david-potts-blog · 9 years
sorry my activity has been so sucky these last couple of days, I've just been busy with work and real life stuff but tomorrow's my last day of work and then I have a couple of weeks off so I'll be able to pick up on my activity again! :D
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
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Disney Scenery Porn ⌘ Beauty and the Beast (part 2)
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
ღ :] :] :]
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning: David, he'd set an alarm at around 7-8 to go out for a morning run and Bailey probably hates it.
Who’s the one to make breakfast: David, since he’d be up first.
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed: Bailey, because if Bailey ever asked David to make him breakfast in bed he’d tell him to get off his lazy arse and make it himself. Unless it’s an anniversary or birthday or if David’s feeling nice, he’d probably make it.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work: David lmao
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day: Bailey.
Who chooses the movies: I think they both would.
Who initiates kissing during the movie, thus distracting the other from the movie all together: Well David have a short attention span so he’d probably get bored of the movie and make a move.
Who orders lunch: They both would.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking: David
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy: Bailey (’:
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home: Bailey.
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old: Bailey and then David would scold him because ice cream is very unhealthy!!
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream: Bailey probably?
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face: David omfg
Who cooks dinner: David
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards: David would make Bailey help and they’d do it together
Who stays up until 2 reading: Bailey
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping: I think they’d both steal little glances when they can
Who kisses their partner while they sleep: I’m picturing David do this and I’m tearing up a little.
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
“Sometimes you do. Nah, it’s not much of a problem.”
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“Did I stutter? I’d believe that if it weren’t for the blood on your hands saying otherwise. Mm. That sounds like a personal problem.”
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
You probably can. It’d just look weird, even when princesses do it too.
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Can I not sing to animals unless I am of royal blood?
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
I was minding my own business, just like you should have been too.
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You were obviously doing something before that
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
No. Haven't you been listening? Just stop with the fucking jokes. I don’t want to hear one.
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Um… okay. I’ll stop. I didn’t mean to. I just get really nervous around people who are pretty and I make weird jokes. I mean, they’re always hilarious jokes, but sometimes they’re weird. Sorry. I’d really not like to choke on my eyeballs, though that would make a really great skit. Can I make it up to you by– by making a joke about myself?
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
“Me, soft? And here I thought you knew me, because if you did, you’d know you’re not the one option I care about.”
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“You have, Potts. It’s not like you, you know. You’re going soft. What a shame, I’m thee one option you should care about.” 
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
You were the one who stopped me with a fucking “precaution.”
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Then why are you here?
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
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“Fifteen, and if you don’t wanna tell me that’s all you had to say. Anything I can do to help you, though?”
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
But that still doesn’t make you one.
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No, but my aunt is sort of considered one. Although we aren’t blood related.
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
“The better thing to do would be to bruise my hand a little more by breaking your fucking jaw, right?” David asked sarcastically, pulling his jacket back up and exposing his bloody knuckles.
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“‘Just nothing’ and ‘just a cut’ oh please. Why don’t you grow up and actually face what it really is? That seems like the better thing to do right?” Rosemary asked with a smirk upon her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest.
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
Look, if you make another joke about my sister, I’ll make you choke on those eyes of yours after I rip them right from their sockets.
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If she hasn’t taken a bath then probably. Ha! Oh– oh my, I was just joking, man. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean any offense there… I thought you were just talking about uh, sex or something?
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
“What do we owe what to?” David asked her, playing stupid. He’d rather she didn’t ask about the bloody state of his bashed knuckles. It bothered him when other people’s curiosity questioned him about his own business that wasn’t theirs, but he liked Noelle, her opinion actually mattered to him, and he was afraid it’d change if she knew what he was exactly up to.
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“I suppose not,” the female says cooly while her eyes dart to her friend’s stained hands. A worried feeling caused her brows to knit together as she studied the way he wrapped them up. Of course, this was one of David’s norms, and the heir should know better than to question it. “What do we owe this to?”
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
I know! So I’d win, which is exactly why it’d be a good fight.
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Who said anything about it being a good fight? You’re like, what? 7 feet tall?
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
“You’d do that?” David asked incredulously, eyes narrowing somewhat in disbelief. “Why would you help me?”
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Concern colored her features as Harlem glanced at his hands again. “That could get infected if it goes untreated. I could just wrap them for you or something – I’m a nurse.”
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david-potts-blog · 9 years
David shrugged nonchalantly, believing her obvious observation to be quite pointless. He didn’t need someone telling him something he already knew, and her condescending attitude bothered him. “Well done Sherlock. It’s just an untreated cut that I’m on my way to treat like I always do?” 
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Maya rolled her eyes, any ounce she had of actual concern leaking out of her body into the air around her–the boy’s disdain was tangible, and she couldn’t help but find it childish. She crossed her arms, posture straightening. “It’s not nothing. It’s an untreated cut.”
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