deadrosencrantz · 2 hours
Guys in the modern day will be hanging around pre T trans guys with no clue like “yeah I guess this is the little eunuch boy in our group chat idk”
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deadrosencrantz · 2 hours
I'm stealing this from Twitter
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Here's the link
I am a high-definition gateway drug body double!
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deadrosencrantz · 7 hours
have you ever been ghosted by a close friend?
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deadrosencrantz · 7 hours
when i say "i want to be treated like a dog" i mean it literally. the petplay stuff is nice! but like i want you to hang out with me as if i were just some dog bumbling about the house. i want to be able to idly lay my head in a friend's lap and not have it be a weird or a sexual thing. i want the majority of social interactions to barely involve me, for me to be an extension of my handler/owner, to be given a visual indicator to wear that lets people know that i do not want to be pet or bothered in any way. i want to be able to freely wander in and out of rooms and for that to be normal and not weird. dont get me wrong, i love attention!! i love getting pets and being talked to in that voice and stuff, but sometimes all i really want is to be seen as a domesticated animal whos just. hanging about.
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deadrosencrantz · 7 hours
God, there really is nothing like 20s detective fiction to remind you that prejudice is a social construct.
You'll have a story with a crossdressing thief which is mildly transmisogynistic but completely devoid of modern vitriol; it literally comes off as "here is a fun oddity that lets me be Clever about French grammar"
And in the very next story you will learn fifteen different slurs for Italians
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deadrosencrantz · 11 hours
when i say i'm proship it's not because i think fandom shipping is the most important thing but because there's people who think proship is the worst thing, worse than fascism, and i want those people to leave me and my fucked up stories alone. like those people are the ones who think fanfiction will cause real world sex crimes.
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deadrosencrantz · 12 hours
the transandrophobia discourse is poisoned by separatist feminist theory that terfs and radfems have been maliciously injecting into feminist conversations, so here's The Will To Change excerpts by bell hooks again.
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libratory feminism sees no difference between men and women except those manufactured by patriarchy. misogyny is a symptom of patriarchy the system, not a structure by which to interpret patriarchy the system. replacing "sexism" with "misogyny" does not change the nature of the analysis, which is a weak one. patriarchy the system can induce the symptom of misogyny in any person subjected to that system. using sexism/misogyny/male chauvinism is not a useful lens of analysis when looking at patriarchy because women are misogynists too. let's not move backward on that. women are misogynists too and men are allies.
the recent "trans men are misogynists" allegations I've seen lodged against trans men are:
unprepared to be treated like a predator, may cry about it
asked that only trans men attend a trans mens' support group
discussed male loneliness instead of talking about violence against women
all of these are actually feminist discussions. so the backlash seems like angry feminist reactions to Men Having Feelings, which is not a new thing. in fact, hooks addresses it directly.
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i see men being mocked for having their feelings hurt, men being mocked for wanting to discuss their feelings, and men being mocked because they're thinking about men and manhood in new and complex ways. exactly what the doctor ordered.
i am not seeing challenges to patriarchy here. I am seeing reinforcement of patriarchal expectations of masculinity on trans men who do not want to perform those expectations. i am seeing separatist radfem bullshit in the assumption that trans men have lost or never had a valuable perspective on misogyny or gender or sexism and cannot tell when the shape of discrimination they're facing has changed. i am seeing toxic separatist radfem bullshit shut down liberatory feminist discussion because one of the speakers is trans in the wrong direction.
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deadrosencrantz · 2 days
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i see people always respond like this whenever they see a "ANIMATION IS CINEMA" tweet that use's "popular kids movie from the last 5 years" instead of "obscure indie adult film" and i think the reason that is is because these aren't for your hardcore animation fan who already respects animation as a medium and therefore does not really need these tweets to remind them that "animation is good" actually, they're for your average normie who's only frame of reference for "animation as a medium" IS "popular kids movie from the last 5 years" and maybe the simpsons.
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deadrosencrantz · 2 days
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deadrosencrantz · 2 days
An Instagram video about the difference between US and UK washing up has me curious.
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deadrosencrantz · 3 days
The "Can you tell the difference between an Australian and NZ accent?" made me think of a question to submit:
Can you tell the difference between a generic American accent and a Canadian accent?
Because I genuinely cannot and it absolutely baffles my one american friend but my british friend can't tell the difference either so I wanted to know if we were alone in this.
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deadrosencrantz · 3 days
literally no better feeling than blurting out some loud dumbass joke with your buddies and hearing a total stranger ugly-snort-laugh as they walk past bc their own laughter caught them by surprise. find joy and connection in the spontaneity of strangers you son of a bitch. i fucking got your ass
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deadrosencrantz · 3 days
Sometimes when people on the Internet are like "ADULTS CAN NEVER INTERACT WITH MINORS IT'S CREEPY" I remember how, at 12, back in 1997, I was on the Witchvox forums with people ranging from me to people in at least their 50s, and no one there was ever a creep to me, no one ever made me feel uncomfortable or asked for my personal info, and when I finally broke down after a particularly brutal day of bullying at school and posted about it they were the first adults I'd ever met in my entire life who told me the bullies were the problem and it was okay to be angry about it.
Kids need to interact with adults who will listen to them.
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deadrosencrantz · 3 days
İ loved being neglected as a child…………
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deadrosencrantz · 3 days
"terminally ill people should be allowed to choose to die if they feel it is the best decision for them" and "euthanasia can easily become eugenics" and "we should provide support for depressed and suicidal people" are statements that can come into conflict but should all be respected
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deadrosencrantz · 3 days
i love in fantasy when its like “king galamir the mighty golden eagle and his most trusted advisor who would never betray him, gruelworm bloodeye the treacherous”
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deadrosencrantz · 3 days
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