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I feel a real connection with this nice guy....
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Thanks? Points for Xmas pun
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At least he stayed true to himself throughout. GUYS THIS LINE DOESN'T WORK
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Yeah cause I was clearly delusional when I set up my profile and picked my filters. Thank god there's Nice Guys out there to help me see the errors of my ways and guide me towards their penis.
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This Nice Guy was special...
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So what brings you here?
When nice guys ask "so what brings you to this website?" OBVIOUSLY I'M SINGLE
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"I wish they would just at least tell me they're not interested so I can concentrate my efforts elsewhere." And then there's these type of Nice Guys who flip their shit when you tell them you're not interested. ALRIGHTY THEN I will no longer try to be nice to Nice Guys cause they either yell at me or keep spamming me to give them "another chance" cause they think they had one in the first place.
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What? Why? Wtf.
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With that username, I'm sure you're a swell of a guy. No thanks, Nice Guy.
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Omg this killed me LOL
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He walked right into that one
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"Send me a pic of you"
You know when you decide to start texting a nice guy and he just demands extra pictures of you like he's all special and gets to make those demands? Fuck off omg Then they get all mad at you cause you don't want to and questions you liking them. Really? You're so insecure you can't take that request no for an answer? I don't want to take a goddamn selfie of myself when I'm pissed off at my job cause shit is going wrong. I don't have time for your shit. No. Bye Nice Guy.
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At least he's honest No. Bye Nice Guy
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"It's not a big deal, it's not like it's gonna be exhibited anywhere"
Last night is the first time an online conversation has ever made me feel so naked and attacked. I have always taken rude conversations on online dating sites with a grain of salt but last night, a Nice Guy has violated my privacy. This Nice Guy must of thought he was paying me the grandest compliment a woman could ever receive, he offered to paint my portrait! Wow! No thanks. I politely declined his offer, this is my exact words "no thank you, I'd rather you didn't." While hoping he doesn't just go against my wishes and do it anyway and this is his golden choice of response, "you know that I can still do that even without your permission." And proceeds to tell me all about his skill at painting all his friends and family and how great my hair is and would make a nice portrait...... :/ Then that it's not a big deal cause it won't be exhibited anywhere and he has to die before it gets famous and presented anywhere... Wtf I feel so violated. I told him how rude he was and blocked him. I sincerely hope he's not the type of creep to create a new account and go get my pic anyway to paint it. Like it would get me interested after seeing my face plastered over a canvas? No. Bye Nice Guy.
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I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt but apparently I look like a medium priced hooker.
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OKCupid Guy: Why you stop talking?
Me: It’s been twenty minutes dude chill.
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