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Marlene and Sirius: At a pureblood party. For dreaming-alien.
The party was everything a pureblood affair was supposed to be, and that made Sirius Black despise it the moment he stepped into the stark white marbled hallway.  Every pureblood event was the same logistically; even the differences were the same when looked at objectively. Each event had two goals; pair your child off the richest and wealthiest family, and out do the last of the parties. If these two goals weren’t enough to make Sirius despise the place, the company wasn’t exactly the best. He didn’t even know how he’d been talked into attending the event. Suits were like a mortal enemy to him and he constantly felt like he was being suffocated. He knew his mother’s goal; find him a girl who would hopefully sway him into believing all that pureblood bullshit. Jokes on her, like that was even fucking possible. As soon as he powered through the stark white hallway that reminded him of a morgue, or what he felt like a morgue would look like, he made a beeline for the bar. It took some weaving, mother’s of girls attempted to stop him and steer him towards their daughters.  The Black family was known as a prestigious and ancient house. Wealthy too. Too bad they didn’t know what Sirius Black got up to in his spare time, his mother had been exceptionally good at hiding those lil’ traits. Free booze was somewhat worth putting up with these people. Just looking around them;  all the men wearing their finest suits, their top buttons and bow ties executed to perfection and the women, in gowns that screamed splendour, made him sick. Nursing a glass of scotch in one hand, his other dug into his pocket he scanned the room. The whole time he avoided eye contact. When he saw his mother attempting to call him over, he ducked behind a pillar. And that was when he saw his saving grace. A door that led outside. He’d slipped out before a second had even passed. Once the cold air hit him, he was awake again. The hand that had been dug into his pocket worked at his bow-tie, first loosening it, then completely untying it. Fuck it. He thought, digging in his pocket for a cigarette.  He’d lit it and was lifting it to his lips when he noticed another person leave the main affair, a woman. A beautiful woman. He could admit that. “What’s a girl like you doing out here? Away from there? Didn’t you know all the marriage prospects are in there? Looking for a good house runner.” The scorn and sarcasm dripped in his voice, his smirk growing as he lifted the cigarette to his lips and took another long drag. The woman scowled at him, kicking her shoes off as she tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “Well, as you can see, its so much better company here.” Having not respected sarcasm to rival his, Sirius coughed in surprise. Now he was interested. He leaned against the railing, arching his eyebrows as he looked at the woman in front of him. “Guessing you were forced here too huh? Sirius, Sirius Black.” He told her, offering a hand that the female immediately scowled at. “Marlene McKinnon. My father generally doesn’t attend these things, but of course he had to drag me along. But honestly, I’m just here for the free booze.” She held up the glass in her hand, which Sirius immediately identified as whiskey from the golden colour. Now this girl, she was interesting. Sirius took another drag of his cigarette, his eyes staying locked on hers. The darkness of them trailed over every part of her, analysing and working out Miss McKinnon. “Now you, are interesting, McKinnon. I think we’re going to have a lot of fun.”
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Ginny and Harry: Harry finds out she is pregnant. For confundomarvel
The party was in full swing when they got there. People were dispersed in small groups, sipping alcoholic beverages and laughing. The laughter, warmth and music filled the void of the room. Coats were piled up against a table close the door, Ginny giving a little laugh as Harry helped her shrug out of her big coat. While the outside of the house was frosty from the unforgiving January weather, inside was warm and welcoming. There was so much to celebrate; everyone in the room’s light moods filled the atmosphere with pure positivity. 
Harry shrugged off his coat as well, placing his on top of Ginny’s. A moment later his hand slipped into hers, tugging her towards the people. A server passed them, glasses of bubbling champagne dispersed on a tray. Harry nudged Ginny towards the tray, “Do you want a glass? We have a fair bit to celebrate.” 
Ginny immediately shook her head, the news that she had discovered a few days ago springing back into her head.  Not that she’d had time to tell Harry. Clashing schedules and late nights meant that this was the first time in the last week that the married couple had actually spent time alone together.  And a dinner party was in no way the place to spill the news of a pregnancy. “No thankyou love. You have a glass. I’ll pass.” 
A wrinkle formed in between Harry’s eyebrows, his footsteps halting. The server, who had gotten bored of waiting, wandered off between the guests again. “Why not? You love a glass of champagne usually. And we need to celebrate your latest win!” 
Ginny internally groaned, having completely forgotten about the victory the Harpies had in the Qudditch league. It was currently the last of her worries. A head shake was the response Harry got again as Ginny made her way into the room of guests, hoping someone would notice the Potter’s and take Harry’s attention off her. “Just not tonight…I don’t really feel up to it. And I just can’t.” Ginny emphasised the can’t and attempted to move off , but Harry stopped her. The cogs appeared to be turning in the man’s head, and he just frowned.
“Ginny, you know I don’t want to pressure you but you can’t say things like that and expect me to not be worried. Why can’t you drink?” He asked, his frown intensifying as he analysed her. Ginny looked fine. She looked great actually. Like she was positively glowing. It couldn’t be… “You’re not…you’re not…pregnant are you?” His voice lowered as he met eyes with his wife. 
A scowl settled onto Ginny’s lips and she threw her hands up, “Yes Potter! That’s exactly it! I’m pregnant!”
Harry couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face as he hugged his wife, picking her up and just spinning her around. “Ginny! That’s amazing news!” His lips met hers, and the scowl lifted while she returned the kiss. When he’d pulled back enough to smile at him, Ginny swatted at his chest. “You ruined the surprise you git.” She grumbled teasingly, moving off to join the party, a grinning Harry staring in her wake.
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Draco and Luna: Fluff. For anon.
The soft scent of freshly baked cookies filled the house. The scent was thick, it lingered, caressing each of the walls of the house and travelling until the whole home was filled with the fulfilling smell. It couldn’t be missed, even from Draco’s position in the gently lit bedroom. While the curtains had been closed, the sunlight streamed in from the gaps. 
Laying amongst the mountain of pillows, the bed still smelling like her shampoo, was where Draco felt completely at peace. Especially on days like today. Those lazy, sunny afternoons filled with cookies, and tea, that made him feel like he was finally able to breathe. Life wasn’t complicated anymore. The war was over, the days had passed and new love had blossomed like flowers in the Spring. They’d both been tortured by the memories of the war. A whole generation of people were tortured by those old memories, the wounds only starting to close and scab over.  Love seemed to be the only remedy in those times. And that was when he’d found her. Luna. He’d always been curious about her. Everyone was curious about the girl. Yet her outlook on life and that dreamy smile had drawn him in, enveloped him in her love and brought the first instance of peace to his life in so long. A groan escaped his lips as he pushed himself from the bed, following the source of the homely smell. There was nothing he found more beautiful then Luna. Especially when he saw her in the kitchen that lazy Sunday. Her back was towards his, her head tipped back. The softest sound of gentle singing reached his ears, making a smile break its way onto his own face. Carefully, he stepped forward, treading carefully so not to scare Luna, as he wrapped his arms around her small waist. Initially, she gasped, leaning back into his strong body as he gave a chuckle. The sound was course and cracked against the silence of their home, his croaky voice revealing to Luna that he’d just gotten out of bed. “Good morning.” He murmured, his voice still low and rough as he held her body close to his own. Draco’s slightly stubbly chin came to rest against her soft shoulder, a smile forming as he watched her steady hands knead at the dough on the floury bench. “Good morning.” Luna chirped back, tilting her head back to steal a kiss before he hands continued their work.  “How’d you sleep? How’re you feeling?” She asked in that calm, but far off voice. That was what Draco seemed to love even more about her. Her voice. “Better now that I’m with you. And well…whatever you’re baking smells bloody good.” He laughed, running his fingers along her side. They knew exactly where to go to get the reaction he was seeking. And he knew it had worked when Luna squirmed, a gasp of laughter leaving her as she leaned back into him. “No! Draco!” She gasped, turning around and pushing at his chest, her laughter filling the small house. And to Draco, it was as therapeutic as the gorgeous sunshine that streamed in.
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James and Sirius: Reunited in the afterlife. For anon.
“You’ve gotten fat.” Was the first coherent words that reached Sirius’ ears. Everything else seemed to still feel numb, lighter then a cloud and absolutely surreal. The moment he fell through the veil, the shattering of the worlds around them ripped away his ability to understand, to feel, to perceive. Dying will do that to you.
Sirius couldn’t remember much. He knew a couple things. He’d fallen through the veil, yes, and as he had, he’d felt familiar hands on his back. Then nothing. Blackness. Incoherency for second after second following it all. Then that voice had spoken. That voice that seemed to bring something back in him. It had been years since he’d heard that particular voice. The voice with the smirk permanently imbedded upon it, the voice that never seemed to age a day past twenty-one. “And old, merlin, mate. You’ve really let yourself go. Look at those wrinkles. And your hair. Bloody hell,  mate, haven’t you cut it sine I last saw you?” That was it, the final straw. Sirius’ grey eyes snapped open and met hazel ones they hadn’t met in years. And that was when it all came crashing down. Sirius jerked himself up and lunged at the bloke leaning over him. He enveloped James Potter into a hug and felt like everything was right in the world. He hadn’t seen his best friend in years. And what long years had they been. His whole body trembled as rush after rush of emotions crashed into Sirius, pulling him every which way. Despite the emotions that came and went, there was one that stayed constantly. Joy. Joy was a constant. And joy was staying. “Prongs I-” He choked out, clapping his friend on the back as he struggled to speak through the lump in his throat.  There was just so much he wanted to convey, yet he didn’t know if he could really do that. James chuckled and hugged Sirius back, clapping him on the back. “I know, Pads. I know.” “I’m dead.” Sirius managed to say, the word feeling unfamiliar in his mouth. “You are.” James told him back, shrugging once. He felt there was no need to really sugar coat it. There was no going back. It took a while before Sirius could pull away from James and wipe at the tears that had apparently flown down his face and challenged his manliness. “Your son..Harry..he uh-he looks right like you. Not so much of an annoying fat head, though.” Seeing his best mate seeming to come to terms with everything, James laughed, clapping Sirius on the back again. “Glad to have you back, dog breath.” “You too, mate, you too.”
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Remus and Tonks: A second wedding after the war. For anon.
The bright sun on the horizon made the forests become bathed in an pleasant glow, making the setting of the wedding that much more beautiful. The sun and the emotions of everyone at the wedding seemed to match. After so much death and destruction, a wedding was just what everyone needed. It was easy to rebuild buildings after so much terrible things, but people’s spirits…that was another story.
That was the exact reason Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks decided upon renewing their vows following the winning of the war. It was just what everyone needed  They would also be able to have the big wedding Remus had always wanted to give her, and there would be celebrations amongst everything. They could all officially celebrate the ending of the war.
Despite the fact that a lot of the buildings were still in ruins, and people were still healing from the war, the wedding had been perfect. Remus had always thought that Tonks would look gorgeous in a white dress, and despite how much the two had argued, her brown hair was somewhat different from usual but added to the beauty of the girl. Remus seemed to be unable to keep his arms away from her. He kept snaking his arms around her waist and tugging her closer, wanting to kiss the woman that was his wife. They’d been married before, but this was different. This was a celebration of life, love and everything in between, not just because of a war won. As the music floated around the couple, while dancing, Remus snuck his head underneath Tonk’s veil and smirked. He pressed a few kisses to her cheek, mumbling soft words of love as they went. “You look gorgeous, you know? I remain on the fact that your hair would’ve looked nicer pink though.’ The combination of Remus’ breath on her cheek as well as his stubbly chin only made her laugh as she leaned into her husband. “Oh yeah? Well, too damn bad. I went with brown. Mum always wanted me to look boring on my wedding day.” She told him, giving his waist a shove before the two of them continued to dance. Remus frowned, dipping her in his arms as they danced to the music, twirling amongst the other couples absently. “Boring? I didn’t know that was in your vocabularly, Nymphadora.” There was a teasing lilt to his tone, his eyebrows arched the tiniest bit as he looked at his wife. If there was anything that annoyed her, it was that. And he soon got his wish. Tonk’s face scrunched up in annoyance. “Don’t call me Nymphadora!” Remus grinned down at her, stealing a kiss before he replied. “Well, I might as well call you that. I can’t call you Tonks anymore, Lupin.” He accentuated his point with another kiss, making Tonks laugh once more.
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Hi again guys! Another question/announcement.
A couple people have been saying for me to enlist help again, and I’ve definitely been considering it. So just to see, if you’d be interested writing here, can you maybe like this and send me a message? Even submit a piece of writing! Anything will be amazingly appreciated.
Thankyou so much guys!
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Albus and Scorpis: AU. Albus is a Squib. For its-raining-punkpop.
The sunlight slowly made it’s way into the window, but there was no need for it to wake Albus. He was already awake, his head pillowed on one elbow, while his free hand traced absent patterns along Scorpius’s back. The night before had been filled with fiery passion and had been a mixture of lips, limbs and bed sheets.
In the post sex euphoria, Albus ’s mind traced back to the conversation he’d had with Scorpius before they’d jolted their way to the bed. The two of them had been watching a movie, the popcorn long eaten before they’d even gotten halfway through. The feeling of each other’s finger tips on their skin distracting them and pulling their focus from the film.
“You know, I love you.” Albus said in a distracted voice, the tone a low rumble in his throat from lack of use. Scorpius didn’t look away from the screen, but Albus could see his lips turning up into a smile at the words.  “That’s what you’ve told me.” Albus rested his head on Scorpius’s shoulder, brushing his nose along his neck gently. “But its true. We’ve been together two months now. That’s pretty long for me.”
A jolt seemed to run through Scorpius, startling Albus. He hoped he hadn’t hurt him or anything. Scorpius glanced down at him, frowning thoughtfully. “Two months? It’s been that long, already?” The grin on Albus’s face only grew, although he was confused, the amount of time the two had been together brought a smile to his face. “Yup, two months.” It shocked Albus when he felt Scorpius’s lips on his suddenly, however he accepted the passionate kiss happily. The kiss slowly intensified, Albus’s hands in his hair, tugging him closer. Scorpius wound his own arms around Albus, closing the distance between the couple.
When they pulled away, their foreheads still touching and sharing their short breaths, they grinned at each other. “This…its the longest relationship I’ve had. Ever. I didn’t do them before you. I didn’t know you’d...love..me..I am a Squib after all..” Albus admitted in a breathless tone, before snatching Scorpius’s breath away with another kiss. “Well, it’ll get even longer, if I have anything to say about it. I’m not letting you go, Albus Potter. Squib or not, I’m too damn in love with you.” Then sentence was proven correct by another earth shattering kiss, which delved the two into a night of absolute passion, as well as celebration.
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James and Lily: They live. Harry’s first time on a broom. For anon.
“Do you really think this is a good idea, James?” The concern was evident in Lily’s voice, from the pure way it trembled as it escaped, to the tight way her lips were set, pulling her husband’s eyes over to her. 
James shrugged off her concerns though, his smile big and puppy like. Excitement looked good on him and he was positively full of it today. His hazel eyes glowed with absolute delight at the scene in front of him, his body tensed in an attentive way as he crouched beside their son
When Lily had found out she was carrying a child, she should have know that this day would come. She should have known that her child would eventually find their way onto a broom. 
It was in their blood after all. 
With that knowledge, Lily shouldn’t have been surprised when she found a very mesmerised Harry sitting atop a broom, his toes just scraping the carpeted flooring.  The snitch that James had stolen years ago from Hogwarts fluttered around. Years and years had dulled the charm, slowed the little golden ball. However, it still moved fast enough to amuse the young boy, who grasped for it and attempted to grab it. 
James stood nearby, watching his son with a great amount of approval. There was a light in his eyes that could only be described as pure pride as he watched his son do laps of the lounge room. 
“I think it’s the best present he’s ever gotten, Lils. Look at him fly.” James told her, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead. It was a silent reassurance, his own way of reinforcing that he would never, ever let anything happen to his son. “He does look like a mini you up there. So what’ll he be playing then? Chaser, like this father?” Lily asked James, arching her eyebrows as she leaned against the couch in an attempt at looking nonchalant. Perhaps if James didn’t know her like he did, he would’ve been completely fooled. But James Potter knew Mrs Lily Potter better then anyone else and everything from the tiny crinkles in her eyebrows, to the way she shifted her weight from foot to foot proved just how nervous she was. 
James leaned beside her, slinging his arm over her shoulder and tugging her close. He’d hug the nerves from her if he could. “A chaser, I wouldn’t accept anything less.” 
Lily laughed, shaking her head at James gently. “I dunno. Look at those reflexes. He’s a goer, definitely. You never know, he could be chasing a real snitch one day.”
James snorted, shaking his head. His eyes stayed glued to Harry though, and as he watched his son coming so close to grabbing the ball, he couldn’t help agreeing. Although, he would never admit that to his wife.
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Harry/Ginny/Draco: Draco almost confessing his feelings for Ginny but quickly interrupted by her boyfriend, Harry.
She was easy to spot. Her red hair stood out against the tile she was leaning against. Her eyes were closed and she looked exhausted. Draco didn’t blame her. O.W.L.s were killers.
Draco had fancied Ginny Weasley for a while now. It was kind of hard not to admire her spirit and fire. Also, it helped that she was beautiful. There were two problems though. One: Draco really didn’t know how to tell her he liked her after being horrid to her whole family. She’d probably laugh in his face. Two: She had a boyfriend, Harry bloody Potter.
Today, however, he didn’t walk away like he normally would. There was no one around so he might actually be able to talk to her.
“Are you ok?” Draco asked as he slowly approached.
��Yeah, just… .” Ginny’s eyes snapped open and narrowed when she saw him. “What do you want, Malfoy?”
“I was just asking a question, Weasley, no need to get snappy,” Draco replied. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
“Aren’t you supposed to hate me or something?” Ginny questioned. “You hate my brother and my-”
“You aren’t your brother last time I checked,” Draco interrupted her. “Besides I don’t think you could be that pretty if you were your brother.”
Ginny stared at him in shock. He knew she hadn’t expected him to pay her a complement. Well, a complement in an insult. Now was the time, he was going to tell her he fancied her.
“Ginny?” a voice called out.
Both Ginny and Draco turned to see Harry standing a few feet from them. Ginny’s eyes lit up and she smiled brightly at him.
“What are you doing here, Malfoy?” Harry asked narrowing his eyes.
“I could ask you the same question, Potter,” Draco retorted openly glaring at him.
“I came to see my girlfriend,” Harry said stepping forward. “What did he say to you, Gin?”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Nothing I couldn’t handle. Come on, Harry, let’s go.”
Then Ginny stood up, grabbed Harry’s hand, and dragged him away.
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Lily & Remus: Lily asking Remus why he is friends with the Marauders. For anon.
“Lil’s look— they have the new Stooges record.”
“Merlin— are you shitting me? Pass it here.”
A pretty, young teenager, a mere thirteen years old, stood practically in awe of the record she held. She looked no different to any other girl of her age; the only noticeable difference in her appearance, being the sleek, red hair, she had pulled up into a high pony-tail. Beside her, stood a boy who easily could have been mistaken for her boyfriend— from afar, he was a mess of brown hair, sticking up at all angles. But upon closer inspection, myriad scars could be traced across his face, arms, hands… Practically anywhere that hadn’t been veiled by the green, knitted jumper. Oversized and fraying at the cuffs, the lean boy was all but hidden within it.
The pair had taken up refuge in a small-time record store; nothing particularly fancy for down-town London. The streets, bustling with parents, children and the like, all taking time off for the summer holidays, had turned out to be too much for the pair— and had exchanged the racing beat of the city, for something quite the opposite.
“Sirius would bloody love that. He keeps nicking my vinyls— anything and everything punk really, at this point.”
At the mention of the other boys name, she rolled her eyes with such exasperation, that a huff of laughter could be heard from the cashier, who had been keeping a careful eye on the pair.
“Remus, why do you insist on hanging out with those boys? There are plenty other Gryffindor boys our age, who are by far, nicer. What about Longbottom, for that matter?”
It was a conversation that the friends had held countless times— this month. The detest that Lily held for James Potter and his gang of misfits, really came as no surprise to anyone who knew the girl. Remus, however, refused to succumb to her beliefs over Potter, Black and Pettigrew; who were frankly, his best friends.
“You know how this conversation ends, Lily. You get angry at me, because my friends don’t meet your standards.”
“That’s a lie. Peter is a perfectly nice boy— when you take him away from bloody Black and Potter, that is.” She pushed the record back into Remus’s arms, before practically marching to the other side of the store, pursed lips and all; leaving Remus, face somewhere bewilderment and acceptance, and clutching onto the Stokes record. The same trickling laugh from before, had Remus turning back to the employee.
“Women,” sighed the gruff man, with a face hidden behind a thick beard and even thicker piercings. “Whatcha gonn’ do?”
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The Scamanders: Lorcan and Lysander playing hide and seek with Luna. For anon.
“Lysander, shut up— she’s going to hear you.”
“She’s going to hear us. You’re the one who’s talking.”
Luna Scamander watched on, as two blonde boys huddled behind an oak tree, as old as Merlin’s name itself. The wind carried their whispers; a quaint, thin-lipped smile forming, as she revelled at the beauty of her family. Her husband, and her twin sons, only a few years shy of leaving for Hogwarts themselves, now lived alone in a small cottage, in the secluded English woods.
 "Lorcan— will you stop breathing on my neck!”
“It’s not my fault! I told you we should have found a bigger tree.”
“This is the biggest tree!”
The faint cracking of bare feet against the dry forest floor, had Luna carefully approaching her sons. She’d be lying, if she ever tried to claim that for the past seventeen minutes she hadn’t known that the boys were crouched, only feet away from her. However, that’s what mothers did, right?
“Is that her…? Is she coming…?”
“Lysander— how am I supposed to know?”
“Just stick your head out and look!”
A flash of white hair and a short-lived shriek was the only indication Luna was given, before she was forced to become part of the chase. The barefooted trio swerved between countless trees— bursts of laughter exploding as they ran.
The Crumple-Horned Snorkack may not have been real, but she thanked Merlin this was.
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The Weasleys: Ron and Hermione arguing over infant-Rose's name. For anon.
“Ron— I don’t care if it was Merlin’s dying wish. I am not naming our daughter Trixibelle Weasley.”
“I said no.”
The blessed maternity ward— a place of family. Bundles of joy brought into the world; with gleaming parents, anxious to start the new chapter of their lives. The halls, although echoing with screams of pain, and wails of new life, were undoubtedly surreal to many people. However, most of the witches and wizards who find themselves here, don’t engage in an argument with their partner, over the name of their infant daughter.
Ron and Hermione Weasley never were most witches and wizards, though.
"Well, we're not naming her bloody Otthild either. Some bloody, crazy muggle name, that is."
"Ronald, did you just push this seven pound baby out of you? Has it been growing inside of you nine months?"
"You know fine well that she hasn't."
"And I know fine well that she won't be known as Trixibelle for the rest of her life. What a horrid name!"
"Says the woman who named her bloody cat, Crookshanks."
After several more outbursts, which each resulted in a passive-aggressive ‘shush’ by the nurses, Ron, whose limbs sprawled from every angle of the plastic chair he sat in, was all but running on empty thanks to the sheer exhaustion he accumulated after the past hours.
“My beautiful roses”, he murmured with drooping eyelids and a fatigue-driven sigh. “I love you—”.
“Rose…”, Hermione echoed, as she traced her index finger on the back of her daughter’s hand. “That’s lovely Ron… Rose…”.
“Rose Weasley.”
“Rose Weasley,” she agreed.
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Draco & Teddy: Teddy looking up to Draco like a big brother. For cinemaaddict.
Nobody was quite sure when it happened— or rather, how it happened. Not a single time, nor an event, could be pin-pointed, and declared, ‘yes, this is it’. Regardless, Draco Malfoy became a permanent fixture; not just within the Potter's lives, but indeed, their home. Whether it be in the form of morning coffee, brought via the floo network, or the somewhat surly, not-so-older uncle, who provided off hand-remarks about Ginny’s cooking at Christmas; it was a development that nobody really objected to. Of course, with the addition of the Malfoy, came repercussions, that not even Harry-bloody-Potter would have imagined. A somewhat forced relationship between a young Teddy Lupin and dubbed ‘Uncle Malfoy’, began with what Harry could merely describe as being, ‘an arms-length from disaster’. Teddy, although a kind boy with an edge that could only have came from Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, initially took the white-haired man with caution. Years forward, however, would see that changed.
A flash of white hair in the corner of his eye, had Harry turning around to address his friend.
“You’re early, Malfoy. I wouldn’t have expected your suave arse to be out of bed this promptly on a winter’s morning.”
“Harry, what in Merlin's name are you talking about?”
A sight, not unlike that of hippogriff drinking a pint of butterbeer, greeted Harry from across the kitchen table. Blue hair, gone in favour of white, had Teddy Lupin looking like a rather punk version of none-other than Draco Malfoy.
“Teddy… Sprouting a new look are we?” Harry asked, with as much normality as he could muster; his only response being that of a half-hearted shrug. 
Timing impeccable, as per usual, a flash of green had Draco standing in the fireplace, armed with a copy of the Daily Prophet, and two takeaway cups of coffee. As though it was his own home, Draco closed the space between himself and the two men with a certain assurance— sliding one of the cups in front of Teddy, who had sat down on a bar stool. Shedding his coat and scarf, the only indication Draco made of his thoughts on Teddy’s hair, was a thin-lipped smirk, and a simple quip.
“Finally— one of the Potters develop style.”
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Drinny: The first time she said 'I love you'. For somewhereundermypillow
The first time she told him that she loved him, she never actually said it at all.
But rather, it was in the way she lay in bed beside him; trusting him to watch over her in her sleep— clinging to his naked torso, muffled sounds of whimpers escaping from her lips. It hadn't mattered that he had took her away from it all. Away from the carnage that they called home. Away from the memories and the reminders of all that they had lost. Her subconscious wouldn't let those ghosts die.
It was in the way, that when she awoke, the first thing she looked for was him. Her face engulfed in a ferocity of red hair that hung from all angles. Eyes squinting from the slithers of light that had sneaked in through the windows— the same light that reflected an aura of beauty around her, despite the blemished face and hint of morning breath. She became more beautiful with every turn of a new morning to him.
When slumber had finally released its grip from the girl, it was in the way she shimmied out of the bed— naked and walking gently on her feet, as she padded around the hotel suite. She disappeared from view when she rounded a corner, but not before turning and sending him a thin lipped smile. He held his breath as he waited for her; counting every moment she was gone. One hundred and forty-three… One hundred and forty-four… One hundred and forty-five.
It was in the two steaming cups of coffees she held when she returned; one held a dollop of cream, whereas the other had three sugars. A silk robe now hung loosely over her curves— the chic white clashing brilliantly with her hair. She settled back down on the bed, passing him the second mug as she did so. With her back up against a bundle of pillows, and her head resting against his willowy shoulders— taking a sip of her coffee every moment or too, as they fell into the comfortable lull that was often shadowed by their chaotic personalities.
He saw it in the smoke that slipped out from between her lips, before entering the haze above them. She had reached across to the bedside cabinet, and took out one of the many packets of cigarettes she carried on her. Of course, she never actually smoked it, more-so that she merely held it in her mouth before exhaling. Nevertheless, it seemed to take the nerve off her— he never did have the heart to tell her she wasn’t actually a smoker.
It was always evident in the way that she leaned over towards him. Her smokes and her coffee always safely out of harms reach; she'd end up straddling him. Much alike her feet and the bed sheets, her fingers would eventually end up woven into his hair— a smirk hidden away in the corner of her mouth until he made the first move, effectively closing all distance between them.
She never said ‘I love you’. She needn't have to.
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Hinny: fight and make up. For anon. Ginny glared at the wall. Harry was late home from work again and she was starting to get worried. Not that she would ever admit that. Even if she loved him, she wasn't going to act like a clingy little bimbo. Harry had been going out and capturing tons of Death Eaters that were still out there. He usually came home around six if he wasn't on a mission. It was seven now. Finally he walked into the house at seven-thirty. “Hey, Gin, sorry I'm late. I got caught up at the office.” Ginny snorted. “Really? I wouldn't have guessed.” Harry raised an eyebrow. “Are you ok?” “No, I am not ok,” Ginny told him standing up front the couch. “You get in an hour and thirty minutes late and don't even bother to owl me that you're going to be late! That's the third time this week, Harry!” “I'm sorry if I don't feel the need to let you know my every move,” Harry replied sarcastically. “I figured you could handle it. Apparently I was wrong.” “Well, I'm sorry if I was concerned about you! I didn't know it was a crime!” Ginny shouted. “I-I thought th-that-” Ginny's sentence was cut off with a sob. Harry was at her side instantly taking her into his arms as Ginny tried to hold back those ridiculous tears that would not let up. “Ginny, what's wrong?” Harry asked. “You hardly ever cry and never over something like this. Please, tell me what's wrong.” “I'm pregnant,” Ginny mumbled. “I'm pregnant and I didn't know where you were. I didn't know if you had been sent out on a last minute mission, or if something had happened to you. My imagination was running wild and I thought that my baby would have to go grow up without a father.” “Ginny, love, that's not going to happen,” Harry told her, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. “I'm always going to come back to you. Both you. How long have you known?” “A couple weeks,” Ginny answered softly. “Are you mad I didn't tell you?” Harry shook his head. “No. I wish you would have told me sooner, but it's ok. And I promise I will never will leave you alone, ok?” Ginny nodded.
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Albius: chilling by the lake, being cute. For anon. “Five,” Albus said as Scorpius picked up a rock. “Nope, it's going to be six,” Scorpius answered before pulling back his arm and flinging the rock toward the lake. It bounced on the water three times before sinking. Skipping rock was one of Scorpius and Albus' favorite things to do, even before they were together. They would come down here and skip rocks across the lake. Albus laughed loudly while Scorpius muttered a 'shut up.' When Albus didn't stop laughing, Scorpius grabbed him around the waist and pulled him close before kissing him. Albus' laughing ceased immediately. His arms came around Scorpius and he pushed his lips hard against Scorpius'. “I told you to shut up,” Scorpius muttered pulling away. “I'm not very good at listening if you hadn't noticed,” Albus replied cheekily, while he rested his forehead against Scorpius'. “No, but you're good with your mouth.”
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Percy/Penelope: kissing goodbye. For anon. “I can't do this anymore!” Penelope shouted at Percy. It wasn't the first fight. They had moved into together a few months after they left Hogwarts. Life had been on their own had been new and exciting. Two years later, however, all the couple seemed to do was fight. “You've changed, Percy,” Penelope said sadly. “Can't you see that?” “Is is so bad that I don't agree with my family?” Percy nearly snarled. “They're being a bunch of idiots if they think Dumbledore is telling the truth.” “See, that's what I mean,” Penelope sighed. “You never talked about your family that way before you took that job as Junior Assistant.” “Is that what this is about?!” Percy shouted angerly. “No, but if you continue to act like this then I don't see a future for us,” Penelope told him simply. “Are you breaking it off with me?” Percy asked quietly. “I'm sorry, Percy, I care about you, I really do, but I can't continue in a relationship where all we do is fight,” Penelope said. “I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore.” “Penelope, wait,” Percy begged reaching out for her arm. “We can work this out.” “No, Percy, we can't,” Penelope smiled sadly before pushing herself up onto her tip toes and kissing him. It was brief. Percy clung desperately to Penelope. He'd already lost his family he couldn't lose her. “Please, Pen, we can work this out.” “I'm sorry, but we can't.” Penelope turned walked toward the door saying that she'd be back tomorrow to pick up her things, while Percy thought for the first time maybe he was wrong.
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