#tw true crime mention
eoieopda · 2 years
thoughts on true crime channels on YouTube and documentaries/ docuseries/ movies and such?
oh, wow, this is an unexpected question. i won’t say much here because this is a bts fanfiction blog, but i’ll say that i don’t watch true crime stuff. if you’re interested in talking about why that is, feel free to private message me!
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thecorvidforest · 5 months
i’m so sick of people treating cults like silly little props for their stories. here’s a list of cozy games where you start a cult! try this board game where you’re competing to be the most successful cult leader! want to join my fake cult roleplay server? cult leader character design! read this forbidden erotica romance book about a cult leader and a cult member!
it’s so endlessly frustrating. the majority of my life i suffered awful abuse because of the cult i was in. every part of my body holds an immense amount of trauma that i may never be able to let go of, and i may never be able to function independently because of it. and people are out here acting as if cults are just silly fantasy and would never happen in real life. cults are real! their victims are real! the abuse and the trauma is real!
media about cults can absolutely be well-done and respectful - but at this point it feels like it’s almost always used for either shock value or treated like a fun cutesy storytelling trope. the commodification and normalization of our trauma is nauseating, especially when the majority of cult survivors will never see justice.
idk. i’m just so sick of it. cult survivors deserve better.
(anyone can interact but please be normal. i’m not sharing any identifying info about the cult i was in, don’t bother asking.)
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rose-the-witch1 · 2 years
MC is a big fan of horror and it scares people
Deuce: Hey Prefect, what are you listening to?
MC, taking out an earbud: It's, uh... a podcast.
Ace: Oh, don't tell me ya listen to sports podcasts like Jack?
Jack: Hey!
MC: No, it's a true crime podcast.
Grim: What's true crime?
MC: Stories of crime that actually happened. Here, I'll show you.
[MC unplugs their phone and turns up the volume]
Narrator: ...Police were horrified at the sight of the young man, standing with a distant look in his eyes over the corpse of his brother, who had received several bashings to the face and shoulders.
Jack: Why do you listen to this?
MC: It's soothing, okay?
Epel: Murder. Is soothing.
MC: Yes!
Sebek: Humans and their violent tastes... how disgusting.
MC: Oh, wait until you hear about the Zodiac Killer.
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First I want to show some pictures of what David Alter had been posting on his accounts supposedly all of his accounts are private now but I got some these photos from YouTuber Nexpo who is also talking about smartschoolboy9.
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Not to mention another Reddit user by the name of mariaiaiiaia who had also the same experience as NumerousCut792 featuring her discovering dozens of accounts pretending to be kids showing ai generated photos of kids in concerning positions it's almost like it's meant to be child cornagraphy and also a strange man dressing up as a school boy but is obviously over the age of 40 like literally he's actually a 59 year old man.
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We all know that this man on top has dozens accounts of him pretending to be a kid so let's start of with the account called Truth_Sticks_11.
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This was the bio of the first account which has been set to private. The frst post shared in 2021 is a clip in which is David alter, claiming to be a mother, accused account @abdullah pretending to be a boy but is actually a grown man, the video was created and posted by the "mother" and just basically trying to warn people that abdullah was exploiting children across the platform it's all bullshit David fucking Alter is trying to pretend to be a mother that looks like he's trying to bring awareness because it's often ignored by parents and he's just full on manipulating moms and kids thinking that his accounts are run by parents and just posting your "child" and trying to bring awareness and all that bullshit to gain trust from moms and kids but everyone knows that he doesn't give a flying fuck about brining awareness because you know why because he is the pedophile. Like look all this shit: HES ONLY DOING THAT BECAUSE HE KNOWS IT'S WRONG AND HE'S DOES THIS TO MAKE HIMSELF FEEL BETTER BECAUSE HE KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING IS DISGUSTING.
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I'm going to do another part today on this same account because I reached the limit of images.
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bidmybloodtorun · 2 months
Curious to know if any other pix like this on goreblr? Crime scene shit like this pic are wild & I'm fvcked up like the rest of ya w/ my slight obsession for true crime. So uh yeah.. lmk cause ya girl got a serious case of morbid curiosity🚬😮‍💨🔪📸👀🤷🏻‍♀️
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plutotimeslot · 11 months
forensic science class shenanigans
In Junior Year (3rd) of High School I took a forensic science class. Normally classes had around 30 kids, but this was a new class at the school so there was only 15 weirdos in this one.
Loved the class, loved the teacher, learned a lot. Here's what happened.
Found out how absolute shit human memory is
Found out what bugs will eat me when I die
CUE existential crisis
Talked A LOT about geometry and what blood spatters can tell you
Talked about how if you purposely use your nondominant hand to kill someone, you can tell they are using the wrong hand. (with blood spatter patterns)
Laughed about criminals' stupidity
Laughed about police's stupidity
Put fiber and our own hair under a microscope
Was able to (fairly) accurately determine if classmates had EVER dyed and/or bleached their hair before.
Got to find out that my town is into choking, they just aren't good at doing it safely.
CUE existential crisis
Got to hold a brain (a real one, VERY wrinkly VERY textured)
Got to hold a swollen heart (some sort of heart disease)
Got to hold lungs (VERY spongey)
Get to touch fat (slimy and greasy, ew)
CUE existential crisis
Decided I never wanted to smell formaldehyde EVER AGAIN
Got to collect evidence from a real crime scene my teacher put together for us in an empty class room.
There were bloody footprints from shoes she borrowed from a fellow teacher.
Gave a presentation on who was the culprit and why for our final.
In the presentation my friend presented the last few slides
At the same time as the presentation, a Senior event was happening (involving the whole school) so I'm Feeling 22 played over the loud speakers during our presentation.
As my friend was finishing the slide the song was on full blast so the end of our presentation went like:
"And Mr. C took the hammer," EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT "and he swung once," IF WE JUST KEEP DANCING "twice, three times!" LIKE WE'RE TWENTY TWO-O-O
Thanks Taylor, you really enhanced our forensic science final lol
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truecrimecrystals · 8 months
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Priscilla Pimentel was only 24 years-old when she was murdered inside her own apartment during November 2006. The young woman was originally from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but she was living in Queens, New York at the time of her death. Most of Priscilla's family members still lived in Pennsylvania, and she kept in touch with them often.
In fact, Priscilla was expected to join her family in Bethlehem for the Thanksgiving holiday. When she did not show up as planned, Priscilla's loved ones immediately began to worry. The following day - on November 24th, 2006 - Priscilla's four siblings traveled to her apartment in Queens to check on her. Upon their arrival, they discovered their worst fears: Priscilla was dead. She had been brutally stabbed to death. 
The scene in Priscilla's apartment was nothing short of horrific. Her bedroom and bathroom walls were streaked with blood. Priscilla herself was found in her bathtub with her hands bound behind her back. Her beloved Jack Russell terrier, Gucci, was found stabbed to death by her side. Both of their bodies were covered in green paint - which Priscilla had recently used to paint her walls. 
There were no signs of forced entry in the apartment. The only item that had been taken from the place was Priscilla's cell phone. Due to this, it's believed that Priscilla was killed by somebody she knew. Still, several years have passed without any arrests in the case. 
Many reports state that Priscilla identified as a lesbian. Shortly after her murder, Priscilla's stepfather Raoul Laracuente stated that he believed that she moved to New York because she was afraid her sexuality would hurt her family. Laracuente told reporters, "I truly believe in my heart that she moved away just so she wouldn’t hurt her mother’s feelings. This (Bethlehem) is a small town; everybody knows your business. She said she’d go to New York so that her mother wouldn’t be hurt."
While Priscilla's loved ones were worried about her living in a city by herself, they never imagined she'd meet such a tragic demise. Unfortunately, Priscilla's murder remains unsolved today. The investigation is classified as a cold case.
If you have any information that could help solve Priscilla's murder, please submit a tip.
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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a-sip-of-milo · 8 months
Hoooooly shit, there's so many racists in the jeffrey Dahmer documentary.
How can you sit there and talk about the state that Konerak was found in, the multiple witnesses who begged those police officers to take them seriously, and listen to the conversation that happened between those police officers not long afterwards, and still deny that there was at least some racism going on?
if that call had been made about a white victim, said victim would have been rescued instantly. And I don't care how drunk the victim was - if they're walking down the street with no clothes on, bleeding from their rectum, cuts on their body and completely incoherent, you take it fucking seriously.
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davekatzdefensesquad · 3 months
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Karma for the Janet Jackson thing has finally arrived.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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brettdoesdiscourse · 7 months
Never read the comments of a true crime story about mothers killing their children. Because 9 times out of 10? The story will be:
This mother exhibited tons of signs of severe mental illness.
Her family didn't get her help.
Her husband/boyfriend didn't get her help.
Often times, she tried to seek help and could not.
Everyone left this woman who they reported having tons of signs of severe mental illness alone with her child.
She kills the child.
Then every comment on that video will be talking about how evil she is, how she's a monster, how she shouldn't hide behind "mental illness" as an excuse.
There's absolutely no recognition of the fact that mother was failed every step of the way.
How many cases do we have to see of this exact same thing before people start realizing it's a problem that needs to be helped? How many kids have to be murdered before we recognize a common theme and address it?
In most these cases, these are not just evil women who want to do harm. They're women in a very vulnerable time where they're struggling with severe mental illness alone while trying to raise a child.
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slugass · 5 months
yes mr evaluator, you screaming “PSYCH O!!!” in your title for your video about serial killers is completely necessary. /sarcasm
like you couldn’t just fucking say “serial killer” or some shit for your title
you don’t need to stigmatize and blame mental illnesses that have been demonized FOREVER for a catchy title (especially in the most obnoxious unoriginal fucking way)
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morbidmemories · 1 year
Tyler Hadley
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At 1:15 p.m. on July 16, 2011, Tyler Hadley, a 17-year-old living in Port St. Lucie, Florida, posted a status on Facebook: “party at my crib tonight…maybe.”
There was only one problem. Hadley’s parents were home. And since they’d recently grounded Hadley for drinking and drug use, they weren’t about to let their teenage son throw a party. Some friends knew this and were incredulous. When one asked if it was really happening, Hadley wrote back, “dk man im workin on it.”
But by 8:15 p.m., the party was on. Tyler posted again on his wall to confirm: “party at my house hmu.” When one of his friends asked, “what if your parents come home?” Hadley responded, “they won’t. trust me.”
That’s because Hadley had just murdered both his parents. When he posted on Facebook, their bodies were barely cold. And the high schooler wanted to throw a party at the crime scene.
Before inviting 60 people to his house for a party, Tyler Hadley calmly killed both his parents.
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Blake and Mary-Jo Hadley had worried about their son for years. They’d taken Tyler to a psychiatrist and turned to a substance abuse program for help. Nothing worked. So when Tyler drove home drunk one night, Mary-Jo took away his car and phone as punishment.
Tyler fumed. He told his best friend Michael Mandell that he wanted to kill his mom. Mandell brushed off the statement as something an angry teenager would say. He never thought Tyler would go through with it.
But on July 16, Tyler made a plan. First, he took his parents’ phones. That way, they couldn’t call for help. Then he took some ecstasy around 5 p.m. Tyler worried he couldn’t go through with his plan sober.
Hadley found a hammer in the garage. While Mary-Jo sat at the computer, Tyler stared at the back of her head for five minutes. Then, he swung the hammer.
Mary-Jo turned and screamed, “Why?”
Blake, hearing the screams, ran into the room. Blake echoed his wife’s question. Tyler shouted back, “Why the fuck not?” Then Tyler beat his father to death.
After killing his parents, Tyler Hadley dragged their bodies into their bedroom. He cleaned up the crime scene, tossing bloody towels and Clorox wipes onto the bed. Finally, he invited his friends over for a party.
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Tyler Hadley put out the call to come party shortly after he’d cleaned up the crime scene — right around sunset. By midnight, more than 60 people had shown up to Tyler Hadley’s house. None of them knew that the dead bodies of Hadley’s parents were in the other room.
High schoolers played beer pong in the kitchen, rubbed cigarettes into the walls, and urinated on the neighbor’s lawn.
At first, Hadley tried to stop the teens from smoking inside, but eventually, he relented. As he explained, his parents were in Orlando. Then Hadley changed his story about his parents. “They don’t live here,” he told a partygoer. “This is my house.”
Later in the night, Hadley pulled aside his best friend, Michael Mandell. “Mike, I killed my parents,” Hadley said. In disbelief, Mandell responded, “No you didn’t, Tyler. Shut up. What are you talking about?”
Hadley insisted they were dead. “Look at the driveway,” he told Mandell, “all the cars are there. My parents aren’t in Orlando. I killed my parents.”
Mandell thought it must be a prank. Then Hadley led his friend to the bedroom where he’d stashed the bodies.
“The party’s going on over here, and I turn the doorknob,” Mandell remembers. “I looked down, and I [saw] his father’s leg against the door.” Mandell suddenly realized his friend was telling the truth.
Mandell didn’t leave the party right away. In shock, he took a selfie with Hadley, figuring it would be the last time he would see his friend.
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Then, Mandell left the party and called Crime Stoppers to report the murders.Michael Mandell left an anonymous tip with Crime Stoppers at 4:24 a.m. on July 17, 2011. He said that Tyler Hadley had murdered both his parents using a hammer.
Police rushed to the Hadley house. When they arrived, the party was still going on, and Hadley claimed his parents were out of town and refused to let police in the house. But they made an emergency entrance despite Hadley’s protests.
“Tyler appeared nervous, frantic, and very talkative while speaking to the officers,” according to the arrest affidavit.
The police found beer bottles all over the house. Unrolled cigars littered the floor, and the furniture had been tossed around. They also found dried blood on the walls.
When police forced open the bedroom door, they found dining chairs and a coffee table tossed on the bed. Under the furniture, they discovered the body of Blake Hadley. Nearby, they found Mary-Jo’s body.
Police arrested Tyler Hadley for murder. Three years later, a court sentenced Hadley to life in prison.
If the police hadn’t shown up, Hadley had considered taking his life. He had a stash of Percocet pills hidden in his room.
But for the time being, whether it was the ecstasy, the party, or the murder, he was feeling good. He even posted one last time on his wall at 4:40 a.m., right as police were on their way to his house: “party at my house again hmu.”
Credits: https://allthatsinteresting.com/tyler-hadley
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plutotimeslot · 11 months
Things I learned in Forensic Science (off the top of my head)
Rigor Mortis isn't constant. It takes time for the body to stiffen up, the after a few hours it loosens up again.
The temperature of the body slowly lowers. The temp, combined with the stage of Rigor Mortis can give you an estimated time of death.
Some insects can smell dead bodies from about 10 miles (yes I know, wtf) away.
The insects that feed on the dead often have symbiotic relationships. (The bug friends help each other) (They are VERY gross)
Dead bodies decompose faster if 1. The humidity is high and/or 2. The temperature is high. This makes a jungle (or the ocean, I guess) the best place to hide a body.
If you want a foolproof process, the least amount of (the killer's) hairs you want is 30. You can find out who it is from fewer, though. 10 hairs is a realistic number to find and correctly assess.
When my FS teacher invited our local forensic pathologist to the school she gave us a presentation and in it she told us the two highest causes of death related to asphyxiation were 1. Erotic Asphyxiation (The scientific way to say choking kink) and 2. Hanging
You can find a killer though fiber. Fiber includes things like carpet, clothing, towels, cloth gloves, etc. As an example we were told about a person who had been found through the fibers of orange carpet on the deceased's body. The carpet was in the back of the killer's van and the manufacturer was able to give the police a list of all the people in the area who had used the orange carpet in their cars.
People (witnesses) have bad memories. Don't use a witness testimony as a bible. Things witnesses can get wrong include (but is not limited to): hair color, car color, face structure, clothes, street names, license plate numbers, skin tone & skin color, description of stolen items, etc.
Blood Spatter Patterns (yes spatter is the scientific term) can tell you A LOT. The weapon, the killer's height, the dominate hand used, the amount of struggle, and of course if some of the blood is the killer's than you know have DNA evidence. If you decide to become a Blood Spatter Analyst (yes, that is your job title) you will do A LOT of math. Especially geometry.
Usually when an innocent person's response to getting accused of murder is immediate anger. "How DARE you accuse ME of murder? I would NEVER!" A bit cartoonish of an example, but that is usually how it goes.
When someone has a different response you have to ask if it is because they are guilty, they have something to hide (related or unrelated to the current case), or if they are protecting someone. There is also the possibility the person's unusual response is due to their personality, a disability, or neurodivergence. It is up to a (key word) competent detective (or specialty interrogator) to find out why their response is different and if they need to push or if it's just how that person is.
Interrogation rooms are usually well lit, with the seat the person being interrogated sitting in, being close to the door, or at least closer than the interrogator. This is to give the person being interrogated a sense of ease, calm, safety, etc. Depending on the case and the people involved, the interrogation may be more interview style in the detective's office instead. This isn't the best practice, though, since in an office there are lots of distractions for both parties.
A well constructed interrogation room would be well lit, with light cream (not sterile white, that's uncomfortable) walls, and two chairs. The chairs should be fairly comfortable with a desk between them. The person getting interrogated's seat should be close to the door, but not facing away from it. They should have the constant reminder they can leave at any time. There should be some sort of desk or table between the seats, to give more distance (safety) and a place to write or rest your hands.
Both guilty and innocent individuals move their hands and lick their lips quite a lot. There are NO hard and fast rules to body language. It is also (technically) a pseudoscience so it can't really be used in most courts, however, it can be used in questioning or in determining how a individual feels about a topic or person. Someone being uncomfortable talking about a person doesn't mean that doesn't mean they killed them, it could mean they used to be in a relationship or they knew each other for a while. (Again, no hard and fast rules)
Handwriting is not my expertise, but I can add some things. The best handwriting to analyze is private writing someone wasn't expecting someone else to see like a journal or a grocery list. Handwriting, like body language has NO hard and fast rules.
Handwriting analysis is extremely complicated in English alone, but I can tell you that handwriting can give small insights into someone's personality, what they think of their family, their goals, their mental health, and their probability of being a violent criminal (no I'm not kidding)
Criminal Probability Example (Felon's Claw/Felon's Hook):
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This is NOT A GUARRENTEE, it's just a weird similarity that SOME killers have. Also some random cashiers and actors???
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truecrimecrystals · 7 months
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Andrae Davis was murdered at his own home on August 17th, 2011. The 31-year-old man lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his fiancé and their young children at the time of his death. Andrae was killed after a bullet went through the front door of his residence. 
The night of the murder began as a pleasant one for Andrae. He spent the evening with his fiancé and children at a local park. What began as a nice night with family quickly took a tragic turn after they returned to their home at the Eagle Nest Condominiums on Vail Street. At some point, a fight broke out in front of Andrae's residence, causing a loud commotion right outside the door. 
As he looked through the peephole, Andrae noticed that the fight was amongst a group of men. He did not know the men, nor did he ever attempt to get involved in the altercation. Andrae continued to watch through the peephole as one of the men drew a gun and pulled the trigger. The bullet missed the intended target; instead, it went through Andrae's front door and struck him in the heart. 
Andrae's loved ones have been left without answers or justice for several years. In the days that followed the shooting, Andrae's family members were told by police that "a person involved in the shooting had escaped from UNM Hospital and fled to Mexico." Police also stated that two other persons of interest have fled the country as well. The identities of said persons have never been publicly revealed. 
In 2015, Andrae's family was awarded $12 million in a lawsuit filed against Eagle Nest Condominiums and its property management company. The lawsuit alleged that company could have done more to prevent the shooting. Screenings and background checks are reportedly required by the rules of the complex, but that rule was not being consistently followed. 
An attorney for Andrae's family told reporters that the lack of background checks is what led to a known drug dealer living in the complex. The family believes said drug dealer was involved in the shooting. A jury agreed with Andrae's family, and they were subsequently rewarded the $12 million. 
Still, Andrae's loved ones hope that those involved in his murder will be brought to justice. Unfortunately, Andrae's murder is considered a cold case. If you have any information that could help the investigation, please contact Albuquerque Crimestoppers at 505-843-STOP. 
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