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When I was seven, I was alone with our very gentle and well behaved boxer. I was petting her face and put my face close to hers and she aggressively nipped my face. It scared the shit out of me. At that moment, I sat up and said “okay a lesson was learned here, not doing that again.” My parents always taught me about respecting animals’ space and I never told them what happened cuz I didn’t want them to be mad at Emma. But yeah, domesticated, trained animals are still animals that need to feel safe and comfortable.
My friends are having babies.
And putting their babies very close to their dogs. Too close.
Their babies are being babies - screaming at things, grabbing, touching anything near them.
Including the dog.
And then they are putting photos and videos of these interactions on social media and getting hundreds of likes because of how cute it is.
It's not cute. It's dangerous.
Young children to a certain age don't understand boundaries or body language in people, let alone dogs.
Dog attacks in young children continue to occur because these kinds of interactions are promoted as cute and "clickbait".
If you have a kid and young children, educate yourself on signs of stress in dogs. Constantly supervise children. Don't let small children interact too closely with dogs. Educate children on respectful ways to interact with dogs.
Don't feed this massive pile of misinformation that's currently trending on social media.
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I’m so proud of my city 😭
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Hello again Tumblr. Time to get back to this trash site
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A shepherd who is also a werewolf. Growls at a wolf stalking a lamb. Shorn sheep wearing werewolf fleece to keep predators away. The herd howls with the shepherd on full moons. Awoo baaaaa AWOOO BAAAAA
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On top of the Yankees field cat there was a praying mantis on top of the nationals players hat tonight. Huge night in baseball
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love it when movies are under 1h 40m like yes girl get to the point
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Haven’t laughed that hard in a while...
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Tumblr isn't social media, it's a habit. Like smoking. We're all gathering by the dumpster in the cold, reblogging posts.
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yr locked in a room alone with three adult men but you feel perfectly safe. who are they
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Whenever I do worldbuilding I try to keep this image in mind
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29 and FINALLY thriving. Early 20s me was a little bitch that would have ruined any success that came my way.
90s babies we’re getting old
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I think they should block the suez canal with a second boat just for fun.
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