devil-may-meme · 3 years
I’m sorry guys but I’m not gonna be on my blog. I’m not taking asks and I’m not taking requests because I’m not enjoying Tumblr anymore. I know a lot of you really like the memes I’ve made and reblogged so I’m going to keep the blog active so you can still share and laugh at them, but I won’t be monitoring the blog anymore.
I really enjoyed making you laugh for the past 3 or so years but I’m officially done with this app as I feel like shit using it and all other social media apps.
I truly, truly despise social media. :(
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devil-may-meme · 3 years
The spam likings has got tO STOP
I woke up to 99+ spam likes on my blog and they don’t do anything besides notify me that you like my stuff but not like it enough to share it on your blog
It so annoying. 😔
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
Now this is quality
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
Hi guys,
I make it a habit not to post non-DMC stuff on my blog but this is a matter of importance. I’m sure you are aware of what’s happening in the UK: A young woman named Sarah Everard was murdered by a police officer who is awaiting trial. This woman was walking down the street towards her home after visiting a friend. She wore bright clothing, she was on the phone to her boyfriend for 14 minutes and did everything else right to keep safe. Sadly it wasn’t enough.
The UK does not allow non-lethal self defence weapons such as pepper spray. The government thinks that a murderer and rapist’s life is more important than yours when they refuse to allow you to defend yourself. Don’t forget, someone who is willing the break the law to harm you is also willing to circumvent weapon laws by acquiring them illegally. UK citizens do not deserve to die just because they were law abiding and did not carry a defensive weapon when they needed it the most.
I ask that anyone who sees this to please sign this petition asking the government to consider repealing this law for the safety of UK citizens. Thank you
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
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actually 😂
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
Tumblr media
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
Forever reblog
I present to you... a gift
https:// youtu.be/V2mitgsnz_E
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
Dante: What the hell? Where'd that thing come from?
Vergil, reclining on an inflatable island in a pool: Christmas. Two years ago. Never took it out of the box. "Who would enjoy that?" I thought. A kid, that's who. You were right. I was born 40. I lost my childhood.
Dante, pointing into the pool: ...is that a skateboard down there?
Vergil: The second thing to slip right out from under me.
Dante: Okay, it's time to get out.
Vergil: The first was my childhood.
Dante: I GET IT.
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
Posting cause I noticed it’s not on Tumblr yet
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
I’ve just realised how poetic Trish’s character is. She’s a she-devil designed to look like Sparda’s fallen wife, she decided to defect from Mundus just like Sparda, wants to fight for humans like Sparda and even wields the Sparda itself. Damn if Trish doesn’t have parallels with The Legendary Dark Knight himself
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
I remember the first episode of the anime when Patty and Dante drove with the car and she gave him advices about women because of his car. Imagine a 8-10 year old girl try to explain you how to treat a woman :D
Little lady’s got a point lol she complained that he was lazy, messy and crass and didn’t care enough to try basically lmao
I wish Patty and Kyrie had appeared at least once even if it’s a still image
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
Did you watch the dmc animated series? There is an episode about a guy named Ernest who Talks about a demon attack 20 years ago. I'm still confused about this episode. It was said Eva died when Dante was 8 years old but in the anime he's in his 30 so 20 years ago he should be 10 or older. Do you think it was really Dante 20 years ago or someone who looks like him? But it can't be a coincidence that someone who looks like him also had the name Tony..I hope you know what I mean :D
I was also thinking that at one point when watching the anime but after rewatching it again recently I realised that there's a photo frame of Ernest as a boy and a boy with white hair and blue eyes standing next to him.
Later in the episode, Ernest's partner asks Dante about he and Ernest hiding a treasure box somewhere and Dante responds with "It's probably hidden somewhere right before your eyes." She is standing in front of a tree in the garden and the camera pans towards a spot in front of the tree in Dante's line of vision and near the end of the episode the rain washes the mud away and the box is seen poking out. I interpreted this as an implication that Dante knew it was there and in his vague typical Dante way he indicated the direction where it was.
I know that's pretty vague but if you look up the episode on YT and skip to the photo fame you'll see a boy who looks a lot like Dante and that pretty much hits it home for me.
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
I heard convos about Dante's dating life and decided to ask my Big DMC Nerd BF about this... Apparently, none of the novels are canon. And despite the fact the DMC manga ran alongside the game, it was also noncanon. That peen has not gone into anywhere!
I'll have to disagree with that one as TAS characters are present in DMC V (Morrigan, Patty) and there are mentions of people from the first novels in the recent DMC V novel Before the Nightmare like Tiki and Nesty, the late Grue's daughters. Every dmc material fits into the Canon somehow even if capcom has to retcon it for that to happen
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devil-may-meme · 4 years
I like the novel but something is weird. That woman that wanted to sleep with Dante got rejected by him but later it was said she had slashed her stomach because of him lol I still don't know if she really did it or was murdered by a demon? What do you think?
I thought it had said she slashed her wrists but maybe the one I read was translated differently. I was interpreting it as her being really insecure about herself and Dante's rejection of her made her feel shitty. But if it is supposed to say the way you've explained it then maybe she was murdered by a demon because she was a person who had gotten too close to Tony Redgrave and had gotten murdered as a result, since just about everyone who knows him got torn to shreds about demons
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