determxnator-blog · 8 years
((So I’ve kinda lost my undertale muse for a while, When I eventually get it back, I’m more than likely going to remake this blog.)) ((In the meantime, Here’s another blog I just made since I just got into RWBY and I’m trash.) http://grimmreapxr.tumblr.com/
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determxnator-blog · 8 years
((So I’ve kinda lost my undertale muse for a while, When I eventually get it back, I’m more than likely going to remake this blog.)) ((In the meantime, Here’s another blog I just made since I just got into RWBY and I’m trash.) http://grimmreapxr.tumblr.com/
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determxnator-blog · 8 years
((So I’ve kinda lost my undertale muse for a while, When I eventually get it back, I’m more than likely going to remake this blog.)) ((In the meantime, Here’s another blog I just made since I just got into RWBY and I’m trash.) http://grimmreapxr.tumblr.com/
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determxnator-blog · 8 years
((So I’ve kinda lost my undertale muse for a while, When I eventually get it back, I’m more than likely going to remake this blog.)) ((In the meantime, Here’s another blog I just made since I just got into RWBY and I’m trash.) http://grimmreapxr.tumblr.com/
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determxnator-blog · 8 years
((So I’ve kinda lost my undertale muse for a while, When I eventually get it back, I’m more than likely going to remake this blog.)) ((In the meantime, Here’s another blog I just made since I just got into RWBY and I’m trash.) http://grimmreapxr.tumblr.com/
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determxnator-blog · 8 years
((So I’ve kinda lost my undertale muse for a while, When I eventually get it back, I’m more than likely going to remake this blog.)) ((In the meantime, Here’s another blog I just made since I just got into RWBY and I’m trash.) http://grimmreapxr.tumblr.com/
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determxnator-blog · 8 years
((So I’ve kinda lost my undertale muse for a while, When I eventually get it back, I’m more than likely going to remake this blog.)) ((In the meantime, Here’s another blog I just made since I just got into RWBY and I’m trash.) http://grimmreapxr.tumblr.com/
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
i think im just gonna remake this blog along with making this other blog i wanna make it
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
Shit that we say in the Skype group Starter Sentences
“tag yourself I’m leg”
“I want to see _____ punch________ in the dong”
“nobody told me there were hard cocks in this game”
“I will send them Pokeporn”
“________ Likes fresh dong”
“search your donger, you know it to be true”
“_________ is ______ fursona”
“I read it as hard cock“
“hell approved“
“S C R E A M I N G A T O W N A S S“
“ i was gonna say he uses scary face but. he has no fuckign face“
“I T  I S  T I M E  F O R  T H E  D E M O N  S A C R I F I C E  T O  S A T A N“
“All the better to MURDER. meanwhile_________ just has straight up fuckin Y A O I  H A N D S“
   “( l‿l✿) Its me Anus king”            
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
((No one liked it so I’M GONNA REBLOG IT AGAIN))
Starter Call
I need more threads Feed me more threads ((Mutuals only please, if you liked the last one and I didn’t make you a starter just like this one and I’ll think of one, sorry about that but I got busy again))
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
Starter Call
I need more threads Feed me more threads ((Mutuals only please, if you liked the last one and I didn’t make you a starter just like this one and I’ll think of one, sorry about that but I got busy again))
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
The giant Pink lady certainly kept good on her word. You asked for chocolate, you got it.
And that’s all you’ve really been doing since you agreed to stay with her. Crashing on their couch, stuffing your face, not really doing anything. You’d ask what the point was but, free food, not gonna deny it. The other.... Gems as they called themselves, hadn’t really shown their face to you yet. Once again, not that you minded. Except here was.... what was her name again? Whatever, here was the purple one staring at you. Laying out candy for you, as if you were some kind of lion she was trying to tame.
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( l‿l✿) 🔪  “.... What is this... Some kind of peace offering?”
( @determxnator )
          ▽ parasitic mistake ▽
          Amethyst’s knowledge of humans was painfully flawed ; the only ones she re-           ally knew as of right now were Greg & his friend Vidalia. she’d never really           seen a SMALL human before. maybe they were like her. Rose had told her to           make them feel welcome, as well as a few other things she knew. ( which,           judging by the fact that Rose hadn’t had a lot to say, wasn’t much. this human           seemed secretive for some reason. ) one thing stuck out though, so she           thought maybe it was worth a try.
          that would be why there was a trail of wrapped chocolates on the floor, lead-           ing toward the couch.
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          Amethyst was sitting on one cushion – a bag of assorted candy in hand. it           was no mystery why she’d put some down on the floor, & now, she was just           staring at the human. every once in a while, she’d take out one of the candies           from the bag, popping it into her mouth wrapper & all, as she waited to see           what the human would do.
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
//Frisk// ( l‿l✿)
                                    🔪 “Is this really what you do all day?” 🔪                             🔪 “God... This is more boring than being dead.” 🔪                            🔪 “And that’s coming from a dead person” 🔪
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
Starter Call
((I’ve basically lost all of my old threads so, Lets start some new ones and get back in the swing of things)) ((Like this for a starter! Mutuals only please!))
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
Long Ass update on why I’ve been inactive and shit.
Wow ok I fucked up. So...It’s been almost a month now.  I’ll just go straight to the point, I’m sorry. A few things have happened, After katsucon I got some pretty bad post con depression, And some other things that happened just put my mood in a funk. That, and School went into high gear, its been pretty tough. A generally awful emotional state and RL stuff just kept me off this blog for a good while.  But Spring break is starting and I’m starting to feel better, so I’m hoping tomorrow I can make a starter call and get back into things So yeah, I’m not dead, I just needed a hiatus without knowing it i guess
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
((Might as well use this as a chance to post my lineup then))
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((Ok so, I actually have a reason for not being on this past week)) ((I’m going to katsucon this weekend, I’ve been focusing more on school and prepping for katsu)) ((I’ll be back on monday though!))
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determxnator-blog · 9 years
((Ok so, I actually have a reason for not being on this past week)) ((I’m going to katsucon this weekend, I’ve been focusing more on school and prepping for katsu)) ((I’ll be back on monday though!))
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