roristevens · 5 months
Cardboard cover, plastic spine, Notes and doodles, line by line -- Or not, one skipped, maybe two. Destiny it almost knew Of great novel in first draft, But fate changed from fore to aft. 'Twas dismantled page by page To recycle, disengage. One could say it was abused, But 'twas object, merely used.
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roristevens · 6 months
My minor moments equal inspiration But only for two lines - such aggravation!
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roristevens · 6 months
My allowance for A pen that darkly glides O'er word seek pages!
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roristevens · 6 months
Jim Carrey Is sometimes scary. It complicates the play; Kids like him anyway.
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roristevens · 7 months
"Movies 2024" (A pastiche of the song "Human Touch", written and performed by Rick Springfield) I know that movies need computers To perfect what's on the silver screen I know I'm too nostalgic, gosh knows I'm sorry, Eighties were my scene Cape flicks are blandly formulated And I want out of Disney World, uh-huh But Chalamet's got two hits (back to back) That Barbie movie's fun and it made a stack Oh IP grabs are cool when the work's not hack Look out there and find it! Chorus: Movies need a human touch They still need a human touch They can find it, a human touch We still want it, a human touch I need it so!
Some said that "Oppenheimer's chancy, Nolan can't do it black-and-white"; Who thought a Bob Marley biopic Would best Madame Web in a fight?
No one knows anything, Bill Goldman said (Indulge as I paraphrase, uh-huh) I know there's still more sequels up ahead And Zaslav's writing off all those films for dead Don't give up on the flicks, cuz I won't; instead I'll believe (Repeat chorus)
I'm so scared of constant mergers and lost catalogs Movies need... Movies need...
(Repeat chorus)
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roristevens · 7 months
The dateline: Glasgow 2024 I can believe the stories floating round That something Wonka-based could be more poor Than that Tom & Jerry movie run aground
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roristevens · 7 months
Ten years on Tumblr! No I didn't fill All days with work but it was worthwhile still
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roristevens · 7 months
Tumblr media
“The, uh, alien stole the asteroid.”
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roristevens · 7 months
Tumblr media
It's my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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roristevens · 9 months
Hashtag Haiku: "Wonka"
#OldIsNew(Again) #ReadingIsFundamental #DisneyIsJealous
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roristevens · 1 year
Speed is an angle Dizziness is a spiral Appetite is drooling
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roristevens · 1 year
Why the pens, papers? That I have things to work with Until there's something
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roristevens · 1 year
The months go by and I forget to post (Or lack the inspiration for the task) Yet I come back to likes for what I write And for a moment, two, I slightly bask
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roristevens · 2 years
I’m not made for raising poodles I’m not famed for drawing doodles I cannot bake snickerdoodles But rhymes of mine?  Boy, I’ve got oodles
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roristevens · 2 years
Waiting on convention season, Waiting for the spring, Waiting for the guest announcements, What will summer bring?
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roristevens · 2 years
Part of it is thankfulness The reason that I write But please don’t think that I think less Of what I do not cite
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roristevens · 2 years
“Beyond the Lake” (Inspired by The Phantom of the Opera [1986])
Are you my angel? Father would not send Someone like you, with eyes deep set by age That shine like onyx in candlelight or blend Into the shadows. Here, within this cage Of brass and iron I sing sweeter than I ever did above, at your command. I’m scared -- my voice beholden to a man! But feeling my throat tremble, lungs expand To answer exhortations, really pleas So honest and rhapsodic, your voice, sir Is sweeter still...we hunger, and we tease With words, with touch.  I ache for you, monsieur -- No teacher or an angel can you be; Neither could stir what’s brewing now in me.
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