definitely-not-ady · 3 years
There is still nothing funnier to me than Mal’s “Oi!” when Alina throws that water bottle at him. He’s so offended, like how dare you Alina
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
People be like "what's your type?" and it's like my type sir? my type is the type of what ever character i happen to be basing my personality off of today.
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
“inferni” “tidemaker” she’s so pretentious. shut up, it’s fucking firebending and waterbending
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
madi, about raven´s 100-volt security system: couldn’t that really hurt someone?
octavia, excitedly: i hope so!
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
Kit: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Ty: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Dru?
Dru: Probably “road work ahead”.
Mark: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
pass the happy! 🧡 when you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
i am so sorry i didn’t respond to this sooner but anyways here goes
1. binge watching tv shows
2. sitting in my room
3. tumblr ofc
4. i’ve said it before but i freaking love the rain lol
5. watching reality shows
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
Shout out to the time when The Shadowhunter Chronicles Fandom was known as The Mortal Instruments Fandom.
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
The Herondale Thought Process™️
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
i wonder how john murphy will be remembered
i wonder if people will remember him as a monster. as the man who danced with the devil, who rained plague upon his people and killed for his own gain.
i wonder if people will remember his journey. his struggle and hardship, his trek across land and sea in search of a promised land. how he stood before the man he took as messiah and walked away, because for once death was not the answer to life.
i wonder if people will remember he was a boy who lost everything. who loved until the world came crashing down. who watched parents die, watched friends die, who saw the lines between ally and enemy blur and realized that it was only him he could truly rely on.
i wonder if people will remember he woke up every morning and lived through each day, even though there was nothing left for him to fight for. that he battled demons all on his own, their whispers and taunts inviting him towards the abyss that was his past.
i wonder if people will remember he was more than monster or traitor, more than villain or pariah. i wonder if people will remember he was a friend, a fighter, a rescuer, a leader, a survivor.
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
a basic mind: they’re just a cast
me, an intellectual: just a cast? my friend, this is a real life found family trope. a group of misfits, brought together under the banner of fiction to become something more than dreams, that make people happy and provide joy-
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
There's a 104 days
Of clownerication
And we don't know what's gonna happen
So the current problem of our generation
Is finding a good way to spend it
Like maybe...
Robbing the ice court
Or Saving the girl
And dragging pekka to dirt
Eating waffles with Matthias and Nina
Or shooting stuff with Jesper
Blowing the town up with Wylan and Kuwei
Going hunting with inej
Robbing homes with kaz and his cane
Or taking people's eyes out!
As you can see there's a whole lot of stuff to do
So join the six of clowns!
So stick with us cause a bunch of clowns
Are gonna do it all!
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
it’d be cool if i could…………………function
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
it doesn't matter how many times i read it i will cry every time i read lord of shadows
and that's very sexy of me
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
tysm @lucie-blackthorns @humanityisdrawntolight @scarlettdiggory20 @icycoolslushie and @lightwood-di-angelo-hargreeves ❤️🥺❤️ right back at all of ya'll ilysm
tagging all of my mutuals ya'll are absolutely amazing❤️
🍃🌺🌙If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get it back even better 🌙🌺🍃👉👈
Thanks so much friend 💕💕
@bookdragonfanish @daggersandfeathers @cloudygreywolf @whatrambles @yumiiiiiii @persephcned @leidiosyncraticone @the-cidem @icycoolslushie @justmemyselfandthefridge
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
please dont get the s&b show cancelled because of the stunt incident. it was so refreshing to see such an incredibly powerful show with its diverse cast. as an Indian myself, I was so glad to see two brown women play powerful roles on screen and it would be heartbreaking if the show got cancelled. instead,
-ask the crew for an apology, as they (especially the casting director) are the ones who should be held at fault.
-wait for some of the actors or Leigh Bardugo herself to clear the air with whatever little they're allowed to say.
- Demand for a proper brown stunt actress for the upcoming seasons.
Find solutions, not means of destruction.
Cancelling the show can cause so many other problems. You're stripping away the chance of a diverse show in Hollywood, God only knows we need them. The Grishaverse in general has a special place in everyone's heart and it is a comfort place for many fans. Taking away the chance of seeing someone's favourite character on screen is quite sad. Do not be so quick to cancel :)
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
thanks @lucie-blackthorns!
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this is very vibey
tagging anyone who wants to do this
EVERYONE go on pinterest and type:
a) your name + your fav colour + dress/suit
b) your name + your fav colour + shoes
c) your name + your fav colour + sword
d) your name + your fav colour + crown
this is what i got:
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tagging a few mutuals
@untowardflower @reyna-herondale @reyna-morozova @no-cheese @niathesanctuary-bolastair-kanej @itsdaughterofthemoon @themistressofrevels7 @shatsimpsforthomastair @ghafa-dale @lilac-pixie01 @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @clockworkprincess19 @darkshadowqueensrule @greenbriarxrose @eternal-light @lucieeblackthorn @22herondale
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definitely-not-ady · 3 years
i'd totally go to prom with you @tiredassbibliophile
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who else want to go to prom? @icycoolslushie @hrh-princess-bea @lightwood-di-angelo-hargreeves @lucie-blackthorns @humanityisdrawntolight
Tumblr Prom 2021
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in honour of today’s Tumblr Prom 2021, here’s my outfit <33
@verose-queen-of-hell​ @thetoddanderson​ @coffeelovinggayidiot​ @erniediangelo​ @user-with-a-name​ @omglord1​ @limp-wrist​ @do-gay-dont-be-crime​ @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom​ @bisexual-apocalypse​ @rosadiaz-givesme-bipanic​ @petrichornmoreee​ @whythefuckdoiexist​ @palindrome-k​ @13-taylor-swift​
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