deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
OutOfMagic: Like for a starter? c:
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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Miss you so much, Pietro.
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
OutOfMagic: Sorry everyone I have been so busy with my nursing clinicals that I have not had time to really get on as much >< Please forgive me and I will try my best to get on soon! I have some replies to do, so I will get to it ASAP ^^ I hope everyone is good and hasn’t forgotten about me c:
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
Send me “Stay here with me tonight.” for my muse’s reaction
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
When the silence was hidden in the darkness, she expected for the worst. Guilty began to strike her as she only cursed herself for not being by Bucky’s side at all times - fighting with him. Instead she was weak and proclaimed she couldn’t handle anymore. What kind of person was she? Luckily she was able to see a hint of the winter solider make his way towards her. With instincts she began to dart her ruby eyes on him from head to toe, looking for any sort of injury. It appeared he had blood lingering on himself, but it didn’t seem it was his blood. Bucky’s attention laid on her however, his true intention of care about her bodily harm. No matter what media portrayed him as....the winter solider was a kindhearted individual.
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❝I am fine...I’m glad to see you’re in one piece. Steve would have my head if you were injured.❞
A light chuckle escaping her lips, but perhaps it wasn’t the best time for such a cause. A quick sound of a gun blasting from the right, Wanda was on her toes immediately. Without thinking throughly, she lifted her arms as a bright scarlet red emerged from her fingers. Her magic acting as a shield, rose on his right and deflected the gun shot that split the silence. A sigh of relief, she acted quickly and she was awarded greatly...the bullet did not reach Bucky. Glancing to the sound, shots of her magic were thrown in that direction - anger just building up. 
                  ❝We have to get out of here...❞
But how? Where she was imprisoned along with her teammates, they were in the most gruesome parts of the ocean. Trapped in the middle of the sea, they had to think and act fast. 
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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A loud sigh escaping her lips, figuring he would say something along those lines. She never know who was more stubborn, sometimes she assumed her big brother, but who knew? Amounting to the time they had, she held onto her pre made shield that surrounded them tightly. 
For as long as they were children, Pietro refused to leave her alone. They were attached since birth, and Pietro always had a protective manner towards her. But this time she would not let only him be the protective one. Wanda tried her best to have a serious tone in her voice, her ruby red eyes glaring over at him.
           ❝Brother you must leave....I will take care of this and I will return to you, I promise.❞ 
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She was stubborn, just like he was. It was a Mximoff trait that the two of them had both received. In this case, Pietro would be stubborn as well, for he didn’t want his sister to be put in any form of danger. 
Taking a protective step towards her, he shook his head. He wouldn’t allow anyone to take her form him. If they tried, he would kill them. He didn’t even care if that was against the policy of the Avengers. He would kill whoever attempted to take his sister from him. 
      “I don’t care if they are only here for you, I won’t let them take you!”
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
Wanda wasn’t sure why he felt the much needed obligation to continue to check on her. With what they all have been through - it was as if she was on one of his top priority lists, which she was incredibly thankful for. In her vulnerable state, things were beginning to make sense even clear to her mind now. Clint was becoming most important to herself...someone she deeply shared a caring connection for. Sure Wanda had her dues with her current allies and teammates, mutual respect if anything. With Clint it felt rather different. He tended to have an overprotective barrier, plus his presence calmed her which awarded him the only individual to see her shed tears. She wouldn’t admit this to him however, knowing his answer would consist of mocking and teasing. 
Once he offered his statement, her head quickly raced up her eyes darting to his, trying to read him like a book. Was he being serious? She was quiet, trying to recollect what exactly had happened. Clint once did not break his character, his expression still and solid, insinuating his mean. Her smile widening from ear to ear and bright, the first she had in a while.
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               ❝Clint...you are serious? I would love to, I mean if they would have me. Oh I hope they like me as well!❞
It was as if he hit the nail on the head. Inside HQ she felt trapped, and could feel her life withering away. Imagine her...living with Clint’s family? For once she would be with a family...perhaps be in a family. Wanda moved closer to him, she required to hear more about this - her smile refusing to leave her face. That was until she had a contemplation. 
           ❝Would I be able to even leave? I don’t think I am allowed to do such a thing. I am on strict boundaries.❞
Feeling rather like a prisoner, Wanda was told countless times that she could not leave HQ due to threatening cause. Everyone seemed to be rather nice about it, however she was getting the hunch that perhaps they were being so kind to her because they feared her. The Vision refuses to let her even leave HQ which angers her the more that thought lingers...she had to leave.
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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Wanda & Clint
The Airport Battle
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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She couldn’t help but chuckle a bit - his curiosity seemed exciting. He never seemed to be the father type to her. Then again...she didn’t expect herself to become a mother in such a short amount of time. However, things were happening very fast and she had a bunch of feelings that seemed overwhelming.
     ❝Hmm...perhaps if you’re good, you may just be able to name the baby.❞
❛ what names do you like? ❜
Apollo smirked, his head resting on Wanda’s shoulder. “I’ve always liked the name Gregory for a boy or Emily for a girl. Don’t know why though.”
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
She felt the gentle gesture escape from her back and retreat back to Clint. Already she yearned for his hand again. Something about his simple demeanor made her relaxed, comforted, and safe. Wanda refused to be selfish though - she would not ask for such a weak request, because Clint knew her better then that. With what they have been through, she always tried her very best to be strong for him. With the many visits he accompanied her with, it was safe to say that she felt truly herself around him. In fact he was the first and only one to see her shed tears, something so rare that only true people she trusted would see. 
As if he read her mind, his slender fingers returned to her body - as the hair exposed her face. Silent at first, she didn’t bare to look up at him...she couldn’t. She owed him too much, but her mind was lost. 
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           ❝I have never been a criminal before...I’m afraid, and I don’t want you to get involved.❞
That was the very last thing she wanted. Having Clint in such a dangerous scenario? The mere thought sent shivers down her spine, and she refused to have that. Her dark eyes eventually found the courage to look up and lock onto his. He smiled of course...never having fear in his expression. However for Wanda, she had to show a much serious side. She meant what she said...he can not get involved. 
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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She felt the weight of his head gently on her shoulder - the interest in his voice only getting greater. It made her quite excited to see him like this. Rare even. Taking in the names, she decided to put in her opinions as well. 
      ❝I like those...but I’ve always loved the name Taylor for a boy...❞
❛ what names do you like? ❜
Apollo smirked, his head resting on Wanda’s shoulder. “I’ve always liked the name Gregory for a boy or Emily for a girl. Don’t know why though.”
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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Lowering her arms to take a quick glance at the individual - he seemed to be set on his plan. As the group tried to escape from the deserted jail cell in the middle of the sea - they ran into trouble of course. The government refused to have such ‘criminals’ escape. As the group split up, Wanda and Bucky quickly were paired up. She didn’t know much about him, only her relation with Steve who she respected deeply. Because of that she promised she would do all in her might to protect the Winter Solider. 
The guards who appeared to be everywhere weren’t something that were normal. They had such strength and power. Every single one were built specifically for this job, their strength overbearing her magic. Her arms raised again, a bright ruby appearing from her slender fingers. Bucky wasn’t to be seen at first, the night sky so dark that his shadow was concealed within. Once he was distinctive, her magic emerged around Bucky, almost as if it was a shield.  All that was heard in the distance were the sounds of multiple bullets hitting off the shield by Wanda. Within seconds however, the noises all came to a stop and Wanda felt rather tense. Silence arose and nothing could be seen in the distance. A soft whisper soon breaking that silence. 
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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She figured her brother would say something like that. He wasn’t the type of person to be selfish, especially when it came to her. The threat in front of them seemed giant - and in fact she wasn’t even aware of how they got involved. With the government constantly out on the run trying to prison Wanda, she wasn’t going to put it past them that they were here for her. 
There was no way Wanda would let them take Pietro, her overprotective manner only showed this more - demanding him to leave. With a bright ruby color escaping her slender fingers, a wall of her enhancing magic grew in front of them - buying them some time.
         ❛Brother you must leave...I know they are here for me and only me.❜ 
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“You know I won’t leave you!” 
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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I’ve never dreamed I would have 100+ followers on my Barry bc there’s so many good ones out there. I felt like I couldn’t live up to expectations but I’m so glad that I stuck with him for so long. Thank you! Here’s a small list of people who inspire me, whether they are following me or not. Will be under a cut bc I don’t want to clog anyone’s dash up too much. <3.
Keep reading
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
OutOfMagic: IM ALIVE IM SO SORRY EVERYONE xD I had a crazy week, I hope everyone is doing well :3 I can’t wait to jump back into roleplaying with you guys :3
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deadly--wiitch-blog · 8 years
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A sigh escaping her lips, glancing away from him.
              ❛Brother you were suppose to let me finish my joke.❜ 
"Pietro! What does a runner drink when they are in last place? She wasn't the greatest with jokes, why did she continue to tell them?
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“I’m never in last place,” he said, brows furrowing together as he looked at his sister. 
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