parchmentportals · 4 months
Navigating the Digital Pen: My Journey in Writing for New Media
Having embarked on writing for new media, I have found the experience cathartic and enlightening. As I enrolled in this course, I expected that it would not do anything significantly helpful in the path I am to take in the future, and I was proven otherwise. I have discovered a shift in my understanding of what it means to communicate in the modern, digital age. 
From the outset, the course promised an enticing dive into digital content creation. As a writer who has dedicated works to the traditional format of writing; keeping my works to myself, away from the eyes of others, transitioning to new media was quite daunting. Compared to traditional writing, where you have to spend a great deal of time and energy getting feedback and interactions from your audience, new media makes it much easier to interact with your work in just a few simple clicks. Module after module, one cannot help but be fascinated by the complexities of each digital platform– using such platforms is one thing, but learning about it is another– combining both theoretical and practical applications is something I found exciting. 
Adaptability. Adaptability is an important skill to master because new media requires a more dynamic approach; simply creating content will not persist, adapting based on interaction and feedback from the audience, however, is an entirely different story that may help one’s ideas and works persevere. Mastering adaptability, I must say, is the foundation of excellent new media writing. 
Learning that new media is fundamentally interactive has allowed me to have a deeper understanding of how anticipating the audience’s needs is not all there is in new media writing, one must continuously keep the audience involved by hearing out their opinions and ideas with their feedback to improve the content you offer. Adaptability, once again, plays a big role in this– being committed to learning new things makes it easier to be able to embrace new tools and platforms as they emerge, allowing one to keep honing their skills to continuously meet the ever-changing demands of new media writing. 
It is said that change is the only constant thing in the world, the same can be said for new media writing. As time passes we are introduced to new tools and platforms, mastering adaptability will allow us to be more flexible concerning things that will help improve our work and cater to our audiences based on their feedback, allowing us to have a good interactive relationship with the audience. Embracing what I have learned in this course, I look forward to creating content that will resonate with the audience's needs.
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parchmentportals · 6 months
"The Rebirth of a New Hope Amidst a Global Crisis"
It has been nearly 700 years since the Black Death caused the death of more than 20 million people and animals alike; a fast-spreading disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. In today’s time, the world is facing a global pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus which took the lives of 6.8 million people in the past 3 years. A variety of modes of transmission have allowed such diseases to spread like wildfire, and the black death through fleas and rats, with new theories, even suggesting novel modes of transmission such as human body lice and infected grain (Glatter & Finkelman, 2021). On the other hand, COVID-19 is known to be transmitted through droplets, close contact, and exchange of bodily fluid; having the characteristics of high virulence of the pathogen, its transmissibility, and the potential for environmental contamination reaffirmed the need for special attention (Sohrabi C, Alsafi Z, et al., 2020).
In 2003, the world was given an extraordinary gift. It could be described as something birthed into the history of mankind way ahead of its time with the promise that previously undetected diseases would be discovered at an early stage with just a prick of a finger. The world was more hopeful than ever– not only did it cover a broad range of illnesses, but it was also going to be the most accessible medical test in history. Determined to change the world, 19-year-old Elizabeth Holmes was known for the invention of Theranos– an efficient method of testing through a wearable patch that continuously tests the blood of the wearer allowing for the admission of the right dose of medicine in real-time. Further, into the development of Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes’ idea changed– blood testing will now be done with a cartridge and a reader system instead of drawing a syringe full of blood from a vein. Theranos, making the traditional way faster and more comfortable for the patients would also allow these tests to be conducted in the comfort of their homes. It was a breakthrough that could have helped the world amidst several global crises.
 In the most twisted turn of events, what could have been one of the biggest gifts to humanity turned out to be one of the most elaborate deceptions of all time. The world was at arm’s reach of having something extraordinary in its possession that would greatly contribute to the medical field. It would seem that Elizabeth Holmes conceptualized a grandiose idea that unfortunately ended as that, just an idea. Her words were so powerful that scientists, medical experts, and investors all over the globe dreamt her dream. Until her own researchers exposed the truth that there was no viable technology behind Theranos. This revelation came after several units had already been distributed for use in pharmacies across the United States. When test results repeatedly showed incorrect information, there was no way for Elizabeth Holmes to redeem herself and Theranos from the truth that it was all just a marketing scheme.
The world progresses at a faster rate than anyone would realize, although proven as a scam, Theranos gave hope to people that a breakthrough has been made that would make disease detection to be more efficient. Furthermore, such an idea exists that would allow future scientists and medical experts alike to come up with a similar idea that could be even more efficient compared to Theranos; the world currently has watches that are able to detect the wearer’s pulse and oxygen saturation. In the future, a possibility of a watch that immediately calls the ambulance or a loved one once it detects a heart attack from the wearer, or a phone that has the ability to scan one’s eyes to detect diseases wherein results may be received in just a few hours. Technology continues to evolve as time goes by, phones that are able to scan one’s eyes for symptoms may be one of the future’s scientific or medical breakthroughs that will help the world fight against another global crisis or would just simply help people have a more efficient way of getting tested without having to get in line or wait for the results for hours or days. The only limit to the future’s advancement is one’s own imagination. The Theranos scandal underscores the dangers of deceit and ambition in medicine. By examining this case, readers are urged to scrutinize claims of innovation and advocate for honesty in scientific progress by questioning prevailing narratives and encouraging critical thinking, we can navigate global health challenges with resilience and foresight.
As a former nursing student who has taken Science, Technology, and Society (STS), I'm attracted to this topic for its interdisciplinary relevance. My STS studies and limited knowledge in the field of science provide insights into the dynamics between scientific progress, societal values, and ethics. Through this blog, I aim to apply these insights to real-world scenarios, fostering discussions and promoting ethical innovation.
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