dennybee · 5 years
Re-posting to catch anyone else like me who's - as usual - late to the scene.
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dennybee · 5 years
Ooooooohhhhhhhh Lordy!!!
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Jensen Ackles as Batman |  Halloween 2019  [x] [x]
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dennybee · 5 years
@alexa-alcantara If i may like like to join you with my drink too 🥂 Salute!
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If you need a laugh here’s a minion that argues the show is more Misha’s and apparently can’t seem to grasp alphabetical order by last name. It’s hysterical. Came across this argument and it’s just so funny.
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dennybee · 5 years
@why-is-it-always-autumn you took the nebulous thoughts and feelings in my mind and gave them words!
You know what I don’t get?  When fanfic authors apologize for long chapters.  It’s like?  You gave me bonus content, for free, and you’re sorry about it?  Bruh.  I have already named my firstborn after you.  Dude.
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dennybee · 5 years
👍 beautifully said
A New History of Fandom Purges
On November 24th, 2018, I posted a list of major deletions of sites or of content on sites that stripped fandom of its history. A bunch of pro-shipper blogs had just been deleted, and people were nervous. I suppose I was thinking “All this has happened before…”
On December 3rd, 2018, Tumblr’s Department of Irony announced the NSFW ban. Thanks for providing this salutary lesson to The Youth and a billion reblogs to me, I guess.
Today, we have AO3 for writing. Audio, images, and video are in as much danger as ever, yet fans attack AO3 every donation drive. For those of you who forget our past…
1992 - Chelsea Quinn Yarbro forces a zine to be destroyed
1995 - Viacom/Paramount goes after fansites
1995 - Anne Rice gets IWTV fic deleted everywhere
1997 - Fox and Lucasfilm go after fansites
1998 - AOL goes after X-Files fansites
2000 - Warner Brothers goes after Harry Potter fansites
2000 - Anne Rice anne rices again
2001 - Tripod Massacre
2001 - Anne Rice goes after IWTV fic on FFN
2001 - The Bronze shut down as Buffy changes networks
2002 - FFN bans porn
2002 - FFN bans RPF
2003 - Gryffindor Tower implodes
2004 - FFN bans script format
2005 - FFN bans CYOA, Readerfic, 2nd person, Songfic
2005 - Sheezyart bans adult content; y!gallery founded
2005 - Viacom/Paramount goes after fansites again
2006 - Sakura Lemon Archive suddenly closes
2007 - Strikethrough, Boldthrough on Livejournal
2007 - Youtube institutes Content ID, deleting many fanvids
2008 - Slash Cotillion closes, taking much historical m/m with it
2009 - GeoCities shuts down, taking old fannish websites
2009 - Greatestjournal shuts down; RPGs deleted
2009 - Marvel gets scans_daily deleted
2009 - imeem, major vidding hub, closes suddenly
2010 - FFN forums purged for inactivity
2010 - DeviantArt purges adult fanfic
2010 - Literate Union goes after Twilight fandom on FFN
2011 - Delicious destroyed by Yahoo’s incompetence
2011 - China arrests women for writing m/m; destroys danmei.org
2012 - major FFN crackdown on porn
2012 - Megaupload deleted for piracy; also destroys vids, podfic
2013 - Max-Dan-Wiz.com purged of fan-generated content
2014 - Quizilla shuts down
2014 - China purges m/m story websites; arrests female authors
2014 - Blip.tv deletes vids
2014 - Viddler deletes vids
2015 - Journalfen’s servers become fully robust, deleting Fandom Wank
2016 - y!Gallery deleted
2016 - Elfwood goes offline
2016 - Audiofic Archive corrupted; major blow to podfic
2017 - Chinese author jailed after being ratted out over fandom drama
2017 - Parents get queer Warrior Cats fic purged from Wattpad
2018 - Tumblr deletes pro-shipper blogs
2018 - Tumblr announces NSFW ban
2018 - Wattpad deletes accounts/fics without warning
2019 - China purges weibo of m/m; more women jailed
This is only a small taste of the many times that:
Fannish moderators got bored, ran out of money, or had a falling out, deleting a site/list/forum along the way.
Sites got bought out and closed for being unprofitable.
Fandom got hit as governments targeted piracy or political dissidents.
Fans grudge reported each other.
Official forums got deleted when the canon finished.
It’s not always malicious. It’s not always about us. But we lose every time.
Some of these purges hit everyone. Many of them hit m/m content specifically or female gaze-y material in general. This is why antis are dead wrong. This is why anti-fujoshi policies end up being anti-m/m policies. This is why we need clear labeling, not content restrictions.
This is why we need AO3.
And it’s why we need a solution for audio, visuals, and video too.
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dennybee · 5 years
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i have BEEN waiting for this news!!!!!
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dennybee · 5 years
@lemondropsonice Holy crap! The sheer gloriousness of the man! God bless his parents for getting together!!!!
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The “my little random moments of pleasure” series: TV Insider BTS Cookies with glorious light and eye candy N°7 (x)
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dennybee · 5 years
Reblog this if Jared Padalecki has helped you in someway, just trying to prove a point to someone.
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dennybee · 5 years
@soulless-puppy: I love you! Fantastic post... that’s what I’ve been thinking... it could have been his ID too, y’know?
Fast facts
No confirmation who started the fight or why
No confirmation who actually called the police and why
Only what Jared supposedly did has been reported, the other people involved aren’t named and their actions weren’t recorded
Austin PD was ready to arrest anyone and everyone downtown that night, it was a extra big party night bc of Halloween and even an average weekend night in downtown Austin gets really crazy. Right now there is a ton of tension in austin bc of fights/attacks/drunk driving and very visible homelessness.
This whole situation is tabloid biased jfc
“Waving money at the police” could literally mean showing what was in his pockets or what had not been stolen from him or anything
Jared owns the bar he doesn’t just hang out there, everyone in Austin knows this
Jared has been in at least one bar fight before, the one in 2005 when he and Jensen were jumped. He put three guys in the hospital and was not charged with anything because it was self-defense.
Jared recently talked about bar fights specifically on the podcast “Inside Of You” with Michael Rosenbaum
Jared will jump to extremes with good intentions on behalf of other people — stopping all tbe trains in europe bc a bag got left behind, breaking up the random domestic fight in paris
This bar fight had nothing to do with Supernatural ending or shipping or suicide shut up
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dennybee · 5 years
Yes, Silent, Steady Support
SPN Convention PSA:
Going forward, especially at this upcoming convention in D.C., DO NOT ask Jared a single question about what is currently taking place.
No “we stand with you”
No “Jared we love you no matter what”
Each of those comments force his hand to make a statement. This is something for him, and his family, to handle. We will always be his family, but right now we need to respect that we are a different kind of family to him. He deserves our complete respect and support, but NOT at the expense of him having to publicly comment on things he is not ready to.
Please, please, PLEASE, be the respectful and loving people we are known to be. We owe him this ❤️
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dennybee · 5 years
Oh me too! Was trying to acclimatise myself to new job/hours/travel time and bamm! Had to come back!
You’re back!!!! Yay!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I’’m back my love (or as long as I can be back for/without my personal life getting in the way lol) I was trying to take a break but recent events made me come back to J2 Tumblr with full force lol.
- K
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dennybee · 5 years
I was browsing your I-dare-you-to-blink tag and can we talk about these two posts? /post/161827345798 and /post/157837548883 because it's the same look. Filmed years apart but it's the. same. look.
Can we talk about-? Can we talk about it? CAN WE TALK ABOUT IT?! 
We not only CAN talk about it, we NEED to talk about it! 
 We have hearteyes!Jared at Torcon11:
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And we have hearteyes!Jared at Phxcon17: 
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And those are SIX YEARS APART and nothing had changed! 
Six years later and he’s still (if not even more!) so in love with his man. 
Six years later and he still has eyes for his man only.
Six years later and he still can’t keep his love contained and it’s all over his beautiful, expressive face. 
Six years later and we’re still blessed to witness the greatest love story ever. 
Yes, thank you, we needed to talk about it! Anyone* is welcomed to join this discussion :)
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dennybee · 5 years
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You’re A Diamond Jared!
Bibros, Assemble!
With whatever is going on right now with Jared, I know we're all really worried about him, but we need to be strong for him right now. Share a gif, image, or something else to show your support!
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Let's all lift our little brother up!
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dennybee · 5 years
I love Jared Padalecki
Nothing is going to change that. He isn't perfect, but no one is. It is just that our mistakes aren't broadcast for everyone to see. I will support him no matter what. My thoughts are with him right now. I hope he is surrounded by the love and support he needs right now.
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dennybee · 5 years
I Love Jared Padalecki
(Bear with me this might be lengthy)
I’m a J2 Tinhat, don’t get me wrong.
But I make this post as - first and foremost - a Jared Padalecki fan. I actually got into Supernatural because he was in it. I did not know Jensen Ackles since I’m not of the USA so have/had no clue about "Days of our Lives” or “Dawson’s Creek”. I also just watched a couple of episodes of “Dark Angel”. On the other hand, I faithfully watched “Gilmore Girls” just for JP and quit watching it when Rory and Dean split up.
Yesterday my heart broke. I came online incognito to boost my spirit since I was undergoing a bout of depression since last Thursday. What is one of the first things I see? A fellow fan’s support of Jared... made me curious. Googled Jared Padalecki... Hit TMZ (bast**ds!) video.
Devastating. Heartbreaking. Sank me even deeper. I’m swallowing tears as I write this. To see this beautiful man: Powerful in mind and body, in this state... A man who is body-proud and mind-proud to allow himself to get to this point. Going through the same thing myself - it’s like he’s hit a mental wall and has just said “f**k it” and allowed himself to fall.
I’m not here to make a judgement on him or to speculate to the reasons why... I just want to say that I’m supporting him unconditionally. While whatever he did might not be the right thing, it is not the REASON, just a SYMPTOM. Nothing changes for me. He has never been on a pedestal for me. So he did not take a fall in my esteem for him. 
I do want to say to Jared: This too shall pass. Please do not let any of the harsh words or criticisms or the rabid media dogs pull you down even further. Remember your greatness is only measured in how much higher you rise from your fall.
I would also like to call out to Jared’s Inner Circle, Please, please be his safety net - be his wings. This is not the time for teaching lessons. This is the time to be his bridge to safety.
I love you Jared Padalecki.... from all the way across the oceans.
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dennybee · 5 years
To be re-blogged ad infinitum...
Supernatural 11.10
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When it was first suggested that Lucifer may be making a return to Supernatural, I was among the first to express some skepticism. Not only did it strike me as lazy writing, to resurrect a villain defeated four seasons before, I also had no confidence that this writing team could do the character justice. Experience is instructive, and I fully expected that Carver’s version of Lucifer would be as shallow and spiritless as many of his other villains have been. If it seemed that I was more upset by that thought, than I have been by the treatment of other villains, that is because I believe that the Lucifer of Classic Supernatural, and the story told around him, is such a powerful and complete piece of writing. A piece of writing that I did not want to see subjected to Carver’s usual vandalism.
Unexpectedly, however, I was given cause to doubt my gut instinct on the subject. The first half of season 11 aired, and I was pleasantly surprised. Suddenly it wasn’t the plastic, tawdry junk I had been subjected to for the preceding three seasons. There were episodes that I enjoyed; there was compelling writing, and engaging characters, and Sam and Dean looked a little bit more like Sam and Dean than they had in a long time. For a moment, that ridiculously little flame of hope burning deep in my fannish heart, leapt. Perhaps Carver had clued in to just what a disaster he had made of the show, had recovered his soul and had become again the writer that had given us AVSC and Mystery Spot.
Of course, I should have listened to my gut. Whatever goodwill was earned by episodes 1-9 of season 11, it was disintegrated by the contrived garbage I watched last night.
The only redeeming feature of “The Devil in the Details”, was the acting. With one notable exception, everyone was on their A-game. Pelegrino and Padaelcki were mesmerizing together, and Jensen Ackles was as much Dean as I have ever seen. Even the ridiculous Pantomime Dames of Supernatural, Crowley and his mother, earn a mention for their solid performance (the nonsensical pre-credit sequence notwithstanding). And, I suppose, I should also credit the “broments”. Dean’s “have you met me” line was perfect, and Sam’s strong statement of faith in his brother was a particularly satisfying moment, following as it did four seasons where one might have been forgiven for thinking the brothers really didn’t like each other. If I hesitate to laud those gems of fraternal devotion, it’s because the totality of the episode had the effect of making those moments feel like obligations. They were added because that’s the “Supernatural formula”, and it’s what the fans’ expect. In other words, poor currency that didn’t purchase nearly enough goodwill to endure the remainder of the episode.
I’m not even sure where to begin with my substantive criticism, because there was so much that disappointed, or straight-out offended me. I suppose Lucifer is the obvious jumping point. My principal concern when I heard the Devil was returning for a major part in season 11, was a conviction (not disproved) that Carver would not be able to do that character justice, but worse would completely negate everything that had gone before. The Winchester’s war with the Morningstar was a complete, and powerful story; “Swan Song” the perfect denouement to the drama and pathos of season 5. That fight needed no further elaboration, it needed no further examination. It was perfect: Sam and Dean defeated the Devil, and they did it with brotherly love. Perfection doesn’t require elaboration. Resurrecting the Devil after that would be like Sauron climbing out of the rubble of Mount Doom, or the Emperor clawing his way back up the Death Star’s reactor shaft, or Voldemort appearing on the back of Lucius Malfoy’s head; in other words, a piece of poor quality fanfic, that rendered the trauma and sacrifice of the heroes completely nugatory.
That is, of course, exactly what I think happened last night. In one episode, Jeremy Carver and his team have succeeded in completely invalidating everything that Sam and Dean fought and died for. And for what benefit? The totality of the dialogue in 11.10 was a redux of themes in season 5; almost verbatim in some places. That doesn’t even deserve the title of elaboration; it’s naked, lazy plagiarism. Even more offensive than that, was the opportunity the writers took to make their voices heard through the dialogue. The whole sequence of Lucifer’s play, to the backdrop of Sam and Amelia, was overwhelmingly redolent of Jeremy Carver’s known, and particular, opinion on the brothers and their relationship. I didn’t hear Lucifer speaking in that sequence, I heard Jeremy Carver via Andrew Dabb. Writing 101 teaches that the writer’s voice should never be heard, not even in the narrative; it’s for your characters to communicate your argument, if you have one to make, and communicate it subtly. Not as a piece of anvil-dropping that amounted to nothing so much as a rebuttal to criticism. This is what I heard in that dialogue; not an expression of Lucifer’s character, but an argument directed at the fandom, or at best, a piece of very thin apologia for the character’s resurrection.
Invalidating Sam’s 140 years in hell, and enduring Carver’s lecture, are of course, not the only reasons why resurrecting Lucifer is a bad idea. The other obvious problem is the appalling creative laziness it implies. Apparently, this writing team is completely bereft of ideas for antagonists, themes and characterization. It is an appalling thing to acknowledge, that since Carver took over, the only original villain of the Supernatural universe, is its most irritating, Metatron. Almost all of the female villains – Eve, Abaddon, Rowena, Amara – are near carbon copies of each other, because again apparently the writing team can’t contemplate any female roles that aren’t a version of “sassy hot bad ass, usually with a thing for Dean”. Not a single one of those villains, comes even remotely close to the delicious menace of Meg, or Yellow Eyes, or Lilith or Alistair. Devoid of the skills, or the inclination, to give us an original, powerful antagonists, the season 11 writing team resurrects Lucifer, and rehashes season 5 for us. I’m not inclined to be grateful. If they were going to bring an old villain back, they could at least have given us Alistair or Meg. Certainly, we need another female character now that they’ve killed off Rowena. I was no fan of the Pantomime Witch, but again her death served no purpose other than to show how awful the Devil was (we know, he’s the Devil, we saw him a lot in season 5, remember?), and has successfully reduced female representation in Supernatural’s to a bit-part reaper, and the cameos of Sheriff Mills and Donna.
Of course, Lucifer wasn’t the only angel to suffer at the hands of the writer’s lack of inspiration. There was Castiel, too. Castiel. What on Earth, is the fucking point? If Castiel is so boring, so irrelevant, that the only way you can make him interesting, is by making him into Lucifer, then you have to start wondering whether it’s worth keeping him. Does he contribute anything, anything at all, to the story, now? Because, it seems that the only time Castiel is relevant, is when he’s not Castiel. Is that meant to be irony? Perhaps his motivation is meant to be ironic; after all he’s making the exact same mistake he made in season 6. More redux from the inspired creative team at Supernatural. It would be funny if it wasn’t so infuriating.
What wasn’t funny was the pre-credit sequence I mentioned earlier. Other than a brief piece of exposition, that could have been disposed of in a line, this added nothing. All I got from it was an excruciating feeling of second hand embarrassment, and an inclination of how the rest of the episode was going to go.
In summary, then, and speaking plainly, the episode was awful. I hesitate to describe it as contrived garbage, because I seem to use that phrase often in relation to this show, and I don’t want to be guilty of a lack of imagination. But contrived it was, and I think that’s Supernatural’s enduring and apparently insurmountable problem. It absolutely is a flaw in the writing, but more specifically a flaw in how the writing is approached. Episodes of Supernatural are no longer flowing, organic pieces of storytelling. They’re Lego Kit writing: a preconceived piece of shallow spectacle, built from little perfectly formed bricks of wow. The ambition here is not to tell a story; it’s to amaze, it’s to impress with the next piece of Dramatic Dialogue, to scintillate with the next piece of awesome SFX; to show how cool-awesome the next Big Bad is. The same gaudy pieces stuck together repeatedly, following a check-list, and packaged to impress us with its style.
The problem is, there is no story beyond the formula it’s built from. The Emperor really does have no clothes.
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dennybee · 5 years
Re-blogging to expose the absolute hypocrisy.
Why dou always cut Misha out of every thing? He was there too and ur pretending he's not. Why is every brother blod I try to follow end up being Misha haters??
Say what now. Okay so ONE, I didn’t cut Misha out of anything this time except the group selfie and he was wayyyyy in the back so I couldn’t zoom in. I only saw two of him standing with J2 on the red carpet (which I didn’t use because they weren’t great of Jared or Jensen), he wasn’t with them when they were walking in today, and he sure wasn’t at dinner with them last night so I didn’t leave him out of that either. And TWO, if I had cut him out? Of every picture? EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE?? Too bad. 
Listen up because this is the last time I’m going to say it: 
THIS IS A J2/SamandDean BLOG. PERIOD. Everything else is irrelevant in that context. That isn’t Misha hate btw. I love how every time I post J2 gifs or pics with the guys where he’s cut out, I get comments like YOU HATE MISHA THIS IS MISHA ERASURE HOW DARE YOU and yet when the shoe’s on the other foot and y’all are cutting Jared out it’s somehow fine? How does that work exactly? 
So if you don’t like what I post, go away. Seriously. I’m not going to change the entire purpose of MY blog to coddle your need to have Misha included everywhere so you’re never going to enjoy it here. 
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