detectivejenko · 11 days
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⚠️ EXPERIMENTAL ⚠️ JANKY AS HELL! Simple character page theme using Tumblr posts as content based on a tag. Full instructions on GitHub and under the read more.
Unlimited characters
Filter navigation
Using Tumblr posts to fill the page via post2page.
Tumblr v1 API
@magnusthemes combofilters
Edit and customise to your liking. Don’t repost/redistribute and/or claim it as your own. Do not use as a base code. Leave the credit, thank you.
As always, explanations under the read more. If you are having issues, take a look at this themes FAQ, or my general FAQ. Please note that this is an experiment for lazy people. Not finding anything? Send me a message. Please report any bugs to me.
This page theme pulls information from your Tumblr tagged posts and fills out the character card with it. This relies on specific post formatting.
Here's everything you need to get started:
Tumblr's v1 API JSON output to a whole blog or specific tag on the blog (e.g. https://soma-preview.tumblr.com/api/read/json?&tagged=soma page cards)
Some Tumblr posts
Get Tumblr's v1 API JSON output
Replace [BLOGNAME] with your blog name. And [YOUR TAGS] with your tag. If your tag has spaces, add the spaces. Place one of the following scripts before closing </head> tag.
For a whole blog:
<script src="https://[BLOGNAME].tumblr.com/api/read/json"></script>
For specific tagged posts on the blog:
<script src="https://[BLOGNAME].tumblr.com/api/read/json?&tagged=[YOUR TAGS]"></script>
Post Formatting
This only works with posts made with the new editor. This will not work with legacy posts!
For this page to work, it's neccessary to follow a specific post formatting. Right now, the script supports the following:
Image: The first image in a post. {{this.img}}
Blockquote ("Subtitle"): The first blockquote block in a post. {{this.subtitle}}
Table: Using the chat block, you can add as many details as you want. In your template, these details use their "key" (the text before the colon) with any spaces removed {{this.[WHATEVERYOUENTERED]}}. The text after the colon must be italics.
Paragraph: The paragraph immediately after the chat block (MAKE THIS THE FIRST?) {{this.description}}
Link: The first link in a post. {{this.link}}
Tags: Any tags added to the post. {{this.tags}}
Example Tumblr post: https://soma-preview.tumblr.com/post/724075330107785216/love-is-careless-love-is-blind-title
If you want to build your own card template, please read the full READ MORE on GitHub.
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detectivejenko · 14 days
muito se diz da sexta feira 13, mas pouco se fala que antes de toda sexta 13, está uma quinta-feira 12
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detectivejenko · 14 days
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detectivejenko · 16 days
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detectivejenko · 19 days
Tumblr now disables custom pages by default and no longer allows users to turn off promotional banners from displaying on them. From a user perspective, it feels like the use of custom pages is being discouraged. It also feels like Tumblr prioritizes the social media aspects of the platform over the blogging aspects. Interest in the web revival is growing, and with that in mind, it would be awesome to see Tumblr embrace it with a renewed focus on custom pages and improvements for bloggers. :-)
Answer: Hi there, @unicornwishes!
We also love the blogging side of Tumblr, but unfortunately, we haven’t had time to focus on it, and we’re currently focusing on Communities as the potential cozy future here. We’re not sure yet how the traditional blogging side of Tumblr fits into that.
That said, we also have a wonderful sister platform called WordPress.com specifically for blogging like this, so for now we’d encourage you to check them out if you really want blogging!
Thanks for your question, in any case. Keep ’em coming, folks.
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detectivejenko · 19 days
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detectivejenko · 20 days
meu calcanhar de aquiles 100% é português respondendo brasileiros da forma mais cínica e arrogante possível e se achando superior, serio, q odio
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detectivejenko · 21 days
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posting (some of) my art (from oldest to newest)
i saw nope and my life changed. i realized i had never done one of these with a black/dark skinned person and wanted to test my way with colors. looking back i think it's very low contrast (as everything i did tbh) but i like it. also, facial expressions? why??!
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detectivejenko · 21 days
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hum hallelujah
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detectivejenko · 21 days
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posting (some of) my art (from oldest to newest)
this one took a long long time. it was the first i started, so the technique (if you can call it that) is slightly different. iconic album, iconic cover.
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detectivejenko · 22 days
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posting (some of) my art (from oldest to newest)
had a field day with this one. as soon as i saw the picture i knew what i needed to do (and never had so much fun, let me tell you. all fabric and no face? that's for me).
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detectivejenko · 22 days
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kwon boa ☆
boa arena tour 2007
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detectivejenko · 22 days
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posting (some of) my art (from oldest to newest)
i did this in honor of my argentinian friend who's the biggest chen fan i know (argentinian chen under the cut). it was the first time i actually felt like i had done something that's kind of like..... super cool?! (as always the clothes was where i had the most fun)
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detectivejenko · 23 days
Since Elon bought twitter I ran away from that shithole, but it's really sad to see many artists that sold commissions there lose their main source of income.
I also want to inform my international mutuals that this is entirely Musk's fault. It is illegal for social platforms to run in Brazil without a representative, and Elon fired all Brazilian representatives after our minister required the app to regulate their users, fake news etc. So instead of deleting nazi accounts, Elon Musk decided it was better to lose their 4th biggest user base lol
I don't know what will happen now, but yeah, the app is down. If you can support Brazilian artists here it would already mean so much.
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detectivejenko · 23 days
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posting (some of) my art (from oldest to newest)
TRANS: hollup / i'll handle it i love exo sc and i loved doing this! i struggled so much with the eyes but thankfully they had masks on so i didn't need to struggle even further.
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detectivejenko · 23 days
> Olá, meu nome é Mari! E eu tenho um blog só de icons que é o [@merixirica], contudo, eu tenho STC, que é basicamente tendinite, de forma extremamente chula, então um dos meus maiores empecilhos de ficar no computador editando é estar em constante clique x clique e talvez assim como eu, você se sinta desmotivado a ter uma galeria por não querer salvar mais de 50 icons um por ver, então venha me acompanhar fazendo 86 clicando apenas UMA vez.
1 - Abra um arquivo 120x120
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> Sim, eu uso ele no tema claro, me processe.
2 - Coloque a sua imagem e escolha a sua edição
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> Aqui minha imagem já está finalizada, então precisa ter em mente que ela vai sair dessa exata forma para a pasta.
3 - Crie uma pasta para onde irá todos os seus arquivos (necessário):
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> Se essa pasta NÃO existir, nada disso vai dar certo e as suas imagens vão ir para sei lá onde.
4 - Arquivos > Exportar > Camada por arquivos
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> O caminho é o mesmo, caso seu PS esteja em inglês.
5 - Caixinha de saída
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> A qualidade de saída vai de você, como eu tenho muito espaço na nuvem, salvo no máximo que posso, mas caso o seu equipamento não dê conta, salvar em 8 NÃO vai ser o fim do mundo, qualidade é boa, mas o contéudo e seu esforço também.  > Lembra da pasta que eu PEDI que fizesse? Você vai selecionar ela para a saída dos arquivos, caso não faça isso, vai ser uma bagunça. 
6 - Esperar o arquivo salvar por inteiro
Parece idiota colocar isso como um passo, mas acredite, é necessário. Esse pack que fiz no tutorial deram exatas 86 imagens e foram salvas em dez segundos, MAS o meu notebook é muito potente, então precisa ter isso em mente, tome uma água, um banho! 
7 - A pasta completa e salva JÁ numerada:
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Elas estão com esse nome, porque eu tinha elas invisíveis, mas se você as nomear como quiser, elas irão para lá com o nome que colocar diretamente na camada. 
> O motivo de eu ter feito isso, acho que muita gente sabe, mas eu não sabia e a minha tendinite chorou de felicidade, porque eu só tive o trabalho de colocar PSD e cor, então foram muitas horas salvas, espero ter ajudado e desculpa se ficou “feio”, mas acho que o que importa é o tutorial em si.  > Qualquer dúvida, me chama! Atenção, o meu PS é de 2020!
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detectivejenko · 23 days
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Photoshop CS5 • Photoshop CS6 • Photoshop CC • Illustrator CS6 • Illustrator CC • Lightroom 5 • Lightroom Classic • Premiere CC • Effects CS6 • Effects CC • InDesign CS6 • InDesign CC • CorelDRAW • DaVinci Studio • More!
for Windows
Photoshop CC • Illustrator CC • Lightroom Classic • Premiere CC • Effects CC • InDesign CC • CorelDRAW • DaVinci Studio • More!
for MacOS
Photoshop CC • Illustrator CC • Lightroom Classic • Premiere CC • Effects CC • InDesign CC • CorelDRAW • DaVinci Studio • More!
If there is any problem with the links or with the applications, please let me know so I can fix them!
Credits: one, two, three + @hisources.
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