devotedspy Ā· 6 years
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Steve/Diana + Manā€™s World OutfitsĀ 
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
Diana sighed at his words and stepped forward, only to watch Cheetah bash Steveā€™s head against the tree. Diana gasped, a wave of panicking flowing through her before she finally turned her attention to Barbara Ann. No matter what happened to Trevor, she needed to deal with Cheetah first.Ā 
She furrowed her brow, determined t take on Cheetah. Diana lunged forward, meeting her once friend blow by blow, engaging her her with sword and truth until finally she had Barbara Ann subdued and restrained.Ā 
She rushed over to Trevor, grateful when she felt his heartbeat. She loosened the vines binding him to the tree, just enough to free him a little, but not enough to cause him a terrible amount of pain should he be badly injured.Ā 
She lifted the back of his head with her hand, and felt the back of his head.Ā 
ā€œSteve,ā€ she called softly.Ā ā€œSteve, can you hear me?ā€Ā 
It wasnā€™t the sound of Dianaā€™s voice that awakened Steve. It was the steady beeping of medical equipment, and the strong tang of antiseptic cleaners filling his lungs. His fingers tightened on the stark white sheets, as he slowly became aware of brightness beyond his closed eyelids. His nose wrinkled as he dared to crack his lids open and winced. Above him all he could see were blurry parallel lines that he assumed were glowing light bulbs.
When he tried to move, he found he couldnā€™t. His arms and legs felt like they were being weighed down, and his mouth tasted horrible. Swallowing a few times, he tried to moisten his lips and tongue, which if anything, made it worse. ā€œTastes nasty. All tastes nasty.ā€
ā€œCaptain Trevor,ā€ a voice said, as a hand was pressed on his shoulder, pinning him to the bed. ā€œDonā€™t try to move. Youā€™ve been unconscious for five days.ā€
ā€œDiana? Is she all right?ā€ She had to be. If she wasnā€™t, heā€™d be rotting in the jungle or in Minervaā€™s belly. Right? ā€œWhen can I see you?ā€
Bad Kitty - Steve & Diana
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
The message is clear. Illya has been undercover himself as well as charged with ferreting others who might be hiding beneath assumed personas enough times to recognize a man in hiding once he has a handful of pieces to put together. Though heā€™s curious, he doesnā€™t necessarily need to know the bigger picture here, so long as they are both willing to work together on this long enough to achieve a mutual goal.
Hasnā€™t he learned that well, from partnering with Napoleon?
Illya had made no comment about said partnership even when prompted, but that doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t willing to poke around a little on his own. And the Russian is far less subtle about it.Ā 
ā€œWho are you working for?ā€ CIA seems obvious, given several factors, but then for all he knows there could be several more organizations just like UNCLE, throwing unlikely partnerships together pulled from around the world. He could be a traitor, his intel bought and paid for by new allegiance.Ā 
Slowly, carefully, he returns his weapon to its holster as a show of good faith. If theyā€™re going to help one another, they canā€™t be so focused on being on-guard.
ā€œI canā€™t answer that, and you know it,ā€ Steve said, relaxing the muscles when the Russian put his weapon away. Looked like they were going to work together until they got Solo the fuck out of Dodge, which was just fine with Steve. The thought of losing his cover after being there for so long felt like he was trying to dry swallow half a loaf of stale bread. It tasted like crap, and it hurt all the way down.
ā€œNeed to know, and you donā€™t.ā€ He gave the big guy the once over again, taking a better look now that were they werenā€™t concentrated on killing each other. He was tall but not skinny. Well muscled instead of a bean pole, which meant he couldnā€™t exactly find him someone elseā€™s uniform to dress in.
He licked his lips and then fingers the cuffs at his side. It was an old trick, but it could work.
Hopefully he doesnā€™t punch me for the suggestion. Heā€™s big enough to crack my skull like an egg.
ā€œHow about I bring you to Solo? Then the two of you work on escaping. I can help, but if I bring you in as a prisoner, thereā€™s a better chance of you not getting shot.ā€
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
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Wondertrev Love Week:
ā†³ day four: favorite touch(es)
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
Diana took a few cautionary steps toward Cheetah, her hand griping her word as she readied to strike at her opponent. She looke at her foe, the way she looked at her, almost daring her to strike. She saw a trickle of blood run down Steveā€™s chin, but Dianaā€™s focus was on Cheetah, on defeating her so he could free Steven. She knew sheā€™d prevail, she had to. But there was no use in getting distracted.Ā 
ā€œHang on, Steve Trevor.ā€ She took a deep breath, running toward her target and trying to draw her away from Steve.
ā€œNot as if I have a choice there, Angel,ā€ he said with a shrug.
As she spun to face Diana, Cheetah grabbed Steveā€™s head and snapped it back against the tree trunk with enough force Ā to knock leaves from the branches overhead. Steveā€™s vision clouded, and he bit his tongue with the impact, filling his mouth with the taste of his own blood. It was a bad hit.
His ears were ringing, and he felt shooting pain down to his legs. When he tried to move, he felt his hair tangle with the bark of the tree, and then everything went dark as he lost consciousness.
Bad Kitty - Steve & Diana
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
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Aleks could feel his ire growing, fuelled by the way Steve quite blatantly seemed to think he, and he alone, was the pinnacle of morality. Steve had some choice things to say, and in any other context, it would have been a most AMUSING tirade. Aleks let the American have his little moment though; a great deal of noise just to relieve some of the stress, while Aleks looked on with a sullen glare.
ā€œAre you crazy?ā€ With his accent, the last word drew credible emphasis. ā€œYouā€™d give up our one and only fucking ADVANTAGE for the sake of collateral?ā€ Aleks stayed right where he was, despite the damp weighing him down, and the cold stiffening his muscles. Fool, he thought bitterly, refusing to show even the slightest hint of INTEREST as Steve climbed the ladder and presented Aleks with a well-rounded view of his backside.
Aleks didnā€™t want to follow him. He was reluctant to give up what little they had, but he gamely swallowed his apprehension and followed Steve. What else COULD he do? It was either go along with the enemy, or stay down here and rot. ā€œDo your superiors know just who you found down here?ā€ He muttered as his finger joints stung from the cold of the rungs.
ā€œFor your sake and mineā€¦ It might be best if they donā€™t.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t know if youā€™ve noticed this, buddy,ā€ Steve said as he stepped out of the stairwell and into Ā a dark and musty room that had a wall lined with a few rust-spotted and battered washing machines that probably hadnā€™t been running since the 60s. Behind the mildew and old bleach, he could almost smell wine.
ā€œBut I havenā€™t had time to tell anyone about anything. Lost my signal when I found you.ā€ And he wasnā€™t sure he had time to call in nowā€”not with the Russian foaming at the mouth behind him. Forcing his attention from the shivering spy, he swiftly made his way across the basement to the arched doorway of crumbling plaster and old paint. Ducking his head around the opening, he tried to see if anyone was inside, but other than a radio playing loudly Ā and a couple shouting in French somewhere above them it was quiet.
ā€œItā€™s up to you. You can come with me, or you can go off on your own. I wonā€™t force you, but I think weā€™ll do better together than stepping on each otherā€™s toes trying to do it alone.ā€ He didnā€™t know why he always thought the best of people. He was a spy. He shouldnā€™t trust anyone, but he felt a strange need to keep Aleks alive. It didnā€™t make sense, but for Steve Trevor that was pretty normal.
Once he was in the hallway, he checked his radio and let out a sigh of relief. ā€œI stopped the bombā€”obviously since the buildingā€™s still here. Iā€™ll need cover. Keep an eye out for me at the extraction point, and Iā€™m with a friendly.ā€
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
Mun Note
Iā€™m so sorry that I havenā€™t replied or done starters this week on my blogs. It should be better this week thoughā€“thankfully.Ā 
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
This one is not like the other guards. Illya whirls, shocked and outraged to find another person so close behind him without his having noticed, and thereā€™s fire in those icy eyes that speaks of murderous intent. His weapon has been at the ready and he levels it on this new, suspiciously stealthy man for a moment before recognizing the guard is making a show of staying his own hand, keeping his hands up as either a sign of surrender, or a show of avoiding hostility.
He really pissed off the boss.
Most definitely Napoleon, always leaving such impressions everywhere he goes. At least Illya knows heā€™s on the right trail, though why a guard would share this information with him is unclear. The Russianā€™s eyes narrow, but he lowers his own weapon.
ā€œAnd where are they taking him?ā€ he demands, conscious of the fact that a guard may not exactly be privy to these facts, and even if he did know, he may not be telling. Three hours ago. He could be anywhere by now.
ā€œMore importantly,ā€ he says lowly, taking one step forward.Ā ā€œIs this boss of yours still here? If so, we will be having words.ā€ A threat, and a none too subtle one; if he can manage to be led to someone who might be holding all the strings, he need only be left alone with that person for awhile. Heā€™s nothing if not intimately familiar with the art of extracting information.
Definitely Russian. Steve let out a small sigh. Russian. Giant. Worried about Solo. He filed all those facts away until he could ask his handlers about the guy. It was nearly unheard of for an American and a Russian to work together, and that made him very curiousā€”especially since Solo was still CIA as far as he knew.
ā€œYeah, Solpovā€™s still here. Irinaā€™s in a snit about your partner.ā€ Steve used the word ā€˜partnerā€™ to press a few buttons, to see if the big guy had loose lips, which wasnā€™t likely, but he had to try. Reaching carefully for the strap of the borrowed rifle from around his neck, he sat the weapon on the worn tiled floor without a sound and then kept his hands up, palms forward, as he stood back up.
ā€œI was assigned to keep an eye on her and her minions.ā€ He met the otherā€™s eyes and arched his brows. ā€œSheā€™s not my boss, if you get my meaning. But I do know where she is and probably where Solo is.ā€ If Steve could get them both out of the compound without any of Irinaā€™s men from finding out he was helping them escape, he might be able to keep his mission going.
But probably not. ā€œIf I help you, I need you both out of here. No looking back.ā€
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
McCoy stared in silence at the person who was Jim, but not James Kirk. His captain, who was a man named Steve. It seemed now that the truth was out, he even acted a little differently, which caused the doctor more of a pause. ā€œSo I never knew Jim,ā€ he whispered to himself. It was a relief, in a way. A relief that Steve hadnā€™t replaced a person he already knew. That Jim hadnā€™t actually died.
There was a little part of Leonard that thought it could be a big fat lie. Worried that he was being played for a fool, but at the same time he recognized that honesty in the blue eyes, and he had a habit of trusting them. ā€œā€¦ Alright,ā€ he finally said, taking a deep breath. It wasnā€™t alright, but it was the first step to even process all of it.
ā€œSteve.ā€ It felt wrong. ā€œYou didnā€™t die because you canā€™t. At all. Unless this Diana stops loving you.ā€ It was still hard to accept. ā€œAnd itā€™s been like thatā€¦ for a long time.ā€ McCoy ran a hand through his hair, for a moment just worn out. ā€œAll this time, ya could never die.. Couldā€™ve saved me alot of worryinā€™.ā€ It was an attempt at humor. Some normalcy. Even to him it felt a little flat.
ā€œWould it help if I told you it still hurts?ā€ He asked trying to add a bit of humor in return. This man was his friend, his best friend, and itā€™d been a long time since Steve let himself have one of those. Heā€™d tried to resist, but there was just something about Bones that made him fit like a warm soft sweater. He adored him, and he needed to keep their bond. There was nothing Steve feared more than being alone, and with Diana gods knew where, he would be without McCoy and Spock.
ā€œItā€™s magic. Thereā€™s no genetic abnormalities to me. You know. Youā€™ve seen all my records. Once science progressed enough for me to look for that kind of thing, trust me I did. Thankfully, I scan completely normal. If I didnā€™tā€¦ā€ He paused to bite the inside of his lips and gave his friend a look that spoke volumes. ā€œā€¦theyā€™d have had me in a lab poking and prodding me. I donā€™t think Iā€™dā€™ve been able to handle that. Probably wouldā€™ve driven me nuts.ā€
Reaching across the inches between them, Steve held his hand out to McCoy. His blue eyes clearer from the wetness threatening to fall while he prepared to plead with his best friend not to forsake him. ā€œPlease tell me itā€™s going to be all right, Bones. If you canā€™t keep my secret, I understand. All I ask is you give me time to disappear.ā€
Not A Miracle Worker
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
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Ice cream reunion
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
With Steve, I always viewed it that he probably had been in love before and he probably did have a lady, maybe even had a family, and lost that to this awful conflict. The thought of falling in love is so painful for him that he could not allow himself to do it. It had to be about a mission, it had to be God and country, but it could not be him and what he wanted. Heā€™s got a mission that, up until the very last, is his driving force. Along the way he happens to fall madly in love with a goddess. And he just holds off and holds off and holds off until he canā€™t bear to let her go.
Chris Pine about his character Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman: The Art And Making Of The Film
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
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Itā€™s time to show some support and positivity for one of DCā€™s best love stories! Starting Saturday, August 4th through Saturday August 11th,Ā weā€™ll be posting 8 days of ship-related themes.
Itā€™s up to you to take the daily themes (thereā€™s two!), create something - graphics, gifsets, art, fic, videos, meta, anything! - and post it to your blog.
Make sure to tag #wondertrevweek2018Ā in the first 5 tags so we can see and reblog your work here.
Not a maker? Visit the tag and reblog posts to spread the love!
Day 1 (August 4th): underrated moment || Fanfic Prompt: ww84 Day 2 (August 5th): parallels || Fanfic Prompt: soulmate/soulmark Day 3 (August 6th): tropes & cliches|| Fanfic Prompt: au Day 4 (August 7th): favorite touch(es) || Fanfic Prompt: hurt/comfort Day 5 (August 8th): pine/gadot (optional: jenkins) || Fanfic Prompt: five times Day 6 (August 9th): favorite quote || Fanfic Prompt: present day Day 7 (August 10): ww84 || Fanfic Prompt: reunion BONUS DAY (August 11th): free choiceĀ i
If you have any questions ourĀ ask boxĀ is always open.Ā 
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
Wonder Woman was on the hunt. Cheetah was toying with her, she was well of that. This was nothing more than a game to her. Using Steven as bait to lure her to her in. Low. Se narrowed her gaze in concentration as she stalked through the jungle, her knuckles bone-white as they clutched the hilt of her sword, ever at the ready. She took a moment to breath, loosening the iron grip on her sword as she cut through the undergrowth. She was getting closer, she could fee it.Ā 
Se missed when Cheetah was just Barbara Ann, her friend. Maybe she could get through to her. Maybe. She needed to remind her of who she was, and Diana had to remember too.
She sensed that she was close. She stopped, listening until finally she heard something in the distance. She furrowed her brow in concentration, bounding into the air and landed near Steve and Cheetah with a loud rustle of leaves and branches announcing her presence.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s over, Barbara Ann,ā€ she said, eyeing Cheetah.Ā ā€œRelease him.ā€
ā€œDamn, looks like our alone timeā€™s over, Barbara Ann,ā€ he said, with a growl of his own. Cheetah had her claws hooked into his beard, the tips pricking the skin beneath the golden hair when Diana made her entrance. ā€œHey Angel, look who invited me to dinner.ā€
Before she let him go, the villain tightened her grip, flaying Steveā€™s chin open along with his bottom lip. The taste of his own blood filled his mouth, and he spat at her as Diana braced for the battle to come. ā€œWhatever happens, Diana, take her out. Thereā€™s too much blood on her handsā€”ā€ including mine ā€œā€”Iā€™m expendable.ā€
Steve knew she wouldnā€™t forget about him, but he had to trust her not to let their bond distract her from what needed to be done. Minerva was too far gone. If she hadnā€™t gotten the drop on him, heā€™d have killed her himself, instead of being tied to a goddamn tree with cat spit all over him. ā€œCat bitch, youā€™re going to lose.ā€
Bad Kitty - Steve & Diana
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
Dianaā€™s been pacing around the room and she canā€™t seem to stop, pacing is helping her think. Listening to Steve speak, she stops when the display is pulled up on the tablet - making her way over to get a better look. ā€œGood, thatā€™s good.ā€ Being part of the CIA meant that you had to be dedicated among other things, dedicated and willing to take a risk if need be. He was one of the best agents out there and they were lucky to have him, she was lucky to have him. ā€œOf course they do, anything to make our job that much harder - they must think us idiots.ā€ A roll of her eyes, returning his smile with a bright one of her own.
They had both been caught in the rain but Steve seemed to get the worst of it, Diana loved the rain and didnā€™t mind being soaked. Removing her jacket, the young woman moves to place it over his shoulders, hoping that it would help warm him up. Running a hand through her hair, her lips purse in thought.
Thereā€™s a shrug of her shoulders before speaking. ā€œI donā€™t know but they must have had something he didnā€™t in order to take him, more man power or something. But it doesnā€™t make sense. Thank you.ā€ Thereā€™s a small smirk at his compliment and she only hoped they could find him before anything terrible happened. Being mean and nasty worked for Bruce and perhaps it could work in his favor now, he could fight until they got to him. Arms crossed over her chest now. ā€œIf they donā€™t know who Bruce really is, the question is; whatā€™s the motive for the kidnapping? What do they want Steve?ā€ Seeing the file on the woman - Victoria - Diana is not liking the look of her. Glancing towards the blonde, thereā€™s an unspoken look, features etched with concern and perhaps part anxiety. ā€œI donā€™t like the look of her - I can only assume that some cannot look past her pretty face which is an advantage to her.ā€ A pause, raising an eyebrow. ā€œSo, whatā€™s our plan?ā€
ā€œThanks, Angel.ā€ It was moments like this, when she did something as sweet as giving him her jacket that warmed Steve to his core. He reached up and placed his hand over hers at his shoulder and offered her a crooked smile.
ā€œPretty faces can get you a long way, something we both knowā€”not that you do it on purpose, but god knows I do.ā€ He was a spy, an actor, and a liar willing to use his looks to get what he needed for the greater good. Diana was literally a goddess, and she could use her beauty as a weapon if she wanted. But Steve knew she had too much honor to do that.
ā€œMoneyā€™s my guess. Itā€™ll take some digging through to find the real motive. Maybe Wayne Tech is making something she wants? He couldā€™ve hired a scientist or engineer that she wants for another purpose. I can have some analysts research it for us.ā€ Steve turned his chair around, and reached out to lace their fingers together. ā€œWe could easily get Bruce out. Hell, Bruce could easily get himself out, but heā€™s staying there. Thatā€™s whatā€™s really got me curious. Why isnā€™t he getting away, and does he even want our help?ā€
The Rescue - Steve & Diana
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
OOC - A Fresh Start
Real lifeā€™s been pretty much hellish the past few months, and Iā€™m just not feeling a lot of my older threads. Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™ve been RPing Spock for close to 10 years now which means itā€™s time for a reboot.Ā 
Iā€™m clearing out my archives for @1stofficerspock, @devotedspy, and @admiralsdontfly. @lawisforlackeys and @imnottheherotype are too new to need house cleaning.Ā 
This is my combined Thread Tracker LINK. Please check it to see if Iā€™ve dropped an old thread.Ā 
Please do not take any of this personally. I simply need a fresh start, and for the first time in many years, I am feeling the need to work on my original writing, which means I have less brain for RP.Ā 
Live, long, and prosper, my friends,Ā 
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
Steve let out a sigh as he adjusted the guardā€™s hat lower over his very blue eyes and slung the unconscious manā€™s rifle over his shoulder. The uniform was a little loose in the shoulderā€™s, but it was late enough that no one should notice. It wasnā€™t as if he had a choice. Heā€™d been ordered to infiltrate the organization, and heā€™d managed to hide among the enemy for close to a monthā€”then the other guy showed up.
Napoleon Solo. Steve knew of him. A thief that the company roped in to keep him out of jail. Wasnā€™t a surprise. The CIA wasnā€™t exactly picky about where they got their recruits. Heā€™d been a pilot before theyā€™d taught him to be a spy after all. As for Solo, he couldnā€™t step in a help him. If he did, heā€™d break his cover, and then the entire mission would swirl down the toilet.
Now there was another one. Steveā€™d watched him moving through the building, impressed how someone that tall could move with that much stealth. Obviously he was well-trained, probably KGB, maybe MI-5, or hell he might just be a mercenary. He followed, keeping his own footstep as quiet as humanly possible, while he went over a web of lies heā€™d need if the blond giant drew more attention.
ā€œHeā€™s not here anymore,ā€ Steve said, as he stepped out of the darkness behind. He kept his hands away from his weapons. ā€œThey hauled him out three hours ago. He really pissed off the boss.ā€
Every clue has led up to this moment.Ā 
One careless mistake had brought Solo down, and Illya had known in that moment that despite his best efforts, allowing himself to be seen would simply mean both of them were taken; there had been too many enemies to take on alone, and itā€™s better that one of them be left to clean up the mess they had made together.
Of course, anyone who knows Napoleon Solo would like to believe he could get himself out of anything. Heā€™s intelligent, cunning, wily. Heā€™d evaded capture for an impressive length of time before finally being collared, and even then it had been through no real fault of his own. But he hadnā€™t been able to outwit Victoria Vinciguerra or escape from Rudiā€™s torture chamber, and Illya is prepared to believe he wonā€™t escape this on his own, either.
So he is patient as he can be, forces himself to buckle down and focus, to stop fidgeting, and to take things one step at a time. Illya knows who he is looking for, knows how to use one man to find the next, and to use him to the same end. When he arrives at his ultimate destination heā€™s careful to move slowly, on feet as silent as a man his size can manage.Ā 
Solo should be here. Heā€™s already incapacitated two men; one in the hall and one in a stairwell, and heā€™d left them where they dropped. Thereā€™s a small square window in the door in front of him, and when he peers carefully through it, he doesnā€™t see anyone standing guard. So he opens it, quietly, and slips through into the dimly lit room.Ā 
Here. Heā€™s got to be here.
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devotedspy Ā· 6 years
OOC - A Fresh Start
Real lifeā€™s been pretty much hellish the past few months, and Iā€™m just not feeling a lot of my older threads. Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™ve been RPing Spock for close to 10 years now which means itā€™s time for a reboot.Ā 
Iā€™m clearing out my archives for @1stofficerspock, @devotedspy, and @admiralsdontfly. @lawisforlackeys and @imnottheherotype are too new to need house cleaning.Ā 
This is my combined Thread Tracker LINK. Please check it to see if Iā€™ve dropped an old thread.Ā 
Please do not take any of this personally. I simply need a fresh start, and for the first time in many years, I am feeling the need to work on my original writing, which means I have less brain for RP.Ā 
Live, long, and prosper, my friends,Ā 
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