Call out post for @jehansuggestions
They killed my cactus when I asked them to look after it
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Are you like the last suggestion blog not taken over
I think so
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Has the guard got your blog yet
I fear they will soon.
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ponine, are you okay?
They’re deadAnd there’s nothing I could do to stop this
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Is it at least nice to see your friends again?
Absolutely nothing about this situation is “nice”. I missed them so dearly but I didn’t want to see them like this. I’ve barely even seen any of them. Jehan is the only one who’s come to talk to me, the rest are off mourning what never was.
Things are just different now I guess.
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Looking down at all of your friends getting themselves killed
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🅱️lease be honest, did Marius kill you?
Well, tell them the truth, @pontmercysuggestions
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Hey Ponine, you busy tonight? Apparently I’m “distracting” Ferre from his “studies”
No I’m not busy. What do you wanna do?
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Sum yourself up in one gif
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💋💋💋 for you
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Who are you closest to, in PM and les Amis?
Ok, in terms of les amis, I’m closest to Courf, Jehan, and R. With PM I know all of them pretty well but I’m probably closest to Mer and Babet.
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Really?? You seem like such a cool person
Cool? You must not have been following me for very long.
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Do you have many friends outside of les ami and the patron?
Not really, making friends has always been sort of a struggle.
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Whats it like having an in with both Les Amis and Patron Minette?
It can be weird at times. But hey, it’s still pretty great having so many people who I care about and who would fight for me.
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How close are you to the other amis?
Well I’m definitely closest to Jehan, R, and Couf. Ferre has bandaged up more than a few of my injuries. I’m pretty sure Enj doesn’t like me (or maybe he’s just like that with everyone). The rest of them seem pretty chill and I generally like all of them.
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Fight me
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