deredereforyandere · 6 years
assigned fool at birth...
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
excellent. ..
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So someone in a discord said they “don’t want LGBTQ poses, nothing against lgbtq”. 🙄
SO, i drew some LGBTQ poses. My point is, homophobes think sexuality effects anything. And if you’re a homophobe/terf, get off my blog. 🙂
(Don’t really ship any of them together maybe megami/nemesis, I’m making a point)
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
Heading to Pillowfort, and I’m Offering Keys
Hi, you may or may not know me. I go by Tyramir, and I’m an author. Mostly I write fanfic, but I have also published a book at some point. (Yes, that was a subtle plug – don’t feel obligated to click the links, they’re there to justify to myself why I’m doing this so I can say this wasn’t 100% altruistic because I’m a crusty old troll)
So, recently, Tumblr has made something of an announcement regarding what kind of content they will and will not host in the future. And you know what, that’s okay. It’s their site. They can do what they want. Just like I’m free to say, “Hey, @staff, go fuck yourselves with some sandpaper, you masochistic fucks.”
Ah, that felt good. You know what else feels good? Moving to Pillowfort. I’m in no way associated with them, beyond that I am now a user. I just bought a key. More than one, actually. I bought a whackload of them. I am not rich. See: author. Very poor profession if you’re not ultra-successful. However, what I am is angry, and disappointed with the direction this site is taking. 
This site is home for the marginalised, for the outcasts, for the misfits. It’s also the home for a lot of fellow artists, like myself. Ones that might not have a little extra cash in their wallets. So, as a Christmas gift (and as a way of sharing that link up above advertising my book, see self, you’re not totally altruistic), I’m making this offer.
Reblog and like this post. You don’t have to follow me. You don’t have to buy my book. You don’t have to tell anyone it exists. You don’t even have to click that link. Just like and reblog. Anyone who likes it will get one entry for drawing for a key. Anyone who reblogs it will get one. Anyone who does both will get two. And on December 17th, the Day of Ignominy, I will draw ten names, and I will gift ten keys. I’ll even wear a Willy Wonka hat while I do. You won’t be able to see it, but the spirit will be there.
If you want to get the word out, but don’t want to get an entry (say you already have a Pillowfort account), just reblog and tag the post with “no entry,” or some variation thereof. I’ll exclude you from the draw, but thank you (in my mind, I’m not gonna actually thank people, but that requires effort, yo) for helping others learn about this opportunity.
TL;DR: Bald author wants to use very little cash he has to give people Pillowfort accounts. Just like and reblog for entries. Also, I hope you are feasted upon by a swarm of angry weasels, @staff.
**EDITED TO INCLUDE** A kind soul who has stated their desire to remain anonymous has volunteered an additional five keys to the raffle! We are now up to fifteen keys.
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
Beauty vlogger, sitting on a pile of gold coins and rubies, holding a tube of face nut between three perfect acrylic nails : Alright my sweety lovelies! Time to turn these PORES into RICHES!! hahhaaa yay!
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
me when it's cold: haha this really shivers my me's! hehee
hi everyone ^3^ my name is timberly but you guys can call me timberrrr hehe
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
hi everyone ^3^ my name is timberly but you guys can call me timberrrr hehe
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
did any of you heathens actually stop to think that hunty is short for Huntague and we need to stop erasing his culture
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T8MLBwdqxc)
I can’t get over how good this song is! 
Edit: Oh geez, I didn’t actually mean for this to get notes, but cool!
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
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Pass the pop corn please horace im hungry and cold
I Got Nothing
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
Listen up ladies if your man doesnt respect you and try to meet you halfway, dump him!! Ur not britney spears you dont need toxic men in your life :/
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
Great post @user deredereforyandere!
LGBT? You mean
Let’s Get This Bread???
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
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LGBT? You mean
Let’s Get This Bread???
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
LGBT? You mean
Let's Get This Bread???
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
Goodnight everyone
Let's get this bed
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
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Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
*shakes nervously* you make me really sweaty
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
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deredereforyandere · 6 years
op i stan u so hard
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Here’s the Drama Club! ; w ; all made in pastel girl because gotdam, i love that game too much. i have literally already recreated EVERY NPC from yansim, and now all i need to do is draw them.  Someone blease help me learn how to draw chibi stuff because YO i cant
(ALSO i used my actual kitten as a reference for the one Riku is reacting to. honestly i have the same reaction to her and literally any cat)
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