ddelfuoco · 6 years
Assignment 16: Post Final Video 
Four Paws on the Floor 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
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Poloraid cameras are fun :)
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Tech Culture Post 5- Option X: Review an Art Exhibition or Event
Over the weekend, I visited the Detroit Institute of Arts. Although it was a very rainy and windy day, we were able to take refuge looking at an array of artistic pieces. My guest and I were able to see many historical artpieces such as decorative dish-ware, clothing or statues. The historical elements and artifacts were featured on the first floor, and as we worked our way up, we were able to see artwork across different eras. The Diego Rivera mural was one of the best aspects to the DIA, because it is not only iconic, but also breathtaking. It utilizes  an assortment of appealing colors and showcases distinct aspects of Detroit’s history and culture. The fact that it covers the entire room has an impressive impact on emotion while viewing it. The contemporary section was another great aspect to the DIA because it featured work that required more thoughtfulness and interpretation. Figures and paintings in this wing were enjoyable to view because they were so thought provoking. My favorite part of our day here was the Manoogian Wing that featured 18th century American artwork. The paintings in this section featured many portraits and landscapes. These landscapes were well done, and featured realistic lighting and textures. One of my favorite pieces from this wing was Seascape: Sunset (1861) by Martin Johnson Heade. I enjoyed the contrast of colors from the darker water to bright line of sunset. Here is a few photos I gathered: 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
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Assignment 15: Post Video Progress Here is a colorful illustration of the story board and plan for my video.
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
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The inspiration and star of my upcoming video!
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Assignment 14: Final Video Idea & Strategy
For my video, I will narrating a day in the life of my dog. The camera will act as the eyes of the narrator or dog, who comes in contact with many inanimate objects such as treats, toys or water. There are many sounds to be incorporated when the narrator comes in contact with the objects, such as toys bouncing or the drinking of water. I will set up a scene that begins where the dog would sleep and then travel throughout the home where the objects have been placed. I plan on using an overall sound to pull the video together, and to signify the passing of time.  I would also like to use variations of light to show the transition from day to night. 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Tech Culture Post 4- Option C: Phoneless
On Sunday, I decided to go without my phone for one day. Going into this experiment, I knew the hardest part would be staying in touch with people. I, like most people, have become so used to using my phone for simple conversation and for making plans. Since Sunday was Easter, I didn’t have to worry about staying in touch with my family. But this would mean spending a whole day without speaking to anyone I didn’t see such as friends or classmates. I had also missed numerous notifications on social media. On Facebook, there were posts from my work’s facebook group that I missed, updating everyone on specific issues and questions. Twitter and Instragram were much less significiant, where missing out on selfies and memes didn’t affect my day. I think the largest difficulty was the feeling that I was missing something. We have become so used to checking our phones throughout the day that it feels weird not to. Psychologist Henry Wilmer conducted a study about smartphone addiction, and found that “Mobile technology habits, such as frequent checking, seem to be driven most strongly by uncontrolled impulses and not by the desire to pursue rewards.” So it has become more of a habit then a constant desire for information. I feel as though not checking it made me more productive, because I focused completely on the tasks that I was doing, such as homework, rather than taking small breaks to check my phone. For the most part I use my phone out of habit and boredom, and I learned that I really only need it to keep in touch with people I am not able to see on a daily basis. 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Assignment 13: Video Ideas
Idea Number 1: Follow pet around and show their day to day shenanigans. Can include funny sound affects and objects that surround and interact with them such as toys or treats.
Idea Number 2: Create a scene on my desk, with an array of objects such as books and paper, stapler, pens, etc. Have a main character out of the desk supplies. Could include my plants that act as a forest like scenery to journey through.  
Still Brainstorming! 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Assignment 12: Sound Recordings
Here is a short description of each of the sounds I was able to gather. 
1) Bottle Opener- For this recording I used a bottle opener I had lying on a desk, and rotated it on the surface to create a sound that closely resembles a skateboard on pavement. (00:00:09)
2) Closet- This recording is my closet door opening in my bedroom. Without knowing what the sound is, it resembles a distant rumble of thunder. The sound does not repeat. (00:00:07)
3) Running Water- This recording is the bathroom sink flowing very slightly. It sounds like rain with intermittent dripping sounds. (00:00:11)
4) Drawer- The opening and closing of the bathroom dresser drawer. The sound resembles footsteps on an outdoor patio.(00:00:12)
5) Typing- For this recording I typed onto my computer, and it created a pitter-pattering type sound. (00:00:15)
6) Ceramic- For this recording I dropped pens and markers into a ceramic mug. It creates a chiming noise that sounds almost eerie. (00:00:12)
7) Ambient Sound- I recorded the hustle and bustle of cars going by, the wind, and the sound of the nearby buildings outside my window. It creates an overall hum that could be used as background noise. (00:00:10)
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
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A few pictures from my weekend in Detroit. It may have been cold but the sun was still shining!
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
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Assignment 11: Post Final Version Infographic
Here is the final draft of my Gender Pay Gap Infographic. I explored a few different aspects of the issue including education, race and age. I tried my best to keep a color theme, and maintain overall balance. The information I used to create my infographic was found here. 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Tech Culture Post 3- Option F: Tech and the Body
In order for me to implant technology into my body, I would need to know whether or not it is deemed safe. Television shows such as Netflix’s Black Mirror show us a multitude of possible technologies in the future. One episode of the show features an implant in the eye, where you can record and re-watch memories. Another where an artificial clone (AI) of yourself can be created to control the technology of your home. The thing is, the show always ends with a reason why this technology is not beneficial, and how it can actually be extremely harmful. 
I believe there is a point in which technology consumes too much of our lives, and it is important to remember how to live our lives without it. Cell phones and social media already consume everyone’s time on a daily basis, where 46% of young adults would rather break a bone than loose their phone (As quoted in Kirsch). The amount of attachment people have with technology today, already merges the two together. Kirsch suggests that we have become so attached to our phones and media, that we see them as a part of ourself. 
Despite this, there are still technologies throughout history that have proved to be beneficial. In the 1950′s there was the pace maker, introduced to monitor heart health or the cochlear implant to aid those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Today this is referred to as neurotechnology, which combines medicine, engineering and technology (NeuroTech Network). These types of technological implants are a necessity for those who choose to utilize them, because it can improve their health and overall quality of life. 
The only time I would implant technology into my body would be if it improved my physical health somehow. I think there is not enough data about the human brain and nervous system to improve aspects such as intelligence or strength artificially. There would have to be decades of successful usage for me to consider altering my body. Anything relating to your mind or self, is just too risky and not worth it. 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
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Assignment 10: Post First Draft Infographic 
Here is a look at my infographic so far. I still need to add more graphs and statistics as well as scale down the pink one. I have now also realized the font choice may be little light. 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
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Assignment 9: Pen Tool Practice
To practice drawing on Illustrator, I decided to trace an image of my favorite animal using the pen tool.
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Tech Culture Post 2- Option B: New Tech
A new technology that I find frightening and unappealing would be the Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices that are growing in popularity. These devices are displayed in your homes for the purpose of hands free commands similar to Siri. They can play music, pull up web pages or information, make phone calls, etc. The idea itself seems interesting, but in my opinion the devices potentially give advertisers and companies easier access to your conversations. They are essentially able to listen in to every aspect of your life. 
This occurrence has already been happening with cell phones, where At&t has been accused of recording users conversations and selling that information to advertisers. Simon Hill writes, “We may not think of them like that because they’re very personal devices — they travel with us, they sleep next to us. But they are in fact collectors of a vast amount of information including audio information.” If you have ever noticed an ad popping up on your phone for something you never searched, but simply spoke about, this is why. Although not completely proven, there is not definitive evidience to support that your conversations are not being used for sites like Google or Facebook. 
On the flip side, I find certain technologies like the Apple Watch exciting. It is a simple concept, your phone “on the go.” It can be used for things such as fitness/health tracking, phone calls, or listening to music. It can even be used in place of your credit or debit card with the Apple Pay feature. The Apple Watch has many benefits for when you’re out and about, that directly sync up to your iPhone. 
The only feature it seems to be missing is FaceTime, which many have argued will be featured on the next model of the product. While others believe FaceTime is incompatible with a watch, arguing there is not enough room for the hardware required and not enough space on the screen to support it. Daniel Eran Dilger suggests, “Packing a camera into the bezel of Apple Watch would require a monumental feat of engineering, given that the device is already densely packaged. Unlike an iPhone, the entire front face of the Watch is devoted to screen real estate, with only a narrow bezel surrounding it.” Overall, I think it is a cool invention seen as a luxury and an exciting addition to your iPhone. 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Assignment 8: Infographic Idea & Strategy
For my infographic, I will be illustrating the wage gap between men and women based on statistical analysis. This data will be gathered from reliable sources such as the Census Bureau or Pew Research Center.  I hope to both learn about and showcase the discrepancies of this issue. My infographic will not only look into the differences in wage, but educational backgrounds and whether or not things such as maternal leave play a factor. It will also look into how different race and age demographics are affected. The infographic itself will feature graphics of figures or silhouettes, and pie graphs. The color scheme will be pink and blue, for men and women. 
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ddelfuoco · 6 years
Assignment 7: Infographic Ideas
1) Social Media Usage: most popular outlets, the demographics that use them, and what they are typically used for. Would potentially incorporate the bubble infographic technique to recreate logos.
2) The Pay Gap: statistics regarding women getting paid less than men. Show percentages, education and qualification differences. Graphics would include male and female figures, pink and blue text, etc.
3) Rising Cost of College Tuition: show inflation percentages, what tuition money goes toward, and the increase in overall price over the last decade. Also how much students generally make after receiving their first degree. Would incorporate pie graphs.
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