dessij-productions · 4 years
Plus size community
We have got to stop allowing others to cram us in the Taboo Box with the rest of the things they create romanticized fetishized relationships with. 
People have been doing this for years, and they always do it with the things society portrays with a negative connotation. For example Black Asian and Indigenous/Native American cultures with White men and women in America; and I put in America specifically because of the way Caucasian men and women have oppressed these people so heavily for the way they look, sound, act, and live because it is so different from their own ways; though that is a larger topic not meant for this particular post. 
For generations being considered plus size was equal to being royal and of great status because the poorer common folk were never given the opportunity to eat as well as their wealthier counter parts. Resulting in the poor people being skinnier -or gauntly with sunken in skin- in places where higher class folks were larger, more plump. That’s just how it was. the rich wasted away in unhealthy lifestyles as the poor ran themselves in the grave searching for any way to survive.
Now, when you see a plus-size person people automatically assume they are unhealthy, lazy, poor, unattractive, insecure, and all sorts of negative things -God forbid they be Black and plus size-. Now yes you have men and women that genuinely enjoy, find attractive, and exclusively date -or sex on- plus size men or women. 
that is their preference. -and I honestly cannot blame them. we lit- But you also have the people that now since people like Jill Scott, Lizzo, or Tokyo Vanity  have continued on in showing plus size people in a much more favorable light. they - all plus size black women- showed the community as the exact opposite of what everyone claims the community is. 
Healthy, Beautiful, Successful, Kind, Confident, Brave, Sensual, Talented, and a whole other host of things they said plus size people would never be. 
The problem now is not that plus size men and women don’t get enough love, it is now Plus size men and women are getting ingenuine love from all around. People, -and this includes insecure plus size men and women also- have made a habit of pushing people up on a pedestal they don’t deserve for doing the bare minimum. They do this because they are not used to positive attention, and will do almost anything to keep that positive attention on them. Even if it means glorifying someone who obviously is doing it for the clout or the wave that the plus size community can give them, because let’s face it. A group of folks that are ostracized as heavily as they are stick close to, and always support those that are in their corner. 
The other part of the problem are the ones that do love and care for plus size people in a way, but will never tell anyone, or will hide their relationship, or will only use them for their own sexual weight kink fantasies then throw them away after they’d gotten their own nut off. Fetishizing plus size men and women in a way that degrades them mentally, but sexually uplifts them. It’s an immoral thing to do, and unfortunately the plus size community aren’t the only community to  be put in this weird 50 shades of grey esque situation as they play the role of the weird little virgin girl the neglectful Dom has taken advantage of time and time again.
like I said this will happen to ANY group of people you all have deemed undesirable in the past, but have for any reason decided to hop on a band wagon of so called love as if different types of people are trends to take advantage of. People have done this with so many different communities it’s strangely fascinating to wonder if their are any communities you won’t do this with.
Plus size men and women
Black women
Asian Culture
Asian Men and women
Black Culture
African Culture
Indigenous Culture
Minorities in general in america
Virgin Church Girls
Y’all are really weird with virgins period.
at this point it’s turning into Jon&Kate+8. 
But seriously. Stop letting people make you into their dirty little secret. If YOU feel you have to hide it from the world it wasn’t genuine, and isn’t meant to be. 
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dessij-productions · 4 years
Just wanted to say I love your blog already! It’s refreshing to see a positive and open minded space. If I may ask- how does one correctly pronounce your name? Love from Australia
Hi!! and it’s so exciting to see someone loving what I write! but to answer your question its pronounced Deh-See   Dessi! 
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dessij-productions · 4 years
A confident Woman or Man will confuse their salt for sugar a few times then realize “Oh this ones heavier, this has more sustenance, this is me” while inesecure [insecure] men or women will continue to season their steak with sugar then cry when it burns.
DessiJ Productions
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dessij-productions · 4 years
Women and Men
When you think about what a man is, and who he wants to be you see two things that always contrast, and disagree with one another. A man might be a gamer, but say that Men are serious. He might be cowardly but say that Men are brave. Another man might be insecure and say that Men are always confident, and another man man might be feminine and say Men are supposed to be Manly. They always build this ideal of Men up to be something to reach toward, and compare themselves to. They create this strong beach bum of a man persona and wrap it around themselves no matter how heavy the burden and allow themselves to continue to fall deeper in despair. The only times they actually go out to fix the problem is when someone has caught a peak of their soft fleshy parts and they are forced to come to terms with their own vulnerability. 
For Women, it’s the same but opposite. Women are always the opposite of what they say a Woman is but instead of saying things that uplift the ideal Woman up to being unreachable, they put the Woman down a few pegs from themselves in a misguided attempt to make them selves seem more appealing than that of the next women, but always come out looking weaker because of how much they portray their own insecurities onto them. For example: Brass women will say a Woman is supposed to be meek. Plus-sized women will say a Woman is supposed to be thin. Loud women will say a Woman is supposed to be quiet, and a weak woman will say a Woman is supposed to be strong. 
While some men and women are assure with themselves. The answer to their question will be a vague description of themselves because they understand that there is no such thing as the “Ideal Man” or “Ideal Woman”. They know that the salt in their salt shaker is still gonna be used as seasoning no matter how the container looks, or who it is doing the shaking. A confident Woman or Man will confuse their salt for sugar a few times then realize “Oh this ones heavier, this has more sustenance, this is me” while inesecure men or women will continue to season their steak with sugar then cry when it burns.
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I’d Love if you all would repost how you feel about this. Tell me what you think is right in what I said and what you think is wrong. I want to know your opinions.
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dessij-productions · 4 years
Hello! I’m Dessi. On this blog you’ll see me talk about all types of things. 
From writing short stories, to discussing social politics all the way around to talking about fandom related topics, and other mediums of media. 
but here are a few things about me! 
People always mispronounce my name when they read it. 
I’m 19 years old.
I’ve lived in a group home before.
I love writing spoken word poetry
I’m a Christian Cis Het African American Woman.
My favorite color is Burgundy.
I love watching anime.
I’ve always wanted to be an actress.
One thing I love to see is watching someone get so excited about something they are passionate about, and just come completely out of their shell when discussing it.
I read, and write fanfiction.
I’m pretty open to discuss all topics, and have an opinion on most of them. though I try to stay unbiased in most topics when I’m not a part of that community.
and last but certainly not least, My Blog is open to all people of every back ground. We can discuss anything you guys submit to me or ask about.
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