deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Top Technology blog to read inĀ 2023
Artificial Intelligence ā€” Making work easier than ever! AI has been a revolution in the world of technology, and itā€™s growing at an exponential pace. But how has Artificial Intelligence made our lives easier?
7 most innovative chatbots the world has witnessed! Innovative chatbots are being used for everything from customer support to COVID-19 awareness campaigns. Here are the 7 most unique use-cases of chatbots
Who are your most valuable customers? Which is the most valuable type of customer you could have? Which type of customer would help you innovate and grow the most as a business? Find out here.
Build a chatbot which speaks 50+ languages Learn how to automate conversations in your customersā€™ own languages at scale globally. Explore our comprehensive guide to multilingual chatbots right here!
How to use multipurpose chatbots to address various consumer needs Customers have a variety of concerns. What if you could address them all over a single portal? Learn how to do just that with a smart, multipurpose chatbot.
10 chatbot myths that could hold your business back from growing To reap all the benefits of chatbot technology and implement it properly, you first need to understand their potential, the advantages and their limits.
6 ways to avoid the negativity bias in customer service What is negativity bias in customer service? How does it affect how your customers perceive your brand? What can you do about it? Deep dive into the topic
Net Promoter Score | A guide to fostering loyalty Net promoter score is a customer loyalty metric that measures customer satisfaction and the growth rate of companies by using an index that ranges from -100&100
Engati gets a facelift! A new user interface for chatbot building How will Engatiā€™s new help you help in building better bots, faster and quicker? We strive to bring our users the best features and great user experience.
What advancements are next in line for smart chatbot technology? Chatbot technology has seen a lot of progress in making the bot more conversational and human-like. Read more about how you can humanise your chatbots.
NLU Disambiguation ā€” What to do when the NLU is not sure Disambiguation simply means removing any ambiguities and confusions to make something very clear. In the context of NLP/NLU, ambiguities can be of various kinds
5 reasons why omnichannel customer engagement is important The hottest trend in customer service is omnichannel customer engagement & delivering omnichannel customer experience increases customer retention rate by 91%
Everything to know about optimizing customer experience with AI There has been an increase in both interest & utilization of AI for marketing & optimizing customer experience improving your businessā€™s overall productivity.
Optimizing Solr Resources with G1 This article is focused on tunning G1 GC params in Solr and tell how blibli.comā€˜s search gained huge performance gains with limited resources by tweaks.
How to crush these 6 major chatbot challengesā€¦ Hereā€™s how you can get around the biggest chatbot challenges that developers and customer support teams struggle with, without writing a single line of code.
Overcoming the top 5 challenges of customer satisfaction Customers interact with your business every day, so we must keep customers satisfied. Hereā€™s how to overcome the largest challenges of customer satisfactaction.
Netflix Predictive Analytics: Journey to 220Mn+ subscribers See how 30 Million ā€œplaysā€, 4 Million ratings, and 3 Million searches got Netflix one of the most popular show of all time ā€” House of Cards! Get your mind blown
6 ways to amaze your customers with proactive customer service Whatā€™s proactive customer service all about? Whyā€™s it more important than reactive support? How do you serve your customers proactively? Find the answers here!
11 ways to promote your Shopify store in 2023 Trying to get the word out and promote your Shopify store? Here are 11 uncommon tactics you could use. How many did you already think of before reading this?
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Top technology blogs to read in 2023
10 effective lead-gen tips for your marketing agency Here are 10 extremely powerful lead generation tips to help your digital marketing agency find more prospects and sign more clients. Check it out now!
Learn from your mistakes, use Engati knowledge base Wanna build a bot by yourself but donā€™t exactly know how? Visit our knowledge base to have brief explanations on different segments of bot building. Read here.
Let the sales cycle begin with chatbots! Sales cycle is a process that companies create selling a product to a customer. Using chatbots, companies collect customer data to facilitate the sales cycle
30 Most Followed LinkedIn Influencers 30 Most followed LinkedIn Influencers and thought leaders you must follow to keep an eye on tech & industry trends, business insights, and much more.
40 LinkedIn Top Voices in Tech for 2023 Exclusive list of 40 LinkedIn top voices in Technology for you to stay updated with all the upcoming trends, news, and resources related to technology
10 Live Chat Hacks you canā€™t miss out on! Want to speed up customer service and improve your live chat? Here are 10 hacks you got to implement, along with 5 bonus hacks for your management team.
Video calling and more come to Engati Live Chat Your live chat + chatbot solution now comes with video calling, emailing, update notifications for your customers in browser tabs, and more. Learn all about it!
How LivSpace slashed their resolution time by 89%? Want to know how interior design and home renovation platform, Livspace generated more leads and cut their issue resolution time down by 89%? Check this out!
10 hacks to step up your logistics companyā€™s customer experience Just delivering orders on time isnā€™t good enough anymore. Your logistics company needs to deliver amazing customer experiences too. Here are 10 hacks for you!
Ultimate Cheatsheet to tune your Hyper-Parameters in MLĀ AlgorithmsLooking for a cheatsheet to tune your Hyper-Parameters in Machine Learning and Neural Network Algorithms? Weā€™ve got you covered! Click here to learn more.
22 best machine learning books to read for 2023 Looking for machine learning books to introduce you to the subject or help you expand your knowledge of it? This list has great books for beginners and experts.
5 ways to optimize your customer service using machine learning The use of machine learning is increasing as businesses explore new ways to optimize customer service. Here are a couple of ways to use it in your business.
3 ways to exceed your customer expectations Bad experiences are powerful at driving your customers away. But can you keep them coming back for more if you understand their expectations and exceed them?
Can you create memorable customer experiences affordably? Does it have to be expensive to craft experiences worth remembering? Hereā€™s how to create memorable experiences without spending a ridiculous amount of money.
Most imp chatbot metrics should you trackā€¦ Understand how to use conversational analytics to measure and improve your chatbotā€™s performance. Here are the metrics that show you how your bot is performing!
Do millennials prefer talking to bots or humans? Instant answers or human replies? What do millenials want more? Find out whether theyā€™d rather talk to a chatbot or a human agent for customer support
Moments of Truth, Misery, & Magic Seize every single moment of truth, even if they are moments of misery, itā€™s an excellent opportunity to show that you and your organization are better!
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Top AI centric blogs to be familiar with in 2023
Top AI centric blogs to be familiar with inĀ 2023
The secret to unlocking 10x sales As purchase behaviour has transformed significantly, a way to bridge analogue and digital shopping is through Live Chat. Hereā€™s our guide on how to 10x sales.
TOP 30 Indian Entrepreneurs Transforming The Start-up Ecosystem Top 30 Indian Entrepreneurs who are ruling the consumer market and winning over the customers with new ideas, customer centricity, and unique offerings
8 secrets for influencing your customer perception How do your customers see you? What do they think and feel about your brand? What factors influence customer perception? What can you do to change it?
200 most powerful CX influencers to follow in 2023 200 most powerful influencers from customer experience, digital transformation, marketing automation, and technology domain that you need to follow in 2022.
Getting inside the customerā€™s mind Ever wonder what your customers actually want? Colin Shaw helps you get into their mind and shows you how to leverage this information for your business.
Are Instagram bots about to transform how you do business? Instagram now allows businesses to automate customer conversations via bots. Ready to take the leap? Read this article to discover why you need an Instagram bot
Instagram marketing: How to grow from 0 to Netflix Instagram isnā€™t just for personal use. It can be an effective marketing tool. Read this article for tips on increasing business value with Instagram Marketing
Install HBase in a snap! A simple step-by-step guide This 5-step guide will help you to install HBase on your Mac in just 5 minutes. Use it to store large volumes of time-series data with minimum effort!
Insurance Chatbotsā€Šā€”ā€ŠTop 5 Use Cases and More An insurance chatbot is an AI-powered virtual assistant that can be programmed to help ease the journey of insurance customers by catering to their requirements
3 ways to make your chatbot smart as you! Chatbots are getting smarter day by day and are helping businesses through lead generation, sales, marketing, customer service, and so on. Read More..
Understanding cognitive search, its abilities, and its scope Cognitive search can augment the userā€™s intelligence. It improves human-computer interactions, enables faster and smarter decisions, and increases productivity!
Introducing the modern theme to Engati! Weā€™re rolling out a new simplified version of Engati with new user interface, added functionalities, an easier way to manage attributes, a dark theme, and more!
Great customer experiences donā€™t need to be expensive Does great customer experience need to be expensive? How high is the price of delivering great customer experience? Weā€™re answering all of your questions today
Is Deep Learning really in a crisis? Deep learning is a breakthrough technology to process and make sense of unstructured data. We have to invest in and make it better to augment our intelligence.
7 questions that reveal whether your company is committed to CX Colin Shaw gives you a powerful way to determine whether your company is actually committed to customer experience or not. Find out with these 7 questions.
Understanding the basics of the Jenkins Pipeline Jenkins pipeline allows us to define a complete list of events that happen in the code lifecycle. Starting from the build, to testing and deployment.Ā 
How does LASER perform NLP tasks? LASER approach is based on zero-shot transfer (deep learning networks) of NLP models from one language to other languages where training data is limited.
The last customer on Earth What if there was only 1 customer left on planet Earth? What would you do to make to ensure that their loyalty doesnā€™t die? Time to treat all customers like so.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Ā Technology blogs to read in 2023
How does HBase scale? Learn about the components of HBase and understand how to scale it up and get it to handle millions of datapoints, returning results in a few milliseconds.
How technical are APIs? The topic of APIs may seem daunting, but itā€™s simply communication between two systems. Hereā€™s a quick walkthrough of what APIs are, starting with the REST API.
7 ways to deal with angry customers You know what they say- you canā€™t please everyone. But what do you do if experiences turn sour? Hereā€™s Engatiā€™s guide on how to deal with angry customers.
How to enter an unknown terrain of code If you are new to a project, here is what you could do before you ask your colleagues for assistance and try to increase your skills to debug existing code.
How to make your customer experience easy and gain growth Colin Shaw talks about smoothening your customer experiences by reducing the amount of effort that your customers need to make during these experiences.
How to show customers that you care Show your customers that youā€™re not just trying to make a sale. Make it clear that youā€™re here to help them. Show that you care. Thatā€™s how you win their hearts
HR Chatbots: 7 Ways to Automate your HR activities & save time Speed up and automate recruiting, onboarding, and engaging employees with intelligent HR chatbots. Explore 7 ways to save time on HR activities in this article!
How to make your chatbot seem more human and less robotic Robotic-sounding chatbots might just annoy your customers and users. Hereā€™s how to create chatbots with personality and flair, that make users feel comfortable.
4 steps to bring hyper-personalization in cx With an 8-second attention span, keeping your customers engaged isnā€™t easy. But hyper-personalizing your experiences can help you achieve that. Learn how!
Getting Beyond Email: Creative Digital Customer Success Customers enjoy hearing from companies through a variety of sources, and creativity counts. Learn about ways other than email marketing to accomplish that goal.
How iMile received 17x more users in ONLY 3 months 17x users handled by the chatbot across channels and 94% overhead cost reduced by iMile after they deployed Engati chatbot. Replicate their success now.
Impact of facial recognition technology on our lives A thought-leader in the cognitive space, Shailendra Kumar talks about facial recognition technology and the different ways in which it could impact our lives.
AI Technology Tools and its impact on the Digital World AI technology tools are imperative towards formulating and executing campaigns and tasks in this current digital world. Here are 4 tools at your disposal.
5 key steps involved in software testing With software testing, youā€™ll be able to resolve issues in advance, prevent complaints, and improve performance by verifying every aspect of the product.
13 ways to improve automobile dealership sales and service It is time to improve automobile sales and service, and what better tool to use than an Engati chatbot? Here are 12 ways on how chatbots achieve this.
5 powerful ways to improve blogging with AI tools Looking to improve your blogging skills with Artificial Intelligence tools? Here are 5 ways in which we love using AI tools to step-up our blogging game.
4 definite ways to gain customer loyalty ā€œBuy 10, and youā€™ll get the next one for freeā€¦ā€œ Sound familiar? Congratulations! You are a victim of the loyalty program. But do these programs actually work?
7 ways to improve mobile engagement Nothingā€™s more personal than messages being hand-delivered. But is this enough to engage your customer? Here are 7 ways to improve mobile engagement.
How to improve your ROI in 2023 and beyond! ROI is the ratio of profitability to the cost of investment. Hereā€™s how you can improve your organizationā€™s ROI in 2022 and increase your profits substantially.
5 powerful ways to increase your customer lifetime value Increase your customer lifetime value with psychology and consumer neuroscience-backed techniques. Get your customers to spend more and stick around longer.
7 powerful ways to increase eCommerce customer retention To increase eCommerce customer retention, you need to simplify purchases. You also need to tempt and delight your customers. Here are 7 ways to do just that.
2 low-investment ways to ride the conversational automation wave The way we interact with tech influences how we market products. Itā€™s time to hop on the conversational automation wave in 2 powerful, low-investment ways.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Top technology blogs to read in 2022
How to build a Facebook Chatbot [in 10 minutes] A Facebook Messenger bot is a chatbot integrated with Facebook Messenger, using artificial intelligence to converse with people and create customer engagement.
How will facial recognition systems & algorithms work in 2022? Facial Recognition Systems first detect faces. They then get into feature extraction, next, they classify faces. Learn how these systems and algorithms work!
Fear of Automation will sink your ship With rumours of the AI-driven job apocalypse, convincing employees that AI is a friend isnā€™t easy. Hereā€™s how to get rid of their Fear of Automation. Read here.
Fight against COVID-19 The internet is flooded with fake news and misinformation. Itā€™s time to fight against COVID-19 and get information from reliable sources in 1 place. Check out.
10 most powerful ways to improve your FinTech customer experience Fintech (and finance in general) doesnā€™t need to be completely boring, dull, and transactional. Check out this article to know more on it..
Following the shot in Shep Hyken is back at it! Today he tells you about the need to follow up with your customers and the opportunities you can lose by not following the shot in.
Fostering Friendships Our social nature is a part of our biology according to Luke Jamieson. He shares all of his insights on the importance of fostering friendships. Read now.
From data to customer experienceā€Šā€”ā€Šdonā€™t just fix it; reimagine it Digital customer experience business leader, Dr. Swapnil Dambe, talks about reimagining and transforming customer experiences exponentially by using data right.
4 GIT branching strategies that you definitely need to know! Learn how to use GIT to get your work done in a consistent and productive manner. Also, check out different GIT branching strategies and useful GIT commands.
Understanding GIT just got easier Working with GIT version control systems always have received a mixed bag of reviews. So weā€™re sharing some exclusive hacks to help you understand GIT better.
How to give your chatbot context and improve CX without coding Context understanding can be established for factors like location, sentiment, expression, time, etc. which influences the way how a user interacts with the bot
Global chatbot statistics for 2022ā€Šā€”ā€ŠExciting updates Global Chatbot Statistics for 2022 is here and is packed with many exciting updates. Thereā€™s a lot of info for businesses to take advantage of. Read more
Finding the golden mean between personalization & automation Here is how you can manage and keep the right balance between automation and personalization and provide individualized approach to our clientsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
How good product design can improve your customerā€™s experience Solid product design helps improves your customerā€™s experience, this article provides several tips for designing a product that offers an excellent experience.
Mapping the growth of voice-enabled chatbots! Voice-enabled chatbots let customers get support while multi-tasking, without needing to focus on the bot. See how voice bots are redefining customer support!
The history of chatbots: From MIT to your website In 1966, ELIZA was first unveiled at MIT. That stirred up the worldā€™s obsession with conversational AI. Join us on this journey through the history of chatbots.
Customer experience tips for the holiday season The holidays can be a trying time for your customer support team. Here are a some powerful ways to create great customer experiences during the holiday season.
Hospitality with AI & personalisation is bling The hospitality industry is booming. With innumerable travel enthusiasts and bloggers dying to visit new places for a new adventure, itā€™s chatbot time now!
5 ways hotel chatbots can solve the problem of hotel bookings Simplify bookings, check-ins, and collect room service orders in your customersā€™ languages via hotel chatbots, giving your guests a stress-free experience.
4 ways AI chatbots are transforming customer experiences Enhancing customer experiences should always be a priority for businesses. Hereā€™s how to improve your CX and make your customers keep coming back for more!
How digital transformation helps you deliver better cx? Digital transformations is a do or die situation for companies that want to survive in this age of stiff competition and deliver outstanding customer experience
Whitelabel Chatbot Partnership ā€” How to invest in automation? Why struggle to build a platform when you can use one thatā€™s trusted in 186 countries? Explore the benefits of a white label chatbot and live chat platform here
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
AI centric blogs to know in 2023
40 Top EdTech leaders transforming education & experiences Read on to see who we think is worth a follow in the edtech world these days, and follow them and take a look at their groundbreaking work in education
Why you need to deploy an eLearning chatbot eLearning chatbots can help you engage and educate your students in their language and on their favorite channels. Hereā€™s how you can make the most of them.
The emotional trigger that influences your customersā€™ minds Customer experience wizard, Colin Shaw, shows you how to use emotional triggers like the endowment effect to influence your customersā€™ minds. Read now.
Part 3ā€Šā€”ā€ŠMaking Chatbots feel emotions Emotionally intelligent chatbots are being deployed by businesses everywhere because of their ability to connect with customers. Hereā€™s how they work.
Why Empathy is vital in Customer Service To nail customer service, you have to understand how your experiences make customers feel. Hereā€™s why empathy is vital in customer service & how to practice it.
3 ways to engage with global customers! The increase in global competition is driving the need to expand customer bases on a global scale, so hereā€™s our guide on how to engage with global customers.
Learn with Engati analytics, from where it began to where it goes Chatbots are going to change the internet as we know it. But are there any analytics tools to enhance the user experience? Read more analytics tools here.
From insights to value: A walkthrough of Engati Analytics Imagine if you could get real-time data on every aspect of the customer journey, from marketing to post-sales. Hereā€™s a walkthrough of Engati Analytics.
Engati: A Journey Reimagined Hereā€™s all of the behind-the-scenes updates on Engatiā€™s brand relaunch. Weā€™re uncovering our design philosophy behind the updated messaging, colors, and more.
Engati chatbot platformā€Šā€”ā€ŠGet started in less than 10 mins! A chatbot is a service, powered by machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence that you interact with, via a conversational chat interface.
How to improve customer experience with Engati? Chatbots can help you create better customer experiences by answering customer queries in their own language 24/7. Find out how Engatiā€™s solutions can help you!
Chatbot live chat integrations for better customer experience Remember the time when you would find an actual, living, breathing human on the other end of a webchat? We now see chatbots assuming that role increasingly.
Engati supports RTL (Right-to-Left) chatbots on its platform Overcome the language barrier in MENA regions with Engatiā€™s RTL (Right-to-left) feature. Connect with customers who speak in Arabic, Urdu, Persian, and more!
Engati vs Landbotā€Šā€”ā€ŠWhich chatbot platform should you pick? Evaluating Engati and Landbot? Trying to figure out which chatbot platform you should build your chatbot on? Hereā€™s a detailed chatbot platform comparison.
Engati vs WATI | Which is the best WhatsApp chatbot platform? Wondering whether you should use Engati or WATI to build your WhatsApp chatbot? This article shows you which is the best WhatsApp chatbot platform on the market
4 ways to create experiences that customers will talk about Every business aspires to create experiences that customers will talk about, but are unsure on how to do so. So, weā€™ve broken it down into 4 steps in this blog.
What is explainable AI? 6 benefits of explainable AI Explainable AI, is a set of processes and methods that allow us to comprehend and trust the results and output created by machine learning algorithms.
Explore chatbots in medical field A chatbot can remind your patients to take medicines, check on their health, diagnose diseases based on symptoms & schedule appointments for regular check-ups
GPT-3: A quick tour of this powerful language model GPT-3 has a capacity of 175 billion machine learning parameters and can even write creative fiction. Learn all about OpenAIā€™s latest language training model.
Whitelabel Chatbot Partnership - How to invest in automation? Why struggle to build a platform when you can use one that's trusted in 186 countries? Explore the benefits of a white label chatbot and live chat platform here
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Top technology blogs to read in the yearĀ 2023
How Deep learning AI model compression caters to edge devices To bring deep learning AI models to edge devices, model compression is critical. Learn about three techniques used to compress large language and image models.
Design a chatbot coach using Engati chatbot template A life coach chatbot provides assistance to all your clients 24/7. A chatbot coach, you can use this template to your advantage and organize your appointments.
Designing ā€œHumanā€ experiences in an AI-dominant world While blending human, digital, and AI power to process information and make data-based decisions, we should not discount the human experience element.
8 Key Design Principles You Need To Know To Build SaaS Products key design principles is important to understand why youā€™re creating that software, what your users and business will accomplish with it, and more! Check it now
Designing customer experience through an Experience Framework The CX framework allows businesses to identify issues and opportunities, drive tangible results and help customers by focusing on their top priorities.
5 basic rules for designing a great digital experience What goes into creating fantastic digital experiences? How do you make them feel personal for your customers? Colin Shaw explains it all in this article.
What are chatbot flows? How do you build them? Chatbot flows are structures that determine how conversations take place. Learn how to plan, build, test, and fine-tune your chatbot flows in this article.
4 tips to write dialogues for chatbot conversations Chatbots have become an integral part of the business ecosystem and good writing is imperative in a well-designed conversational interface. Check it out.Ā 
6 effective digital customer experience strategies for 2023 Want to create fantastic digital customer experience strategies & build customer loyalty? Here are 6 digital customer experience strategies to follow in 2022!
Digital Transformation Strategy to Grow Your Business in 2023 For the transformation process, you need to choose key activities to accomplish your objectives. These include decisions about investing, resourcing & managing.
Can We Digitize the Engaging Human Experience? Cost-cutting and increasing efficiency donā€™t translate to delivering a better experience. Businesses should utilize data to provide personalized experiences.
Discovering the ā€˜Scienceā€™ in Data Scienceā€Šā€”ā€ŠPart 2 Humans and machines can collaborate to solve complex unsolved mysteries like the origin of life and origin of the universe. Check the ā€˜SCIENCEā€™ in Data Science.
Discovering the ā€˜Scienceā€™ in Data Scienceā€Šā€”ā€ŠPart 1 Data Science, coined back in 2008, is taking the world by storm! Revolutionary as it is, it is creating some confusion, so weā€™re covering the basics.Ā 
Distributed Training in Deep Learning Models Deep learning is a sub-field of machine learning methods which has performed remarkably well across a wide variety of tasks such as speech recognition, NLP, etc
How to use Docker for Automation Testing? Docker is a Platform as a Service that provides OS-level virtualization. Docker makes it easy to create, deploy, and run applications using containers.
10 ways to do Web Chat right Web chat allows customers to communicate with your brand without having to download external applications. With the right tips, you can do Web Chat right.
Donā€™t let your customers fall in the expected experiences gap Shep Hyken cautions against allowing customers to fall into the expectation gap; the gap in experiences between the companies they love your and your company.
This conversation is easyā€Šā€”ā€ŠIs it a human or a bot? Most times, we prefer having conversations with ā€˜real peopleā€™ because chatbots canā€™t understand us well. But this is not the case anymore. Hereā€™s how.
5 ways to improve your E-commerce customer service Differentiate your business by winning at eCommerce customer service. Understand all the benefits, techniques, and best practices here for better results!
Economics to Economical Values of AI: Part 1 Digital experience expert, Dr. Swapnil Dambe talks about the economical values of AI from a strategic perspective in a 3 part series. Read part 1 here.
Economics to Economical Values of AI: Part 2 In part 2 of this series, Dr. Swapnil Dambe talks about the adoption of AI, how AI is a hyperactive energy that can be used for the betterment of society.
Economics to Economical Values of AI: Part 3 In the 3rd instalment of this series, Dr. Swapnil Dambe talks about AI, Industry 4.0, and how we need to focus on human-centric, ā€˜people inspiredā€™ innovation.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
The perfect blog list to read in 2023
30 CX Leaders you MUST FOLLOW for 2023 CX leaders like no other! Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you, top CX leaders that you MUST FOLLOW in 2022 to ace your CX game in your businesses.
Customer research ā€” The story of the elephant & the blind men Alex Genov, Zapposā€™s Head of Customer Research stresses on the need for a holistic approach to understanding customers as people and breaking out of the silos.
Customer Satisfaction Score: Are your customers HAPPY? Customer Satisfaction Score, or CSAT, is a metric used by companies and marketers to navigate through a customerā€™s feelings through the customer lifecycle.
Customer Segmentation 101: The most underrated strategy Understand how to segment your customer base and deliver impactful, tailored experiences to every one of your customer segments. Learn all about it right here!
How to handle customer service during a crisis The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on businesses and customer support. Hereā€™s how to handle customer service during this unprecedented crisis.
7 reasons why businesses fail at customer service Negligence causes businesses to fail at the customer service game. So, weā€™ve complied our list of the top customer service fails so that you stay winning.
7 customer service KPIs you need to measure now! From your CSAT score to your SLAs, here are seven customer service KPIs that you cannot afford to miss measuring your support team against. Read all about them!
šŸ˜‚ 22 best & funniest customer service memes for 2023 Here are the best funny customer service memes & customer experience memes youā€™ll see in 2022. Youā€™ll definitely want to share these CX memes with your team!
How to Build Customer Service Workflows? + 5 Actual Examples Learn about creating efficient customer service workflows to satisfy your customers. We have provided the best workflow examples as well. Check them out!
Customer success obsession ā€” Disruption or disruptor CEO of Tigon Advisory Corp., Helen Yu talks about the success that comes with obsessing over and taking care of your customers. Catch her insights here.
How to enhance your customerā€™s memory of their experience Colin Shaw helps you understand how your customersā€™ memory works through different types of memory. He even helps you enhance their memory of their experience.
To master customer experience strategy, master CX mindset In order to craft fantastic customer experiences, you need to develop the correct mindset and the right strategies. TEDx speaker, Jeannie Walters shows you how.
CX ā€” The spine remains intact Ajay Nambiar, Chief Operating Officer-PYP, and a thought leader tell us that customer experience should be the reason why businesses exist. Read his article.
A day in the life of a customer service representative If you want to improve the efficiency of your customer service team, you need to understand what the life of your customer service representatives looks like.
What is Decentralized Finance? How does DeFi work? Wondering what decentralized finance is all about? How does it work and how is it different from the traditional financial system? Find out in this article.
Decoding Text-to-Text Transformers Based on this successful architecture for NLP, language models such as BERT have achieved state-of-the-art results in various NLP tasks. Check this now
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Interesting tech blogs to read by 2022
Contrastive Learning in NLP Contrastive learning is used to train a model to learn representations of images or sentences using vectors. Weā€™ll explore how it works in this article.
7 prime reasons to invest in conversational automation The greatest transformation the digital revolution has brought us is the need to collaborate. Partner up with Engati and watch your business reach new heights
2 low-investment ways to ride the conversational automation wave The way we interact with tech influences how we market products. Itā€™s time to hop on the conversational automation wave in 2 powerful, low-investment ways.
3 companies winning it with conversational commerce In an effort to provide the best possible shopping experience, e-commerce has turned towards adopting conversational commerce methods. Hereā€™s our guide.
Conversational Design: Tips, tricks, and how to nail it Poor experiences w chatbots can be attributed to only one thing: Awful conversational design. This guide aims to help you navigate through the best practices.
How conversational marketing wins more conversions? Want to learn how you can use conversational marketing to generate more leads and drive more marketing & sales conversions for your business? Check this out!
4 E-commerce giants crushing it with conversational selling The art of selling is seeing an evolution in motion. From door-to-door to conversational selling. Here are 4 E-commerce companies crushing it with this method.
Coronavirus precautions for businesses Businesses around the world need to protect themselves, their employees, and customers from the coronavirus pandemic. Here are a few coronavirus precautions.
How much does it cost to give great customer service? Shep Hyken shows you how to take care of your customers and provide first-class customer service and experience without breaking the bank. Check it out!
Understanding COVID-19ā€™s impact on business Covid-19 is having a major impact on business. Small businesses and businesses in the hospitality, travel, and tourism sector are impacted the most.Check it out
How to create a good chatbot Creating a good chatbot has its challenges. In this blog, weā€™re going over what makes a chatbot good and how to take your chatbot from good to great with Engati
3 easy steps to measure the impact of your customer experience Jeanne Bliss, founder & CEO of Customer Bliss, talks about measuring the impact of your CX initiatives and showing your C-suite the bigger picture. Read now.
How to Create WhatsApp Chatbot in 5 Steps [For Free in 2023] Hereā€™s the easiest and best way for you to create WhatsApp chatbot without writing a line of code in 2023. Follow this 5-step guide to build your WhatsApp bot
Acquisition V/S Retention: The WAR is on Whatā€™s more important ā€” customer acquisition or retention? Theyā€™re both critical but the better question is ā€” Whatā€™s more important for your business right now?
Customer and employee criticism: your leverage tool for growth Customer experience expert, Ricardo Saltz Gulko, shares his insights on fueling your customer experiences with criticism from customers and employees.
Customer dissatisfaction: What causes it & how to deal with it? Are you struggling with customer dissatisfaction? Here are the factors that cause it, along with ways for you to detect dissatisfaction and deal with it.
6 ways to improve your customer experience with AI Great customer experiences donā€™t just get customers to come back, they turn them into brand evangelists. Read on to see how to make that happen with AI.
Was pandemic the best thing to happen to customer experience? The pandemic forced businesses to improve their customer experience tremendously. Here are some of the biggest changes, and one that you should definitely make.
The first shift needed for a customer experience culture Ricardo Saltz Gulko, co-founder of the European Customer Experience Organization, talks about the changes you needed to create a customer experience culture.
Customer experience for 2022 [Webinar] Shep Hyken, Colin Shaw, Dan Gingiss and Elise Quevedo talk about customer experience for the future in a free virtual panel discussion. Start reading now!
Customer experience innovation with the 1-way and 2-way door rule Steven Van Belleghem, co-founder and board member of Nexxworks, presents a rule that makes it easy to take decisions on implementation of CX innovations.
Why customer experience is critical in a time of crisis Dan Gingiss, an experience coach with 20+ years of experience, talks about how important customer experience is during a crisis and how to improve it.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Blogs to read before the end of the year 2022
Understand the complete functionality of Engatiā€™s chatbot Understand the complete functionality of Engatiā€™s intelligent chatbots. How does an Engati chatbot work? Whatā€™s going on behind the scenes? Find out here!
5 Ways chatbots help in conversion strategy Learn how to incorporate chatbots in your conversion strategy. Leverage Artificial Intelligence powered chatbots to drive conversions. Check it out and shareĀ .
How are intelligent chatbots eliminating human intervention? Chatbots are automating repetitive query resolution. This means that humans donā€™t need to intervene there, they only get involved to handle complex queries.
8 ways chatbots in banking can improve customer engagement AMEX, JP Morgan & 100 others have deployed banking chatbots that give customers financial advice on how to invest, provide info on nearest ATM, account balance
How can chatbots boost sales by atleast 77%? Consumers are increasingly showing their trust towards website chatbots for boosting sales. See how this behaviour contributes towards business sales.
5 tactics for localizing customer engagements Get your customers to accept you as one of them, rather than treating you as an outsider. Localize your customer engagements with these 4 tactics today!
11 ways eCommerce chatbots can boost sales & lead generation!Ā  eCommerce Chatbots are making online shopping easier than ever before. They help customers buy products & make payments without opening your website or app
How are intelligent healthcare chatbots being used? [2023] Chatbots provide instead information, book appointments and even play a major role in the fight against COVID-19. See how bots are revolutionizing healthcare!
How to generate leads with chatbots and live chat? Learn how to build a lead generation funnel with chatbots and live chat. Youā€™ll also get insights on how to use them to nurture your leads and drive sales.Ā 
How to use Chatbots for Marketing in 2023? See how mountain dew increased engagement by 572%, using chatbot marketing and learn how you can integrate chatbots for digital marketing strategies.
You should know this about Real Estate Chatbots by now(2023) Rule-based or AI-automated chatbots programmed to engage customers for real estate agencies. Chatbots are virtual agents that save time and grow sales.
Recruitment chatbots: Can they solve your hiring problems? Recruitment Chatbots handle routine recruitment functions, allowing you to focus on higher-level tasks. Hereā€™s how they can scale up your recruitment processesĀ 
3 ways chatbots are transforming the telecom industry Chatbots in telecom helps create a situation where customers feel like they are communicating with another human to reduce the overall operational costs.
7 ways travel chatbots enhance the travelerā€™s experience Chatbots in the travel industry automate travel-related tasks like flight bookings, hotel bookings, recommendations to being a virtual tour guide, and much more
6 powerful reasons to integrate Google Analytics with your chatbot Want to track user journeys, understand your users, and use data to improve your customer experience? Integrate Google Analytics with your Engati chatbot now!
How to Use Chatbots as Part of an Integrated Marketing Campaign Conversational eCommerce demands the use of chatbots in this modern age of running Integrated Marketing Campaigns. Keep reading to learn more on this topic.
9 innovative ways to use chatbots in your personal life Organizations all over the world are using chatbots all the time- from businesses to government bodies. Hereā€™s how you can use a chatbot in your personal life!
7 reasons why small businesses need an intelligent chatbot Chatbots have revolutionized customer service by making it faster, cheaper, and more efficient and are a necessity for small and medium level businesses.
Will sports & chatbots become the perfect combination? Sports and Chatbots? From selling tickets to sharing highlight clips; thereā€™s a lot of ways the sports industry could benefit from using chatbots. Read more.
How to choose the right platform for your online store? From the business idea to putting the idea into motion, you will need a solid understanding of how online shops operate. This article will show you how.
C2E bridgeā€Šā€”ā€ŠBridging Cloud to your Enterprise with Engati How can highly-regulated industries, like Telecom and Insurance, reap the benefits of Cloud while meeting regulatory requirements? Enter Engatiā€™s C2E Bridge.
Overcoming the challenges of computational linguistics Thomas Wolf, the Co-Founder & Chief Scientist from Hugging Face, joins us on Engati CX to discuss the challenges of computational linguistics and how to overcom
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Top Technology blogs to read in 2023
Carousel de imagens In this blog, weā€™re going to see whatā€™s a carousel and how using them in chatbots can increase the ROI among your customers. Read complete interview here.
Cart abandonment: The secrets to saving you from your worst nightmare Cart Abandonment does not need to be your worst nightmare anymore. It can be solved. Hereā€™s are the reasons for cart abandonment and the ways to fix them.
A powerful new UI for your Engati chatbot Engatiā€™s chatbot UI now has major UX upgrades, to help you create fantastic customer experiences. Check out the updates and start surprising your customers now!
Can education chatbots replace teachers? Education chatbots are providing a personalised learning environment to students, and technology is upgrading the way they learn and absorb information.
Chatbot business predictions ā€” Future of chatbots A chatbot is a designed tool powered by the rules of Artificial Intelligence (AI), acts as a simulator of human conversation for the purpose of automating a bus
How Governments across the world are using chatbots Weā€™ve seen how the use of Engati leads to higher customer satisfaction scores, but what about in the public sector? Hereā€™s how governments benefit from Engati.
Chatbot development cheatsheet? Here it is! Chatbots are everywhere today. But what can make your chatbots stand out from the rest? Read this extensive cheatsheet to learn how to build a unique chatbot.
Diving deeper into the chatbot ecosystem The ecosystem of chatbots is evolving with technological advances and chatbots are starting to take up complex automation tasks and getting better at it.
6 ways through which chatbots can be used for events Event chatbots help you sell more tickets to your event, engages with your audience, acts as a personal assistant for attendees before and after the event.
How chatbots have evolved with data and AI Weā€™ve evolved from using rules-based chatbots to exploring more sophisticated chatbots because of data, AI, and NLP. Explore the history and uses in this blog.
7 effective ways to increase customer retention with AI chatbots Learn how to improve your customer retention using AI chatbots, and increase your customer lifetime value by create fantastic customer experiences for them.
From insights to value: A walkthrough of Engati Analytics Imagine if you could get real-time data on every aspect of the customer journey, from marketing to post-sales. Hereā€™s a walkthrough of Engati Analytics.
Chatbot live chat integrations for better customer experience Remember the time when you would find an actual, living, breathing human on the other end of a webchat? We now see chatbots assuming that role increasingly.
A deeper understanding of bot metrics [Conversational analytics part 2] Get insights into conversational analytics. Understand which message metrics will help you gather the details needed to craft personalized customer experiences!
Chatbot on-premise vs chatbot on-cloud: Whatā€™s best for your business? More often than not it is quite confusing for a business, which develops chatbots, to decide whether they want to build a chatbot on-premise versus on-cloud.
Engage your customers at scale with these security measures At Engati, we have strict security controls in place for our chatbot and live chat solution. Here is how we empower you to engage your customers in safely.
101+ Chatbot Templates to Get Started in 10 Mins [for free] You donā€™t need to build your own chatbot from scratch. Just pick from the pre-built chatbot templates for your use-case and customize it for your business.
Chatbot Theory ā€” A Topic for Future Education The concept of ā€˜Chatbot Theoryā€™, a new core subject, potentially seeks to position the capability in a strategic rather than tactical or technological context.
How to design the user experience of chatbot conversations? We have moved from responsive design to conversational user experiences. Conversational UI feels more human & allows you to interact in words & emojis.
The best ChatBot.com alternative ā€” Engati Looking for an alternative to ChatBot.com? Hereā€™s how ChatBot compares against Engati, the 2021 CODiE Award-winning chatbot platform. Check it out now!
How chatbots solve the challenges of automobile industry Maximizing sales and profitability in the competitive world of automobiles is being driven more by customer service. Hereā€™s how chatbots empower customer servic
How chatbots will foster classroom engagement Learn how chatbots help in boosting classroom engagement. Read how chatbots help students to learn better and increase classroom engagement in this article.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Interesting blog topics to be familiar with before the end ofĀ 2022
The easiest way to create Arabic chatbots [without coding] For more than 300 million Arabic speakers in the world, our chatbot platform has an efficient NLP engine trained in the Arabic language offering RTL support.
You should know this about Real Estate Chatbots by now(2023) Rule-based or AI-automated chatbots programmed to engage customers for real estate agencies. Chatbots are virtual agents that save time and grow sales.
Artificial Intelligence: Deep LearningĀ  Deep learning helps companies like Amazon and Netflix by using data analytics to predict or suggest what you might be interested in viewing or purchasing next.
5 Convincing reasons to apply AI to your EdTech startup Digitization is everywhere and has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. So, why leave EdTech behind? Here are 5 reasons to apply AI to Edtech.
Why you need to automate customer support today! Manual customer support is too expensive. Explore the most powerful and cost-effective ways to automate your customer support processes in this article!
8 vital roles that chatbots play in the automotive industry Automation is revolutionizing lead generation, sales, & support in automotive industry. Hereā€™s how chatbots are helping in digitally transforming the industry.
How to avoid roadblocks to great customer service Shep Hyken explains how to actively identify and eliminate the roadblocks to great customer service. Itā€™s a continuous process that will bring great results.
BeanUtils.copyProperties and why itā€™s not what it looks like Are you caught in the trap of writing over 50 lines of boilerplate code to accomplish a single task? With BeanUtils, you no longer have to do that. Hereā€™s how.
Beginners guide to chatbotsā€Šā€”ā€Š14 easy steps Businesses are moving towards chatbots to drive operational efficiency & to improve customer experience. Hereā€™s everything you need to know about chatbots
15 Best Artificial Intelligence Books [Beginners, Pros & Business Leaders] Want to dip your foot into the AI pool, hone your skills, or see how you can use AI for your company? Here are the best artificial intelligence books for you!
Chat v/s Email v/s Phone: The winning customer support channel Email support, phone support, or chat support. Which will reign as the true champion of customer support? Find out right here, right now, in this article!
Best free chatbot platformā€Šā€”ā€ŠEngati Engati is a cloud-based platform for creating chatbots without the need for programming knowledge Bots built here can be published across 14 different channels
Blockchain 101: Everything you need to know Blockchain is a type of database where people can transact with each other without a middleman. Itā€™s currently booming so hereā€™s everything you need to know.
Chatbot automation: Get rid of the monotony Chatbot automation fixes all repetitive business processes? But, what do you have to keep in mind while creating them? Curious to know? Find it out now!
Bots v/s live chat | What does your business need? The speed of intelligent chatbots or the human element associated with live chat; what does your business need more? Get all the answers you need right here!
Answering the top 5 bot-building FAQsĀ  Understand how to build a bot, integrate with your existing support and marketing software, and do much more. Weā€™re answering the top 5 bot-building FAQs here!
Learn how to build a free AI chatbot in 10 minutes Building a bot doesnā€™t need to take a lot of time. You donā€™t even have to write a single code to build your bot. See how to build your AI chatbot in 10 minutes!
3 types of authentication for building secure systems Basic, API Key and the OAuth 2.0 are the 3 types of authentication used for building secure systems. Build your chatbot with the most secure system, now!
Building sustainable, profit making, and evolving digital experience & innovation labs Dr. Swapnil Dambe tells us about everything we need to keep in mind while trying to create sustainable making digital experience and innovation centers.
Context for customers means more sales for your business Regular follow-ups with customers is a great way to manage retention in business. However, it is not enough in todayā€™s competitive market. Read More.Ā 
Why business continuity planning just became the most important thing Customer experience expert, and Titan of CX, Dan Gingiss addresses the sudden increase in the importance of business continuity planning triggered by pandemic.
4 ways WhatsApp Chatbots can benefit your business WhatsApp business chatbots help you reach customers through channel that they prefer, making it an effective weapon in your marketing and business efforts.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
AI blogs to read before 2022
8 Ways AI Will Change the Future of Marketing in 2023 When AI is used in marketing, it will boost lead generation, SEO, content creation & distribution and many other functions. See how AI is transforming marketing A quick guide on how to survive and communicate during a global crisis Adriana Tica, an expert marketer, talks about the manner in which you should communicate with your customers in order to survive and thrive in a crisis. Customer success ā€” Let Engati help you ace the game When you have the power of LIVE chat support for your chatbot, why would you want to leave a customer frustrated? Hereā€™s how to ace the customer success game! How to address the most complex customer queries in real-time Imagine that you could answer the most complex customer queries in real-time, without forcing your customers to wait on hold. Here's how you make that happen! 5 powerful agent productivity hacks Learn how to serve even more customers, while making your agent's lives easier. Explore our 5 best agent productivity hacks (with a bonus hack) right now! Asia: Becoming a Powerhouse through AI Adoption AI is taking the world, especially markets in Asia by storm. We're exploring AI and its many use cases in markets such as China, Japan, and India in this blog Here are 6 ways to go customer-centric with AI AI can help you give your customers what they actually want, if you use it right. Learn how to use it to make your organization more customer-centric. 8 benefits of using AI in cybersecurity Cybersecurity: the ever-evolving tech. But what happens when we add some AI in the mix? Read this article to find out the pros and cons of AI in cybersecurity šŸŽ® AI in Gaming | 5 Innovations Changing The Future of Gaming Wondering how AI is used in gaming? From NPCs to decision-making to cheating, even world-building, Game AI has a ton of uses. Learn what it's all about! 4 effective ways to improve accuracy in sales forecasting with AI Inaccurate sales forecasts leave you with unachieved targets and extra inventory. Make that a thing of the past. Use AI to make your sales forecasting accurate!/
7 powerful ways in which AI is revolutionizing the telecom industry Artificial Intelligence can even help telecom companies to avoid crashes and reduce downtime, giving their customers a smoother and seamless experience. 35 AI terms you need to know if you want to get into AI The future of business is going to be heavily influenced by artificial intelligence. Here are 35 AI terms that you need to know to thrive in this new world. 4 ways AI is transforming the retail industry AI helps retail businesses to look at the past behavioral patterns & make predictions about estimated demand, customer loyalty, & purchase probability. 3 wishes. The theory of Aladdinā€™s lamp in customer experience Steven Van Belleghem dives into psychology to glean insights into behavior and help you understand your customers better to improve their experience. Read now. Why customers donā€™t like phone callsā€¦ and what are the alternatives A customerā€™s first choice is not to have a call with your service representatives. They're looking for speed and reliability, so what are our options? AngularJS: Create reusable components using Custom Directives Is your codebase stuffed with multiple lines of code that serve a similar purpose? Time to clean things up. Learn how to create reusable components in AngularJS
Another way to amaze your customers: pay attention Customer experience expert, Shep Hyken, shares some brilliant insights and experiences on amazing your customers by paying attention to them. Read now. 3 applications of Generative Language Models Large language models, like GPT-3, have stormed the NLP area in the last few years and have given us hope that we can solve some of the toughest problems.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Technology blogs to read in 2024
10 Must-Have chatbot features (#5 will make customers love you!)Ā Here are 10 chatbot features that you need to look out for if youā€™re building a chatbot for your business. Make sure your chatbot has them all. Get the list now
14 DIY chatbot tacticsĀ We all know how easy it is to make chatbots today. But there are a few crucial tactics that you need to keep in mind to build the ideal chatbot for yourself.
15 funniest customer service conversations ever!Ā Thought youā€™ve dealt with funny customer service conversations before? Weā€™re sure you havenā€™t seen any half as funny as these customer support conversations.
The 20/20 vision of cloudĀ Cloud computing expert, Ian Moyse talks about the need for cloud computing and the benefits it offers (think flexibility). Catch his thoughts on Cloud in 2022.
55+ Tech Podcasts you need to listen to in 2022Ā Looking to get the latest tech news or learn about the latest developments in tech while traveling to work or multitasking? Here are 55+ tech podcasts for you!
3 Steps to measure CX impact and align your C-suite around experienceĀ Jeanne Bliss, founder & CEO of Customer Bliss, talks about measuring the impact of your CX initiatives and showing your C-suite the bigger picture. Read now.
5 new rules guaranteed to build customer trustĀ CX expert and founder of Beyond Philosophy, Colin Shaw, shows you how to win your customer trust with his 5 powerful new rules to build trust. Read now!
5 key rules of behavioural journey mappingĀ Behavioural Journey Mapping looks at four aspects (Rational, Emotional, Subconscious, and Psychological) & we put these layers into the existing journey map.
5 key steps involved in software testingĀ With software testing, youā€™ll be able to resolve issues in advance, prevent complaints, and improve performance by verifying every aspect of the product.
6 CX Fundamentals of Organizational and Human AdaptivenessĀ MD of Eglobalis Information and co-founder of the ECXO, Ricardo Saltz Gulko talks about the fundamentals for increasing the adoption of technology and services.
7 powerful tips to design an amazing chatbot icon for your businessĀ Hereā€™s our list of things to do while designing a chatbot icon for your businessā€Šā€”ā€ŠRanging from getting inside your usersā€™ minds to analyzing competitor logos.
7 Tips to improve chatbot marketing | #6 is a game-changerĀ Enhance your marketing campaigns with chatbots and speed up lead generation. Get 7 hacks to take your marketing to the next level with intelligent automation!
7 ways to generate leads for your eCommerce businessĀ The hardest part of eCommerce business is all about acquiring new leads, here are the 7 interesting way to generate leads for your eCommerce business
7 ways to promote your eCommerce store in 2022Ā An eCommerce platform needs to be mobile-friendly if you want to attract more customers, retain them and gain customer loyalty. Check out the article now!
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Tech best tech blog of 2022
You should know this about Real Estate Chatbots by now.(2023) Rule-based or AI-automated chatbots programmed to engage customers for real estate agencies. Chatbots are virtual agents that save time and grow sales.
4 ways AI chatbots are transforming customer experiences Enhancing customer experiences should always be a priority for businesses. Hereā€™s how to improve your CX and make your customers keep coming back for more!
Engage your customers at scale with these security measures At Engati, we have strict security controls in place for our chatbot and live chat solution. Here is how we empower you to engage your customers in safely.
Top 20 influencers revolutionizing the eCommerce industry Engati has compiled a handbook of insights by influencers that can be applied to eCommerce, leading to a meaningful impact in the eCommerce industry in 2021.
Customer experience for 2022 [Webinar] Shep Hyken, Colin Shaw, Dan Gingiss and Elise Quevedo talk about customer experience for the future in a free virtual panel discussion. Start reading now!
Recruitment chatbots: Can they solve your hiring problems? Recruitment Chatbots handle routine recruitment functions, allowing you to focus on higher-level tasks. Hereā€™s how they can scale up your recruitment processes
3 companies winning it with conversational commerce In an effort to provide the best possible shopping experience, e-commerce has turned towards adopting conversational commerce methods. Hereā€™s our guide.
8 Key Design Principles You Need To Know To Build SaaS Products key design principles is important to understand why youā€™re creating that software, what your users and business will accomplish with it, and more! Check it now
4 steps to bring hyper-personalization in your customer experiences With an 8-second attention span, keeping your customers engaged isnā€™t easy. But hyper-personalizing your experiences can help you achieve that. Learn how!
How to discard tasks after timeouts with Redis keyspace notifications? Hereā€™s how to use Redis keyspace notifications events with spring boot to set up time-out mechanisms that discard tasks after surpassing the maximum wait time.
30 CX Leaders you MUST FOLLOW for 2022 CX leaders like no other! Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you, top CX leaders that you MUST FOLLOW in 2022 to ace your CX game in your businesses.
šŸ¤© 35+ high-converting WhatsApp message templates [Save now] Taking inspiration from the worldā€™s top brands, here are 35+ WhatsApp message templates thatā€™ll help you communicate with your audience with ease! Bookmark now
What is Decentralized Finance? How does DeFi work? Wondering what decentralized finance is all about? How does it work and how is it different from the traditional financial system? Find out in this article.
5 reasons why omnichannel customer engagement is important The hottest trend in customer service is omnichannel customer engagement & delivering omnichannel customer experience increases customer retention rate by 91%
Whatā€™s ā€˜notā€™ in GPT-3 memory? OpenAIā€™s GPT-3 has taken the world by storm, but does this powerful generative model have its drawbacks? Letā€™s explore with a few examples related to COVID-19.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
Top AI blogs to read beforeĀ 2022
How to drive business success and create marketing magic on WhatsApp Weā€™re showing you the best ways to run marketing campaigns and reach your customers in a more effective manner on their favourite touchpointā€Šā€”ā€ŠWhatsApp.
5 ways how AI can improve your businessā€™s software testing AI is improving & simplifying the life of developers & testers everywhere, by automating processes & allowing testers to provide accurate results & bug finds.
How much does it cost to give great customer service? Shep Hyken shows you how to take care of your customers and provide first-class customer service and experience without breaking the bank. Check it out!
How to generate leads with chatbots and live chat? Learn how to build a lead generation funnel with chatbots and live chat. Youā€™ll also get insights on how to use them to nurture your leads and drive sales.Ā 
5 powerful ways to increase your customer lifetime value Increase your customer lifetime value with psychology and consumer neuroscience-backed techniques. Get your customers to spend more and stick around longer.
7 powerful ways to increase eCommerce customer retention To increase eCommerce customer retention, you need to simplify purchases. You also need to tempt and delight your customers. Here are 7 ways to do just that.
25 customer experience books you need to read in 2022 Want to improve your businessā€™s CX substantially in 2022? Here are 15 customer experience books (and two bonus recommendations) that you need to read this year.
Stay ahead of the Machine Learning curve In this blog, weā€™ll see what machine learning is all about. How is it growing big globally. How are businesses stepping up their game with machine learning.Ā 
Let the sales cycle begin with chatbots! Sales cycle is a process that companies create selling a product to a customer. Using chatbots, companies collect customer data to facilitate the sales cycle
2 low-investment ways to ride the conversational automation wave The way we interact with tech influences how we market products. Itā€™s time to hop on the conversational automation wave in 2 powerful, low-investment ways.
11 sectors where chatbots act as a digital personal assistant Chatbots have transformed into becoming a virtual personal assistant, built with providing efficiency and available at affordable prices. Check it out!
Re-ranking of search results in SOLR Any e-commerce search engines rely on parameters such as product popularity, rating, click through rate etc to influence the result set for an input user query.
5 Foolproof Ways to Choose the Right Platform for Your Online Store From the business idea to putting the idea into motion, you will need a solid understanding of how online shops operate. This article will show you how.
Are Instagram bots about to transform how you do business? Instagram now allows businesses to automate customer conversations via bots. Ready to take the leap? Read this article to discover why you need an Instagram bot
Asia: Becoming a Powerhouse through AI Adoption AI is taking the world, especially markets in Asia by storm. Weā€™re exploring AI and its many use cases in markets such as China, Japan, and India in this blog
Taking 3 extra steps to deliver amazing customer service Always aim to give your customers an experience better than any they expected because a little creativity & some extra efforts can make a big difference.
The Basics of Threads and Thread Dumps Threads are the core of most processing units in the entire world of computers. They make up the basic part of every operation in java-based applications.
Black Friday tips | 17 tips to prepare your Shopify store for BFCM Want to get your Shopify store ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2021? Here are 17 tips to help you do just that and sell more during these holidays!
Engati supports RTL (Right-to-Left) chatbots on its platform Overcome the language barrier in MENA regions with Engatiā€™s RTL (Right-to-left) feature. Connect with customers who speak in Arabic, Urdu, Persian, and more!
You should know this about Real Estate Chatbots by now.(2023) Rule-based or AI-automated chatbots programmed to engage customers for real estate agencies. Chatbots are virtual agents that save time and grow sales.
4 ways AI chatbots are transforming customer experiences Enhancing customer experiences should always be a priority for businesses. Hereā€™s how to improve your CX and make your customers keep coming back for more!
Engage your customers at scale with these security measures At Engati, we have strict security controls in place for our chatbot and live chat solution. Here is how we empower you to engage your customers safely.
Top 20 influencers revolutionizing the eCommerce industry Engati has compiled a handbook of insights by influencers that can be applied to eCommerce, leading to a meaningful impact in the eCommerce industry in 2021.
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deepyanti Ā· 2 years
The best AI and Deep learning blogs to read in 2022
How Deep learning AI model compression caters to edge devices
To bring deep learning AI models to edge devices, model compression is critical. Learn about three techniques used to compress large language and image models.
Chatbot training at the speed of light!
Chatbot training in just 8 seconds? Use our cognitive search capability to train your chatbot using PDFs or URLs and fetch the data for your bot to answer!
5 key rules of behavioural journey mapping
Behavioural Journey Mapping looks at four aspects (Rational, Emotional, Subconscious, and Psychological) & we put these layers into the existing journey map.
5 Convincing reasons to apply AI to your EdTech startup
Digitization is everywhere and has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. So, why leave EdTech behind? Here are 5 reasons to apply AI to Edtechā€¦
3 wishes. The theory of Aladdinā€™s lamp in customer experience
Steven Van Belleghem dives into psychology to glean insights into behavior and help you understand your customers better to improve their experience. Read now.
How can you use WhatsApp for customer service? [Tips + best practices]
Using WhatsApp for customer service is a great way to meet your customers where theyā€™re hanging out. But how do you make it happen and how can you scale it up?
How does HBase scale?
Learn about the components of HBase and understand how to scale it up and get it to handle millions of datapoints, returning results in a few milliseconds.
3 steps to implement Business Intelligence systems
Real-time data is the need of the hour for Business Intelligence. But are your systems holding you back? Hereā€™s how to empower your organization with chatbots.
Optimizing Solr Resources with G1
This article is focused on tunning G1 GC params in Solr and tell how blibli.comā€˜s search gained huge performance gains with limited resources by tweaks.
5 powerful use cases for chatbots in eCommerce [Infographic]
Chatbots can help your E-commerce store display products, drive sales, collect payments, and do much more. Learn how to get the most out of your E-commerce bot!
What Empathy and Trust got to do with profit?
Take a look at the four elements necessary in building a long-term relationship that converts into value for your customers and profit to your organization.
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