single fact about you would slip past him.
Expect lots of texts throughout the day in reference to all of your favorite things. You like cats? You’re going to get lots of pictures of cats.
Might even bring you An Actual Cat, and then you have to inform him that strays need to be taken to the vet first.
Try and tell me he can’t dance. You can’t. This man has moves.
So starving to be touched. If you initiate cuddles, he will never let you go again.
He loves when you brush his hair. Would practically melt into your hands.
Will attempt to cook your favorite food. It’s not horrible, but it’s definitely a little overcooked, even if your favorite food is something as simple as mac and cheese. The noodles are just a little too soft.
The epitome of unconditional love. Treat him with care and lots of kisses.
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
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Click and drags are such a guilty pleasure of mine. Thank you for the tag @bunnywritings​!!
Wholesome Prosci 💗
Formaggio as a partner would be super chill
Oh Melone... gonna blame the drinks for this but the lovers/rivals dynamic is hot 🔥 he better keep babyface tf away  
A ONS with Risotto? Yes please 
Not surprised Ghia betrayed and killed me, I’d drive him nuts hahaha
I’m going to tag the person reading this! Have fun!!
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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind (La Squadra Ver.) click and drag game !
(I know it’s been a while since the anime for Part 5 has been over, but who can resist our La Squadra bois? ;) Enjoy~)
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Bringing up this post like a million years late HOLY CRAP THANK YOU @cocojumbohno (also much love to @e-lectroma and @eris-writes-jojo for tagging my main 💗💗) screw the immunity have a massive NO U because you’re all amazing and too sweet!!! 💖💖💖
Everyone’s probably been tagged already but gonna tag a bunch of brilliant blogs again anyway... you all deserve to know how neat you are!!!
@abbacchiosbelt @aquihayjojos @animegirl1200 @bjnurse @buccellatisbitch @bunnywritings @delicioustar @heavens-door-stories @jojo-blurbs @jojoplaylists @j0succ @just-another-jojo-account @konoisisda @kiiroitori-yai-ya @lovethemsopinku @mercurymetals @noirdiamond @peachfyzzy @speedwagonswaifu @staruplatinum 
Wish I could tag everyone I follow (and those who follow me) because this entire fandom is neat! 💗
Send this post to someone who is
* a note for anyone who has been tagged in this post, this neating is non-negotiable. you are neat and you are going to have to come to terms with that. this post is immune to all “no u"s and uno reverse card images.
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
AHHHH the pure cuteness of these headcanons 💗💗💗 so happy to see Yasuho get the love she deserves!!!! 
yashuo hcs no one asked for
as i said, there’s like no content for my best girl and honestly jojo crush yashuo hirose, so here’s some relationship headcannons lmao. enjoy 🥰
- Yashuo is very committed to her relationship with you. She doesn’t up and date just anyone, she’s very particular about who she loves. She is always going to give you 100% of her love and trust.
- She really enjoys going out on dates. Literally suggest going anywhere and she is down to go. She just thinks dates are so cute and fun!
- Loves to pamper you. All the time. She can be pretty perceptive and notices almost every single thing that interests you. If there’s something that catches your eye, she’ll remember it!
- She honestly,,,, really loves hand holding. She doesn’t know why! But just holding your hand while walking down the street or when you’re just sitting close to each other!
- Loves!! Kisses!! Small kisses, longer kisses, passionate kisses, quick pecks on the face, anything! She loves them so much!
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Omg all the time (did you read my mind??)!! The pure primal essence of this is just too good?? Hair pulling, marking AND making someone whine underneath you ... COUNT ME IN!!! Bonus points if they give off dominant vibes usually
Just Wondering
Do y’all ever think of taking a handful of your fave’s hair and giving it a hard yank making them turn their face away from you, then sinking your teeth into the flesh of their shoulder, forcing a whimper from them as you suck at their freshly aching skin, leaving a pretty purple mark?
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
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How is everyone’s handwriting so cute????? In alphabet order because I ain’t choosing between favourites 💗💗
HANDWRITING: Reblog this with your top 5 jjba husbandos/waifus written in your handwriting
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Its great to see your back again, you working on anything spicy for us followers?
I AM!!! Don’t worry Anon I got you 💗💗💗 !
Okay soooo I’m doing a monster fucking series for October, first fic should be up tomorrow (Wolf!Anasui). Others I’ve got in mind are Naga!Abbacchio, Impudulu!Weather and Butterfly!Jolyne 
In the meantime I’ve also got some requests including domestic! Anasui (anon if this is you bless I am struggling to incorporate all the requested elements…) and some other fic ideas from ages ago I never quite got the inspo for finishing. Also I’d like to write another something for Siren!Doppio, do a sequel to Tantalised and finish off Compersion
Really wanna write a kelpie for this monster month but can’t figure out who it would suit??? I’m thinking Jotaro or Diavolo
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
oh my tumblr banning miraschon (≡^∇^≡) she is tumblr's spicy underrated waifu
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Miraschon stealing your heart as well as your money 💗
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Diver Down loving hours made me wonder if Annasui would get jealous of his own stand 😂
Y’know what I have been asking myself the same question since I’ve legit spent ages writing and rewriting a spicy lil fic with Reader, Anasui and Diver Down 💙and after some careful deliberation…
YES Anasui is totally the kind of guy dumb enough to be jealous of his own fighting spirit!
Occasional snuggling up and smooching his stand is fine, he thinks it’s sorta cute but getting spicy with Diver Down? Sure-fire way of triggering his jealousy and knowing him that might not end well for you
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Weird fashion hours: Miraschon is very underrated and her hair is amazing
Agreed!!! I love how she looked normal when she met Pucci then when meeting Jolyne….
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Girl how did you even do that
Edit: haHahahaha this post got banned and I had to appeal it... Miraschon too hot for Tumblr confirmed (out of all my posts this was the one that was nope too spicy seriously???)
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Good to see you back bby! Hope things turned out well for you! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
THANK YOU ANGEL ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ!!! Your support means so much to me 💗💗💗
Things aren’t perfect… sometimes I feel it’ll all come crashing back down and there’s still a lot I need to fix. It’s a slow process but think I’m on the right path😊
My relationship with Tumblr was (and maybe still is) a tad unhealthy so taking a break from this site was for the best. As much as I adore the community/people and having an outlet for creativity, it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows on here 
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Oh my that headpat ask made me imagine... Dio presenting his stand to a loyal servant as some kind of reward, and the curious and touch starved servant... hold hands with The World... This ask will be banned I need a cold shower
BANNED… for being too wholesome! 💗
Such an innocent servant would probably pique Dio’s own interest. There’s something special about having your hand grasped so carefully in The World’s, a hand that has ended the lives of many
Though being Dio’s servant it’s hard to ever feel touch starved. You can’t convince me he isn’t being intimate and getting it on with like all of his stand user squad
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Day 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Stone Ocean is not confirmed yet. Hue.
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Oh fuck yes all of THIS! As much as I want to absolutely wreck him, possessive ‘you belong to me’ type sex with him would be so mind-blowingly intense sign me the fuck up 🔥🔥🔥 On another note I love how this man is this most ridicuously OTT romantic but at the same time has no issue brutally chopping his lover to pieces 
Okay, okay, where are all my Anasui fuckers at??? It's been a while u.u Anyway that boy!!! Is!!! Beautiful!!! I wanna be a brat and make him sooo mad and tease him all day so he can finally shove me against a wall and have his way with me 😳 Jolyne can thank me later for saving her from him hehe
Anon that is an amazing scenario and I also would like this. Anasui would be fun to tease because theres a sense of danger involved and that’s spicy (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Spicy content alert!!!!! I want The World to give me a headpat...
The World may be more used to punching holes through people but that doesn’t mean it can’t give decent headpats!! 
After all, Dio likes to reward his loyal servants 💗
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Holy shit I am hyped for the rest of this
devil!diavolo x reader x god!dio my kind of woman
heres something different for you guys! This should have two or three partish? 
Keep reading
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darkpinkandbizarre · 5 years
Jonathan fuckers come get your food!!! He’s such a sweetheart here and the thigh sex was spicy. I couldn’t believe you included my favourite Pompeii graffiti quote, absolute gold 💗
let’s do it like they do it on the history channel | Professor!Jonathan Joestar x Fem!Reader
It’s finally done! Thanks to @darkpinkandbizarre for beta reading <3
AO3 Link Here
Tags: Teacher-Student Relationship, Intercrural Sex, Oral Sex, Frottage, Size Difference
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