deckkerstars · 4 years
Lucifer: I got you Netflix for your birthday
Trixie: aww hell yeah so I don’t have to share my account with maze anymore?
Lucifer: you wanted an account?
Trixie: ...yeah?
Chloe: lucifer what the fuck have you done
Lucifer: I may or may not have bought the entire company
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Chloe: I identify as morosexual, I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses only
Lucifer: hey I’m gonna test whether my wings are working by jumping out of the window and seeing if I fall to my death
Chloe, already taking off her clothes: you’re so fucking stupid I’m coming with you
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Lucifer: it’s nice to be wanted by someone :D
Chloe: that’s your face on a fucking wanted poster lucifer the FBI will literally shoot you on sight
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Lucifer, before meeting Chloe: when I die can you snort my ashes like cocaine
Maze: you’re fucking immortal
Lucifer, after figuring out that Chloe makes him mortal: so, ash cocaine?
Chloe: what the fuck
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Lucifer: ah yes, baguettes, the long snakes of bread. We’ll take two of your freshest yeasty eels, good sir
Baker: what the fuck
Chloe: please ignore him
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Chloe: you shouldn’t be using a plastic straw
Lucifer: I know, it’s bad for the environment
Chloe: ...no it’s just a weird way to eat spaghetti
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Chloe: jellyfish have survived 600,000 years without brains
Lucifer: a ray of hope for Dan
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Chloe: go fuck yourself
Lucifer: fuck me yourself coward
Chloe, choking on her drink: what
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deckkerstars · 4 years
in the case of anyone forgetting, pedophilia is not a fucking sexuality. a sexuality, by definition, is attraction to a certain gender or sex (or lack of either of those two things, i.e. agender, non-binary, demisexual, etc.) CHILDREN, therefore, are not a GENDER. pedophiles don’t need ✨support✨ and 🌈acceptance🌈, they need mental help or imprisonment. I said what I said and I won’t take it back. I see the occasional post trying to push the idea of ‘non-offending MAPs’, but that doesn’t erase the subject of adults! being attracted! to kids! it’s a mental illness and a crime, and anyone who tries to include ‘MAPs’ in the LGBTQ+ community is inherently homophobic. Why? Because if you think the two are interchangeable, you’re associating being gay with a fucking crime and it’s sickening. Take your views somewhere else because they sure as hell don’t belong here.
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deckkerstars · 4 years
I spent like 90% of my time as a twelve year old pretending to be a boy on roblox so that I could date other girls and it took me sEVENTEEN YEARS to figure out the fact that I wasn’t straight and that is THAT on internalised homophobia, bitch
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Lucifer: this is my ex-girlfriend, chloe
Chloe: I told you to stop calling me that
Lucifer: fine
Lucifer, turning back around: this is my wife chloe I guess
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Pierce: welcome to the ‘fuck lucifer’ support group, in which we gather every wednesday to collectively scream ‘fuck you, lucifer’ into the void
Chloe: so I may have misunderstood
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Chloe: babe do we have any cookies left
Lucifer: who needs cookies when I’ve got the sweetest thing right here in my arms
Chloe: did you eat the fucking cookies
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Pierce: are you google, because you’re everything I’m searching for
Chloe: are you Bing because you’re not actually what I’m searching for and you’re pretty useless, to be fair
Pierce: wait n—
Chloe: are you a software update because not right now
Pierce: chloe—
Chloe: are you a bra because you make me feel uncomfortable and I’d love if I didn’t have to walk around with you all the damn time
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Lucifer: Eve, I—
Eve: there’s no ‘I’, only ‘we’
Lucifer: I mean.
Lucifer: in that case, ‘we’... kissed chloe
Eve: well I guess we slept with maze too
Lucifer: oh—
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Lucifer: I’m getting a brain scan today
Maze: to check if you have one?
Lucifer, sarcastically: thank you so much for the concern and support
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deckkerstars · 4 years
Maze: Chloe doesn’t like animals in the house.
Pierce, standing there without any animals: uh—
Maze: that’s code for get off your fucking high horse, bitch
Trixie, from another room: hELL YEAH
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