despurritto · 6 years
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despurritto · 6 years
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despurritto · 6 years
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despurritto · 6 years
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Vintage LGBT Badges
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despurritto · 6 years
Types of people: Hours of the day
02:00: Never seems to sleep. A bit self-destructive. Dark circles under their eyes. Longing looks. Dreaming of a better place. Always tired. Dark sense of humour.
04:00: Works too hard. Litres and litres of coffee. Lives off of instant meals. Talks too fast. Always in a hurry. Has big dreams. A bit clumsy at times.
06:00: Early bird. Bright smiles. Always singing under their breath. Sunrises. Making breakfast in bed for a loved one. Easily irritable. Wants to be friends with everyone.
08:00: Hard working. Knows how to balance out their life. Plans their day down to the last minute. Always in control. Not afraid to put people in their place.
10:00: Lazy mornings in bed. Wants to travel the world. Always manages to get the job done at the last minute. Handpicked flowers. Falls in love easily. Soft voice.
12:00: Sunny days. Bright smiles. Cares a lot about everyone. Wants to change people’s lives. Always trying something new. Tries their best to cheer up a sad friend.
14:00: Able to take a nap anywhere. Forgetful. Talks a lot or not at all. Hesitant touches. Doesn’t easily connect with people. Could probably change the world if they actually tried.
16:00: Snaps easily. Will fight you. Not afraid to stand up for themselves. Believes the world can be a better place. Wants to be the change the world needs.
18:00: Long work days. Always giving their best. Home cooked meals. Sunset picnics.  Always manages to make time for the ones they love.
20:00: Only puts effort into things they enjoy. A bit of a pushover. Always trying to be better than they are. Thinks too little of themselves. Always there for everyone.
22:00: Always up for a party. Loud laughs. Doesn’t stay around for very long. Not quite sure what they’re doing with their life. Very passionate about everything they do.
24:00: Long, strange conversations. Believes in ghosts. Binge watching new shows. Lives in the extremes. Likes to spend a lot of time alone.
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despurritto · 6 years
Do you ever just feel like putting your fist through a wall for no reason? Cause that’s how I’m feeling today
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despurritto · 6 years
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But for real you should try to get more sleep. If you have trouble sleeping at nights I suggest trying a warm shower before bed or put on some relaxing music to listen too. Also avoid looking at your clock/phone. If you’d like some games to play before bed to relax I can like you to some!
Pretty sure I’m dreaming because a gorgeous lady on a white horse just passed me by. That’s what happens when u sleep 3 hours every night.
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despurritto · 6 years
If I get a call from an insurance agency, a lawyer or the police over this then I’m going to break your hand.
An asshole at the 🚌 station just turned off my 📻 while it was Queen. I broke his 🤚 for that bullshit.
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despurritto · 6 years
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💔 often i am upset that i cannot fall in love
- ̗̀ inktober day 13  ̖́-
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despurritto · 6 years
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Where has this been all my life?
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despurritto · 6 years
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So I know my partner would prefer to interact with Des on @fatesfeated​ then please Like, reply or reblog this post if you’d be interested in interacting with the socially awkward but very  loving demon, Des. This interest call means you’ll get
Asks from Des.
Starters from Des when responding to starter calls.
IM’s for plotting ideas with Des and your muse(s)
Relationship plotting/building with Des and your muse(s)
And more
No Preference/All Muses Interest Call Veasna/The Mermaid Interest Call Kather/The Possessed Interest Call Eli/The Angelic Interest Call Emmy/The Fairy Interest Call Gai/The Soulless Interest Call Sylvia/The Witch Interest Call Kalahan/The Criminal Interest Call
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despurritto · 6 years
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despurritto · 6 years
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despurritto · 6 years
The fact that this is somehow helping is both astounding and a bit terrifying
“You shouldn’t get so worked up over the small things. Just forget about it and relax.”
Okay but HOW?
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despurritto · 6 years
Okay I’m going to admit that sounds really wonderful but then you have to wake up and the small things are STILL THERE
“You shouldn’t get so worked up over the small things. Just forget about it and relax.”
Okay but HOW?
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despurritto · 6 years
“You shouldn’t get so worked up over the small things. Just forget about it and relax.”
Okay but HOW?
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despurritto · 6 years
types of girls, fruit edition
peach: radiates sunshine, sweet to everybody she meets, speaks softly, loves dogs, secretly kinky, kisses her lover in wildflower meadows
strawberry: has seen every episode of sailor moon, wears dresses in public but immediately changes into pajamas at home, cries a lot, fills her room with flowers, doodles constantly, loves hedgehogs
mango: dreams of living by the ocean, burns too much incense, always drinking water, advocates self-care, is supportive to everyone she loves
cherry: is devoted to lana del rey, watches old films while naked, ruins men, wears red lipstick every day, being unlovable is her aesthetic, drinks a glass of wine every night
apple: hair is always in braids, most of her wardrobe is from a thrift store, wants to study literature, drinks tea with her grandmother every week, feeds stray cats
banana: talks about memes and vines too often, collects vinyls, calls herself an art girl, cuts her own hair, wants to be in a girl band, can always make her friends laugh
grape: carries a basket as a purse, loves rain, shops at farmers markets, makes her own soup, wants to learn every language, only uses french skincare
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