#[[ anyways hope everyone had an eventful april fools!
channelinglament · 1 year
Hi! I saw your ask as open and I wanted to request something for the Self aware Project Sekai AU you made :)
May I request how the Vocaloids react to the player? Like, how would they become self aware? We’re they self aware to begin with? Thank you :)
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How vocaloids react to player ✨️
(Sorry everyone for being gone for so long, I was just emotionally exhausted and had a few angsty teen thoughts)
Platonic/Romantic - tbh idk? Depends on how u take it :^
Let's start off with the fact, that they all know know that they're not exactly their original counterparts
Yes, they are vocaloids, but..different? They're in game, nothing new for Miku- but it seems like it's their first time being alive. They know it's their voice, their songs but it just..feels weird?
- though this mostly applies to Miku, as she's the first one to greet us and has her..original form?
She knows it's her, but different her.
- I wanna say that I see all sekai vocaloids as different people, BECAUSE during April fools, THEY MET EACH OTHER and uhm- I'd recommend watching that video to understand what happened. They kinda became friends, and 25ji Rin liked wxs Kaito's (or what Kaito that was?) head pats. She was waiting for her Kaito to arrive.
SO that means they are ALL different.
Now, that we finally sorted out what was important, we can finally make some content
Hatsune Miku(s)!
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The Miku that greets us:
She knows she is Miku, but she doesn't have knowledge of stuff outside the game. She is a sekai keeper, and keeps hopes and dreams of every vocaloid producer. But...She is unsure if this true. Some stuff happened before she even existed! (Games existence)
So she knows she isn't exactly the first Miku. But Miku anyways.
She was staying there all alone, for so long.. (game downloading)
Yes, she loved watching over sekais, but..it's not like she has anyone..
So when she first meets you! She is so excited to make a friend! She says you're a sekai watcher like her, because you two "sang" (aka you playing tutorial)
Whether you played bad or good didn't matter. She liked it.
She didn't wanna lose you, but it's not like you're leaving her. Your presence is always near her when you play and read stories/events.
She doesn't see you often, unless you're pulling for characters or there's an event/sth she needs to explain to you.
She's such a little tease, not giving you card you want if she knows you have more pulls. Don't worry, she will give you it, but just pull one/few more times please.. she doesn't want to be alone anymore.
First though when she met you: I am not alone anymore?
Sekai Mikus
As long as you won't harm others she's fine!
She is very cautious when it comes to [band's name]. They're her 1st priority.
At first she thought you are just there to watch over them, but she noticed you actually help them improve (I hc that by playing their songs, decorating sekai, grooving their cards and kizuna level you can make them better and improve them)
Aww, thank you so much! You are a great help!
Overtime all vocaloids became kinda obsessive over you? They want you to play their band's songs and care mostly, if not ONLY about them and their band! Yes, they're grateful you helped them improve, but they will bring you into their world, and you will make it real. Not just a game, but a R E A L, LIVING WOLRD. NO NPCS, NO GAME CODE
Until then, everyone is just a piece of cra- I mean, code. Your word also seems so dangerous... that's why they need to protect you from world's harm!
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Not gonna lie, EVERY other vocaloid acts this way, so I'll end it here, sorry ^^; (Maybe I will make a part 2?)
But trust me, beware of Niigo and MMJ the most.... both, vocaloids and group
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^ them when u interact with other groups
(Also beware of Tenmas, and Shinonomes. You can kinda trust Hinomoris)
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ja-lin · 3 months
Trivia from the Pride 2024 special short story. You can find the game on my itch.io page. I did a crossover between my two fanfics, so it's "Villainous Dawn of Sin: Pride Special"
I came up with the name of the sequel "Villainous Dawn" as an April Fools joke a long time ago, but decided to name the new MC "Dawn" because it's what comes after "Night", so it's fitting for a sequel fanfic title.
The skyline from the title image is a view of San Francisco from the Oakland side of the bay, which is fitting since the original VN MC is from Oakland.
When you meet Dawn for the first time, the scene plays out in a similar fashion to when you meet Renzei for the first time in the original VN series.
If you choose the cafe brunch scene, you'll get nostalgia lines spoken by Dawn that come from Renzei's first cafe lunch scene in his route.
If you choose the cafe brunch scene, you'll get nostalgic lines spoken by Onyx and Ripley inspired by a cafe scene in Andi's route.
If you choose the bay view scene, that's the same location Renzei spoke of his desires to leave San Francisco to somewhere far away. And Dawn questions why her parents left in the exact same location.
If you choose Dolores Park scene, the frisbee scene is inspired by child Renzei showing up in Razi's route.
Anyways hope everyone had a Happy Pride month. :-) I went to the SF parade and event, was quite fun.
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darkietrashcan · 1 year
CHAT GPT analyzes Bakudeku & Bakugo's development
So I've been fooling around with ChatGPT, and decided to update the AI with the recent events that have happened in the manga.
(Manga spoilers until ch.362! BEWARE!)
Let me clarify that CHAT GPT has been programmed to having stored worldwide information until September 2021. I will only show the juciest replies I got from the AI, but let me clarify that I successfully updated the AI to understand what had happened in the manga until now (as of 5th April 2023).
(ChatGPT stores information given in the chat, and is capable to learn about that info and reproduce it later on during the conversation if needed.)
Let's start!
The following reply came when I asked ChatGPT if it was fair for fans to like Bakugo given his development, and if the AI agreed with me that Bakugo was well written:
(About the fairness of liking Bakugo: everyone is entitled to their own opinions, ok? But this question rooted from a discussion I had with a few IRL's who told me I was crazy for liking Bakugo. So yeah, personal reasons, but still, I wanted to show you the answer!)
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I really liked the response lol, it's pretty well thought and comprehensive. It's scary how much an AI can learn and give you these kind of responses in such a short amount of time.
Another one: I asked the AI about what they thought about the likeliness of bkdk ending up canon.
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(I'm not surprised by the answer. Dunno what y'all think about this but sounds pretty fair to me. However, that's just my opinion. I'd love bkdk to end up canon, though. Crossing my fingers.)
But then I asked the AI what they thought that bkdk still needed in order to become canon:
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That was all. I don't agree much. But well, that's my opinion.
Next one: I asked the AI about the meaning of Bakugo's death relating it to bakugo's and deku's relationship. NOTE THAT UNTIL THEN, I DID NOT TELL THE AI ABOUT BAKUGO'S EVENTUAL REVIVAL AND DEKU'S REACTION TO IT! (Y'know, the "control your heart" part)
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Then, I added the context that the AI lacked, and their response was...
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Even though it's obvious, this response hyped me up for Bakugos revival and him stepping up to assist Deku during the fight against Shigaraki! Or maybe in another moment, whenever Hori chooses it'd be right to fit Bakugo in the narrative.
That's all! It's been pretty fun to chat with the AI, lol. Took me around 1h30 minutes, but totally worth it.
Note that the AI, although offering objective analysis' of the context I gave them, provided responses that, most of the time, I agreed with. Which lead me to think that, if I'm a very subjective bkdk shipper, I could turn this AI into a bkdk shipper too, lol, If I had more time and willingness to convince them. My take here is, that antis could get responses matching their opinions as well. So yeah, please, do not take these answers as enunciations from the Holy Bible, but just some screenshot about a crazy fan fooling around with an AI app because she's bored and doesn't wanna do UNI work. Anyway, hope that you enjoyed reading these answers. If you want me to ask the AI about more specific things, tell me! Might do another post like this one in the future!
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
Okay so I’m kinda bored and wanna doodle, So feel free to send in a request or smth!!!!!! I’ll draw characters ( I’ll draw almost everyone apart from one character that I would write a strongly worded hate letter too ], ships ( Ones I’m comfy w/ anyways - Which is most tbh. ), that includes se.lf.sh.ips and ocs in general for object shows!! We love and support both here!!!!!!! So feel free to drop it in my ask box [ Keep in mind I need refs for ocs tho!! ] (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ I also like listening to rambles about f/os but ofc this blog is for object shows so keep it related. In the mean time gonna go do some cute doodles of lightbulb while listening to tr.ue cri.me podcasts  ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ 
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livian-lucifenia · 2 years
❤ Seeing Double ❤
Based on the April Fools event in Pokemon Masters
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Green sighed as he typed out yet another message to Red. He wasn't in his suite this morning, and no one he'd spoken to had seen him, either.
It was like he'd disappeared.
Or run off on his own again.
Or left Pasio to go back to Mt. Silver-
Okay, no. He was not going to panic. Red's most likely fine and just not answering his phone. This wasn't anything to be worried about.
Green stepped into the elevator to take him down to the lobby. He pulled his phone out and began typing again.
Red, I swear to Arceus you better answer your fucking phone, or I'll -
The elevator door opened and Green looked up as he stepped out, "What the fuck."
He stood just outside the elevator and stared around the lobby.
Why the hell is there two of everyone?
"Yo, Green, lookit!"
He turned to his left to see Ethan and his double standing side by side, both with matching excited smiles. He gaped at them, eyes darting between the two as he tried to figure out which one was the real Ethan. The longer he looked, the more the Ethan to the right started to look... off. But he couldn't quite figure out why. He pocketed his phone, there was no way he was finishing that text now, "Okay, what the fuck is happening here?"
The Ethan to the left laughed, "Ditto! I have no idea where they came from, but everyone who was in the lobby this morning got a Ditto double! Isn't that cool?"
Ditto. So that's why the other Ethan looked a bit weird.
Green scanned the crowd of trainers and their doubles again, "Yeah... great," he turned back to the real Ethan, "Have you seen Red?"
"Oh! Um... I think? Dunno if it was him or his double, but one of them was here earlier."
"Perfect. There are two Reds and one's a fake. Just what I need right now," Green sighed.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot. Red doesn't talk, so that might make things a bit harder for you. Good luck, though!"
Green gave the two Ethans a small wave and walked away, silently hoping Red was still in the lobby.
It didn't take him too long to come across a pair of familiar red hats.
Oh, Arceus, there are two of him.
As he came closer, he noticed Looker staring down the two Reds. He was obviously having a hard time discerning the real Red from the Ditto.
Great. If he's having trouble figuring out which one is actually Red, then I'm fucked.
He stopped right next to Looker who seemed too deep in thought to even notice he was there. Both Reds gave him a small smile in perfect unison. He gave a quick glance between the two Reds and smirked, he should have known he'd find the real Red almost immediately.
"So... what's up with all the Ditto doubles?", Green asked, finally getting Looker's attention.
Looker turned to Green, "It's a catastrophe! Hoopa thought it'd be real funny to transport a bunch of Ditto to Pasio and have 'em transform into trainers!", he sighed, "As you can see, it's thrown the whole island into chaos..."
Green looked back to the real Red, his Red, and smiled at him, watching how one corner of his lips turned up slightly and he broke eye contact for a moment.
Yep. That's definitely his Red.
It wasn't something most people would notice, nothing more than a small nervous action, but Green noticed. He'd seen that particular reaction of Red's a thousand times, and little details like that couldn't be replicated without looking forced.
"And there's a prime example! Not one but two living legends standing right before our eyes! Ditto can't speak our language, so you'd think it'd be easy to tell them apart, but Red's not much of a talker, either..."
The two Reds looked at each other, perfect mirror images. Or almost, anyway. The longer Green looked, the more inaccuracies he noticed.
Like those little faded scars on Red's face, one across his jawline, and another across the side of his nose and under his left eye. The Ditto Red didn't have them.
Or the few freckles that were scattered under Red's eyes that reminded him of tiny clusters of stars.
Or the very specific shade of brown that made his eyes look like a deep red in the sunlight.
Or the-
"Which one is the real Red?!"
Green was brought out of his thoughts by Looker's sudden outburst. Green laughed, "Isn't it obvious? I think you might be losing your touch, Mr. International Police investigator!"
He looked between the two Reds again, "The real Red is...," his eyes met with Red's again, and he smiled, nodding to the Red on the right, "this guy!"
Red smiled back at him, and the Ditto Red transformed into its original form.
Looker turned to Green, "H-How did you know?"
"It was easy! The fake wasn't giving off any of Red's usual 'battle me right here, right now' vibes. That was plenty enough evidence for me," he said, crossing his arms.
Looker nodded, "I see... You've battled each other countless times as rivals! That's how you were able to suss him out so quickly!"
Red pulled his hat down as he silently laughed. Green hummed in agreement, "Yep! I know my rival and his strategies like the back of my hand! And I'll use that knowledge to finally defeat him and become the greatest trainer in the world!"
By now Red had completely turned away, feigning interest in the other trainers as he bit his lip to keep himself from laughing.
Looker nodded again, "I think I know how to solve this mess, but I'll need to go find someone to help..."
When Looker had finally walked away, Green took a step forward to stand next to Red, "Hey, let's get out of here before I run into a Ditto double of myself."
Red looked up at him and laughed quietly, following Green as he made his way to the door that led out into the main street of Centra City. It was far quieter outside, and Red let out a small sigh of relief. The lobby had been getting way too loud for his liking, not to mention he was glad to not have Looker staring at him anymore.
Once they were away from the few trainers that were hanging around outside, Red tapped Green's shoulder to get his attention, "So... how did you really tell us apart so quickly?"
Green stopped, and turned to Red, "I think I'd know my own boyfriend when I see him," he grinned, and Red's cheeks flushed, "Hell, I could find the real you in a room full of a hundred Ditto."
"But how?"
He placed his finger under Red's chin, gently tilting his head up to look at him. He watched the sunlight hit Red's eyes just right and they seemed to glow like embers in a fire. "It's all in the little details," he said as Red's blush darkened. Green leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Red's lips, "Love you, rival."
Red hid his face in the taller boy's neck, "Love you, too."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
There. I wrote a thing.
It's posted late bc I fell asleep after writing it, but better late than never, I guess-
I also posted this over on A03, the link is at the top, in case you missed it :)
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writing-in-april · 4 years
My Knight in Shiny Armor
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (Spencer POV)
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Summary: Reader is a fantasy novelist and writes Spencer into their story.
A/N: Heyy heyyy- this is my entry for the SFW fic swap that @imagining-in-the-margins organized! (Can y’all tell how much I love fic swaps I might have to organize one myself one day) This is a super fluffy little fic for @thekatherinewinchester! Hope y’all enjoy and my entry for the NSFW fic swap will be coming soon! If you have any requests they are open and I’m looking for requests for my next event- 30 fics in 30 days for April 2021 (I’ll make up a better title soon I promise) thanks for reading!
Warnings: this is so fluffy there’s no warnings 🥰- unless you don’t like the secret relationship trope
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.2k
Garcia came up to me with a giddy look on her face as I was pouring sugar into my next cup of coffee. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that she was holding a book that looked similar to a novel that I was extremely familiar with. A blush on my face immediately formed and I forgot that I was still pouring sugar into my cup, though I’m sure that I’d still like the excessive amount of sugar I put into my coffee. As Garcia had said before, it was my ‘brand’, whatever that means.
I cleared my throat in preparation for the interrogation I was about to face, “What’s up Garcia?”
Instead of point blank telling me what she was all giddy about she opened the hard covered novel in her hands with green binding that I had seen numerous copies of.
“The mysterious man was taller than the rest of us by far, with fluffy brown hair that his helmet tried in vain to hide. It wasn’t just his handsome looks that drew me to him, it was also his intellectual abilities. He was far superior in intellect to any other man I had met in the world. The rousing conversations I had with him also made me feel respected by him which was much more than I could say compared to the other men I had met. The name of the mysterious knight in the shiny armor that had invaded all my thoughts as of late was named, Spencer.”
Once she finished the excerpt of the book she shut it dramatically then raising her eyebrows, I knew exactly what she was asking with her nonverbal cues, “I’m friends with the author…”
The look on her face after I trailed off told me that she wasn’t buying my lie. I was about to say something more convincing, but Garcia was not impressed with my attempts to get out of this ‘interrogation’.
“Oh- no no no, you aren’t getting away with it that easy, boy wonder. The blush on your face isn’t fooling me.” Her calling out my blush only served to make my face an even deeper shade of red, I could tell just from how hot the room suddenly felt. She continued on despite my deepening cheek color, “I want to know how you got your New York Times Best Seller partner, tell me everything.”
I figured there was no way to deny it now, the way I fidgeted and the blush on my cheeks gave it away easily. Even though Garcia wasn’t trained to study human behavior she wasn’t stupid and I wasn’t a good liar. So, I proceeded to tell her the story of how we met.
Of course as soon as I finished the story of how we met at a coffee shop Garcia bombarded me with more questions and brought the rest of the team to ask. She even got Morgan to say he’d read the book because he wanted to know “what does pretty boy look like in shining armor?” Which Garcia of course had to correct, as she had read the rest of the book.
As I was riding the metro after work my mind decided to wander about what had happened today. At first I was excited to share with Y/N about what happened today, but then I started to worry. What if they didn’t want to tell anyone?
We hadn’t really discussed telling everyone about our relationship besides passing comments in conversation. I worried that maybe they wouldn’t want to tell everyone because maybe they’d be embarrassed to be seen with me. Maybe that’s why they hadn’t brought up me telling the team much.
Once I had gotten back to my apartment I opened the door and was immediately greeted with the smell of Y/N’s cooking. Normally, I’d be super excited that they decided to pop in my apartment, but my anxiety about what had happened today was taking over my mind. I was rooted to the floor in front of my door, not wanting to have to admit to them that I had told everyone.
“How’s my favorite genius?” Their melodic voice called out from the kitchen. There was no way I could avoid it now, they’d probably be able to immediately tell that I was anxious. They were good at being able to tell exactly what I was thinking, and it wasn’t even their job. I often joked with them that their ability to read my behavior was as good as mine.
I decided I better get this over with.
As I walked over to my small apartment kitchen I prepared my explanation in my head. When they spotted me they opened their mouth to speak and I just started to rant, “I may have told the team about you. I got cornered by Garcia in the break room and she happened to have your book and read the parts where you wrote a character based on me- and”
“Slow down, baby.” They cut my ranting off once they had gotten her bearings. Normally being cut off makes me annoyed, but in this case I could tell I was in a swirling anxious mind set that I wouldn’t break out of unless an outside force helped me stop. I took a deep breath, which did help slow down my racing thoughts. Once I had slightly refocused my thoughts I noticed that they were looking over at me from where they were standing over the pot of pasta at the stove with a look of concern, which surprised me.
“You’re not mad?”
They turned the oven off as the pasta was definitely done now, making their way over to the other side of the kitchen where I stood. Bringing their warm hands up they cupped my cheeks and then asked with sweetness, “Why would I be mad.”
I couldn’t help but start to spill my thoughts into another rant to try and explain my reasoning, “Well- I didn’t really talk about telling them with you and I know that communication is important in a relationship from what I’ve read. And it felt like I made a mistake because I wasn’t communicating properly and I’m an idiot, I’m sorry you have to date someone who doesn’t know anything about relationships.”
“Spencer, it’s ok I promise. I was going to ask if maybe you wanted to introduce me to them soon anyway and- you aren’t stupid I promise, baby. You’re a genius, remember?
After we ate the dinner they had cooked they brought out their book to read to me, specifically the part in reference where my fictional counterpart came to save the day.
“You’re my knight in shiny armor.” They said with fondness, this was my favorite line in the book.
“Shiny armor? Why not shining armor?” I had asked this question numerous times since I had seen the same line in their book. I knew the conversation in the novel like the back of my hand and every time we read the book together we enacted the conversation. They acted out the protagonist’s lines perfectly, which was not surprising since the protagonist was partially based on them from their own admission.
“I don’t know, I just think it sounds cuter,” Their words were as sweet as honey, making me want to lean in to kiss them, but they needed to finish the line, “and in my book, you’re cuter than all other knights in shining armor.”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
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moonlit-manifesto · 2 years
Happy April! 🌸🌷
Hi everyone! Sorry posting here has been getting less frequent. I've had some irl stuff going on, plus a promotion at my full-time job so I've been having less time to translate. Also the fact that Tsukiuta/Tsukipro music still isn't on streaming services in my country has made it harder to keep up with the franchise in general.
As a rule of thumb, I usually don't translate tweets that are just advertising Tsukipro special event shops or merch (because let's be honest, most of us can't go there or get our hands on it anyways 😓) and the ALIVE account has mainly been doing a lot of that.
But! I'll have the April Fool's Heartbreak Red post finished by this Sunday, so look forward to that! I hope everyone's been doing well and staying safe!
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21u004 · 3 years
fools / gojo satoru / april 9th, 2021
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“what do you—what do you mean by that?” satoru asks you, hoping that he didn’t hear you right.
by now, his head is empty and all he’s thinking about is your words, silently praying that if he did hear you correctly, you’ll smile right after, laugh, give him a hug and an apology with how you’re just kidding.
but with the way you look at him, it’s slowly starting to feel real.
(it is real.)
he’s slowly starting to get convinced you’re serious, and he despises it.
(he won’t accept it.)
(he doesn’t want to.)
(he has to.)
“satoru,” you call, hands in cold sweat folded on your torso, trying to stop yourself from shaking and breaking in front of him. “you know what i mean,” you say, in an as a matter of fact tone.
he does nothing but shake his head. at an attempt of comforting himself, he assumes that he’s just really tired and a little dizzy that he’s beginning to mix up your words. it’s late at night after all. he knows it’s pathetic of him, but he does it anyway.
you really can’t be serious about this, he thinks to himself.
“hey, hey, all of this is—” he stutters, shaking as he steps closer to you. “—all of this isn’t real, right? you’re just trying to get back at me for all the time i’ve teased you, aren’t you?”
he forces a smile, but it’s quick to go away when he sees nothing but honest eyes.
satoru thinks you look wonderful even if you’re tired. your face, illuminated by the white light above you, the bags under your eyes obvious.
(yeah, you’re still stunning.)
the warmth in your eyes are gone when he looks in them. looking at you makes him feel chilly. it’s probably the lighting. hopefully.
hopefully it is, because he doesn’t want to look at you and hurt.
with the way your eyes blink slowly, he’s sure you want to sleep. still, he doesn’t ask you to rest and talk this with you tomorrow because he knows you won’t let him. it was now or never.
nothing’s changed in him, and the same goes for you. you’re both the same people as you were years before, still running away from reality.
“we don’t have to make this any harder for us,” it’s hard trying to keep your hands to yourself with the way he’s so close to you, tightly gripping your arms, kiss his lids, the gloss in his eyes tempting you to take his face in your hands, and wipe them away like every other time he’s had too much on his shoulder that he breaks down and bursts in front of you.
“why?” he frowns, because the least you could do was tell him why you’ve come to this decision, so that he can be better for you.
he can try to be for the next time you’re back.
(if you will ever be back.)
he pleads, because he doesn’t want to lose you.
he can lose anything but you.
unable to look at him in the eye when all you see is them shining under the cold light of the lamp nearby, and not in a good way like four years ago, you close your eyes.
(it’s been so long.)
but even if you do, there’s no denying that the reality still lies in front of you, and that you have to deal with it. there’s no running away this time. it’s what led to this in the first place.
you coudn’t lie to him, and even if you could, that’d be too cruel for either of you. it’ll just end up on your list of things that keep you awake at night, and probably his too.
“we’re getting nowhere, satoru,” you sigh gloomily.
satoru’s always been one to fix problems fast, but that’s only with his job. there’s so much he’s confronted already, but he always finds himself hiding from and ignoring the ones with you.
it scares him—facing them—because his thoughts consume him and tell him that it’d lead to this. unfortunately, the other happens instead.
again, he feels pathetic.
“i’m asking you, what does that mean? do you—do you want to go somewhere? maybe you want to—”
“i want someone to grow with.”
his brows crease, eyes narrowing at you. “am i not someone you want to grow with?”
“satoru, no, that’s not what i meant,” you wince at his misunderstanding, “i just—i want to, you know. i want it to be you. so bad. but it’s not—we’re still in the same place we were back then.
"you’re still a child, and so am i. everyone’s moving on and we’re still at square one because—”
“who cares if we’re still at the start? this isn’t a race!” he retaliates, every single word carrying his frustrations he’s tried so hard not to burden you with.
“we can’t act like kids forever! we’re adults! you’re still in denial, and so am i!” you retort, having had enough of him. “we’re not improving or growing up!”
“so what if we’re not?” he fumed, flailing his hands in the air. “let them hate us! let them love us! who cares what they say? we have each other, don’t we?”
clenching your fist, it takes a whole lot of self-restraint not to punch his guts with how his words come out mindlessly. “‘we have each other’? are you hearing yourself? you’re not even here when i need you! but i am when you need me!
"and this isn’t about anyone else, so quit trying to drag other people into this! it’s not about a matter of being loved or hated, it’s about us actually getting somewhere and becoming better people!”
he scoffs, “oh, quit it with that righteousness stuff! it makes me sick! and you know why i’m not here when you need me? because i’m busy and you don’t even bother to tell me how you’re feeling! you make it like it’s some guessing game!”
“busy? made you guess?” you ask, incredulous. “you never paid attention to me in the first place! i’ve always reached out to you, but you’re always in your own world, arrogant and full of pride and forget that i’m even here! you don’t even ask about me at all either!”
“oh, so i’m arrogant and full of pride?” he points to himself in disbelief. “i never ask about how you feel? you don’t even tell me when i do ask! what’s the point of trying if there’s nothing i gain from it!”
“you’re unbelievable! and you– you– this is, this is what i mean! we’re still acting like children—you’re acting like a child!” you cry out, your throat feeling sore and scratchy from the yelling.
“there’s so much,” you take pauses in between your words, letting yourself breathe. “there’s so much more to us than what we are now, but we’re still the same because—” you stop midsentence, hesitant to say the words since it contains the truth and you two have always run away from that.
“because what?” his voice is much gentler and softer now, mellow and calm.
you swallow the lump in your throat. “because we’re scared.”
when he opens his mouth to talk, you’re already shaking your head no, exhausted and panting, despite being unaware of what he wants to ask before he even gets to make up his mind to find the right words for his questions and sentences.
don’t let him say anything.
just let him stay quiet and keep the peace.
maybe then you could both pretend that nothing’s happening. that there’s no problem at all.
so he lets the room wallow in silence.
he wraps both his arms around you, and rests his head on your chest.
your heartbeat rings his ear, and it’s still racing.
he feels his tears soak up your clothes before he even knows he’s sobbing.
satoru was insufferable himself, and so was seeing him cry. as a try at comforting him, your fingers run through his hair gently.
he’s always found it relaxing whenever you do that; it lulls him to sleep whenever he comes home restless, reminding him of the times you stayed awake until past midnight for him, telling him that there was good in this relationship.
but right now, it doesn’t help him calm down. he presses his face harder into your shoulder to muffle his cries yet they still resonate vaguely in the room, while a hand of his holds yours on his hair, steady and begging you not to remove it.
nothing about this was calming; the silence was only letting the tension build up, the stillness of the room stood as a reminder that there was no life to it already, and even more so by tomorrow.
the more that he thought of it—of how this was going to be the last time you’re ever going to do this—the more he feels himself going insane.
the night feels colder the deeper it gets, and you can’t let go even if you desperately want to.
it was presumably just the air conditioning. nonetheless, satoru doesn’t even feel warm to you at all. he doesn’t bring you the same relief as the beginning of this relationship of climactic events because satoru’s always been one to be big about things.
the sky in his eyes rain, pouring harder by the minute, pooling at your clothes and flooding on the floor.
if you stay longer, then you’re more likely to be convinced that you’ll be okay even if you’re going to be staying at the same place, regardless of how you’re conscious of the regret it’ll bring later. that as long as satoru’s here, then you’ll be okay, but you can’t be dependent on him.
how were you going to be, when even just a glimpse of him already feels so heavy?
“let go, please,” you whisper, only to feel his arms around you tighten. “gojo, let go of me.”
satoru has no idea how much damage he’s done until his name leaves your lips. what’s done is done, and no amount of regret will take it back.
he pauses, eyes widening at you, only to have them close again and shed even more tears.
“please, stay.”
he doesn’t care how desperate he seems, because he just doesn’t want to lose you.
he can lose anything but you.
but alas, your choices go against his wants, and he can’t always have what he wants.
it doesn’t seem like it to satoru, but he’s just as dependent on you as you were on him, and hopefully he learns that later on as you did yet kept to yourself way too long ago.
so he does as you say, because he’s doing what he wasn’t supposed to do: pull you back.
he caves in and presses your lips against him one last time, passionless and salty, a short sincere apology and wish that you find each other again.
the next day, he wakes up alone with sore eyes, a text on his phone.
geto suguru
how was the proposal?
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
“ you made it look so damned easy to leave me. ” + twc kids xx
Ah Thank you Stella! Some angst but nothing detrimental but we’re dealing with an ex so there’s that. I hope you enjoy a little back story as timeline wise this would take place just before main game events. 
It’s the worst type of weather, always had been for Hayat, the sky grey chilling the air and the clouds holding back the rain desperate to fall, combining into a sticky cold day. Always the second week of April every year without fail, a constant in this small town. Normally, Hayat would have been inside still, inviting others on the police force to have lunch in his “office” so they could all relax and have fun for a little while, not today though as he forgot his lunch and the lack of breakfast made the vending machines no longer an option for the day. So here he was, walking down Main Street unsure of where to get a decent lunch and starting to freeze, he should have brought a beanie with him today. 
It’s the familiar scent of grains of paradise that slows him down. It comes from a new restaurant, open only a few weeks, one he’s been wanting to try, hoping to have a little bit of home closer to where his home is now. No time like the present, he thinks making his way to the door, blowing on his hands for some warmth. 
His speed picks up the closer he comes to the door, inattentive to another customer walking out. Their eyes are focused on their phone, running straight into Hayat, the two of them almost falling over. 
“Oh. Sorry man, didn’t-,” Hayat’s words catch in his throat as he identifies just whom he ran into. 
Bobby Marks.
Despite the glasses Bobby wears now, Hayat would know the dark blonde hair anywhere with it being the same style since they first met in college, short along the sides and enough length at the top to spike it up with some kind of hair gel or wax depending on the weather, It would have been wax on a day like today. Bobby brushed himself off, giving Hayat a lopsided smile, “Don’t worry about it, handsome,” Hayat repressed the growl at the old nickname, “Surprised to see you out at this time.”
“Just needed some lunch,” he took a step to the side, the reporter following him, “so if you don’t mind,” Hayat tried once again to make his way into the restaurant. 
“Maybe we could eat together,” Bobby stepped closer, “just like old times.”
Hayat scoffed, “‘Like old times’.” He shook his head, crossing his arms, “What do you want?”
“Who says I want anything?”
He rolled his eyes, Don’t be difficult, “Because it’s you, Bobby. You always want something from me. Whether it be some story, information, or privileges there’s always some ulterior motive with you when it comes to me.”
“Maybe I just want to have lunch with you,” Bobby shrugged, “especially since we’d be having the same food.” 
Not any more, Hayat turned on his heel, “You know what, I'm actually not that hungry anymore.”
“Bull. Shit,” Bobby spat out, moving to keep pace with the officer, “You can’t lie to me, I know you better than that.”
“The fuck does it matter to you anyway?” Hayat stuffed his fists into the pockets of his jacket, “I don’t like hanging out with you unless absolutely necessary and this,” he stopped looking down on the journalist, “isn’t necessary.”
Bobby glared at him, clenching his jaw, “You know what I don’t understand with you? How you act like I didn’t ever love you when the exact opposite is true.”
Hayat rolled his eyes grumbling, “Could have fooled me.”
“It’s the truth Hayat,” Bobby pleaded, stopping himself as soon as the words left his mouth. He shook his head, “Why am I even arguing with you about this? You were the one that made it look so damn easy to leave me.” Hayat flinched, crossing his arms, “Don’t look at me like that. You think I didn’t see the traveling,” Trying to find a way back home, “the new relationships,” It was the only way to stave off the loneliness and feel something, “all of it leading to this shiny job that everyone says you’re just born to do. ‘Just like his old man, Rook!’ that’s what they all say.”
Hayat laughed, mouth thinning as he paced in a slow circle, “Easy, right. That’s what you’ve been telling yourself all these years?” He shook his head running a hand through his dark hair, “Bobby, leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve had to do. I loved you. Leaving was the last thing I wanted to do, but what was I supposed to do? You screwed me over to a point that I had to make a new life with new passions from scratch.”
“That was never my intention,” he snapped, “You could have stayed. I could have helped you find something. I could have taken care of you.”
“Taken-? No! I didn’t need to be taken care of and like hell I’d let you be the one to do that.”
“Fine. But you didn’t have to leave me still. We still could have had a life together, you and me,” he jabbed a finger into Hayat’s chest, “but you were the one that threw us away.”
Hayat shook his head, pushing Bobby’s hands away, “No, I didn’t. That was you, the minute you decided to frame me like the coward you are. You threw our relationship away, not me.” 
“How was I supposed to know that they’d strip you of your academic accomplishments! You were so nice and good, you never broke a rule in your life! I thought they’d go easy on you, Hiya.” Bobby bit his lower lip, “I’m sorry they didn’t.”
“What kind of universe are you living in that made you think they’d go easy on me, Bobby?” The journalist looked at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck fumbling for a response, “Look, I don’t know if you’ve cared to notice but I’m not like you,” he kept his breathing even, his voice rising in volume, “There’s a reason I never broke a rule, why I had to be so nice to people that I would have loved to have avoided in any other situation. The reason? Because it was hard enough to get past the assumptions on what my education would be used for, getting past the sneers by some of the other students as the fear mongering grew once again, and to top it off the department head had been looking for just about anything to use as an excuse to get me out of there since day one,” The racist bastard. “So yeah, I can be as mad as I want about it because you, of all people, should have known what they would do to someone like me.” Hayat’s fists shook, taking a deep breath, he just had to calm down, He’s not worth the fight. Not worth getting this angry over, “You're just selfish and that’s all you ever will be.”
Hayat finally turned away from him, stalking towards the station, hearing Bobby call out, “I wouldn’t have come back if that were true you know!” 
Hayat scoffed, grumbling, “What fucking bullshit. Only here cause you figured the job was easy,” And that I was still easy to manipulate. 
“There’s something bigger going on here! You’ll need me one day! Just you watch,” Bobby called out, He’s just wanting to get under my skin, Hayat thought as he walked faster, eyes focused on the cobblestone below. 
“I’ll never need him. Never did to begin with,” he mumbled nearing the edge of the park. He just needed a bit of a walk before heading back to the station, he could use the cool down. The station would be fine without him if he was late and if it wouldn’t be then he carried a phone for a reason. It wasn’t long before the trail became uneven, Hayat glancing up, he’d made his way towards the woods surrounding the town. He paused, letting out a long breath, whispers of fog leaving him, “Guess I start heading back,” he whispered, turning a one-eighty on his heel. The shaking had stopped, his head becoming clear once more, shoulders starting to hang and feel sore, stomach cramping with hunger. “Little deli by the station it is, I guess.”
The focus he held for the ground below him didn’t give any leeway to notice the person nearing him, not like the stranger paid much mind either as he worked to light a cigarette. Their shoulders connected, Hayat stumbling back a few steps while the dark haired stranger stayed in place. “Watch where you’re going,” he growled out, Hayat getting the briefest look at the man already stanturing away. He had to be new in town, or just passing through, his dark olive toned skin showing some time in the sun, Probably on vacation somewhere exotic. How lucky. His shoulder length hair blew softly in the breeze that picked up, Hayat rolling his eyes, Probably gets to just use some dollar store shampoo for upkeep I bet. 
He let out a sigh, eyes catching the bright white carton on the dirt trail. He bent down to pick it up, the structure still stiff and showing little wear on the edges, a near brand new box. Hayat couldn’t help but glance inside the box, half the cigarettes already gone, Good luck to him in five years. “Hey wait up,” he called out, jogging the small distance between them, “You dropped these.”
The man turned slightly looking at Hayat's outstretched hand, quickly grabbing the box. “Thanks,” he said simply, walking away from him and pocketing the carton before Hayat could utter a response. With one last look, he gave a shrug, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket making his way back to the station, where Tina waited for him with a small meal from Haley’s bakery. 
“Heard about your run in,” she said with a sympathetic smile, “You know if you need help in learning how to ignore him, I’d be more than happy to teach you.” She sat on the edge of his desk, leg swinging beneath her, “Can’t tell you how many people I’ve had to do that for.”
Hayat laughed, “Oh I wouldn’t be surprised with you, Tina,” her jaw dropped, giving him a small slap on the shoulder with a smile. He gave her a light push off the desk, the two of them laughing a moment more as he opened up his lunch. “Thank you, Tina. You’re a good friend.” She posed, batting her eyelashes with a big grin she couldn’t contain, Hayat giving a chuckle, “Alright Miss America, go and get what we need for patrol before you make me regret saying it.”
“Aye, Aye, Captain,” she said with a salute, laughing as she made her way to the other side of the building.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Competition - Shownu Drabble
Monsta X Masterlist
For my April Drabble Event based on this
Req:    Sports!au (Shownu swimming & reader rugby). enemies to lovers #39 you confuse me with Shownu 
Pairing: Hyunwoo x Gender Neutral! Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: You two were the pride and joy of your school. Still doesn’t mean you two had to get along, but maybe that’s exactly the reason that you would.
Warnings: I know nothing about rugby, so if something is in accurate...sorry. Partial nudity? (Shownu doesn’t wear much when swimming, but that’s it.), some angst, some arguing, swearing, in all pretty safe.
Note: I did do a little bit of rugby research to try and figure out what I was talking about for this, but I don’t know how well it worked...I just kind of laughed over the position name number 8 and got more confused after 20 minutes, so yeah...
Word Count: 1,174
Your school wasn’t necessarily known for its sports prodigies, well until more recently anyways. Having not one, but two teams leading the way as everyone in the country kept an eye on your school knowing those teams would be the ones to beat this year. The first being the team you were a part of, the rugby team. You were team captain and had managed to lead your team all the way to the championship semi-finals last year. Your team had been preparing for the next season ever since though and the improvement showed. The other team is your school’s swim team, led by Hyunwoo. Your school had lucked out on Hyunwoo’s arrival last year when he had moved to your area. Him being all that the swim team needed to give them that push to success. 
You two were the talk of the school, the team captains everyone had their eyes on. You’d think being the popular sporty students would mean that the two of you got along, however that was nothing like reality. The two of you didn’t get along in the least. Maybe it was a competitive nature or the pressure always on the two of you, maybe it was the fact that you two had no personal life with everyone constantly pestering you about competitions and being the best. Or maybe it was simply due to the fact that you both knew what would happen if you were to get along…
Still, you found yourself at the next swim meet, like you had all the previous ones. Staying off to the side while watching the competition with mild interest. The part of you that loved sports admired what the swimmers did, yet it also wasn’t your sport, so things could distract you from the competition itself. Things such as Hyunwoo’s body to be specific. His toned figure on display at every competition and despite your differences, you’d be a liar and a fool if you didn’t admit he was a gorgeous man. 
Looking around though you noticed that currently it was the women’s turn to compete and so Hyunwoo had yet to even show up. Something that you didn’t realize would happen right by you. Hyunwoo leaving the locker room to head towards the competition, but having to pass you to get there. Looking at you with furrowed brows, stopping when he reaches you.
“You know Y/N...you confuse me.” Hyunwoo hums softly, drawing your attention to him. You lean back against the wall, crossing your arms softly and noting that he was in his swim gear now, perfect chest on display. So he would be competing. 
“And why is that Hyunwoo?” You inquire, keeping your voice down to not draw everyone’s attention to the private conversation of their two stars.
“Well we don’t necessarily get along...and yet you’re here at every meet. Why?” Hyunwoo questions stealing glances out at the competition and you take your chance to appreciate his form a bit more while he wasn’t looking.
“We might not get along, but in a way, we both do the same thing. I don’t have to like you to admire the effort and determination that you and your team put into being the best at swim meets. And besides that...the school is counting on the both of us, so I’m going to be here to support you guys. Despite what you and I think of each other.” You explain, causing Hyunwoo to raise a brow.
“Is this your way of saying you’re the bigger person here? Or trying to guilt me into saying you’re a good sport and coming to your games?” Hyunwoo’s tone almost mocks slightly, obviously not buying your act. Not that he had much reason to, even if you were being genuine.
“I don’t really give a fuck what you think Hyunwoo.” You hiss softly, voice harsher despite staying quite still, “ What you think doesn’t matter to me, I’ll do what I think is right no matter your opinion. Now shut up before you speak out of your ass again and go get your head in the match. Your team is waiting for their captain.” 
Hyunwoo leaves hearing your soft huff, doing as you told and getting his head into the competition and leading his team onto another win. Even so, you chose not to hang out for the celebration...you came to show support, not to be there for Hyunwoo to gloat to later. Him looking up to watch you walk out behind most of the crowd and something hitting him. Making it up in his mind then that he’d show up at your next game. 
It wasn’t exactly like the swim meet though, there was nowhere he could wait it out in hopes of getting a passing chance to talk...to apologize for what he did that day you were there to show support. So he sat himself down to watch the game and do the same for you. Slowly becoming more and more enthralled with watching you play, he realized it really wouldn’t be hard to develop the habit of coming to your games to cheer you on...not when it came so naturally to you.
Time got away from Hyunwoo however and a few months passed, yet he was at every game cheering you on. Something your friends had noticed and pointed out to you early on. Until one of them nudges you the day after a big game at practice.
“Your new fanboy is heading this way.” They whisper, laughing a little before running back onto the field. Leaving you to turn and find Hyunwoo walking over.
“Hyunwoo, I don’t have time for this today.” You sigh softly, too tired in the middle of practice to fight with the man coming over to you.
“Just hear me out please, I’m not here to fight...I just came to apologize.”Hyunwoo flushes a little and you find the sight somewhat endearing, “I was wrong that day...even though we haven’t really gotten along ever I was wrong to speak to you like that. I don’t know your reasons, and I don’t need to know them. You were there to support us and I was a dick...I’m sorry.”
His apology surprised you a little, it's not usually something you exchange, “It’s alright Hyunwoo, I’m sure I’ve done the same to you in the past too. We both can get a little heated at times. Thank you for apologizing though.” You smile at him, hoping to prevent an awkward silence to follow, “ So have you had fun at our games?”
Hyunwoo nods, beaming a little bit despite his blush deepening, “I have! They’re really fun to go to...though, maybe you’d like to help teach me a bit more about rugby?”
“Hyunwoo, are you...are you asking me on a date?” You ask, feeling your own face heat up when he nods shyly.
“Yeah...I guess I am. Though I can’t promise you it’ll put an end to all the competition between us...but a little friendly competition could keep things interesting, right?”
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buoyantsaturn · 3 years
more ask game!! 22 but if you’ve done it then anything with a 2 in it!!
2. least favorite fic you wrote this year
honestly??? as much effort as i put into it,, uh,,, my whole bring on the monsters series kind of fell flat imo. like personally i think i put TOO much effort into it bc it was only supposed to be like. a handful of key scenes from each book, and then it turned into a full series rewrite and. :/
12. favorite character to write about this year
you know ive had a LOT of will centered stuff this year i feel like and every time that happened i was like. man where's my nico fics. but anyway favorite by lack of competition is gonna be will i guess. HOWEVER. im really digging lou ellen right now and by right now i mean literally like over the last 2 days >:)
20. number of comments you haven’t read
as of right this second, my inbox is at 34 unread. but i HAVE read them i just haven't marked them as read. and also SO many of them are like. super old. like this one, the funniest comment ive ever gotten:
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(for context: will is 29 but nico is 23ish. both fully consenting adults)
21. most memorable comment/review
answered here!
22. events you participated in this year
hahahaha good choice asking this to a solangeloweek moderator.
january: nico birthday event
february: helped liz organize their solangelo fic awards (and by that i mean i like. reminded them that things needed to be done by certain dates) i also had fics included in the awards
april: reynicoiscanon april fools nightmare scenario (yes we're calling this an event bc it was. An Event.)
june: solangelo week
august: will solace birthday week
october: auctober
december: solangeloweek december event AND secret santa!!
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
mom said its MY turn to write a fic where nico disappears for years without a trace for seemingly no good reason except she also said i have to finish my vegetables first so its gonna be a hot second
24. favorite fic you read this year
i simply cannot think of just one but i promise you. i will be making my yearly fic rec list as soon as i post this (not that i'll be posting the rec list anytime soon) but i can assure you. some of your fics were def my favs <3
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
answered here!
26. number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year
i don't use bookmarks because i'm the type of fool that's like. oh yeah i'll remember it <3 (i won't)
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
answered here!
28. longest fic you read this year
impossible to beat iyncbyhim by katherine @yrbeecharmer and also its one of the best fics i read this year <3
29. shortest fic you read this year
i hope you know i looked through 6 pages of my ao3 history for this.
let your heart win by justanothervampire!
ty marblebee!!
send me numbers!
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artificialqueens · 3 years
These People in This Room (Don't Shine Like You) (Diamond Chaney) - Ortega
summary: Lawrence has just been crowned the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, and Ellie is right beside her. Just like she’s always been.
a/n: omg HIIIIII! here’s my entry to the fic challenge (will it be my only one? who can say). in a shocking turn of events this is not a drabble asdfghjk but would we have expected anything concise from me? this fic was inspired by Shine and Starstruck, both by Years and Years. they are very diamond chaney songs so pls do give them a little listen for full effect! standard procedure, she/her pronouns bc they’re in drag, u know the drill. this has taken me entirely too long to write but pls enjoy some diamond chaney from the night of the crowning! (pls also collectively pretend they had an actual dancefloor to celebrate on and not just a hotel room bc i had already started writing at the point Ellie posted her BTS. fic is just one big serving of pretend anyway xo)
It’s somewhere around midnight, the sun has set on Thursday and Friday has crept in, and Lawrence is sitting in a booth with the dancefloor flashing bright colours in front of her, only just daring to believe that this is her actual life.
There is not a single moment that seems real. Even being one of the top four took her essentially since filming stopped to come to terms with. But hearing her name being read out, hearing the other girls cheer for her and being able to do nothing but stare at the screen in disbelief with her hands over her mouth and sob like a baby…that’s not sunk in yet. Maybe it never will. She’s still feeling the after-effects from the way the shock and euphoria had kicked seven shades of shit out of her pulse, the way the serotonin had crashed over her like a wave and the absolute unbridled lack of control she’d had over any of her emotions.
When the cameras had been cut off and they’d been given the all-clear from the producers that they could hug each other, Lawrence had only managed to stand up from the chair, still in floods of tears as Bimini bundled their arms around her, Tayce had jostled them all with the way she’d jumped up and down and yelled in delight, and Ellie had looped her arms around her neck and murmured into her shoulder, words Lawrence couldn’t hear but felt the love from regardless.
It had to be Ellie, really, that crowned her. It was a full-circle moment. She still remembers the night they met for the first time; Dundee in 2016, some time in the early hours of the morning (she’d probably called it ‘bastard o’clock’ or something similar), coming out of the bar and being stopped by a boy in half-drag similar ages with her who spoke rapidly and excitedly and told her that he’d messaged her about starting drag and she’d replied to him. The way realisation had dawned on her and the way she’d been her usual loud and boisterous self to cover up the fact she’d actually been quite bashful about the fact they were meeting for the first time.
There was no alternative, not least because of everything they’ve been through together; the years leading up to this moment and the rollercoaster it’s all been. She’s glad that they’re on a high because they’ve seen each other at their lows (been the cause of each others’ too, sometimes) and pulled through only slightly scathed, but always stronger. The producer had asked Lawrence who she’d wanted and when she, still speechless, had pointed in Ellie’s direction, seeing the tears start to stream down her face had only made Lawrence’s start all over again. They’d hugged- just the two of them this time- and the way Ellie had immediately felt like a safe place in the crazy chaos of reality reminded Lawrence so much of when they had filmed. The way even just hearing Ellie’s voice would stop her feeling homesick, the way she was a living comfort blanket.
She’d never tell that to Ellie, of course, because she’d never hear the end of it if she did.
It’s been a couple of hours and Lawrence is expecting everything to suddenly sink in any minute now. Something will click like the last piece of a puzzle and she’ll finally accept that she’s won, that the whole thing isn’t a giant and premature April fools’ prank. She turns her phone over in her hand, wondering what all this nervous energy is doing to her body chemistry. She’s got messages from her family, her friends, Kiko, the girls she works with back home. Well…some of them. But apart from reading them and frantically replying, Lawrence hasn’t checked anything else; hasn’t opened Twitter or Instagram, where the notifications are piling up like pizza leaflets through a letterbox and are equally as unwanted. If she thinks about them she can feel her stomach twist, wrung out like a wet towel.
Forty thousand likes. The Team Bimini tweet had forty thousand likes. What did her own get? Eight thousand? Lawrence thinks about the sheer scale of forty thousand people, compares it to the population of towns in Scotland. Almost Airdrie. Just under Coatbridge. She imagines a whole town of people, angry and furious and disappointed, and all of them tweeting her to let her know exactly that. She remembers in high school when she thought the whole of Hermitage was against her. She wants to tell baby Lawrence that that was fucking small fry. A thousand kids? Try the sheer scale of Bimini’s fanbase. Her breath is shaky when she tries to breathe in, like her lungs have reduced in size. It reminds her of that time in school camp when they all had to jump from a pier for some unknown-fucking-reason, how freezing the water had been and how her chest felt tight as she gasped for air. Lawrence supposes it was character building in the sense that it prepared her exactly for how anxiety would make her feel later in life.
In for four. Hold for five. Out for six.
“There she is!”
An ever so slightly slurred and wobbly voice breaks Lawrence’s reverie, and when she looks up she sees Ellie approaching her, a little unsteady even in the flats she’s changed into with a glass of prosecco in each hand. It says a lot that even at the top of a helter-skelter of an anxiety spiral, Lawrence’s heart still gives a little swell when she sees her friend. Ellie has always been able to make her feel better. She feels an almost silly sense of relief that she’s here.
Lawrence takes one last little breath in before plastering a small smile to her face. “Awrite? Where’s Mumma Diamond?”
“In her room conked out. Just got back from putting her to bed, she couldn’t hack it. Letting down the family name, that one,” Ellie huffs, sliding into the booth and squashing up right beside Lawrence, even though there’s enough space for two metres distance even if they had still been under strict instructions from the BBC.
“Tayce?” Lawrence asks, gratefully accepting the prosecco glass and hurriedly downing a too-big gulp in an attempt to calm herself down.
“Facetiming A’whora. Of course.”
“Of course. Maybe a bottle and a half of prosecco is gonny be the love potion she never knew she needed.”
“Fuck, we can only hope,” Ellie grins, already laughing through her words. “If we’re gonna be touring with them I don’t wanna have to karate chop through five layers of sexual tension every time I have to walk past them.”
Lawrence chuckles, tired but humoured and unable to not make the so-obvious joke. “You couldny fight sleep.”
“Shut the fuck up, I’ll fight you in a minute!” Ellie nudges her with her shoulder and spills both of their prosecco from the glasses in their hands. The gesture is affectionate and out of place with the impending threat. “Where’s Bims? Thought they were with you.”
Lawrence shrugs. “Went out for a smoke with one of the runners about twenty minutes ago and never returned.”
“Good for them. Always thought there’s something inherently sexy about a winch in a back alley.”
“Well, you would know.”
“Eh, so would you!” Ellie cries, nothing short of incredulously offended. Her expression makes her look even more like a cartoon character than usual, and it’s entirely too endearing.
“Yeah, forgot that popular phrase. It takes two to winch in a back alley,” Lawrence jokes, but her heart isn’t in it. It’s too heavy and her ribcage feels like someone laced her into a corset and pulled it too tight. She’s hoping Ellie is too drunk to notice.
Ellie sips her prosecco with her eyes on her, then scrutinises her as she swallows it. She frowns, her nose wrinkling up as she prods Lawrence with an acrylic-nail finger. “What’s up?”
“The sky,” Lawrence says without conviction, and the raised eyebrow Ellie gives her in return is enough to unlock her. She deflates like a balloon and brings her phone up so Ellie can see it, turning it over in her hands. “Just…as happy as I am, and as much as this is all a dream come true…I keep psyching myself up to open any social media, and I can’t, because this one fucking brain cell of anxiety keeps telling me that everyone out there hates me and hates the fact I’ve won.”
Ellie’s face falls into a frown. She gently pries the phone out of her hands and places it on the table, takes one of Lawrence’s free hands in hers and rubs her thumb over her knuckles. “But all your other brain cells know that’s wrong.”
Lawrence sighs. “So why’s that one louder than all the rest?”
Ellie presses her lips together in a badly-suppressed smile. She’s giggling as she speaks. “Because you’ve only got two brain cells.”
Lawrence splutters a laugh, shoving Ellie with her free hand. The other is still laced together with hers. As the laughter dies down and the momentary serotonin wears off, Lawrence can feel her brow furrowing involuntarily. “Forty thousand people wanted Bimini to win, Ellie. Forty thousand. You know that’s like a whole town? That’s like the population of Coatbridge?”
“ Fuck Coatbridge!” Ellie exclaims, affronted, and her shock and insistence makes Lawrence snort all over again. “Okay, forty thousand people is a town but really, what’s that to the rest of the world? Think how tiny that is in the grand scheme of things, Lawrence! Honestly, give a fuck about what any bastard who wants to send you anything vile thinks of you! You’re so amazing! You won! Fuck everyone else!”
Lawrence wants to feel cheered up. The prosecco Ellie’s drunk is making her all the more animated and lively, giving her words a determination and a passion that her speech so rarely possesses most of the time. Ellie is calm, and she doesn’t get wound up easily. There’s something about the fact she’s growing this animated over getting Lawrence to believe in herself that warms her heart a little.
Then again…
“It’s not just that, though. There’s girls from home that haven’t even said well done. Girls I’ve always supported and couldn’t do enough for, and it’s like…really? You can’t be happy for me when I’ve actually managed to do the one thing I’ve wanted to do for years?”
“Well maybe they have said well done, and you’ve just not seen it because you’ve been hiding,” Ellie gestures matter-of-factly at her phone. It doesn’t convince her.
“They won’t have. You’ll know who I’m talking about, Ellie.”
Ellie sighs a little, clearly conceding that Lawrence is right. Her grip on her hand tightens a little, and when Lawrence looks up at her in response her blue eyes hold a glint of assurance.
“Well, even if they haven’t…fuck ‘em. Onwards and upwards, chick. You’ve got ten new sisters out of this who’re always going to know what it’s like, they’re gonna be here for you no matter what,” Ellie says comfortingly. Lawrence knows why she’s said ten and not eleven, but Ellie affirms this with another squeeze and a slightly shy smile. “And you’ve always got me. You’ve always had me.”
This is true. She’s always had Ellie. Before the show, doing gigs with her and hanging out with her and going to DragCon with her. On the show, always there to reassure her or pull her out of a negative spiral or just lean against her shoulder and squeeze her hand. And after the show. Whatever that might look like. Whatever that might be.
She supposes that neither of them know yet.
“C’mon,” Ellie says decisively, holding out a hand for her as the song changes. It’s some sort of Paolo Nutini dirge, and Lawrence has to laugh at how obviously whoever is in charge of the music has rushed to attempt to find something Scottish. Lawrence can only blink at Ellie’s outstretched hand.
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Come on! ” Ellie laughs. Lawrence doesn’t know if she’s blushing or if it’s just the lights.
But she does know that she can’t leave Ellie hanging when she’s looking at her like that.
So Lawrence lets herself be dragged out to the dancefloor and pulled into a hug as Ellie sways them left to right ever-so-slightly out of time with the song, tipsy and full of affection given the way her arms are locked around Lawrence’s waist. It should feel stranger than it does. In reality, being held by Ellie feels as simple as just existing.
Or perhaps simpler than that, given the fact that Lawrence’s existence feels entirely surreal right now.
“You have to be in drag for half past se-ven,” Ellie sing-songs, bringing one of her arms out from around Lawrence’s waist and tapping her on the nose. Lawrence immediately misses it, so it’s a relief that it’s not gone for long.
“Because I wo-on,” Lawrence imitates back to her, and the way Ellie squeezes her waist in response and affirmation causes a smile and a blush to bloom on her face without her even being to control it. She rests her head against Ellie’s chest so she can’t have the satisfaction (ammunition) of seeing how she makes her feel.
It’s little moments like that that she needs right now. Anchors to keep her down on earth, to let her know that this isn’t just some really prolonged lucid dream and it’s all actually happening because currently reality is so absurdly ridiculous; she’s just won Drag Race and she’s slow-dancing with Ellie to the song that’s blasting through the speakers in the background, a parody of some American high school prom where she’s just been crowned the queen.
Moments like these- where Ellie’s holding her close as if she’s literally trying to protect her from the world- remind her that not everybody is against her. Not everybody hates her. Not everybody is wishing her a slow and painful death because Bimini didn’t win, least of all them. She knows that Ellie was never able to share what team she was on even though she hadn’t had a chance at the crown, but she didn’t have to. Not really. They’ve always been on each others’ team.
Ellie jolts Lawrence out of her daydream with the way her chest is shuddering, and Lawrence momentarily thinks she’s crying again before her soft giggle becomes audible over the music.
“What?” Lawrence tilts her head up, meeting Ellie’s scheming, smirking face.
“Can’t believe RuPaul Charles asked if you wanted to move to London, city of dreams, city of a thousand opportunities…” Ellie begins, Lawrence already laughing as she knows what the conclusion to her sentence will be. “…and you said, ‘yer awrite pal, am fine in Glesga wi the jakes an’ the Blue Lagoon chippy an’ the guy that stands on Buchanan Street and yells at everyone that they’re going to hell!’ ”
Lawrence would normally roll her eyes at Ellie’s impersonation of her accent, but she’s laughing too much at the joke that’s forming in her head to commit to it. “RuPaul asked if I wanted to move to London, and I said…”
The pair of them are almost giggling too much to get the punchline out, Ellie clocking on to how it’s going to end. In sync, the pair of them splutter out a “… NNNNAAW! ”
Giddy and happy, Lawrence rests her cheek against Ellie’s chest again. “London’s got junkies too, anyway.”
“This is gonna sound really selfish, but…don’t actually move to London,” Ellie’s voice murmurs from above her, and there’s something plaintive to it that makes Lawrence refrain from replying with a joke or a barb like she normally would. The way Ellie follows it up cements that fact. “It would probably be so good for you, but like…Glasgow would be lost without you, genuinely. And so would I.”
Lawrence can’t cry again tonight, even if it’s only because she thinks it’s physically impossible, so she just squeezes Ellie tight until she worries about her ability to breathe. “I’m not going anywhere, hen.”
Lawrence doesn’t even really know what they are, her and Ellie. They both still have Grindr and they talk about their hookups and raised hopes and broken hearts with each other like friends. But they’re not really just that. They’re affectionate, and they open up to each other with the same shared unspoken understanding of something Lawrence doesn’t understand. They hug for too long and cuddle up to each other when they’re together, and Lawrence can’t count the amount of times during filming that she’d find strength in the way Ellie would squeeze her hand without a word. They’ve woken up together too many times (why she’d felt the need to remind Ellie of that while the cameras were rolling, she’ll never know) and kissed each other more than that. Every time they say I love you they mean it, but they also mean a little bit more. There’s no butterflies or fast pulses or fluttering hearts- they’re past that stage. Everything is just natural and normal and easy.
She wonders if they’ll ever put a label on what they have. There’s a part of her that doesn’t ever want to.
“If we’re both still single by the time we’re forty,” Lawrence begins, leaning back to look at Ellie through her glazed, half-drunk half-tired eyes. “…we should just say ‘fuck it’ and get married.”
(She doesn’t even know if it’s a joke or not.)
Ellie laughs as if it is and nods as if it isn’t. “Drag wedding. We’d need to upstage Tayce and A’whora, though.”
Lawrence realises something. “I’ll turn forty two years before you.”
There’s a pause as the song starts to fade out, and it makes Ellie’s murmur seem louder than it is. “That’s okay. We don’t need to wait for me.”
The jolt her words give Lawrence’s heart and the way Ellie’s talking as if it’s an actual plan makes her think maybe it wasn’t really ever a joke after all. It’s ridiculous though, and it’s all theoretical, and it’s a totally hypothetical scenario, and they’re both drunk , for Christ’s sake. So Lawrence pulls out of Ellie’s arms and takes her hands in her own, the song that’s started playing more upbeat and the opening chords inciting some sort of hope and optimism in her heart for the future that’s unfolding for the pair of them.
“One more song then bed?” she suggests. Ellie raises her eyebrows as she looks down at her.
“Whose bed?”
“Shut the fuck up, Dirty Diamond,” Lawrence shoots back without missing a beat, and as the first lines of the song fill the room she leans back and begins to spin the pair of them in a circle, both of them laughing as if everything is as simple as just that room, and the music blaring out from the speakers, and the lights flashing above them drenching them in purple and pink.
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bnharpchub · 3 years
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Welcome to April! We hope you had an okay April fools, nothing TOO mean! It was feeling really nice this week save for the few cloudy days here and there! Have you been having fun writing this week? We hope so! Anyways, let’s get on to our weekly theme reveal! Make sure to check back for updates to this point as we make things and add stuff for the week! 
And as a reminder : You can do any of these at any day, so don’t worry if you miss a day! You can @ us whenever you’d like for anything, EVEN PREVIOUS WEEKS STUFF!
Minor updates: For now we’ll be retiring the weekly challenge! Alas we haven’t been getting much participation from it, so we’ll be removing it from our schedule for the time being! If we see interest in doing it again we will consider returning it with some revisions! 
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What is SWAPPED? WELL! For this week, we’ll be focusing on your muse’s OPPOSITE of what they are currently! I’m sure everyone has their own villain or hero verses for their muse’s, as well as vigilante and civilians! This week we’ll be taking a look at those verse’s and how your muse operates in them! 
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              Happy Easter!!!! Normally these are our little break days, but for the holidays we’ll drop a tiny little mini-event to play with! Try to enjoy yourself though, it’s okay if you can’t be here! We care about you as a community, and appreciate your breaks as well as your presence! 
Mini-Event - Special Easter asks and starters as well as games! 
               OC MONDAY! Welcome to OC Monday, the start of the week of activities that’ll be posted for everyone to interact with! Today is all about OCs! Try to interact with as many OC blogs as you can, even if it’s just a little ooc cheering up! 
Mini-Event - Tell us about your OC’s ALTERNATE. Think about how they became who they are, what one event being changed could alter them to a different path! Tell us about it!
                VERSES TUESDAY! Once again, we’ll be taking a look at different verses that fit the theme! We’ll have asks and starters as well as prompts related to the theme!         
WEDNESDAY                   WRITING WEDNESDAY! Your favorite day! We’ll have prompts, asks, starters and other things geared towards encouraging writing! Even if you don’t write something, show some support to those who do!             
                  HEADCANON THURSDAY! Don’t you just love what makes your muse your muse? We do!!! Headcanons is a new day we’re testing out!
                  DASH GAME FRIDAY! Another favorite of the week - dash game Friday! We’ll have plenty of games and quizzes to participate in and enjoy! 
                SHOWCASE DAY! We’ll be reblogging promos, dropping any other thing’s we’re @’d in here and more! It’s mostly a nice day to just take a good break! 
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meli-productions · 4 years
It’s A Date
Shortaki Week Day 7: Dance
Also on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25583053/chapters/62299228
The April Fool’s Dance had become a Hillwood schools staple regardless of the affairs that went down in its initial year.
Every year, Eugene and Rhonda would organize the dance to be just as prank-filled, but, as Rhonda would put it, ‘Shortaki shenanigan proof’. The first year, the two of them glanced at each other and blushed, blaming each other for such a christening.
Then every year after, it was just a matter of acceptance and keeping as far away from each other as they could during the course of the event.
This year, the year after their eventful and successful escapade to San Lorenzo, was gonna be a little different.
“So…who are you going to the dance with, girls?” Rhonda asked the crowd of the girls during recess. When they all glanced at her, blinking with confusion or wonder, she sighed, “We’re sixth graders now. We need a date. I, of course, will make sure to be asked by someone fantastically cool.”
The rest of the girls just shared a look, both worried and thoughtful because, for once, Rhonda was making sense.
Rhonda hmmed, “And so I ask again, who are you going to the dance with?” 
And with a finality in her tone, Rhonda set off a wave of panic through the playground. A broken dam of crackling voiced boys coming up to eligible girls and asking them to the dance before they were taken away. Girls who would primp and preen hoping to be swept up and not be left in the metaphorical dust.
Some were easy pairings without much of an ask to the name - Gerald who with a nudge and a whisper into Phoebe’s ear had gotten a nod, or Harold who nervously sidled up to Patty that rolled her eyes and muttered a quiet ‘duh’.
Some were back and forths - Curly begging Rhonda to accept as she went from Lorenzo, to Peapod Kid, to anyone else that’d be willing to ask her before she accepted the pleads from the persistent suitor. 
And, of course, there was everyone’s favorite mystery. 
There was something making Arnold jumpy and it was starting to make Helga nervous, too. The two had met near the pier for their usual walk - away from the nosy prying eyes of their classmates. Phoebe and Gerald would be sure to dissuade any rumors of their whereabouts while the two enjoyed time together.
It was usually a relaxing moment, a time when their fingers could be allowed to twine together and their shoulders could bump in a friendlier way than when they were in the hallways of school. Sure, they were getting along a lot better in public - but this was a time where every wall could crumble and they could be their true selves. 
But today, there was a nervousness in Arnold’s posture, in the way his hands were wringing and refusing to even close the gap between the two of them. 
Alarms rang in Helga’s head and the snide voices that sounded too much like that of her father chimed in and said that this was it, that it had been fun while it lasted but that he no longer could pretend to like her - that it had just been a long-term thank you for saving his parents. 
“Arnold?” she asked, the cold hand of acceptance squeezing her throat. “I, um, couldn’t help but notice that you’re a little nervous.” 
The red that dashed across his face deepened, “I’ve been thinking - ”
Here it comes.
“Do you - do you think it’s too soon, or, I mean too much for us to - to go to the April Fool’s Dance together,” said Arnold, hand nervously scratching at the back of his neck. “I mean, we don’t have to go - or go together, I mean, we’ll probably go together anyway since Phoebe and -”
“Arnold,” Helga said, stopping him mid-rant. “Is that why you’ve been so nervous? Because of what Rhonda said?”
He gave her a wry grin and nodded. Then she laughed, straight from the belly, until she was bent over with the effort.
“Oh, Football Head, why didn’t you just talk to me?” she asked, between peals of laughter. “Besides, we’ve been ahead of the curve - we’ve already gone to dances as each other’s dates, heck, we’ve already kissed…multiple times. We don’t have to go together just because Rhondaloid wants us to act like grown-ups since we’re in ‘sixth-grade now’.”
Arnold looked pensive, a slow smile inching up his face, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“The real question is,” said Helga, straightening up now with a more serious glint in her blue eyes. “Do you want to go to the dance together?”
“Of course I do,” he said. “Do - do you?”
A laugh escaped, “Doi, Football Head - you still owe me from dumping me in the pool. Maybe this time we can tango for real. Who knows how it’ll end this time?”
Another blush graced the boy’s freckled face, “Then - it’s a date?”
“It’s a date.”
28 notes · View notes
Stark Spangled Banner One Shot: You Can’t Kid a Kiddo
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Intro: It’s April Fools’ Day…and Tony is out to play. Avengers, beware!
Warnings: Bad language, very mild smut...no one gets naked.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark 
A/N:This is written for @wkemeup​ ‘s  4K Writing Challenge. My prompt was dialogue- “I take zero responsibility for this…”
This takes place in the Stark Spangled Banner timeline in April 2015 just before the events of AOU. Steve and my OFC (Katie Stark- Tony’s sister) have been together for 2 years ish and are engaged at this point as well. There’s also another Easter Egg in here for me to set up another One Shot I’m working on...
You don’t have to have read SSB to understand or enjoy this but feel free to check them out if you so wish. Stark Spangled Banner, and the prequel Stark Spangled Man can both be found here on my Masterlist.
Please re-blog and send me comments/thoughts. That’s my jam!
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Steve’s hands were hot on Katie’s hips, gently gripping her bare skin just above her underwear, the top she was wearing riding up slightly. Her bare thighs were straddling his as he gripped her neck, pulling her down for a searing kiss, grinding up against her, the TV programme was long forgotten.
“You know…” he said, pulling back slightly to look at her, one of his hands tangling in the hem of the plaid button down she’d stolen from him to sleep in, as usual “Captain America doesn’t approve of theft.” “Captain America is an ass hole.” she grinned back “Stevie is my favourite.”
He gave a chuckle and leaned back against the sofa cushions, looking at her for a second “How did I get so lucky?” he asked, reaching up to tuck her long hair behind her ears. She smiled at him, her cheeks slightly flushed.
“What’s brought this on?” she asked, her hands sliding up his chest, resting on his shoulders, fingers gently playing with the collar of his polo shirt.
“Nothing.” he said, “Just seeing you before, today, with that reporter, just reminded me about how fierce...” he pressed a kiss to her lips “and loyal…” another kiss “and downright sexy you are when you’re angry…”
“He was a dick.” she mumbled, against his lips, her eyes narrowing slightly as she pulled back to look at him, his fingers gently tracing the outside of her thighs “I mean, it’s not like we haven’t already launched the publicity campaign already…”
“Well it’s big news.” he smiled up at her.
“Of course it will, it’s Harlan Thrombey…” she shrugged “His books are huge!”
“Did you ever get to the bottom of why he’s reached out to SIP to run the next one when he has his own publishing company?” “Oh something to do with his Son annoying him and needing to be taught not to take things for granted.” Katie shrugged “I can ask him that in October when we meet him to go over the final edit and discuss the covers and stuff… but that’s by the by. That ass-hat reporter should have been at the press launch like everyone else, not trying to accost us when we went out for lunch. And what the fuck has whether we’ve set a wedding date got to do with it anyway? Nosey bastard.”
Steve chuckled at her rant and looked at her, his eyes shining. “We haven’t set one though.”
“Yeah well, we’ve kinda had a bit going on.” she said, “Maybe once all this business with the sceptre is sorted we can think about it.” Steve sighed “I know, it’s taking a little longer than we hoped.”
“Well it’s only the end of March.” she shrugged “I’ve always wanted a summer wedding so it’s not…”
She trailed off and Steve saw her eyes widen and her mouth dropped open as she looked at him. “Oh shit…”
“Kitten, what is it?” he frowned.
“It’s the 31st March…” she looked at him, swallowing. Steve felt the colour draining from his face "Crap." The reason for their horror was simple. Because, forget Christmas or Thanksgiving, April Fools’ Day was Tony Stark's favourite time of year, as his long suffering sister could testify. When she was a kid, Tony had done the usual stuff. Flour in her talc, washing up liquid in her shampoo, paper shapes of bugs (never spiders though, he wasn't that cruel) in lampshades so when she turned the lights on she'd think she had a huge cockroach in there, that type of stuff. But, as she matured so did the pranks. At one time whilst she had been at the tower for a meeting JARVIS sent her an alert that someone had slashed her tyres in the carpark. She had sprinted outside to see photos of Slash from Guns and Roses struck to the side of her tyres. Another year Tony had hacked her StarkPhone and Laptop and changed the language to Chinese. Of course she couldn't read fucking Chinese to change it back. When she found an agent in SHIELD who did and he reversed it for her, within 30 seconds it had flicked over to Russian. And when she fixed that it became Swedish and so on and so on... Steve had also been the butt of a few pranks since he had known Tony. In 2013 he had fallen for the old toothpaste Oreo trick when a box had arrived for him allegedly from the cookie company themselves after Steve had been papped eating a packet. That had nearly made him sick. And then last year there had been the none stop phone calls asking for Franklin. Every time it was someone different and Steve was getting more and more frustrated as to who exactly Franklin was and why people thought he was on his number. Then, as he and Katie had been on the sofa making out, he'd gotten one last call…
"Leave it..." she said, her hands in his face turning her back to look at him. He kissed her again, hands sliding up the side of her torso, grinding his crotch down onto hers making her purr with delight as her hands strayed to the buckle of his belt, soft fingers gently skimming his abs as she made to undo it, his tongue tangling ferociously with hers as he gave a soft moan of pleasure... But his phone was going again. Katie sighed as he dropped his head to her chest, mumbling a curse. "Unless that’s a Code Red, you can tell whoever it is to fuck off." she said with a frustrated growl, her head flopping back against the cushion as he reached over and answered it, still led over her. "Rogers..." he said sharply. It was another unknown number, but not an unknown voice. "Hi this is Frankin!" Tony greeted him Steve let out a growl of frustration as he realised he had been had. "Have there been..." pause as the inventor laughed "I'm sorry, have there been any calls for me?" "Tony I swear to god!" he spat through gritted teeth as the inventor cackled and hung up. "Your brother is a dick." he looked down at Katie, shaking his head. "Well yeah, I know that…" Katie looked up at her boyfriend "What did he just do?" "Those calls I’ve been getting all day. Asking for Franklin?" He looked at her and she nodded "it was him."
She paused and then let out a laugh “Ok, to be fair, that’s a pretty good one…” “I hate him.” he mumbled, dropping his head back to her chest.
She chuckled again, and ran her fingers through his hair. “Hey, Stevie…wanna get him back?" “How?” Steve queried, propping himself up on his elbows, looking at her.. “Call him...” she grinned, leaning up and nipping at his jaw line softly as he closed his eyes “Leave the phone on the table...” she bucked up under him, wriggling her hips, his trousers feeling uncomfortably tight  again “and let him listen to us make out”
Steve hadn’t done that, because, well frankly the thought of anyone listening to them wasn’t a great turn on in his books so Tony had gone another year of getting away with it.
Simply put, Tony was king of the pranks, and this year he had the entire team at the tower to torment. 
“We should warn the others…” Steve looked at her, and with a sigh she nodded. She untangled herself from him and straightened the legs on her denim shorts.
“JARVIS?” she asked.
“Yes Miss Stark…” “Where are the rest of the team?”
“Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton are in the Common Room.” he spoke “Thor is in his quarters as is Mr Stark and Dr Banner is in the Lab…”
“I’ll text Nat, Clint and Banner.” she said, nodding “Can you go see Thor…he doesn’t have a phone and I’m not asking JARVIS to do it in case Tony catches on…” Steve nodded “Yeah, I’ll pop down and see him now.” Giving her a quick kiss he straightened his pants slightly and headed towards the hidden elevator, selecting the right floor. Thor and Clint shared one of the highest floors in the tower, both preferring to be higher up, closer to the roof but it was still below their’s. Exiting the elevator, he turned left and knocked on the door.
“Captain?” Thor answered and stepped back. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” “It’s not strictly pleasure I’m afraid Thor…” Steve sighed “I’m hear with a warning.” “A warning?” he frowned.
“Yeah, you got five minutes? It’s gonna take some explanation.”
***** Tony was giggling to himself as he put the final touches to the last of his pranks, before closing the door to the Lab and heading back to his floor. None of the team were up yet, it was ridiculously early, but the early bird catches the worm and all that. Fuck Killian and his second mouse bullshit. He had been toying with setting it all up the previous evening but he didn’t trust Kiddo and Spangles not to do some kind of recon mission before they went to bed. 
“What have you been doing?” Pepper mumbled to him as he walked back into their dark bedroom.
“Nothing…” he said, with a grin, leaning down to give her a peck.
“Bullshit.” Pepper mumbled against his lips. “It’s April Fools Day…” “Is it?” he said, innocently and she rolled her eyes “JARVIS?”
“Yes Sir?”
“Hey buddy, I need you to set up an alert for me for today. If anyone goes into my office, or the garage, or anywhere in the tower messing with my equipment I wanna know about it.”
“Of course Sir.”
Tony grinned as he headed into the bathroom for a shower. “Game on, Avengers...” 
Prank 1.
Steve was the first victim. He and Katie were making their way, cautiously, down to the large meeting room where they were all due to congregate to look over the plans of an abandoned British prison they suspected of being a Hydra base. They made sure to check round each corner before they walked round it, checking up high, low, everywhere.
But there was no avoiding this prank.
Steve pressed his palm to the Biometric Pad on the meeting room door and the pair of them gave a loud yell and a jump as their ears were assaulted by a sudden chorus.
“Who's strong and brave here to save the American Way? Who vows to fight like a man for what's right, night and day?”
“Oh for fucks sake…” Steve groaned as he pulled open the door, the song echoing through the PA system.
“Who will campaign door to door for America? Carry the flag shore to shore for America? From Hoboken to Spokane? The Star Spangled Man with a plan!”
Clint and Natasha were stood, poised at the table, both wearing identical looks of astonishment on their faces. They turned to Katie and Steve as they walked into the room, the song still playing.
“We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win! Who'll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons from Berlin?”
“I’m assuming this means Cap is the first of us to fall victim to Stark?” Clint asked, his lips quirking into a smile.
“Who will indeed lead the call for America? Who'll rise or fall, give his all, for America?”
“Please tell me it isn’t going to go through a full rendition…” Steve sighed, dropping into a chair.
“Who's here to prove that we can? The Star Spangled Man with a plan!”
Silence. The 4 of them waited with bated breath, but thankfully it had stopped.
“Just the first two verses…” Katie said, sitting next to him. “Suppose we should be grateful.” “Kiddo, you’re as much of a sneak as Tony…” Clint looked at her, as Thor walked into the room. “How come you’ve never managed to get him back?”
“He’s too smart.” she sighed, “I’ve tried and tried before. It doesn’t help that he has JARVIS either, watch this…JARVIS?”
“Yes Miss Stark?”
“Has my brother got an alert going for you to warn him if we try and prank him?” “I couldn’t possibly comment Miss Stark, on whether or not your brother has an alert set up to warn him if you attempt to tamper with any of his equipment…”
Normally she would chuckle at the AIs tone but she was too frustrated with her brother and the seeming lack of loopholes in any of his instructions she could exploit. She leaned back in her chair and gave a huff “See?”
“I could just shock him with some lightning?” Thor suggested
“Think that’s a little harsh.” Steve sighed. 
“See if you still think that by the end of the day when every time you open a door that song starts.” Natasha looked at him.
“What, you think…” Steve looked at her and then gave a groan. “It’s not just gonna be the one door is it?”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office cackled. “Of course it isn’t just one door…” _______
Prank 2.
Bruce was sincerely hoping that whatever inevitable prank Tony was going to pull on him that the Billionaire had been sensible enough not to shock him so far that the Hulk erupted. Bruce had a pretty good hold on him, so he wasn’t too worried but still, you never know.
He made it to his lab in one piece, opened the door and stopped dead.
In front of him on the floor, for about 2 metres square were cups of water. And they were positioned hat close together that there was no space for him to step over in any direction without them spilling all over the floor. Which meant he couldn’t get into the room. Had it been anyone else, they would probably have simply kicked them over, but not Bruce. He was always paranoid about the liquid seeping through the floors and down onto the machinery which looked after the Iron Legion. 
So if he was going to get into the lab, he was going to have to move them one cup at a time. 
“Damned you Tony!” he said with a loud, exasperated sigh “JARVIS? I need a bucket…”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office cackled. “Good luck finding one Brucey…”
Prank 3.
“I don’t think there’s much else to go on…” Steve sighed as the rest of the team finished looking over the plans “We need to get out there and do a recon really.“
“We prepping for another mission then, Cap?” Clint looked at him. Steve took a deep breath and nodded.
“I don’t think we have an alternative.” 
“Ok, well, if we get everything ready we can go at first light tomorrow.” Natasha suggested “I’ll get onto the British Authorities, let them know we’re planning on coming.” “Get Hill onto it” Katie suggested “She’ll go through the UN.”
With that an alert sounded on her phone and she looked down at it. “I gotta go take a conference call but I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Steve nodded to her as she stood up and left the room. She made it to her office, safely and swung the door open, pausing just to make sure nothing fell from the door frame. She darted through, took a look round and everything seemed to be in order.
Suspecting Tony of most likely sabotaging her computer or screen, she sat down on her chair and a loud horn sounded causing her to scream and involuntarily he entire body jumped, and her chair toppled backwards. She went with it, arms and legs flailing and she hit the floor with a crash.
After taking a moment to sort herself out she stood up, and looked at the bottom of her chair. There was an Airhorn strapped to the main leg which mean as soon as she had sat down, it would push the handle causing it to sound.
“I know you’re watching this you fucker!” she yelled, spinning round to the CCTV camera and flicking it off “I hate you!”
_____ Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office cackled. “Nice fall Kiddo…”
Prank 4.
Given that there was nothing else to do, Natasha decided to head to the gym, as she did every Tuesday morning, to practice Pilates. It was a routine she tried not to break as it helped her keep supple and relax. Katie sometimes joined her, and surprisingly so did Steve. He said it helped keep his mind clear. 
She knew that the routine made her an easy target for one of Stark’s pranks, but she was damned if he was going to catch her out. She was one of the world’s best spies, no way was he going to get her with some stupid, childish trick.
She entered the room and glanced up and around, checking the corners, you name it. Satisfied that no one was going to jump out at her, and even if they did, she’d floor them- more fool you, Stark, she leaned up against the bench and stretched her legs out.
“Who's strong and brave here to save the American Way? Who vows to fight like a man for what's right, night and day?”
She spun to see Steve shaking his head as he made his way into the room in his gym gear
“You joining me or hitting the bag?” she asked as they both tried to ignore the song as it continued ringing from the speakers.
“Joining you if that’s ok?” he said, “I went for a run this morning so…” “Sure.” she nodded, and as the song finally stopped they made their way to the store cupboards, picking out their mats. Natasha picked her favoured one, and lay it down on the floor.
As soon as she stepped on it there was a loud popping noise, like a gun going off, and she jumped backwards, dropping to the floor by instinct. 
“Nat…” Steve said, a smile tugging at his lips “It’s ok, it’s not a gun.” Angrily she stood up, stalked over to the mat and pulled it up off the floor. She examined it a little before she gave a snort.
“Bastard!” she exclaimed, slipping her hand into a small, almost invisible hole on the underside. She pulled out a tiny little firecracker, the type that kids used to throw on the floor in front of someone to make a loud bag. “He’s filled my mat with these!” 
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office cackled. “Even Super Spies get fooled, Romanoff…”
Prank 5 and 6.
Later that day the team met in the common room for lunch. Steve already had a headache from that damned song following him every time he opened a door, Katie was sporting quite a sore elbow after falling harshly on the floor, Bruce was pissed as it had taken him a good hour to get rid of the cups of water, and Natasha was seething at the fact she’d been caught out too.
“I don’t know how you’ve put up with it for your entire life.” Clint said to Katie as he opened the fridge, pulling out a can of his favoured Dr Pepper. He grabbed a glass and a few ice cubes, the way he always like his soda and walked over to where they were all sat on the sofas with various lunch items on the coffee table. He poured the soda into the glass and set it on the table.
“Yeah well, you better be careful.” Katie said “You too Thor, there’s no way he hasn’t set one up for you both.” “I am mighty Little Stark.” Thor grinned, nursing a plate of his favoured chocolate and sugar covered strawberries he had snaffled from a tray in the fridge “it will take more than…” “SHIT!” Clint exclaimed, and with a loud yell they all jumped back as the soda in his glass was exploding over the top with such veracity it was showering them all in the sticky drink. As Steve and Natasha headed to grab some paper towels, Katie marched over to the freezer and yanked out the ice dispenser tray.
“He’s put fucking Mentos in the ice cubes!” she said with a shake of her head. “Jesus Christ…” “You gotta hand it to him.” Bruce sighed, wiping his glasses off on his shirt 
“I’d like to hand it to him.” she mumbled, “with my fist closed.” Thor gave a chuckle and popped a strawberry in his mouth, before he gave a grimace, gagged and spat it back out onto the plate.
“That’s…” he stood up, nearly pushing Steve over in his attempt to get to the sink. 
Katie watched him as he grabbed a glass of water and filled it from the tap. 
“What...” Natasha looked at Bruce who was examining a piece of the fruit, holding it in front of his nose.
“Salt…” Thor mumbled as he rinsed his mouth out “It isn’t sugar, its salt. He put salt on my Chocolate Sugar Fruit!”
Tony, watching the events unfold on the display in the safety of his office cackled. “Ice Ice baby... not so mighty after all Thunder God.”
“We have to get him back…” Natasha grumbled as they all sat in Katie and Steve’s apartment, having retreated to the relative safety as their living quarters were the one place there was no CCTV, and Katie had the authority to banish JARVIS from earwigging. (Tony had learnt that lesson one day after hearing something he really didn’t want to hear…)
“Believe me I’ve tried.” Katie sighed “And you heard J before, anyone tampers with his equipment and…” She stopped dead. That was it. That was the loophole. With a smirk she looked round the assembled faces. Steve arched an eyebrow at her, he knew that look very well.
“What you thinking?” he asked and she grinned at them all.
“Ok, listen up.” she said, leaning forward. “I have an idea...”
They listened attentively, Clint and Natasha sharing a grin as she outlined her plan whilst Thor slapped his thigh with glee. Steve leaned back in his chair and looked at Banner who was also smiling ear to ear.
“That might just work.” The Doctor said “It’s a pretty good loophole, and we have the stuff in the lab so…” “I’ll need a distraction.” Katie said, “something that’s gonna draw Tony out of his office for long enough for me to do it but…” “That’s easy.” Thor said, “I’m sure I can cause a good deal of noise in the Training Facility, break a few things with my hammer…”
“Fry something.” Steve said, looking round “If you do that then JARVIS won’t be able to fix it remotely, Tony’s gonna have to get his hands dirty.”
“You all know what you’re doing?” Katie grinned as everyone nodded. “Ok, Avengers, let’s do this…“
Operation Payback.
Tony heard the bang seconds before JARVIS spoke
“Mr Stark…”
“What the hell was that?”
“There’s been an incident in the Training Suite.”
“Course there has…” Tony rolled his eyes in exasperation at how stupid they thought he was. He wasn’t falling for a distraction like that. “Where is everyone?” “Miss Stark, Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton are in the shooting range.” Jarvis informed them. Doctor Banner was in his lab, although it appears he is now making his way down to the Training Facility to find out what’s going on. Captain Rogers is already there as is Thor.”
“What’s the incident?”
“It appears Thor has struck the speakers and the access pad with a bolt of lightning.” JARVIS replied “I’m currently assessing the damage but as a result he is locked in. And he isn’t happy.” Tony gave an exasperated groan and pushed his chair from his desk. “Suppose I best go see if I can help…remember what I said, anyone comes in here and tampers with my equipment…” “Of course, Sir…”
When Tony arrived Thor was kicking the door to the training facility, waving his hammer irately.
“Thor!” Steve was stood by the glass, attempting to calm him down. “Don’t buddy, we’ll get you out of there…” “I can get myself out…” Thor blazed, raising his hand and Tony blanched at the fact Thor was threatening to send his hammer straight through the wall. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for the walls and glass to get damaged but they’d only just had it replaced after Steve and Thor had been practicing using Steve’s shield and Mjolnir to cause an outwards blasting shockwave. 
“What’s going on?” Tony asked, and Steve spun to him shooting him a glare.
“I’ll tell you what’s going on…” Thor roared “That infernal song…”
His hammer crackled ominously again and Tony looked back to Steve.
“He was fed up of hearing Star Spangled Man With A Plan ringing out every goddamned time I opened a door.” Steve folded his arms “So he lost his temper. And I can’t say I blame him.” “We’ve talked about this.” Tony looked at Thor “You need to use your words buddy…” “Words, I’ll give you more than words, Stark!” Thor roared “Now get me out of here!”
“JARVIS?” Tony asked, looking at the pad on the door. “Damage report?”
“The Circuit is completely fried Sir.” JARVIS said “I cannot access or override, you will need to do it manually.”
“Great…” Tony mumbled “Let me just go get my tools from the lab.” Mumbling to himself he set off down the corridor and once he was gone, Thor grinned and tossed his hammer in the air as he gave Steve and Banner the thumbs up before he caught it expertly again in his right hand.
“Good job!” Steve nodded with a smile as he pulled his phone out and dialled Katie quickly. “You’re up.” 
It took Tony roughly 30 minutes to replace the wires and unlock the door. Thor stormed out, pushed him harshly in the chest before he left down the corridor.
“Guess they don’t have April Fools’ day on Asgard.” Tony mumbled, rubbing at the front of his shirt.
“To be honest Tony, it’s pretty annoying.” Bruce sighed “Can you at least turn it off now, I mean its almost 2 in the afternoon.” “Yeah I suppose…” Tony sighed, before he grinned “it was a pretty good one though, right.” “Hilarious.” Steve deadpanned, his hands falling to his belt buckle. Tony flashed him a grin and a shrug before he gathered up his tools and made his way back down the corridor.
“Yes Sir.”
“Turn off Prank Spangles will you, before anyone else breaks more of my tower.”
“Right away Sir.” “And I’m assuming from the lack of contact no one’s been in my office tampering with my equipment?” “That’s correct sir.” “Today has been a good day.” Tony grinned to himself.
Once he was back in his office he sat down at his chair, and went through his emails quickly. He absentmindedly scratched at his beard, which felt a little dry to be honest. But he hadn’t oiled it since that morning. Reaching into his drawer he grabbed the small bottle, tipped a good amount onto his hand and spread it across the expertly groomed whiskers before he continued with his work. It took him a few hours but he cleared his inbox and then decided it was time to face the music. Heading down to the common room he found the rest of the team lounging in front of the TV. They were watching Kitchen Nightmares. 
“S’up Kids?” he asked and none of them looked at him. “Ok, alright, I know…sorry if I pranked you but if I buy takeout will that make you forgive me?”
No answer.
“Oh come on!” Tony said, crossing the room, sinking into a spare arm chair. “I’ll get Thai…"
The team exchanged glances before Bruce gave a sigh. He was always the one to cave first, the mild mannered Scientist found it hard to stay outwardly angry, which was ironic when anyone thought about it.
“To be fair, that trick with the water was pretty clever.” he shrugged.
“Yeah, and I suppose the salt strawberries were a little amusing.” Thor said, looking at Katie.
She shrugged, her feet resting in Steve’s lap as he was gently running his fingers up and down her calf.
“Oh come on Kiddo…”  Tony sighed, flopping onto an arm chair.  
“Payback’s a bitch…and so are you.”  she said simply, still not looking at him.
“You’ve never managed to get me back yet.” Tony snorted.
At that point he noticed that Natasha and Clint exchanging smirks. 
“Nothing.” Clint said, shaking his head.
“I like your beard” Thor said, grinning “I have always admired how you keep it so neat and groomed. Maybe I should trim mine the same way.” Tony frowned. “Oh is this the part where you pin me down and shave it?” he rolled his eyes “You know I can call my suit to me in like 5 seconds flat.” “We know.” Steve said simply, looking at him. Tony’s frown deepened. The way the Captain’s blue eyes were shining with mirth made him uncomfortable.
He looked round as 6 pairs of eyes were all completely focussed on him now before Katie cracked up laughing.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…I can’t hold…” her laughter grew more and more as she threw her head back against the arm of the sofa “You look ridiculous…” Tony frowned and without a word stood up from the chair and made his way to the bar to glance in the mirrored surface between the shelves.
Oh. Holy. Jesus.
His goatee. His beautiful goatee...was blonde.
He spun round and the rest of the guys in the room cracked up laughing. Steve had his head thrown back, right hand clutching at his chest as Katie wiped tears from her face whilst Natasha doubled over on her seat. Besides her Clint slapped his thigh, his chuckles loud.
“What…how…” Tony spluttered, looking again at his reflection, before he glared back at the group.
“Slipped a little peroxide in your beard oil…” Katie managed to stutter between laughs, Thor’s loud rumbles continued, punctuated every now and then by a snort from Banner.
“JARVIS!” Tony roared “I told you to tell me if anyone went into my office, or the garage, or anywhere in the tower messing with my stuff…” "I take zero responsibility for this...sir” The AI responded “And I believe your instruction was to alert you if anyone entered your office or the garage or anywhere in the tower and messed with your equipment. Technically Miss Stark didn't touch your equipment, only your Male grooming product. I believe they exploited a loophole.” That made the group laugh even harder as Tony went bright red, spluttering obscenities at JARVIS. Eventually he calmed down and sighed, before he glanced at his sister.
“You know I’m almost proud…” he said, shaking his head. “Almost…”
Katie gave him a wink in response. “You know what they say…you can’t kid a kidder, or in this case Kiddo…”
Tony gave a groan which turned into a resigned chuckle. He could always dye it back...
Yes, April Fools’ day was still Tony Stark’s favourite time of year.
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Unfortunately, I can't choose what to do this about, and I'm really bad with actual writing, so please enjoy the random ideas I'll be writing down instead!
1. Why isn't anyone singing?
I don't know if it's my class that's weird, or their class, but my class involves a lot of singing. Walk into class in the morning? Someone is singing Young, Dumb and Broke. In the middle of math class? Three people start rapping 100 degrees. The teacher has gone? Someone is singing Yellow Hearts while pretending to play basketball.
Which means I need an AU where everyone sings in E-3
Most people like Okuda, Chiba, and Hayami prefer to stay quiet
However there are still many shameless people who will sing in the middle of class with no warning
Once they were all really tired out during P.E and Maehara started singing 10 000 hours to Isogai and it gave them energy and motivation to continue
During a math review Yoshida, Muramatsu, and Terasaka all panicked and sang Yellow Hearts together
The first time Kurahashi went to a haunted house at an amusement part with the others, she got really scared and started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Karma and Gakushu definitely had a karaoke battle once
There was this one time when some of the boys started singing Don't Start Know in English class, which lead to the girls joining them, and by the time the lesson was over everyone was singing and Irina was playing along on the keyboard
Honestly the class feels like living in a musical
Math class: *Stressed parody of Roxanne but in math*
There is no way to get them to shut up
On Valentines day Karma and Nakamura sang Can You Feel The Love Tonight every time a ship interacted 
They once had a science test about the elements of the periodic table and Itona had a hard time with it. About 5 minutes after it had eneded, he was seen singing the Periodic Table Song without trouble
2. Parent-Teacher-Student conferences
At my school we call it SLC, and while everyone hates it, the school day before it happens is always pretty funny, because we get to see everyone else go through the SLC Simulation. Sounds dramatic, but in reality it's just that someone will be chosen to pretend to be doing the conference, while two other students pretend to be their parents. It's somehow hilarious. I want E class to do it.
Koro-sensei, like the shipper he is, puts together couples as the parents and another person as the child
Which led to some amusing combinations
Nagisa and Kayano. A normal set for pretending to be parents, until Koro-sensei made Karma be the kid
Which was hilarious because he towered over both of them and that Nagisa and Kayano, two of the sweetest ever, have to pretend that this tall, chaotic demon is their kid
Terasaka and Hazama were paired up with Itona as the child
Unsurprisingly, nothing changed, and Koro-sensei congratulated them on being very good pretend parents
Chiba and Hayami, the quiet, deadly snipers
With cheerful cinnamon roll child Kurahashi
Koro-sensei tries to set up Nakamura and Sugaya, and they just kinda stare at each other awkwardly
"Can we get a divorce?" "Yeah, let's get a divorce." "Cool, Mimura, you're the mom now,"
That's all I have to say why is this one so short
3. Just some random incorrect quotes I guess.
Kayano, at the back of the class: *reading the board* If you are feeling bread at home-
Karma: It says "bored"
Kayano: That actually makes a lot more sense now
*AU where Nagisa comes from a fantasy world and Karma and Nakamura are showing him around the modern world*
Nagisa: *Pointing at a vending machine* How do they heat up the milk? Is there a pot inside?
Nakamura: When you insert a coin and press a number, a person inside this machine will heat the drink and serve it.
Nagisa: Seriously?
Nakamura: You have to stay in that small space day and night and serve drinks to people.
Nagisa: Gosh, this isn't...
Nakamura: Now do you finally see how scary capitalism can be?
Karma: So tell me. Do you want warm milk?
Nagisa: No. I won't drink it.
Nagisa: *tearing up* it must be hard working in that small space to begin with.
Karma and Nakamura: *trying not to laugh*
Nagisa: *knocking lightly on the vending machine* Thank you for your hard work
Mimura: Hey, did you know that the color red is supposed to make us excited?
Okajima: That’s why a lot of fast food restaurants have red in their logos, right?
Sugaya: Is that why vampires think blood is appealing?
Mimura and Okajima: WAIT IS IT-
*Karma and Nagisa sharing a chair*
Karma: *sits up side down on the chair, his feet leaning against the back of the chair and his head on the floor*
Nagisa: *perched on the back of the chair without a problem, talking/staring at Karma*
Karma: Nagisa don't smell my socks-
Kayano: *tearing up as she eats her spicy KFC*
Karma: *approaches with his nerf gun*
Nakamura: *approaches with her phone, filming what's happening*
*the day before Itona's birthday*
Muramatsu: Guys tomorrow it's Itona's birthday and all the bakeries are closed
Terasaka: Muramatsu, go make a cake. Yoshida, go pick him up, later we can decorate at my house.
Hazama: This won't end well. Count me in.
*the next day*
Terasaka, Muramatsu, Yoshida and Hazama: *show Itona a misshapen cake covered in chocolate sprinkles* Happy birthday.
Itona: *tears up silently* I Will Treasure This Forever
Yeah, not much or good funny content from me, I'm not very funny when I'm trying to be. Hope you enjoyed it anyway ❤
Please tell me what you think, I love feedback!
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