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Dem bootiful people...
One thing I’ve noticed among my clique is how often we compliment each other, these range from:
“Gurl your hairs looking good today and your eyeliners on point!”
“You perfect little shit.”
No matter how crude, they are still taken as compliments. We all know our heart’s in the right place when we voice them. However the compliments given aren't really taken into consideration by the receiver, quite often the answer will be a shrug or a “shut up whatever.”
I mean just because my friends don’t necessarily look like this:
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or have a body like this:
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dont mean they aint cute af.
Just like the rest of ya’ll peeps just cuz you aint your average Miley Cyrus - Selena Gomez - Kendall / Kylie Jenner --- don’t meant you cant rock them high waist shorts with that cute as heck tank top you bought from Valleygirl last week. Or that sundress you found from the thrift store. 
Society’s constructs for beauty are over rated anyway. 
If you were meant to look airbrushed to perfection, evolution would've somehow made that happen.
I know it’s not easy to feel beautiful, especially when we have an entire aspect of marketing trying to make us feel less than adequate and I myself have days when I look in the mirror and feel like chanting Bloody Mary in there three times would kill the poor demon/ghost/thing. I have yet to learn the art of self-love fully.
But while I have those ‘wtf is standing in front of the mirror days’ I always have to remind myself that (a) I am not here to impress anyone. I am here to attempt to ace highschool, scare bitches and stay tf in my lane and (b) if a blind man can be pulled out of a dumpster and still look good then i don’t have to try  too hard.
This message goes for the everyone whomever they identify as. Dem boys, dem girls, dem non-binary folks anyone.
Thats me for tonight(day)
Stay tuned for the return of Artemis on MONDAY!!
Hope you have a kick ass weekend and live your life to the edge man!
xoxox Narcissus :)
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The Angels
HEyyyooOo, Narcissus is back in the building ;)
(for literally the 2 followers we have and very much appreciate)
Quick little drabble story thingie for my post today, hope ya’ll enjoy...I’m a bit swamped with internal exams so excuse the hurry :/ 
This was inspired by that text post about angels not being all calm and...well...angelic.
But actually being rigid soldiers and what not :)
My mother used to tell me stories about them -the blazing holy figures, all beauty and lethal grace.
Stories of war, immense bloodshed, fear, eternal damnation.
Divine Justice.
My mother would retell all those stories dramatically about how angels have scripture in their skin in languages only they can read...or where ever they went people would cower in fear at the sight of them.
Her hands would wildly gesture around the room.
Momentarily making me forget that I was sittng on my bed swaddled in the duvet and clutching onto my mothers worn sweater instead of baring witness to the apocolypse and experiencing the fear those people were enduring.
Those were simpler times.  
No one knew where they came from, I was walking back home from school one day when there was yelling...screaming. Swarms of people, even the most irreverent of them were flooding to the church or sobbing by the steps leading into the place of sanctuary.
"Lord have mercy on our souls!"  
The once detatched teenagers running and screaming, going for cover:
"They said we're all going to hell!"
Even now, days after... I can still hear the occasional scream and even in the distance, I can see a suburbian house being set ablaze.
Currently I don't know who is still alive...but I have yet to see my mother since the first 'purification' they call it. The house that I live in was burned to the ground-and I am currently forced to live in an abandoned industrial warehouse downtown. That is where the 'sinners orphans' live. Pastor Riley always comes to visit me and the others, the younger kids always ask the same question:
"Where is Mommy and Daddy?"
Due to the children asking the same question, we always get to hear the same story, Pastor Riley will start of with a prayer and then tell the younger kids that the angels are protecting them from the temptations of the world, that poor Mummy and Daddy didn't have a strong enough will power to resist by themselves so the angels will help them do it.
Of course the older kids knew the truth, that our parents commited sin and were being punished in the barbeque party downstairs. Only we couldn't tell the kids what we really knew-and we can always think about our opinions about all the angels...but we dare not verbalise them.
I unclenched my fist, prying apart my fingers like I did with the tightly coiled wire fence behind the warehouse, the flesh wound on my side pouring with the viscous red substance I had become so familiar with. I blinked a little trying to clear my tired and blurry vision. I think back to the beginning of the night when 18 teenagers were trying to escape from the small town of Point Erin, but at least 12 were wiped out before they got to the city limits.  I looked down at my ribs, inspecting what I thought was a small laceration but instead was a large open wound which wound most definitely need stitches.
The places where angels have gripped my arms are now only burning red marks, with different symbols taking up residence on the limb. Exhausted, I lay down on the cracked surface of the Arizona land and attempt to catch my breath, opening my eyes wide to watch the stars twinkle. Looking up at the vast expanse of infinity above me made me feel just a little bit more breathless, so instead I sat up and took in my surroundings. If I was just outside the city limits then in another few Kilometers I could hit California, maybe find some help there if the angels either a)don't get to me first or b)don't get to them first.
Groaning slightly as I pushed myself up, I walked alongside the highway hoping to make it to California by sunrise, my future was currently ebbed in darkness...but one thing was for certain.
Angels are certainly the monsters my mother would warn me about at night.
hehe :) 
Lemme know what you think, we’d love to hear from you whether you wanna say hi, or request something (...please) and stay tuned for Artemis who’s returning on Monday with an interesting post about...well...i dont really know tbh.
xoxo Narcissus
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To the single teenage girls...
To all the girls who have never had a boyfriend since birth, even at high school. In the Philippines, we have a name for that. NBSB, “No Boyfriend Since Birth”. Don’t feel alone, I’m one too. Sometimes it sucks, but come on. Ask yourself, do you actually want a boyfriend? Like seriously? With those piles of unfinished schoolwork, stacks of textbooks, and daunting assessment dates. I can’t even find time to finish a book in one sitting anymore (well, who has time to do that anyway?), or watch a movie every night, or give in to any of my guilty pleasures (cheesy rom coms, like come on). Are you also emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship? Not the, ‘oh we’re just dating’ kind of thing that you see a lot between teenagers these days, but an actual meaningful relationship? Something that you’ll remember for a long time, a relationship that was actually worth your time, one that you won’t regret.
If peer pressure is one of the reasons why you want a boyfriend so bad, stop it. You have to want a boyfriend, because you want a boyfriend.
If you want a boyfriend because all that relationship goals stuff on tumblr, and instagram, and well . . . the internet. STOP. That is shallow, and from what I’ve seen not many relationships are like that. Well not many meaningful ones anyway.
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DON’T CONFUSE LUST OVER LOVE. If that’s the case, just wait till you’re twenty and go wild all you want.
If you want a relationship to make you feel better about yourself, please don’t. Relationships need two people to work together, and make each other feel better, to love each other. If you can’t love yourself, if you can’t make yourself feel better, then I’m pretty sure you’re not ready for a relationship. You should enter a relationship as a whole person, and not rely on the other person to make you feel whole. Well maybe not 100% whole, but whole enough that you love yourself. If you enter a relationship to ‘feel complete’ then you’re entering it for all the wrong reasons. Focus on YOURSELF before you focus on another person. COMMIT to improving and finding yourself, before you commit to another person.
If you want a relationship because you really like this other person, like but not enough to be called love kind of like, then go for it girl/guy! But when you’re a teenager, don’t make your world revolve around that one person. As a young person, you have to make finding yourself and growing up the right way, your top priority. Maybe love (or deep affection) can help people find yourselves, but you don’t want to get to that point that you rely on it so much that you won’t be able to survive. Life doesn’t work like that, movies are movies. Life if life. It’s one heck of a rollercoaster (as they say).
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Even if you somehow do fall in love at a young age, don’t stop yourself. Things happen for a reason, as cheesy as it sounds, listen to your heart. But, don’t ignore your mind.
When you’re emotionally and mentally ready, what ever age you are, then go for it :) That’s what’s important. The right guy will also definitely come at the right time, and if he does appear and he’s a keeper, but the timing isn’t right . . . well, you’d be stupid to let him go. If you both really love each other, you both will be able to go against all odds. If you separate, and you were really meant to be, fate will bring you together again, but you have to work for it too. 
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Remember, fall in love, but make sure that someone catches you. Fall in love, but don’t crash and burn. Fall in love, but learn to pick yourself up.
Enjoy the ride. ;)
-          Artemis
DON’T FORGET, Narcissus is posting on Thursday, I don’t know what it’s about, but knowing her it’s gonna be something cray cray but awesome :D Wait up for it ;)
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What I love about road trips...
hEYOOOO its good ol’ Narcissus here, coming to you (sorta) live from my bedroom.
I’ll admit-when Alyssa and I first came to the conclusion that blogging would be a good idea, I was terrified. 
Mostly ‘cause I didn't know what the heck I should even start going on about...then came the more than daunting task of “what should my first post even be about?” 
My saving grace was when I got home last Thursday from a grueling day in hell (school in case you were wondering) and the first thing Mother dearest tells me is:
“Pack your stuff, we’re going to Whitianga for the long weekend!”
Now I think I should let you know, as a child I loved road trips - I was impatient yes - but I never ‘are-we-there-yet”ed my Father as we drove into the void (rural New Zealand) 
I have always loved road trips, and it’s not like Whitianga is a terrible place:
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Cause it isn't ^^^
Discovering little coves and nooks and cranny’s in unusual places such as the above is one of the many things I love. I love the long drives into the country and I especially love the drives when it rains...especially what I like to call acoustic rain. Y’know the rain you get when you can see the vague shape of the sun even though its blanketed by a haze of thick grey clouds and you can barely hear the sound of the rain on the top of your car.
Oh and early morning fog really gets me going too.
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^^^^lookit! its all fog!
Outfits are also pinnacle....you can’t have bad outfits on roadtrips, I would show you what I wore but I didn’t take any decent photos of myself tbh.
I also love the road trip playlists. Honestly. The music you listen to while driving into the depths of the country can make or break your trip. It has to match your location as well as your personality. 
For example, Whitianga is mainly beach- and the weather was destined to be rather gloomy, so my playlist consisted of Hozier, Emily Wells, Lana Del Rey, Omi, Mary Lambert, Vance Joy, The 1975 and Ryn Weaver (as well as various accoustic covers of various songs).
I enjoyed it.
And apparently so did my grandfather whom I had honestly forgotten was seated in the back seat. 
One thing that may have nearly ruined this trip for me (NEARLY) was the company.
This is probably one of the most important things to come out of my mouth (not really since you are reading this...) but company is key.
Make sure you get along well, remember you are gonna be cooped up with these people, but if you must at least remember that the trip is only temporary and that you should enjoy it while you can.
Fabulous message to come out of the most disorganized post of all time right? ;)
Trips like these are also another thing I hate due to the fact that as soon as I got back to Auckland I had to iron my uniform and finish all my homework. Seeing as I had school the next day. *sigh*
Ignoring the depressing aspect of an education which I should be thankful for (and I am but I just don’t like being confined...but that’s a rant for another day) you could probably tell, once I get started I honestly can not stop talking about anything. 
So If you made it to the end - YOU ARE SUPER FAB!!
Anyway :) stay tuned as Artemis will be back on Monday talking about who knows what? :D
Stay sassy all my lovely humans (dogs, aliens, werewolves etc...)
- Narcissus ;)
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Liking someone...unrequited.
It’s a pain in the arse, we all know. Especially when you know that it’s an unrequited crush. But sometimes it’s one of the best feelings in the world. That feeling when you see the person you like, it makes your heart go ‘thump-thump-thump’,  then you feel butterflies in your stomach – cliché, I know, but come on, it happens – and seeing them just makes you happy. It’s freaking cheesy, but yeah. It’s the plain cold truth. Another truth is that it hurts like a bitch when you know that he/she doesn’t like you back, or likes someone else – ouch. That’s all part of life. Listen to me, I’m an expert in the department of rejection. But, it never stopped me from liking another person because you can rarely ever control that feeling. And it’s a great feeling to have 80% of the time.
1.       Just like them. Loads of people want to fall out of ‘like’ and all that jazz, but come on. Liking someone is harmless, and it’s one hell of a ride. Especially when you really really like them. Like it’s almost love, but not quite. Yeah, there will be ups and downs, dips and swerves, but it’ll be an experience you won’t want to forget. Rejection will always make you stronger, and that will depend on how you take it. And you never know, what IF he/she likes you back? Then hell yeah! You go girl/boy!
2.       Don’t overthink. Treat them like usual, if he/she’s the type that flirts/accepts flirting then go flirt with him/her! If they’re not really that type of person, then act casual. Let the feelings naturally develop. Don’t overthink their actions because most of the time it ends up with you looking ridiculously obvious (well then again, they may think it’s cute *wink*).
3.       Take it all in stride. Liking them doesn’t have to become a dilemma. It’s perfectly fine for you to be the only one who knows that you like someone, and use that crush as an ‘inspiration’ for daily things. Make it a good thing instead of bad thing. Take that happy feeling and try to keep for a while. When things turn for the worst just remember that you were happy for most of it :)
To the boy who sent me mixed signals, don’t do that to anyone else please? Come on, sending mixed signals to a thirteen year old who was clueless at flirting (not anymore *wink*)? Who does that? All those tears gone to waste, tsk tsk. My heart has been taken out, diced up, and trampled on. Yet, I am still capable of liking someone. Let things develop by itself, act normal. And if you guys don’t end up together, then it’s not meant to be (truth) OR it’s not the right time. If you want to confess or something like that, and it ends up in rejection . . . IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. It sucks, we all know, but take it from a girl who has been rejected EVERY.SINGLE.TIME her friends told her to confess (Asian thing?), the right guy will come at the right time :)
Being single is great anyway.
Stay tuned for Thursdaaaay when Narcissus is dropping her first post...something about road trips?
Peace out,
-    Artemis.
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