dashingskeleton · 6 years
((I hella forgot about this. Whoops? There’s hoping I’ll be able to return one day))
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
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Looking for fellow Puyo Puyo/Madou Monogatari RPers!
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
The demon seems skeptical at first. After all, he acted absolutely horrid upon their first encounter. There would be no blame if the standing bag of bones ended up telling anyone about his sentimental outburst. Yet he eventually swallowed his doubt as he decided to finally to put a little trust into the skeleton. Further antagonizing would just dig his grave really.
Though… He was going to have to show he appreciated the other keeping his secret.
“I appreciate you keeping this between us…”
It’s an awkward but he’s managing to show his appreciation a little bit as he puts the items on the counter. He listens carefully as the other counts the total. He’s careful to note the price of each and every single item. He needs it for future reference, just because he feels that he’s going end up coming to this shop more often from here on out… It was the only shop around really… And it did have everything a person could need.
So he pays and makes sure he has a good hold on the groceries. It was going to be a long walk home, and he probably shouldn’t take all day here… Sig was likely getting sicker with every passing moment. Strangely… He can’t help but notice the other looking at him. It sends a nervous shiver down his spine, making it hard to keep his composure as he attempts to leave…
Yet he stops at the door, looks back for a moment.
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“… Thank you.”
And he gives a genuine smile before walking out.
As Ayashii leaves the shop, Oshare is left alone to contemplate what happened. He’s seen so many things come from this person in such a short span of time it’s bewildering. The smile falters a little, but just because he doesn’t have to show anything to anyone anymore, no exaggeration for the sake of support no matter how real the emotion was.
The demon insulted him, cried in front of him, and then gave him one of the most genuine smiles Oshare has ever seen, no matter how little.
Ayashii is a complicated person, that’s for sure.
Still, the skeleton only leans back and sighs, grabbing the book he was reading before this strange, and maybe even fateful (in a certain way to a certain person) encounter and opening it where the bookmark lies. He looks dreamily at white pages and sighs.
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“See, you’re not a bad demon after all!~“
A fateful encounter
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
      He was still pretty disoriented. But the mention of teleportation and such did seem to snap him back to reality. He has already met some pretty odd individuals after all. And he’s met those that weren’t from Primp Town–or this world in general. It’s quite amazing, the possibilities are just as endless as anyone could imagine. Meeting his own self was probably just a common thing for someone else.
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      “Already forgiven~ Truly a pleasure to meet you.” Still, who woulda thought he’d meet up with himself? Truly this is amazing in itself! Whatever happened to either one of them, this could turn out to be a pretty delightful meeting in the end. Who knows.
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      “Of course, dear~! It’s my–..our very pride and joy, is it not~?” That’s when he had a small idea. Tilting his head slightly as he proposes, “Perhaps you would like to collab then? Two skulls are better than one after all–we could probably make something twice as cool~”
“That’s exactly what I was going to propose, mon cher~ You are me, after all!“ Oshare laughs, “I do wonder if there are differences between us still, it would be curious and all the more exciting.“  As long as not critical, however. Nobody likes a disagreement.
Oooh they could create amazing things together! Twice as fast too. That makes Oshare all the more curious.
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“What should we make first? A dress? I don’t want to go easy for starters, what if I never see you again?! That would be a great opportunity wasted!“ The skeleton blurts his thoughts out as they are, grabbing the other by the hand and moving to go towards his home-slash-workshop
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
      Placing a hand on his pelvic bone, he only watches their reaction to the bat. That has to be it then–that has to the the very thing that could separate them. However, as he watches his expression..he began to feel more confused than anything. His reaction is way too genuine to be some actor.
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      Oshare looked between their hat and the skeleton before him. Pondering for just a moment before he goes ahead and grabs the hat as he would with his own. Same weight..take a look inside and, well..the same puzzled reaction has crept along his face as well. What’s even happening? How is this possible? The bat doesn’t even have any difference compared to his. The color, shape, the way they sleep is practically mirrored..
      What is he even supposed to say right now? Every single thing about them is the same. Can they even call each other an impostor anymore? Oshare would then hand over his hat, carefully grabbing his own as he puts it back on. “..I can tell you that I didn’t use some magic to looks this way. Though I think we’ve..proven that much to each other. So then..how..?”
“I can’t say I know,“ Oshare puts his hat back on, sounding pensive, “but this isn’t the first time I see strange appearances around here, so it’s not entirely impossible that one of us got, say, teleported. Or something else just as weird!“ The skeleton shrugs.
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“Still, I’m pleased to make your acquaintance~“ Oshare chuckles, grinning at the other, “Forgive my earlier behavior, we both know where that came from.“
Still, what they’re going to do about this is what’s important. They’re two of the same person, and these kinds of meetings don’t happen every day if ever.
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“Hey, you make clothing too, right?“ The skeleton suddenly asks, excitement alight and extremely obvious in his features, “If there’s someone who’s going to truly appreciate the things we make it’s us, right?“
There are a few ways this could go.
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
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      He crossed his arms as he was now starting to feel slightly annoyed. Just how far is this guy gonna go with this? He’s flattered that anyone would go as far as look like him and all, but this is just creepy!! It has to be common knowledge to know that he had made the outfit himself in the end. He would definitely tell anyone that fact as is, so that wasn’t enough to convince him that he wasn’t an impostor.
      As this goes on, he wants to so far as have him hand over his hat? For what purpose?? This has to be a give away then–surely anyone who knew him, definitely knows what lies within his hat. This had to separate the two then, right? “Rude!! It’s made of the finest material–so if you get it dirty, oooh you’ll be sorry!” With a huff, he goes ahead and removes his hat, though he was pretty careful with it. Holding it out to the other as if it was a diamond. “Be gentle with it at least!” If he looked inside, there’s a bat sleeping inside. Even with all the fuss these two are causing.
Oshare takes the hat and is surprised that it’s not even a little bit lighter than his own. Fearing the worst he takes a careful look inside and...
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“Oh my gosh.“ He falls quiet suddenly, as not to disturb the little animal within. He can very well recognize his own bat when he sees it, and it’s his, no doubt, 100% his. But this can’t possibly be, because...
The skeleton takes his own hat off, just checking for a moment to make sure, and ever-so-carefully hands it to his clone, expression perplexed, and understandably so.
In his own hat there’s the same bat, also sleeping as peacefully as it always does during the day.
“I have no idea how you did that.“ The skeleton admits, sounding less angry and more genuinely confused. “If you did at all. Which would create a new question.“
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
“It’s okay. You did no wrong.”
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“There’s no need to apologize. I just made myself cry is all…”
The demon had no reason to lie about what caused him to shed tears. It’s better than making someone else think they’re responsible when they really weren’t. He nods in appreciation as he’s handed the handkerchief, using it to wipe away the remaining tears and then drying his face. It’s not the first time his own mind has overwhelmed with emotional thoughts, and it surely would not be the last time either.
Instead, he focuses on making sure he’s obtained everyone on the list. He compares each item with what was on the list. There hadn’t been a whole lot so he’s not surprised when he sees that he’s managed to get everything with Oshare’s help. He feels very fortunate that he wouldn’t have to wander the halls by himself to look for anything was left out.
So, he decides to finally pay for his items. He carries them to the counter before stopping. It then hits him that he had cried in front of someone, something he would usually do when completely by himself. This time someone had seen him at a vulnerable moment. Cheeks turned bright pink as he put the items and the basket on the counter, before glancing away to dig out the money Sig had given him.
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“Thanks for your help… Mind if I ask that you never tell anyone you saw… That?”
And by “that”, he means his crying.
Oshare smiles supportively as he watches Ayashii approach. The other has seemingly calmed down a little, though his face has only gotten redder, the reason, however, might be something else but his tears.
The skeleton’s suspicions are quickly proven true as the demon asks him not to tell anyone about... 
Him crying? 
Oshare can't help it, his smile turns even wider, but not because he's about to mock the other for his weakness, no. 
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"That wouldn't be a problem~ I'm good at keeping secrets, even if I perhaps don’t look the part." It's mainly because there's now something he can keep. And it might not mean much to anyone, but to Oshare it's a window of opportunity to stick to Ayashii if he chooses to. 
The skeleton, however, masks his excitement as best as he can as he occupies himself with counting the total of what the other has to pay for the groceries. He announces the sum perhaps a little automatically, hands already busy collecting everything in a bag and handing it to the demon. He leans against the counter a little bit, eyes not leaving the other.
“Feel free to come back again~“
A fateful encounter
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
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      “Those are my lines!”
      Looking at the other up and down, it’s just as they said. There was hardly any difference between the two! Just what’s going on? Is someone playing a prank on him? He’s supposed to be the one with the psychedelic magic! Though..at least he could admit that his clone matches the cool factor exactly. Give ‘em credit.
      “I’m not some impersonator! I am Oshare–I assumed you were the one pulling this magic trick! You’ve even got my totally cool outfit down to a T!”
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“Excuse me! I am not an impersonator, I am Oshare-- And it’s my cool outfit, I made it myself!“ 
The skeleton looks scandalized more than anything now, not having expected the copycat to backtalk him and pretend to be the real deal. They’re even managing to feign the very tone of his voice!
“Oh puh-lease~ This isn’t the kind of magic I’m capable of, you should-- you should know--“ He’s not actually sure, not knowing how far they went to copy him. Oshare eyes the other suspiciously, thoughts racing, trying to find something. They can’t be perfect, or they can, but only in one case, which he foolishly refuses to believe.
He squints, “Could I have your hat for a moment? I can give you mine in return, but you shouldn’t worry about me trying to steal that. No way is it as good in quality as my own--”
There has to be something. Maybe it’s on the inside.
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
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“I can’t believe someone went out of their way to impersonate me! Who might you be and what kind of magic is this? It’s a job well done, nonetheless, I wouldn’t spot any difference~“
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
Oshare is just finishing sorting his stock out for the morning, as it's too early for anyone to come in. The kids never show up this early, and the adults usually either still sleep or already work. There’s nothing better he can do, so the store usually opens fairly early in the morning. 
Satan is indeed the first person to come through the shop’s doors this morning, besides the owner himself, and Oshare isn’t exactly ready yet. He’s at one of the shelves, sorting and resorting books and magazines when he hears two things. First - the telltale sound of the door opening, and second - the voice that turns his nerves into a molten mess. His heart jumps and stops, or would, if he had one, but it feels that way nonetheless.
The skeleton visibly tenses up and turns around to take a look at the visitor, trying to mask the very obvious anxiety with a sweet smile that doesn’t exactly work if one looks close enough. 
“Good morning~“ he chirps back at the man and turns fully. Careful steps, back to the counter where he’s supposed to be, eyeing the other suspiciously but trying not to be so obvious about it, succeeding somewhat.
All because he’s been down this road before.
“Oh no! You’re not early, we’re open, after all~ Please by all means look around.“ Oshare continues in the same manner, leaning against the counter as he studies the other’s features, not hiding this time.
“You’re...Satan, aren’t you?“ He prays for the man to say ‘no‘, because he has practically the same face, it’s so easy to confuse, only the clothing is different, but it’s not something he’s seen on Satan before either. Given his luck so far, however, that answer is really unlikely.
Satan absolutely had no need to visit a shop to get things, but here he was, acting on a whim and trying to be like everyone else. He came in with restrained enthusiasm, if only to give off the air of royalty in his strut into the store to make a marked impression.
“Good morning~ ★ ” Am I the first customer– Oh. …It’s that troubled fashionista. Hm. “Am I here too early?”
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“I hope you do not mind. I wanted to have a look around this acclaimed store before I go off on an adventure with a friend very soon. May I?”
Satan decided to flatter Oshare in hopes to make this not a difficult surprise on the other. Keeping it casual was a skill of his, and it was something that made confidence radiate off of the great demon unlike most others in town or anywhere. Satan had nothing specific in mind to buy, he will spontaneously take anything that seemed of interest. He had some money, and also a jeweled object for trade because bartering seemed like a fun thing to try out.
He is not as elegant as he appears. He is one big dork.
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
“Dated one?!”
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Red eyes widened as frames almost fell off his face. He didn’t expect to get a look into the other’s romantic life… It made this incredibly awkward actually. During all the time he had spent being in Klug’s book, this was the first he’s ever heard of a demon lover. Things must’ve not worked out if Oshare’s never mentioned it before… Perhaps he should not pry that deeply into things. Break ups of any kind could still sting a heart…
The last thing he wanted to do was bring up painful memories for another… Since he too did not want others prying too deeply in his personal affairs. After all, wasn’t there a saying of don’t do onto others what you don’t want done onto yourself?… Maybe he should’ve been following those words sooner rather than now. So… He decides moving topics as soon as possible would benefit him.
Too bad it went in that direction.
His sharpened canine teeth dug into his lower lip, threatening to break the skin. The question of who he once was never left his mind since gaining this puppet body. Every time he looked in the mirror he knew he wasn’t seeing his own face but instead a copy of another’s… And it tore him up on the inside…
But Oshare did have a positive way of looking at this situation.
It is the start of a new beginning. He did have a second chance at life. He’d never really seen it that way until now. He could start over as a new person, living his life in a new way and leaving behind the past… While the second part would be hard to do, he was already taking baby steps towards the first. Those who wanted him gone were probably deceased by now… And no one from then really knew what happened to him right? He could start over from scratch…
He’s not sure why… But right as he begins to follow…
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A warm liquid starts sliding down his cheeks. He stops for a moment, hand rising to touch his cheek and see that it was his tears. He stares, unsure of where these tears were coming from. Why was he crying? He shakes his head as he decides to cut off Oshare.
“Thank you Oshare. I’ll… I’ll handle the rest.”
The other's shocked and slightly agitated tone makes Oshare shut up instantly. He’s probably said a little bit much. He didn’t mean to give away that much information, it just slipped out! He feels a little awkward too from it as well. Ayashii doesn’t seem like a person too used to this kind of talk. Not the romantic, anyway. Which might be the reason he reacted so weirdly to Oshare’s terms of endearment before.
The skeleton is mostly silent, watching the demon’s face change. He feels...guilty, unsure if it’s something that he said that is making Ayashii react in such a way, he looks...sad, and bothered somehow. The skeleton frowns, looking for words as he sees tears start to fall from the other’s eyes. Ayashii, however, doesn’t seem to notice instantly.
There’s only one good thing he can say right now, the skeleton thinks.
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“I’m sorr--“
But he’s cut off mid-sentence and he’s not even sure what he’s being thanked for. Oshare nods in understanding and hands Ayashii a handkerchief, turning around right after and leaving the demon to his devices as he returns to his usual post at the counter.
He’s not completely sure it’s because of him even, but this leaves the skeleton confused nonetheless. He’s not used to people acting like that.
A fateful encounter
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
“Seems like it was more meant like Babel or something; meant to reach the heavens,” Dia calmly quips, “Though I guess it could be almost any reason.”
The reflection wasn’t the least bit intimidated at how big a fall it would be to leap off. In fact, it looked more like she could low-grav-glide wherever she felt like in town from here.
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“Now that I think of it, one of these could be used as a station for flying beasts. I do recall there once being this set of huge animals that would send people from one such tower to another… But this place seems too remote for something like that.”
“That sounds fun! I don’t recall anything like that here, however. I haven’t seen anything bigger than an average human around...“ Oshare muses as he watches Dia look around, “Is that the preferred mode of transportation where you’re from?“
That’s a little confusing. He’s not sure how such beasts can be manageable.
“The closest I’ve seen to a ‘flying beast’ is a bat,“ the skeleton chuckles, motioning to take his hat off. There’s an actual bat under there, which takes flight as soon as it’s released. “Quite fond of them, actually~“
It doesn’t look like the animal is anyhow bothered either as it soon lands on Oshare’s shoulder.
Arle? But not quite
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
An answer like that… Was strangely expected. While it did sting to be reminded of his embarrassing defeat, he was at least relieved to hear the demon would no longer be tormented in such a way as long as he respected Oshare… Which wouldn’t be hard since he had gained an immense amount of respect from Ayashii. He wouldn’t dare to disrespect the skeleton after being shown such kindness.
“Destroy them with kindness? Heh… If one could die from kindness, that would be the best death one could be given.”
His response to the joke is rather grim, yet there’s a small smile on his face as he says it. He wouldn’t mind his last moments being pleasant ones… But such a reality seems unlikely for a demon, especially one like him. He shakes his head before chuckling to himself. Sure what he said wasn’t meant to be funny, but he can’t help but laugh at something. What made him laugh would be a mystery.
“You’ve met many demons…? Given how you’re a skeleton now… I would not doubt you’ve met a few demons… Then again this town also seems strangely accepting of demons-”
He stares, confused as to why Oshare’s skeletal face was heating up.  Eyebrow was raised for a moment as the other looked towards the floor. The only demons in town he knew of where either close to Sig’s age, completely inhuman, or really odd… Why was Oshare blushing when talking about demons he’s met? Did he have a crush on one? Could it have been he has a crush on someone in town?
The thought was discarded at the question of if his lack of horns was because of his current form.
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“I… I do not recall if I did or did not. My previous form… Memories of it have faded from my mind… That’s why I look like this now. The only thing I really had was the form I took when I possessed Klug… So I had to go off that…”
It was a humiliating thing to share… But honesty was a virtue right?
“Dated one,“ The skeleton says softly with a smile, “And the other one is an acquaintance. You would be the third I’ve ever known. Human-looking, anyway. And well...” Oshare continues as he puts more things in Ayashii’s basket, “I’m not sure how me being a skeleton and meeting demons is connected! Sure, I’m dead, but I don’t know if that’s related.“ 
He takes a quick look at the list again, looks at all the things in the basket and nods to himself. What Ayashii says next makes him stop mid-thought, however.
“You don’t remember it?“ He sounds troubled, a frown on his face, “That sounds terrible-- If I didn’t, I would be wondering nonstop! But ah, I do remember most of my life, even if I don’t always want to.“
But if he thinks about it...
“You can look at it from the bright side. It’s like a new beginning~“ The skeleton almost sings, as he signs for the demon to follow him into a different part of the store, “Well, it’s probably not that easy, but still.“
Or maybe he just doesn’t want to face the fact that it’s actually pretty bad, to Ayashii it might be anyway. Physical appearance is an important aspect of who you are, after all, he should know.
Well, some sort of personal denial might be coming into play here as well.
As the two stop in front of one of the shelves, Oshare looks up at Ayashii.
“You should try consulting the list yourself. And maybe you’d want to try something not in it. I wouldn’t recommend junk food, though, that’s bad for your figure. And your health, if you have to worry about that--“
A fateful encounter
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
((uhh I’m being hit by a wave of Being Unable To Do Things so I might get a little less active for a lil
Also, I’ve put my discord deets somewhere in the Mod section so feel free to hmu I guess?Just send me an ask if you gonna, I don’t add random people))
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
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“But of course~ When it comes to fashion I’m a natural, and that doesn’t come without creativity!“ 
He also likes to show off, that goes without saying. Did we ever mention he used to be a drag queen?
ARCHETYPES QUIZ.  click here to take it.
Tagged by: @precioussmartassklug
Tagging: @jellyclowndarle @thenoahfamily @mischiefcometsummoner
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
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Do you make RP icons? For games, comics, anime/manga, and the like?
Please stop using random fanart! The use of fanart from places like Pixiv, Zerochan, Google Image Search, and Tumblr search seriously hurts artists and is oftentimes the reason people stop posting their fanart online! (Informative link)
There’s a better way! Nobody’s saying you can’t use fanart at all, but please use fanart from artists who give permission. For your convenience, iconimg is here!
Click HERE to see our linkspam of fanart, screenshots, and official art from various fandoms to use! Spread the word, won’t ya?
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dashingskeleton · 7 years
“150 years huh…? Impressive…”
The demon can’t help but be amazed the other, a dead man walking, had been around for such a long time. He has no idea how much time has passed since he was sealed into that book, but he’s almost certain he wasn’t from Oshare’s time… That did make wonder how many years had passed since he had been sealed… Yet the very thought made his heart sink.
At least the other was being a good sport about this. Oshare could’ve mocked the daylights out of him. It probably seemed ludicrous that he hadn’t been told by Sig about stores… But it was more so Ayashii’s fault for not asking. He was simply too prideful to admit back then that there were things he did not know. Yet Oshare was nice enough to offer his assistance…
He felt shame settling in for how he treated the other before.
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“How things were back then? I cannot recall much… I barely went out during that time… And I wasn’t very old when-…”
He trails off as he lets the other speak again. He doesn’t mind that sentence going unfinished. He holds onto the basket as Oshare begins to explain brand names and product types. He’s understanding it, but still seems confused by something else. Oshare’s kindness still so weird to him. Who would show kindness to someone that had been so rude to him. He can’t say he’d ever be so kind to Oshare if their roles were reversed…
So… He should probably thank him.
“Thanks… For helping… But I must ask… Why be so understanding and willing to help when I’ve been nothing but rude and hateful to you before? You could have easily poked fun at me for my lack of knowledge or my behavior… I just find it strange that you’re so willing to help someone who had insulted you previously…” 
Oshare thinks, not sure if he could word the whole thing correctly. It’s more than one thing, not just looks and fashion choices, even if they don’t play the least important role here. He looks at Ayashii and grins, but without malice or anything negative at all.
“There are a few reasons to that, actually.“ he speaks calmly, “First of all, I’ve already bested you, even if it’s not in a Puyo battle, and I don’t see a reason to rub it in any further. You know what makes me uncomfortable and I know what would do the same thing to you, so why must I do it?“
He shrugs, answering his own question without words.
“Besides, I’m not a fan of conflict and mockery. It’s just so bad! I get impulsive sometimes myself, but stooping to that level? I’d rather destroy someone with kindness~“ It’s a joke, of course, and Oshare chuckles at it, still it’s only half of one. No matter how many times and how harshly he criticizes citizens of Primp, he’s still somehow on good terms with everyone.
“And then, um... I’ve met a demon before~ More than one, actually. And they were all surprisingly good people!“ The skeleton feels his face heat up a little bit as he remembers. He’s probably really red. How awkward. Oshare looks to the floor as he continues speaking, “I thought that maybe you aren’t as bad as you seem either. Didn’t know you guys came without horns though. Or is it just because of your current form?“
A fateful encounter
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