deanandrews · 6 years
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deanandrews · 6 years
ella andrews »
It had been one of those days. They seemed to come fewer and far between these days, but they still came, and when they did they came fast and hard. This time it had been something so simple. A little boy with a sweet smile, about the age her Abel had been at the time of his passing, had approached her at the mall about something trivial and she couldn’t speak, she froze, just standing there staring. The encounter had left her feeling sullen and needy and…alone if she were being honest. 
For the past ten minutes she’d been sitting in her car staring at her phone, trying to find the words to say something coherent to Dean, but they never came so instead she decided to get in her car and drive around the city for an hour and if she hadn’t shaken the feeling by then, she’d just go to his place. It was a quarter past ten in the evening when she landed on his doorstep. She took a deep breath as she knocked on the door and when he finally appeared, the words still hadn’t came, but she imagined he would just know. “Hey, is this a bad time?”  @deanandrews
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               After a long day that started early, east coast time to speak with a client, Dean got home late due to another grueling meeting that took place later in the day and extended way too far into the evening. When he needed to rid himself of stress, he ran, and that was the first thing the real estate developer tasked himself with upon arriving home. Then it was a shower and looking through his collection of wine for something heavy to accompany whatever dinner he could muster. The doorbell sounding had made him jump slightly and soon his bare feet took him to the door.
Seconds later he was face to beautiful face with his ex wife. “It’s never a bad time for you, El,” he said, reaching out gently for her arm and bringing her inside. He always knew by the way her shoulders were set if something was wrong, or bothering her, but tonight he also saw a little something in her eyes in the dim porch lighting. “Come on, I’m just about to make dinner. Come sit while I slave over the stove. I also pulled out a bottle of cabernet.” Rather than let her go, Dean guided Ella along with him. Sometimes, or most of the time, he had a need to be close to her. That feeling was stronger than ever when knowing she’d had a hard day.
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deanandrews · 6 years
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deanandrews · 6 years
andie klein »
“She’s completely into you, Andrews.” Andie gently nudged his side before reaching out for the drink that the bartender had just refilled for Dean. “It’s only fair if you use your good looks and charm to make those around you happy.” She took the glass to her lips, taking down about half of the drink before setting it back down in front of him. “You could be everyone in this bars’ Robin Hood.”
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               “I’m not using anything, Andie. I’m just sitting here,” he gently pled his case. Her stealing his drink though told him that she wouldn’t listen and was more than happy to take advantage. “Besides, I’ve got other ways to make you happy that aren’t free alcoholic drinks.” Free— subjective since he would likely end up paying the bill despite never asking for the drinks to begin with. He chuckled and looked around until his blue orbs rested back on the blonde beside him. “You really think all these people in here are poor? Damn— what a jerk, Andie,” Dean teased.
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deanandrews · 6 years
scarlett lindel »
Scarlett caught Dean looking at her golden circle and so she nonchalantly, calmly covered it with the empty glass– making it look like something precious, kept under the glass bell dome. Safe, guarded, fortified. Hah, the irony. With a raised eyebrow, her gaze found him. “I’m just stating the facts. C’mon, you can’t tell me you’re not aware of just how handsome you are. You must’ve heard it a million times.” The brunette shrugged and picked up the glass; once again, she spoke as if it wasn’t her personal opinion but some universal, objective truth.
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”Thank you for the drink– oh, and I actually have two songs stuck. Lemon tree and Total Eclipse of the Heart,” at the mention of the latter, she returned her gaze to her ring. “Does it always have to end in a heartbreak?” Scarlett spoke freely as she assumed Dean was or had been in a similar situation– there was no need to pretend. At least tipsy Scarlett believed so.
               “I would challenge you to sound anymore personally disconnected to that statement,” Dean quietly and very briefly chuckled. He wasn’t truly effected and his tone had a tease to it to give that away. If anything he was a bit distracted by thoughts, curious why Scarlett covered the wedding band that tied her to her late husband under the glass. It seemed protective yet also— a clear distortion, and a strong metaphor. She was used to it by now; all these people on the outside looking in and weighing their judgments and options of her marriage and it’s end. Dean, at least, imagined that was the case. That’s what the glass spoke to him— you can look but you will not get a clear view, you can look but don’t touch. Only one last glance at the ring before his eyes rested on Scarlett.
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“You’re welcome,” he replied with a polite tip of his head. “I don’t know Lemon Tree— so what’s that one? Please don’t sing the other.” Dean chuckled to break the possibility of her noticing just how much he related. Her question brought out an audible sigh, which was followed by a nod. It wasn’t something he jumped to speak at, letting his silent response reach and wash over her first. “Always— there’s really no such thing as happy endings. I’m not saying that to live in the negative either. It’s just a fact of life— all things end, some hurt more than others and some leave incredibly deep scars.” He shrugged his thick shoulders and needed a another drink considering where his thoughts were headed. “Enjoy as much as you can while you can— it’s when you take things for granted that you’re totally fucked.”
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deanandrews · 6 years
louisa arias »
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“Okay, humor me please. I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday.” She nodded her head and continued, “yeah, I could hardly sleep last night because of it. Clearly I’ve been watching too much Buffy, and the possibility of people and things passing between dimensions. I’m not even stewing on that.” Louisa chuckled and paused for a sip of her drink. “What’s got my mind spinning is something like Narnia. Say you go into this other world, universe, dimension—whatever you wanna call it. I’m not trying to get technical here at all. But seriously, You end up in this other world, live out a full life, then end up coming back to the life you’re at today here when you return. How do you even go about living your life all over again?”
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               “I’m humoring you,” Dean said as he grinned a bit. To most, they likely seemed the oddest pairing of friends but unlike pretty much any young woman Louisa’s age that he’d come across, she didn’t mention the Kardashians or hardly talk about superficial things. Case in point— he hadn’t expected where she was going with her rambles but it turned out to be something interesting. “The worst part about that is— you don’t know how your life would have gone so you’ll likely just end up repeating the same mistakes unless what memories you have of living in that different dimension somehow steer you differently.” He shook his head, now a little too deep in thought. “I wouldn’t mind some do-overs though. How about you, Louisa?”
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deanandrews · 6 years
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deanandrews · 6 years
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               “I’m like a pregnant woman with these odd cravings,” Dean stated and glanced up from his menu. He and Maggie had been foodie buddies for a while, and one thing he’d learned through some traveling was just how much Portland had it going on in that department. “I want the chicken fried steak, but I also want a waffle.” It seemed too soon to mention he was feeling donuts for dessert on top of what would likely be an eclectic meal. “I’m not even going to ask if I should do it, I’m just going to do it. So let’s turn the focus off me and tell me how your boy Jamie is?” Dean had the ability now to fully talk about people’s kids and not get that sad and distant look in his eyes. The loss of his son was something that would always hurt, but ten years later he was carrying on better than he had been. It also helped that it wasn’t a subject he delved into— not talking about what he had lost helped him to move on. Maybe not in the healthiest of ways but at least now he could find joy in his friend’s children. “Also, what are you getting? You might spark some new ideas for me.” ━━ @margaretcarnahan
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deanandrews · 6 years
oscar elliot »
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“ Well, I don’t know maybe she had some sort of spell over you.” He joked as he looked at him smirking. “ Nope, I just think I just haven’t got lucky yet, but maybe I  need to hang around you more?” He replied as he took the drink sipping it. “ Maybe she is after something!”
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               “It takes a bit more than a few drinks to put me under,” Dean chuckled. In fact, he was weirdly beginning to think the reverse, that he had somehow managed to get the barmaid feeling some type of way even though they hadn’t exchanged hardly any words. “I don’t hit up bars often so soak it up and take all the luck you can get right now. Otherwise we’d have to schedule some time,” he half joked. “She might be, but I’m not leaving my number on a napkin.”
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deanandrews · 6 years
nija wright »
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“Um, doesn’t appear to be a thing, nope,” Nija replied, voice raised, empty glass in as the bar keep breezed right past her. Again. “At first I thought I was imagining things..I’m a tiny thing, ya know? I thought maybe they missed me standing here. But you can clearly see me standing here, right? Petite brunette, looking parched as hell? You’ve got to share your secret sauce with me, but do it quick? A girl  just might wither and up die from thirst around this place!”
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               “That’s what I’m questioning here,” Dean replied with a chuckle. “Of course I see you or I wouldn’t have started speaking with you.” He reached out and shifted the seat next to him and pat the top of it a couple times with his fingertips. “Have a seat— maybe that’s part of the problem is you’ve been too much in the background. In the meantime, have this—” Taking his fresh drink, he slid it in front of her. “That way you won’t wither up and die on us.” When the barmaid glanced back in his direction, he rose his hand from the bar top to call her over. “Be ready to fire out that order.”
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deanandrews · 6 years
gabby hess »
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“Pretty sure you’re special. Don’t think the rest of are getting any preferential treatment from her,” Gabby replied, holding up her empty glass. The refill she’d ordered ten minutes ago had yet to arrive. “Tell me, what’s your secret? How are you charming her? Teach me your ways,” she teased. “Help a girl out.”
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               “I’ll see what I can do, but here—” Dean moved his full and fresh drink in front of the brunette. “Why don’t you take this for now and we’ll see about getting you a fresh one of whatever you’ve been drinking.” He chuckled a little. “I’m wondering myself what the secret is. I’ve just been sitting here, although I think it might all come to a halt now that I’m talking with you.”
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deanandrews · 6 years
willa matthews »
It was only a few minutes before shift change, and Willa decided to spend these last few moments getting a drink of her own before she needed to hop behind the bar in her tiny jean shorts and make the patrons squirm in favor of a larger tip. “Oh honey,” she cooed, plucking a cherry off its stem with her teeth as she turned on her stool to face him. “Every time you come in here, the girlies start to swoon,” she smirked, stirring her drink. “But… even if you are hot, the most important thing to us is the cha-ching that rings in our heads with each refill. Not to say that Stacy over there would turn down your number if you offered it.”
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               “Every time?” Dean’s brow rose and he shifted a little to face the blonde a bit more. “Pretty sure I’ve not been in this bar in maybe a year, give or take,” he clarified, his own smirk painting onto his lips. “You clearly have me confused for someone else. Thanks for the compliment though.” His eyes moved away from her to the barmaid apparently named Stacy, watching her in consideration for a brief moment. “Is it considered a refill if I haven’t asked for one? Does Stacy not talk to her customers?”
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deanandrews · 6 years
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deanandrews · 6 years
nico sommerset »
        To look him dead on was exhilarating because when it was made clear he wasn’t seeing what it was she had,  that the whole idea of fun as he had pointed to just moments before could in fact be found at their fingertips— or in this case, the fun was all around the bar. She wasn’t purposefully vague, not today, not now, it was almost an exercise in recognizing the surroundings. To note and to bask. His response though made the corners of her lips upturn, a dizzying look (that possibly could be because he was so much taller than she was and the arch of her neck alone could cause such a chance sensation)and stabled even momentarily by sturdy hands. She had to move. 
       “Come on…come on.” using her head as a head start nod, she latched onto the fingers behind her in a wave of a motion that proved a bit tricky,  to lead out of their close confines at the bar into the wild of the setting behind them, “A or B, quick. Pick. End of the world quick…”
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               “What? Where are we going?” He let the tiny woman have control of his fingers as her digits wrapped around his own and took him by the hand to lead him out of his seat and away from the bar. Upon standing, his long and folded legs no longer in the way allowed the brunette to move more freely. Dean was a bit distracted in taking another look around the bar that she had pointed out to him before— wondering what he had missed. Even though he felt, or hoped, that she was on the verge of showing him the curiosity was impossible to avoid.
“I’ll go with Option B,” Dean answered quickly. There was no hesitation in the choice, the letter A was the same initial as his deceased son and despite the decade that had passed, there was no such thing as getting over something that went against the rules of nature. “Did I save the world from ending?” Dean asked with a forming grin, following her away from where they had been seated.
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deanandrews · 6 years
james nye »
His eyes followed the bartender as she brought Dean another refill, and followed her still as she walked away. James snickered. “Maybe someone keeps buying them for you. Or mybe she’s getting you wasted so you can’t drive home tonight. Maybe she’s hoping to take you home tonight,” James said, grinning widely. He raised his glass to his friend in a toast. “To your good fortune and good looks!”
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               “That’s a lot of maybes, Jimmy.” He chuckled a little, blue eyes moving from the male back to the barmaid, considering the options laid out by his friend. “Is it you? Are you the one secretly trying to buy me drinks? I have this distinct feeling you’re both in this together now.” The smirk that painted his lips soon parted as he laughed a bit and rose his glass. “Right on, and to you not taking me home tonight.”
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deanandrews · 6 years
landon parker »
“If there’s good home cooked food involved, I don’t know how anyone could be good at saying no. My colleague Florence makes the best damn ravioli I’ve ever had. She does some voodoo shit to the sauce that makes you wanna drink it.” Landon couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the tray of food he’d be greeted with at work tomorrow. It had become the small things that pleased him these days, and apparently pasta had become one of them. “I was told the appetizers were gone by 6pm, but by the looks of this place I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. I’m thinking I deserve a good burger right now.”
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               “Does she add vodka to it, or is it a little sweet? Almost orange rather than red?” Being the foodie he was, Dean’s questions came from a place of experience. He’d lost count of all the ravioli he’d tried from coast to coast. “I would say I missed home cooked meals but my ex-wife wasn’t much a fan of cooking and since being divorced I’ve especially picked it up in the kitchen.” At the news of appetizers being long gone, Dean’s jaw set and flexed out of annoyance on missing out on the only reason he stopped in. After shaking his head and letting out an expressive sigh of disappointment. “Well, are you hoping to get that out of someone here or do you want to just want to head out and we grab a bite somewhere?”
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deanandrews · 6 years
vincent chambers »
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“ if i didn’t know better, i’d say you’re not enjoying the attention she’s been giving you. “ vincent chuckled, nursing his wine closer to his chest while watching the people in the bar make small talk about the stupidest of things. he took a mouthful of his drink, turning his attention back to the other male. “ you know what they say, a glass a day is good for the heart. i’m not sure about a bottle a day but it can’t possibly be that bad. either way, i think you’re on the winning side, pal. ”
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               “I’d say you don’t know me at all then,” Dean returned with a sort of half smile. “—if you’re getting that impression.” His half smile remained at the male’s musings and he nodded in agreement. There wasn’t really anything to complain about unless he was left with a bill of drinks he didn’t order, though even then he would pay for them and be on his way. “I’m just wondering why? I guess I should stop that and just ask, but on some level it almost feels rude.”
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