deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
Net Neutrality is Dead and You Can Expect Your Internet to Change on April 23rd
Yeah, no, I’m cross-tagging because the lack of attention this is getting overall is pissing me off.
Ajit Pai killed Net Neutrality. You’ll start seeing the effects you were warned about on April 23rd. Oh, and he apparently got an award for Courage from the NRA gun nuts, too.
You can still help by calling your senators and representatives. We just need ONE MORE PERSON on our side to get the senate portion of Congress to overrule the FCC’s decision to kill net neutrality. The battle for the net won’t end there, but it’s a start. Go to battleforthenet to find out who your reps are and where they stand, and CONTACT THEM.
Twenty-three states are also suing the FCC for this. I haven’t looked into it yet, but I assume big businesses like Google and Amazon are as well. Nevertheless, we can’t rely on lengthy lawsuits alone. The changes to your internet start in less than two months. We don’t have a whole lot of time.
Blow this up. Contact your reps. Please, do something! We HAVE to get the decision overruled!
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
Summoned to Another World Starters
From those who were summoned, to those who did the summoning, and the people in between. Great for cross overs or AUs! Feel free to adjust things as needed to fit your character’s voice. 
“Where… Am I?”
“And I dreaming?”
“This is a different world… Right?”
“Looks like I’m not in Kansas any more…”
“I don’t know where I am! One moment i was at ( location ) and then the next thing I know I’m here! What is going on?!”
“But what about my friends, my family my home?!”
“I want to go back! Send me home!”
“I’m not a hero.”
“This place has nothing to do with me.”
“Is that magic?! Real magic?!”
“Is this even edible…?”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to eat that.”
“I’ve never touched a weapon in my life!”
“I’m just an ordinary person…”
“Thank you! For you help that is… I’d be lost with out it.”
“Excuse me, can you tell me how far is it to ( city/country name )?”
“Wait… You mean there’s no cars? No planes? No trains?! No television?! How do you people live?!”
“It worked! It finally worked!”
“Please save us brave heroes!”
“Well… That wasn’t supposed to happen…”
“Welcome traveller to the world of ( name here )!”
“I’m sure you’re taken aback by your circumstances, but time is short here! We need your help!”
“We summoned you here using magic to save our race! Once you’ve defeated the Demon King you can return to your original world.”
“Your  home is here with us now.”
“If you’re not a hero then what are you!?”
“What do you mean you won’t help us?!”
“If my fault you’re here, so I’ll help you out until I can get you home.”
“I’ll do everything I can to get you back home, I promise!”
“We’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
“Are you alright?”
“You’re not from around here are you.”
“Your clothes are awfully odd…”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”
“Hmmmm, it seems like you hiding a pretty big secret but… That’s fine isn’t it? Everyone has things they don’t want to talk about.”
“how about this! You tell me about where you’re from, and I’ll teach you about living here. It’s a fair exchange right?”
“You’re from another world?!”
“Can you tell me what it’s like? Your homeland.”
“Here, use this to protect yourself.”
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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// SO - because im a bit of a lazy lil shit, and oughtta try coming back onto here, Like this post of you’d like to go about plotting something out?
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
// NAAAAAAAaaaauh
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// Hi, im here, ive got a problem with running multiple blogs it seems, whoopsies
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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Animated Dulse! I’m still learning how to animate, I’m getting better at it.
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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Ah! I’m dead! Now I should do the other members of the URS! The step by step gif is avaible on my patreon.
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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She could see the concerned look on the visible part of his face, a frown coming to her’s as she shook her head. “I haven’t seen her since yesterday when we regrouped, nor heard from her. Do you think she could be hurt somewhere?” Flaming bird? She’d never seen something fitting that description; all the more reason why Zossie could have gone after it, it was new.
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               °☆ – HIS FROWN IS HARSHER THAN USUAL,  a sense of seldom heard uneasy lacing his voice as he approaches his fellow team member.   ❝ —— Soliera,  do you know the whereabouts of Zossie?  I lost track of her at Wela Volcano Park after she caught sight of a flaming bird Pokemon  &  bolted after the creature.  I fear her suit’s tracker  &  communications link may be damaged. ❞
@deepbluehued  ||  a lil starter call !!
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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Le gasp. “Ohhh what a cute and pretty thing!” Fluffy white fur, and such vibrant eyes...Pokemon were awful beautiful.
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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“Why is there so much red everywhere?”
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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New Ultra Recon Squad edition for New year
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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“Pardon, but what would you call these fruits?” She’s got a leaf full of colorful, bizzaro berries; Grepa, Persim, Sitrus, and Pamtre to name a few. “Do any of them have ‘other effects’ in battle, as I’ve heard?”
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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for SwiggySwoody @ dA! ✨🌀🌟
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
soliera with her furfrou, reevaluating her life as she counts how many beast balls she lost to it
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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stars remember stars above below before the coldest hunting ground then called !seduced! !ensnared! a symbiote afloat our everhungry home nestled nested now in cedars cast down the benighted i will be their dragon soar and slaughter scratch in blood the memory of stars
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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deepbluehued-moved · 7 years
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The darling.. The dearest.. The sweetie…
Zossie is the best and I love her , please treat her good.
dont tag as kin/me
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