daughtersofauradon · 4 years
I am still working on the muse page, but I do have a mobile friendly list of my muses pinned. So come follow me over there!
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
I am still working on the muse page, but I do have a mobile friendly list of my muses pinned. So come follow me over there!
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
I am still working on the muse page, but I do have a mobile friendly list of my muses pinned. So come follow me over there!
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
// After talking with @storiescfdreams, I’ve decided to re-start this blog. As of right now, all muses will remain, but all interactions will be dropped and I’ll be starting fresh. Headcanons and such, however, will slowly be exported over.
I felt this is the best way for me to come back to these muses cause I really have missed you all. xD
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
Send “arrow catch” for my muse to grab an arrow right out of the air.
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
//Guess who just went through and saved all the new things to her drafts? Me! Huzzah!
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
bestfriend love is a different type of love
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
Headcanon: Emma & Chad
As we all know, the movie portrays Chad as kind of a d-bag. He’s popular, rich, royal…he can have any girl he wants…and he had probably been told by his mother every day how special and wonderful and loved he is. Which, isn’t necessarily a bad thing; most of the prince and princesses dote on their children. Chad it just seemed, took it to heart.
So while Chad can be tiring at times, Emma does love her cousin. Very much so. But then, having grown up with him, she knows there’s another side to him. 
More than once, Chad has come to rescue her from a party (and an overly handsy tourney player) in Sherwood forest. Chad, without fail, offers her a ride to and from school every time they go home as he likes having a ‘travel buddy’. Chad (and probably Ben) was the person with her when they nicked their first bottle of Champagne from a ball – drinking it out on the balcony attached to her room.
She also remembers the footie pajama sleepovers. And the daring one another to go into the dungeons. 
Knows the boy who will easily nick a bottle of something a hole himself up in a study with her to escape a ball they have both long since grown tired of.
Chad may occasionally be a jerk. But deep down inside she knows he is a good person. And she will (after much sighing) defend him to the ends of the earth.
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
Headcanon: The Charmings
As, in the Descendants Universe, David is a tried and true Charming, that means Snow White and Cinderella are sisters-in-law, Cinderella being married to David’s twin brother, James.
So yes. Chad and Emma are cousins.
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
Headcanon: Emma & Ben
You can’t tell me that Snow and Belle aren’t tight. They totally are. Which means that Emma and Ben grew up together. Like lifelong besties/practically siblings/trusts each other above all grew up together.
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
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“People are going to tell you who you are your whole life. You’ve just got to punch back and say ‘no, this is who I am’.”
Sophomore at Auradon Prep.
Daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming; also, technically, the (step) granddaughter of the Evil Queen and the (step) niece of Evie.
Member of the Student Government and a future member of King Ben’s council (she will one day take her mother’s seat). Honestly, though? She’d rather be playing Swords and Shields than planning dances. She has fun at them; thinks they’re a blast. She just could not care less what color the table cloths are.
Fully supported Ben’s declaration to bring the VK’s over.
Is both intrigued (and slightly horrified) but the Isle.
Is also intrigued by certain pirate boys (don’t tell her dad).
Would do anything for her friends and family. Anything.
@ asadyingswan: Any one else think ‘spa’ actually means ‘rehab’? #justkidding #orami
@ asadyingswan: We have been talking party favors for twenty minutes. #whywhythis #peoplearejustgonnalosethem
@ asadyingswan: What’s this I hear about a field trip? #countmein #butdonttellmydad
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
//Thanks to @luxmaeastra, I am moving Emma from her side blog over to this blog. That way I will actually use her.
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
//Thanks to @greentippedarrow and our late night discord discussions, I have brought back my Lucaya baby. So if any of you have GMW muses, send them her way. xD
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
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“It was a mistake, a stupid one. I got drunk, and I was angry and one thing led to another.” He shrugged. “I admit it wasn’t my proudest moment and I apologised.” Apparently family loyalty stood for nothing, but he expected nothing less from his sister truth be told. He looked back to his newspaper. “It’s a phase, nothing more. She’ll be back eventually once she’s had her fun.” clearly she was just trying to make him jealous and level the playing field. “And I will explain truthfully that Eloise Charming is going through a bad-boy phase and currently shacked up with a sorcerer and once she realises how bad they really are, she’ll realise where she belong.”
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“Where she belongs? I hate to tell you, Bro, but where she belongs is far far from you. And if you dare to try to put this on her -- and ruin her reputation in the eyes of our parents -- I will blow up your spot so fast.” She pulled the newspaper away -- tossing it to the other end of the table so that her brother could see how serious she was. She would NOT let him paint Eloise in a bad light. Not when this was all on him. “And stop with the newspaper. It doesn’t make you look deep, it makes you look like a douche. Use the net like everyone else.”
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
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“Am I right in thinking that you’ve met little Dizzy by now?” Chad asked his sister curiously, their little cousin was sweet even though she was annoyingly bubbly, but he had gotten used to that with his sisters anyway
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“You are! And not only have I met her, but I started putting together her room at the house. Want to help? I’ve drafted Eloise into service, but you know how easily she gets distracted. Especially now that she has a new boyfriend. C’mon, Chad. Please? For me?” 
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
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“Please tell me that you’ve only had one cup of coffee Cami, it’s always dangerous to be around you and your schemes when you’ve had coffee… or when you team up with our little brother”
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One cup of coffee? Ha! When have you ever known Camille to stop at one cup of coffee? It was the reason they didn’t often let her have any. “Uh...I can tell you that. Definitely. If it would make you feel better. But in reality? I’ve had three. I needed the energy! There’s a sleepover tonight and so much to do. Which reminds me. I need you to help me pull mattresses down to the ballroom...”
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daughtersofauradon · 4 years
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“I’m sorry. I’ve just been distracted between coursework - and Daniil and Mordred. Oh I dumped Daniil and I’m now seeing a guy called Mordred.” until he successfully helped rid her of her inane attachment to Daniil. The brief had been consume me. Well it was working, a little too well. “You’d like Mordred, he’s a real gentleman. Introduced me to his friends and everything. I’ll apologise to mom and daddy for forgetting and not helping though.”
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“Wait. What? When did you dump Daniil? How did I not know this?” Probably for the same reason her sister didn’t realize Dizzy was soon to arrive. They had both been busy. “Nevermind. You can tell me on the way. Let’s go.”
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