tiffanyvalntine · 2 years
sorry baby x
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hngym · 1 month
Song Hangyeom, 1996.
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Stage Name: Hangyeom (송한겸)
Birth Name: Song Han Gyeom (송한겸)
Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: July 17th, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji: 🐶
Instagram: 0_1_gyeom
Tiktok: @gyeomhoon_ (With Junghoon)
SoundCloud: SongHanGyeom 송한겸 Aday
Hangyeom Facts
– Hangyeom is from Seoul, South Korea.
– He’s an only child.
– Education: Dongguk University.
– Hangyeom is a former member of the group Seven O’Clock, under the stage name A-Day.
– He is scared of bugs (according to Hwichan).
– Hangyeom has a dog named Chorong (he’s a boy).
– Hangyeom’s role model is GIRIBOY.
– Hobbies: dancing, rapping, composing, and writing lyrics.
– Favorite food: Burgers and Iced Coffee.
– His fav color is black.
– His favorite snack is Bread.
– He is really into badminton at the moment. He is even receiving lessons and participating in competitions. (Celeb FanTalk – April 2023)
– Hangyeom is most confident in his eyelashes. (Idol Radio season 2)
– He calls himself “the unofficial visual leader”. (Idol Radio season 2)
– Hangyeom had already been practicing producing even before joining the company.
– He likes having a bad boy look. (Edward Avila Interview with Hangyeom and Jehyun)
– Hangyeom said it wasn’t hard for everyone to get along because they have all debuted before.
– He ranked 6th on the survival show MIXNINE. The debut for the final member’s was cancelled.
– He was the first member to be revealed. The roman numerals at the end of his debut trailer was his birthday (DCCXXVII = 717 [July 17th]).
– Hangyeom released his new single ‘thinkin Bout U’ on SoundCloud.
– He is acting in the BL drama Jazz for Two (2024)
cr. Kprofiles.com
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dccxxvii · 4 years
Evento 727: Habboween
Olá, monstruosidades habbianas! Estamos todos empolgados para o Habboween do 727 e garantimos que será uma noite excepcionalmente fantasmagórica e repleta de surpresas... Confiram algumas das dicas abaixo de como participar:
caprichem na fantasia, pois teremos uma premiação incrível aos três visuais mais criativos da noite*;
fiquem atentos para outra premiação ao final do evento, que será explicada no quarto;
quando estiverem no quarto do evento, não se esqueçam de tirar aquela fotinho assustadora e postar na comunidade habbiana.
Agora, o que provavelmente muitos estão se perguntando: que horas? Onde? Pois estamos aqui para sanar algumas destas dúvidas!
HORÁRIO: 21h30min QUARTO: a ser anunciado no dia do evento (17/10)
Esperemos todos sábado à noite para comemorarem esta época cheia de lendas, histórias e mistérios!
*só irá ganhar a premiação quem ficar durante todo o evento fantasiado.
Este é um evento do grupo 727, desde já agradecemos sua presença e sintam-se à vontade para entrar e conhecer nosso grupo. Todos do grupo estamos à disposição!
➜ Participe do nosso grupo no Habbo Hotel! https://www.habbo.com.br/hotel?room=r-hhbr-fd7584691ce444089f3ce2a56198316e
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gyeomie2 · 2 years
Stage Name: Hangyeom (송한겸)
Birth Name: Song Han Gyeom (송한겸)
Position: –
Birthday: July 17th, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
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Hangyeom is from Seoul, South Korea.
-He’s an only child.
-Education: Dongguk University
-Hangyeom is a former member of the group Seven O’Clock under the stage name A-Day.
-Hangyeom is scared of bugs (according to Hwichan).
-Hangyeom has a dog named Chorong (he’s a boy).
-Hangyeom’s role model is Giriboy.
-Hobbies: dancing, rapping, composing, and writing lyrics.
-Favorite food: Burgers and Iced Coffee.
-His fav color is black.
-His favorite snack is Bread.
-Hangyeom is most confident in his eyelashes. (Idol Radio season 2)
-He calls himself “the unofficial visual leader”. (Idol Radio season 2)
-Hangyeom had already been practicing producing even before joining the company.
-He likes having a bad boy look. (Edward Avila Interview with Hangyeom and Jehyun)
-Hangyeom said it wasn’t hard for everyone to get along because they have all debuted before.
-He ranked 6th on the survival show MIXNINE. The debut for the final member’s was cancelled.
-He was the first member to be revealed. The roman numerals at the end of his debut trailer was his birthday (DCCXXVII = 717 [July 17th]).
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mysowa · 4 years
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hngym · 1 month
Song Hangyeom, 1996.
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Stage Name: Hangyeom (송한겸)
Birth Name: Song Han Gyeom (송한겸)
Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: July 17th, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji: 🐶
Instagram: 0_1_gyeom
Tiktok: @gyeomhoon_ (With Junghoon)
SoundCloud: SongHanGyeom 송한겸 Aday
Hangyeom Facts
– Hangyeom is from Seoul, South Korea.
– He’s an only child.
– Education: Dongguk University.
– Hangyeom is a former member of the group Seven O’Clock, under the stage name A-Day.
– He is scared of bugs (according to Hwichan).
– Hangyeom has a dog named Chorong (he’s a boy).
– Hangyeom’s role model is GIRIBOY.
– Hobbies: dancing, rapping, composing, and writing lyrics.
– Favorite food: Burgers and Iced Coffee.
– His fav color is black.
– His favorite snack is Bread.
– He is really into badminton at the moment. He is even receiving lessons and participating in competitions. (Celeb FanTalk – April 2023)
– Hangyeom is most confident in his eyelashes. (Idol Radio season 2)
– He calls himself “the unofficial visual leader”. (Idol Radio season 2)
– Hangyeom had already been practicing producing even before joining the company.
– He likes having a bad boy look. (Edward Avila Interview with Hangyeom and Jehyun)
– Hangyeom said it wasn’t hard for everyone to get along because they have all debuted before.
– He ranked 6th on the survival show MIXNINE. The debut for the final member’s was cancelled.
– He was the first member to be revealed. The roman numerals at the end of his debut trailer was his birthday (DCCXXVII = 717 [July 17th]).
– Hangyeom released his new single ‘thinkin Bout U’ on SoundCloud.
– He is acting in the BL drama Jazz for Two (2024)
cr. Kprofiles.com
0 notes
hngym · 1 month
Song Hangyeom, 1996.
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Stage Name: Hangyeom (송한겸)
Birth Name: Song Han Gyeom (송한겸)
Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: July 17th, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji: 🐶
Instagram: 0_1_gyeom
Tiktok: @gyeomhoon_ (With Junghoon)
SoundCloud: SongHanGyeom 송한겸 Aday
Hangyeom Facts
– Hangyeom is from Seoul, South Korea.
– He’s an only child.
– Education: Dongguk University.
– Hangyeom is a former member of the group Seven O’Clock, under the stage name A-Day.
– He is scared of bugs (according to Hwichan).
– Hangyeom has a dog named Chorong (he’s a boy).
– Hangyeom’s role model is GIRIBOY.
– Hobbies: dancing, rapping, composing, and writing lyrics.
– Favorite food: Burgers and Iced Coffee.
– His fav color is black.
– His favorite snack is Bread.
– He is really into badminton at the moment. He is even receiving lessons and participating in competitions. (Celeb FanTalk – April 2023)
– Hangyeom is most confident in his eyelashes. (Idol Radio season 2)
– He calls himself “the unofficial visual leader”. (Idol Radio season 2)
– Hangyeom had already been practicing producing even before joining the company.
– He likes having a bad boy look. (Edward Avila Interview with Hangyeom and Jehyun)
– Hangyeom said it wasn’t hard for everyone to get along because they have all debuted before.
– He ranked 6th on the survival show MIXNINE. The debut for the final member’s was cancelled.
– He was the first member to be revealed. The roman numerals at the end of his debut trailer was his birthday (DCCXXVII = 717 [July 17th]).
– Hangyeom released his new single ‘thinkin Bout U’ on SoundCloud.
– He is acting in the BL drama Jazz for Two (2024)
cr. Kprofiles.com
0 notes
dccxxvii · 3 years
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Страх парализует волю (2006), Виктор Пивоваров (Москва, 1937)
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dccxxvii · 3 years
“Auch schätzt er meinen Verstand und meine Talente mehr als dies Herz, das doch mein einziger Stolz ist, das ganz allein die Quelle von allem ist, aller Kraft, aller Seligkeit und das alles Elendes. Ach, was ich weiß, kann jeder wissen — mein Herz habe ich allein.”
Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers (1774), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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не страх.
Light and Shadows (1907), Tyra Kleen (Sverige, 1874-1951)
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dccxxvii · 3 years
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dccxxvii · 3 years
Aparentemente, precisamos de outro link.
Clique aqui para mais informações.
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dccxxvii · 3 years
SAC do 727, em que podemos te ajudar?
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dccxxvii · 4 years
É a convicção que vence.
Antes de seguir lendo o post, é recomendado que se leia isto.
Bom, lido o texto é possível se ter ideia do que é necessário fazer para melhorar sua compreensão e interpretação. Acredito que uma das coisas mais importantes, para se chegar a este ponto, é ler. Ler sempre que puder. Ler livros diversos, sair da bolha que nos colocamos quando somos introduzidos ao mundo literário.
Para termos um bom entendimento do que o autor está nos contando, é preciso que se entenda o texto como um todo, mas como entender um texto completo? Para isto, tu precisas aprender a ligar um parágrafo ao anterior, entender como eles se relacionam. Se não o fizer, não conseguirás entender o que foi dito. E não servirá de nada dizer que se leu um livro de 700 páginas.
Para interpretar, tu precisas compreender.
Não adianta ler e interpretar como bem entender, se não compreendeu direito.
Outro ponto importante para uma boa compreensão e, consequentemente, interpretação, é a revisão textual. Sabemos que muitos textos pedem outro tipo de revisão, a literatura nunca seguiu as normas, portanto não podemos aplicar a norma padrão para todas as produções. Porém, não se pode corrigir como se bem entende, como tu achas que é, onde tu achas que vai uma vírgula ou ponto e vírgula. Toda pontuação segue uma regra. A pontuação é tão importante quanto o texto, caso tu queiras que o leitor tenha uma boa compreensão.
A revisão textual não é algo aleatório. Tu podes ter um bom português, é claro, mas não é isso que faz um bom revisor. A revisão é um estudo constante da língua, dos textos... Bom português muitos têm, porém nem todos possuem o estudo necessário para revisar um texto propriamente.
Temos revisores textuais no grupo, caso alguém necessite de ajuda é só nos chamar que ajudaremos com o maior prazer.
Teve alguma dificuldade em compreender o que foi dito? Pergunte. Não pule apressadamente para interpretações.
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dccxxvii · 4 years
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Music box, an art print by Mark Pinter
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