devotedtinyfury · 18 days
I am alive
Hey there, it’s been a long silence; well I’d say that life has been throwing punches at me one after the other that I had to take a step back, but there’s also the part where I drowned myself in manhwas among other things and also enjoying the Solo leveling Arise game, the webtoon was a fav of mine, it’s something else seeing them moving.
While I was short on inspiration and motivation, I did change a lot of things from the start of the if, so when the update comes whenever that will be, saves might not work properly and you’d need to replay from the start.
Thank you for your patience, really, and as both a show of apology and gratitude, I’m putting younger Nasar’s coloured sketch under the cut, it’s a sketch I made a while back, since this is a younger version, the Nasar that you’ll meet would look slightly older with a few other changes like their hair length, but if you’d rather have them in your own image, do not see below (you can, if you want.)
Be warned though, I’m terrible with left and right, the scar should be on the left and I do think that’s the left since we’re facing them?
That is all for now, have a good day or night.
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please do excuse the shading, I do not know how to do that.
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devotedtinyfury · 5 months
Hi, how do you get Riell's path? Is it at the end of the current chapter where we'll meet her but then we'll part ways and meet Delia?
Hi anon!
To get Riell's path, in chapter 1 when you are still in the burning house, choose to keep going and later when choosing which way to go, pick left.
You can still get to Riell's path if you choose right as long as you keep following the cat.
Getting Riell's path doesn't mean it'll lock you inside the romance, it will just determines who you meet first.
Hope that helps! Thank you for the ask!
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devotedtinyfury · 5 months
Happy New Year!
Hi! Happy New Year!
It has been awhile since I last posted, hope everyone's doing well!
A bit of a progress update, the next update for New Life will be a major one, so far the game itself is around 74k words, that's 32k words more than before, please bear in mind that it's not completely done yet and when it is done for the next update, it might increase by alot.
The next chapters are nearly done and I had my friend test the game for me first and it seems like I accidentally made MC too much of an asshole (whoops), and as much as I like playing the asshole type, I don't want to force people into playing that type, I'll be reviewing and editing the parts that was pointed out to make a more neutral mc, one where you can be kind, neutral or an asshole.
Progress update:
-Slight expand on the prologue
-Added some new character customisation
-You can choose to have heterochromia
-Expanding the choices in both Riell's and Delia's path in chapter 1
-Expanding the choices when meeting Nasar, Hadley and Mateo in chapter 2
-Fixed some bugs in chapter 2
-We'll still be in the festival arc for chapter 3, you'll be able to meet Sheena Estel in some branches in the chapter.
-Can be in a lot of pain or not at all
With the next update (chapter 3-4), New Life will be 18+ due to reasons such as violence, blood, gore etc. The list of reasons will be shown to you inside the game.
Have a good day everyone, and if there's anything you'd like to share or ask about New Life, please do drop an ask.
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devotedtinyfury · 7 months
Update October 31 2023
Hi there,
Currently I'm editing chapter 3 making sure that it actually follows the story in terms of setting and all since I do tend to get lost in my head when writing, kinda bulldoze through the settings thinking that it will be future me problem.
As such, this is future me mending the story where some parts are hanging on thin air.
Chapter 3&4 features a lot more branches, it takes a bit of time to figure out the coding and making sure that each one is functional.
That aside, I'm having a lot of fun since the story is going the way I wanted it to (of course with quite a lot of adjustments but yes it is heading there)
Though I must admit, I have no idea what to post, this is my first time actually doing any sort of thing like posting on Tumblr so I apologize if I'm a bit slow at things. I'm usually a silent spectator and being on this side is unnerving.
That is all for now, I hope everyone having great days and nights wherever you are!
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devotedtinyfury · 8 months
Updated New Life ROs
Hi there!
I’m finally getting around to updating the ROs, with this one up; I’ll be deleting the old ones so that we don’t have two of the same thing.
Have a good day and night!
Sheena Estel – Golden Witch
A high elf with hazel eyes, fair skinned and a rich golden hair, one she likes to let it hang loosely down her back, reaching just above her waist. She is average in height, and has complex runes covering her entire left arm; most won’t be able to see the runes and instead would see a vague design but no true form unless they have studied runes before.
She wears mostly modest clothing that’s loose fitting, has a dislike for fancy jewelries; the only exception is the necklace you once gave her a long, long time ago. Sheena has a lean built.
Sheena was known to possess great strength and insight once upon a time, but now those days are gone and she prefers to seclude herself in her clock tower, tinkering away on a project.
Sheena Estel was your lover in the past, though things didn’t end too well for both of you.
Riell Hans – Kind Stranger
Half dragonkin and half dwarfmen with eyes as blue as the skies above, bronze skin and the owner of a dimpled smile. She has a faded scar near her right eyebrow, the result of trying to help a cat down a tree, her brown hair reaches her shoulder blades, she likes to tie it up in a ponytail. She is very tall, towering over most men and women.
She wears casual clothing and prefers pants over skirts but does wear it sometimes, doesn’t mind jewelries, usually does not wear any. Riell has a lean muscular figure often times hidden beneath the loose clothing she prefers wearing.
She has a friendly attitude and can charm her way through anything, dislike confrontation but will not hold back on anyone that harms those she cares for. She’s kind and has a penchant for helping strangers.
Isaac Farhad – The Hermit
A human turned Forest Watcher with jade green eyes hidden under the guardian’s red, midnight skin and chin length blonde hair. As the forest guardian, he prefers to stay within the woods and away from any settlements. He is tall in height.
Has a strong dislike to wearing shirts or any accessories, if forced to wear a shirt, he’ll choose one with buttons and refuses to button more than three bottom ones. He has a brawny figure.
He roams the forest daily with his cat and friend, Luna by his side, tend to be sarcastic at times, blunt most times. Often likes to keep to himself. Has a soft spot for animals, dislike for people of all species.
Nasar Lowens – The Undead
A human with grey eyes that resemble the sky before rainstorm, skin as pale as snow, and a shoulder length greyish white hair. Has a scar that starts from the left side of their throat up to his left cheek. Always has an easy smile on their lips and a calm, easy-going attitude that puts people at ease. He stands at an average height.
They like wearing plain clothes that make the jewelries on their person stand out. Has a well-built physique.
Nasar spends most of their time on the snowy north, protecting the border against beastkins attacks, as the lone survivor that fought in the frontlines during the impossible war, they gained the name The Undead. Is now currently the head of the northern Dragons.
Sora Yun – Fiery General
A dwarfmen with brown eyes, tanned skin and shoulder length brown hair, often ties it up in a loose ponytail. She is short in height and has a stocky built.
Sora has a questionable fashion sense, a mismatch of clothing that doesn’t really belong to a certain group, often invoke people’s confusion with her choice. A fiery temperament but has a soft spot for anything she finds cute.
Well-known as the strongest sword mage, she is the one leading the Dragons. Brash and likes to settle things with a duel. Even though she is a mage, she prefers to attack physically rather than using magic.
Spends most of her time training or finding strong opponents, the only one that manages to escape her is Sheena who runs away before the dwarfmen could reach her.
Mateo Sider – Sunny Scholar
A human with hazel eyes, tawny skin and chin length auburn hair, he has an average height. He has a slender built. Friendly to everyone, cries easily if faced with confrontation.
Wears casual clothing that will always have a dinosaur design somewhere on it and green T-Rex earrings; does not wear any other jewelries.
Mateo likes to take a stroll through the city and interacts with people, is obsessed with plants and can ramble about them for hours. Has a terrible sense of direction but that has never stopped his adventure, firmly holding on to his words ‘getting lost is all part of the plan’.
Alliera Jael – Chef Trainee
A human with brown eyes, tanned skin and shoulder length brown hair, has an average height and a lean built. She is a woman of few words, quiet and reserved, prefers to be by herself than with people.
If she is not wearing the trainee uniform, she’s often in plain t-shirts and jeans. Wears a gold necklace given by her mother
With both her parents working as chefs, she naturally follows in their footsteps and is now training under her father. Doesn’t have much of a life outside the kitchen where she has been for most of her life.
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devotedtinyfury · 11 months
July 28 2023 NEW LIFE UPDATE
Heyya there, hope everyone's well.
The writing for chapter 3 is going quite slow, I'm almost finished with it but I feel like it lacks something, so I have been rereading everything that i have done to figure that one out.
That said, I was doing a bit of a test run and I kinda find it a bit empty how the story move on to the next part, so to fill it up, I made a little info images.
Tadaaa 👇👇
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It'll look like this.
These images will be placed when a new chapter starts, it'll be random information that doesn't have to do with the current scene or scenes before that, just a little extra details for things that comes up every now and then.
I do think giving updates on the last few days of the month is becoming a habit for me, sorry about that (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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devotedtinyfury · 11 months
June 30 2023 NEW LIFE UPDATE
Hey there, hope everyone's doing well
It's been a busy month for me irl, but New Life is never forgotten
I'm currently still in the middle of chapter 3 but most of the things to go in that chapter has been drafted
As for New Life demo, it needs a bit more time to be updated since I'm planning to get both chapter 3 and 4 up, as such it'll be quite a while before it'll be done
It's a short update this month , see you all next time (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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devotedtinyfury · 1 year
May 27 2023, New Life Update
Hi, hope you guys are doing well.
I realised that I might have skipped the part about how much would be in the game. I apologize, I got a little too excited, it flew over my head.
The story itself will be divided into 3 parts, there won't be any chapters in the game itself, this is only to make it easier for me to see where I am at.
Right now we're in part 1, which contains 1 prologue and 5 chapters, the next demo update will include the last part of chapter 1 and chapter 2.
For part 2 and 3, there'll be 4 chapters in each part.
There might be an increase on chapters for some parts if needed. For now, there will be 13 chapters in the story.
As of may 27, I'll be updating the demo for chapter 2, there is around 22k words for this chapter, making the total demo 42k words.
I changed Riell's character a bit, just a very small adjustment, and added some parts that I might have missed on the first demo.
New Life Chapters Checklist:
Part 1:
Prologue ✅
Chapter 1✅
Chapter 2✅
You can find the forum link here:
Or play the demo here:
That's all for the update, I look forward to your thoughts about New Life!
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devotedtinyfury · 1 year
April 1 2023 - New Life Update
Happy weekend everyone, thank you for the interest you've shown for New Life!
Here's a bit of an update for New Life, I have done 4k words for the next part but I'm hoping to reach around 10k words (edited) before I update the demo, I will try to keep you updated at least once a month.
Next part includes:
-Flower festival - a few fight scenes will be in here
-Meeting The undead | Nasar Lowens | for the path where you met Delia
-Meeting Sunny scholar | Mateo Sider | for the path where you met Riell Hans
Hope you all have a great weekend!
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devotedtinyfury · 1 year
I've begun work on my new game New Life.
Play as an immortal that revives after each death.
You have died three times, the last of which at the hands of those you called your friends and family, and now the time has come to start a new one, in a new body, a new place, a life filled with unfamiliar things, strangers to greet, some old faces that bring troubles with them.
Will you be swept by the grudges of old and fight your way for revenge, perhaps, this new life might bring you peace or will you fall victim to the awaiting tragedy?
Currently it has 42k words and this will be a standalone game.
English isn't my first language, it'd appreciate it if you could point out mistakes made.
To play the demo, go here: Demo
To go to the forum, go here: Forum
To see information for the ROs in New Life: ROs
Hope to hear your thoughts on New Life.
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