dccxxvii · 3 years
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Traditional European Christmas time monsters, photographer across the Europe by Charles Fréger.
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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Страх парализует волю (2006), Виктор Пивоваров (Москва, 1937)
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dccxxvii · 3 years
"E agora, José? A festa acabou, a luz apagou, o povo sumiu, a noite esfriou, e agora, José? e agora, você? você que é sem nome, que zomba dos outros, você que faz versos, que ama, protesta? e agora, José? Está sem mulher, está sem discurso, está sem carinho, já não pode beber, já não pode fumar, cuspir já não pode, a noite esfriou, o dia não veio, o bonde não veio, o riso não veio, não veio a utopia e tudo acabou e tudo fugiu e tudo mofou, e agora, José? E agora, José? Sua doce palavra, seu instante de febre, sua gula e jejum, sua biblioteca, sua lavra de ouro, seu terno de vidro, sua incoerência, seu ódio — e agora? Com a chave na mão quer abrir a porta, não existe porta; quer morrer no mar, mas o mar secou; quer ir para Minas, Minas não há mais. José, e agora? Se você gritasse, se você gemesse, se você tocasse a valsa vienense, se você dormisse, se você cansasse, se você morresse... Mas você não morre, você é duro, José! Sozinho no escuro qual bicho-do-mato, sem teogonia, sem parede nua para se encostar, sem cavalo preto que fuja a galope, você marcha, José! José, para onde?"
José (1942), Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987)
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dccxxvii · 3 years
“Auch schätzt er meinen Verstand und meine Talente mehr als dies Herz, das doch mein einziger Stolz ist, das ganz allein die Quelle von allem ist, aller Kraft, aller Seligkeit und das alles Elendes. Ach, was ich weiß, kann jeder wissen — mein Herz habe ich allein.”
Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers (1774), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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dccxxvii · 3 years
“Freud’s greatest discovery, the one which lies at the root of psychodynamics, is that the great cause of much psychological illness is the fear of knowledge of oneself—of one’s emotions, impulses, memories, capacities, potentialities, of one’s destiny. We have discovered that fear of knowledge of oneself is very often isomorphic with, and parallel with, fear of the outside world.”
— Abraham Maslow as cited by Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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sanctify, years and years / the martyrdon of saint agatha, giambattista tiepolo / the ecstasy of saint theresa, gian lorenzo bernini / martyrs, pascal laugier / saint sebastian, il sodoma / joan of arc
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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не страх.
Light and Shadows (1907), Tyra Kleen (Sverige, 1874-1951)
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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Paul Benney (British, b. 1959, Chelsea, West London, England) - Vanitas I, 2017, Paintings: Oil on Canvas, Private Collection
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dccxxvii · 3 years
Aparentemente, precisamos de outro link.
Clique aqui para mais informações.
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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The Tuvans are a Turkic ethnic group living in southern Siberia.
Alongside Tibetan Buddhism, Tuvans practice a traditional form of Tengrism - a religion based in shamanism, animism, and ancestor worship. In Tengriism, the meaning of life is seen as living in harmony with the surrounding world. They believe there is no “one true religion” as humanity has not reached full enlightenment yet. That all humans are weak, and therefore shortcomings should be tolerated
- Reindeer - Falconry - Religion
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dccxxvii · 3 years
SAC do 727, em que podemos te ajudar?
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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La mort sur le cheval pâle (1865), Gustave Doré (France, 1832-1883).
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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Viktor Vasnetsov - Cherubim sketches for the cathedral in Kiev - 1893
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dccxxvii · 4 years
Послушайте! Ведь, если звезды зажигают - значит - это кому-нибудь нужно? Значит - кто-то хочет, чтобы они были? Значит - кто-то называет эти плевочки жемчужиной? И, надрываясь в метелях полуденной пыли, врывается к богу, боится, что опоздал, плачет, целует ему жилистую руку, просит - чтоб обязательно была звезда! - клянется - не перенесет эту беззвездную муку! А после ходит тревожный, но спокойный наружно. Говорит кому-то: "Ведь теперь тебе ничего? Не страшно? Да?!" Послушайте! Ведь, если звезды зажигают - значит - это кому-нибудь нужно? Значит - это необходимо, чтобы каждый вечер над крышами загоралась хоть одна звезда?!
“Послушайте” (1914), Владимир Маяковский
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dccxxvii · 4 years
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Ailene Fields Baba Yaga
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dccxxvii · 4 years
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