ddmilo · 3 years
Wholesome MC and Luke Headcanons !!
Content: GN! MC and Luke
Featuring MC as an older sibling/parental figure to Luke!
Lately, I’ve been obsessed w/ the idea of MC being a figure that Luke looks up to so...
Here is my MC and Luke brainrot!!
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First things first, he hangs out with you ALOT. Like, alot alot. So much so that it’s a bit tiring i mean-- that the brothers start to get jealous w/ how much he’s around you. Lucifer starts to bully him a bit more when he’s around you but you are there to stand up for him and protect him from mean old Lucifer.
Also there to stand up to demons that pick on both him and you which doesn’t go as well as Lucifer because those demons really don’t care about your opinion (not that Lucifer cares alot either but at least he stops in a timely manner)
Won’t ask you himself, but he’ll beg Simeon to invite you somewhere out with them. Like out to a restaurant or something.
If he sneezes and you don’t bless him, he’ll assume you’re a little busy, wait a bit, and then fake sneeze a bit louder than the first one. If you still haven’t blessed him after that, he’ll start to get a little angry. He’ll kinda just...stare...at you?? Like, he’ll just...
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If you ask him what’s wrong he’ll come right out and say that you didn’t bless him. At first you’re confused. Bless him? What is he talking about?? So you ask him:
“Thank you.”
And then it clicks that he probably sneezed at that’s what he was talking about. He can’t stay mad at you for long and everythings fine after that.
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It doesn’t happen often but if he makes you mad he’ll try anything and everything to make it up to you (to be honest though, it really makes it worse. If you’re super angry at him he’ll know to just avoid you.
 One time. he broke one of your things on accident and you didn’t talk to him the whole school day. After school ended, as he was walking back to Purgatory Hall, he noticed you standing beside his room. Maybe you wanted to reconcile; maybe you weren’t mad at him anymore! 
Then he noticed how you were blocking entrance to his room. And how you were standing. And how you had a familiar mischevious look on your face-
Oh no.
Don’t do it
Luke didn’t have enough time to drop his bags and run as you ran toward him and scooped him up at full speed. You were running around the House of Lamentation and laughing maniacally as he clung onto you for dear life.
Good news:
At least you weren’t mad at him anymore.
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Phew, the days events really tired you out!
Glad it’s nightime. Now you can just relax and sleep peacefully until the next days chaotic adventures.
Or so you thought.
 You wake up to a knock on you’re door in the middle of the night. You disregard it as one of the brothers trying to get your attention. The knocks get increasingly louder to the point where you really couldn’t take it anymore.
So you open the door and look up, expecting to see one of the brothers towering over you. Nothing. You stand there a bit confused until you hear a voice and look down.
“Luke? I- uh, what’re you doing here?”
“Can I sleep in your room tonight? Just this once?”
Major irony there-
“Oh-uhm sure, of course!”
You take a pillow and small blanket from your bed and you tell Luke that he can sleep on your bed, you’ll just sleep on the couch. He thanks you and you set up your new couch-bed for the night. As you feel your eyes close....
“Can you.. sleep beside me?”
“On the floor I mean.”
“Oh, sure.”
Poor boy sure must be lonely in Purgatory Hall-
“Wait, Luke, why’d you come all the way over here when you could’ve just went to Simeon or even Solomon?”
Typical 11 year old response.
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After that, he started coming to your room a little more, like once every month or so.
Now, it’s like once every week and everytime you hear a little knock on your door, you know immediately that you’ve been evicted out of your bed.
Also, he is the kind of sleeper that literally shoves things off of the bed while he’s tossing and turning.
All of your blankets and comforters are on the floor.
 And they somehow manage to land on you??
 You are suffocating under your own comforters while he’s sprawled on your bed.
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This was going to be the end, but then I thought:
What would he do if he saw one of the brothers in your bed?
And oh lordie....
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If you didn’t answer the door the third time he knocked, then he would assume you’re in a really deep sleep and he’ll actually just let himself in with the emergency key.
Luke opens the door and walks into your room slowly, as to not startle you too badly.
“Mcccc... is it okay if I-”
He sees one of the brothers in your bed.
Sleeping with you.
With their arm around you.
He freezes and just stares. His fists are balled up and he is physically trembling with anger. And he just stands there and stares and doesn’t do anything.
Whatever warming up he had with that brother was OUT the window.
Extra anger points if it’s Lucifer.
We all know Lucifer sleeps with one eye open.
So he’ll know Luke is there and he’ll shift ever so much to put his other arm around you and put his face in the crook of your neck. We all know he’s smirking. Luke wants to scream because he knows he’s doing it on purpose but can’t do anything about it.
At this point Lukes knuckles are white and his face is red and there are tears stinging his eyes.
So he just lets out a little huff and then quietly goes out of your room.
He wants to slam the door behind him, but he doesn’t want to wake you or anyone else up, so he just resorts to closing it softly and then doing a little angry dance outside of your room.
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The next day, if you try to talk to him he will full on ignore you.
MC: “Hey Luke, did I do something wrong..?”
Luke: “Simeon, do you feel that gust of wind blowing? Kind of annoying huh.”
MC: “Oh come on Luke, first off that’s so petty and second off we’re inside. What wind is blowing??”
Luke: “The air vents must be turned up really high today right, Simeon?”
MC: “Wow, very mature...”
Simeon: “Well, he is ten. What else did you expect?”
Luke: “I’m eleven, for one. And also, who are you talking to?”
MC: “I’m talking to you, Luke”
Luke: “I’m not talking to you.”
MC: “You are now.”
Luke: “These vent currents sure are something, huh Simeon?”
MC: “I-...Oh well...since you’re so intent on ignoring me, I guess I’ll just eat these two slices of cake that Barbatos made by myself......”
Coincidentally, he stopped ignoring you after that.
This doesn’t mean he forgives you though.
Well a bit... Okay he mostly forgives you but he’s still a little mad.
Also, he’s staring daggers at the brothers anytime they try to come near you.
Angry Luke is like having your own personal guard chihuahua that isn’t that intimidating and he can’t actually do anything in regards of sending people away, so he’ll just drag you off somewhere else.
Give him a break he’s doing his best,,,
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Sibling MC hhngnng Sorry this was so long,,, I haven’t really gotten that far into the story but I really like the game so far! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my little headcanons,,!
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