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Uhmm...I think the google car thingy that takes these photos ran over somebody...
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Sexism in feelings?
People who say guys can't be depressed ot even feel sad are either assholes or someone who's too unhuman to have emotions.You say sex equality for labeling women too weak but you're also labeling men too strong to have emotions.No.Just.No.We're human.Not Man.Not Woman.We're all fucking human.All of us.
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What's wrong with me.
I just.Wanna ask if there’s anything wrong with me.I wanna scream,I wanna cut,I wanna end my life.I wanna hurt myself,I wanna hurt other people but I can’t.I cry,I hide,I make myself look so happy.I try so hard.I don’t think I’m the same person that I used to be.I just.want this,to be over.Is there something wrong with me?
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3 months ago,my friend introfuced me to tumblr.I tried to make a blog about how lazy I am.So I did.I haven't posted shit because of the same laziness so I guess its succesful
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Trying to make paper hearts.Ended up making a mitskea.#STRUGGLES
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Left and Right
As a kid,I've always mistaken (Direction) right and (Correct) right... But maybe they're somewhat comnected? The RIGHT people are always right but the wrong people needs to be LEFT behind
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I can’t believe I actually spent my time on this
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ok so have some positive undertale gifs
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Just gonna leave this
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here comes grillby to clean the filthy sin off your blog <3
((or smear it on there, who knows ;o ))
//he has a transparent background, so feel free to use it in your theme or to decorate your stream- just remember to credit me//
original gif
on my deviant art
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Oh shiiiizz😍
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my new favorite picture of mabel
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420 years ago, on 4/20, the moon was made of weed.
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2:14 midnight here and I almost had a heart attack ;-;
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What a summer
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Alex as usual😂
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i can’t believe this
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Sensei:You can be who you wanna be.
Sensei:So....what do you wanna be?
Me:Whips out a katana and chops Sensei's head off
Me:A fucking killer
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Confession as a guy with social anxiety
I just never liked guys with rude attitude but I'm afraid people will go against me if I stanf up against rude guys.....
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A message to all the other depressed people who got left alone
Don't give up.Someone cares....Someone loves you.And that someone needs your attention as much as you need his/hers
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