diabeticlady · 5 months
Skyrim Stuff Part 4!
Okay this is going to be a long one. There is a gap in time between entries, mostly due to me just wanting to play the game instead of writing. I have spent HUNDREDS of hours in this world, and like most others not a lot of that time was spent with the main quest. So, going through that magic once again with a completely different mindset (aka, being in the mind of my character and not in the mind of well... me) had me hooked for quite a bit! I know that Skyrim is a flawed game and that Bethesda is an even more flawed company but I can not express just how magical their games can be. And I hope that by retelling the game's events in this way still captures the magic. Anyways, here is the first few parts of my Dragonborn's hero's journey. Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
The gap between entries was not due to the drunken shenanigans from the 19th, but instead due to the gravity of the situation I have been thrust into. The trip to Helgen was by all accounts a simple and easy one. What I found there was a terrible tragedy, charred corpses littering what was once a town center. An eerie and terrible sight to witness. But nonetheless, I pulled through and found a journal that chronicled the events leading up to it. It was an attack by a dragon. A terrible beast that I had thought was long since gone, killed hundreds of years ago. But I could see it before my eyes, recognizing it from the Imperial emblem. It appears I have arrived to Skyrim during an interesting time. A terrible and tragic time too. The journal spoke of a cave nearby, one that I hastily moved to. I found a survivor, a member of the Empire. He spoke of what occurred, and his recount of the events matched what was said in the journal. I helped the man out of the cave, ensuring his safety during a short trek to Riverwood. He is likely still there, nursing his wounds.
Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
With the man unable to do much other than rest, it was myself that was given the task of heading to Whiterun to inform the Jarl. I made my way there as quick as I could, entering the Jarl's chambers with haste. I know my father would be disappointed in me with my lack of etiquette to the Jarl but with the threat of colossus beasts being nearby to civilization, I could not waste time with the common formalities taught to me. That would come later. I explained what I had seen, and the Jarl believed me. Having seen the great beast flying overhead, they understood that I spoke of the truth. A short argument occurred, relating to the current war going on inside of Skyrim. Whiterun seeks to be neutral, it seems. Nonetheless, the slab of stone I found in that crypt (which I have now learned is named Bleak Falls Barrow) was of importance, the court wizard requesting it. Not being one to deny those with much more magical influence than myself, I hastily handed it over, hoping that it would prove to be useful to what the Jarl needed.
Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
The peace did not last long. There was not enough time for the Jarl to assemble troops as a dragon was reported just outside of Whiterun! I see myself as a brave noblewoman, trained in both the martial and magical arts, but the concept of fighting a dragon filled me with an unending dread. How were we supposed to slay such a beast? And with only a small host of guards and the personal Housecarl of Jarl Balgruuf the Greater at my side, I feared for the worst. The Nord people are warriors, that I know. And the Dunmer had managed to become a highly trusted advisor for a reason, but even then. This was a Dragon we were talking about. Beasts of myth. I silently prayed to the Divine Mother, hoping that the fight would not be a slaughter. That the brave men and women alongside me would come back home. After a rousing speech from the Housecarl, we left the city walls and hunted the dragon.
Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
We did not need to travel far, as its destruction was swiftly shown to us all. A destroyed tower, and terrified guards. It broke my heart hearing a Nord be afraid. I had always viewed the people of Skyrim as being much simpler than those of High Rock. I would come to be mistaken, instead finding a whole host of traditions, and respected parts of their culture. They are a proud race, that much is clear. I wish to learn so much more about them. Anyways, the fight with the dragon had my heart pounding against my chest. It made me question myself about what I tend to fight. Bandits and undead are simple, easy. Even daedra tend to bend when the will of Stendarr comes into play. But a dragon? A child of Akatosh himself? That was not something that could feel fear from the Gods that watch over me and bless my body. I had to rely completely on myself and those that took up arms against the beast. As it flew overhead, hundreds of arrows (and tens of my own bolts) pierced the Dragon. The guards of Whiterun were quite adept archers, nailing shot after shot on it. Even then, the fire breath that came from the Dragon easily killed dozens of the guard, a battle that was not easily won. But despite that, we still managed to ground it. The Nords' bravery showed itself once again, clashing with the beast using sword and shield. I myself joined into the skirmish, attempting to slash at the beast at the parts of it that were unarmored. I do not know how long it lasted, but it was myself that landed the final blow. Slitting its throat with my claymore. I do not know what compelled me to attempt such a maneuver. Those that attacked the beast from its front found a terrible fate through fire or through its bite.
Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
The rush of victory was unlike anything else I had felt. Normally my reward for a battle well fought was the feeling of the Divines smiling on me. Instead I found people smiling upon me, cheering. We had managed to kill a dragon, a feat that no one else could claim. Not for hundreds of years. I had thought that would be the end of it, that we had dealt with the problem just like that. But instead I found myself sorely mistaken as I felt a rush of energy and power being pushed inside of me. The exact same way I felt when I absorbed the ancient magic from off of the wall. The guards looked at me with their mouth agape, in a state of shock. I had no clue what was happening to me. I would have likely still not known what was going on until one of the Nord guards spoke about me being a "Dragonborn". Just like Tiber Septim. I was shocked at such an exclamation. The idea of such a thing was surely preposterous. But when I was asked to prove it, I was able to use magic with my voice. That was apparently proof enough. Somehow, I have the blood of dragons. As if that was not a big enough revelation, a voice boomed in the sky, the "Greybeards" according to the Nords. Other people that can use magic with just their voice. The Jarl confirmed this, telling me that I must go to High Hrothgar to meet with these "Greybeards".
Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
With all this new information, on top of the Jarl naming me the "Thane of Whiterun", I am left overwhelmed. I had brought this journal with me to keep track of the things I encountered and as a safe space to store my adventures, so that my mother, father and my friends could read about what I had done in Skyrim. But with the title of "Dragonborn" thrust upon me, I believe this journal should serve a new purpose. An autobiography. A recount of my tale. I did not expect for this journey to Skyrim to end up with me joining the ranks of The Eternal Champion, The Hero of Daggerfall, The Nerevarine, and The Hero of Kvatch. I wonder if the Divines are the reason why I chose to explore Skyrim, instead of Hammerfell, Valenwood, the Summerset Isles, or any other place in Tamriel. I have a sudden weight of responsibility pushed onto me. If I am to have my name etched into the Elder Scrolls themselves, then I must earn it.
Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
For the sake of this making the readability of this journal-turned-autobiography easier, I might as well explain who I am. I am Lady Summer of House Whittington, loyal to House Barynia. While I hold no land yet, I am first in line to inherit Castle Whittington and the surrounding area. I have been trained as a mage in both the Schools of Restoration and Alteration. I have received training as a knight too. I was born under The Lady, on the 29th of Hearthfire. I worship three of the Nine Divines separately, Mara, Stendarr and Dibella. 
Last Seed, 21st, 4E 201
Now that I have finished journaling the events of the previous day, I am currently headed towards High Hrothgar, to meet with these "Greybeards". I took a carriage to Ivarstead, a village close by to High Hrothgar. There is a clear path set up. A blessing from the Divines, as I would hate to have to climb my way up. On the way up it became clear to me that the journey was spiritual to the Nord people. Little shrines were made here and there, and I came across a couple people praying to them or reading what they had to say. I, on the other hand, was not so lucky to enjoy a simple hike up the mountain. Wolves and trolls attempted to make the journey difficult but with the help of my new companion, Lydia, they were all easily dispatched. The woman gifted to me (I hope that she at least agreed to this arrangement) by the Jarl of Whiterun has been nothing but useful thus far. Adventuring alone was never quite my style! (Addendum: Looking at my previous post and realizing that I am having my character talk about modded content without ever explaining what that modded content is. So, here is the names of all the content mods that I have in my load order.) Legacy of the Dragonborn Missives Headhunter - Bounties Redone Dungeons - Revisited (this is why Bleak Falls Barrow was big enough to have places be unexplored during my first romp through it) Hammet's Dungeon Pack 1 Hammet's Dungeon Pack 2 Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Vigilant (all the Dark Souls stuff makes me SO excited) Glenmoril (manages to get me even more excited with Bloodborne content, though no Unslaad for now because it hasn't immediately gripped me, might check it out after this post) LC_Build Your Noble House (couldn't resist, esp with how I made Summer as a Noble) Destroy the Thieves Guild (playing as a Lawful Good OC so this should be expected, as should-) Dark Brotherhood Rising Revengeance (-this mod! Can't have petty thugs and assassins in MY Skyrim!) House of Horrors - Quest Expansion (JaySerpa my beloved...) The Only Cure - Quest Expansion
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diabeticlady · 5 months
Skyrim Stuff Part 3!
At this point I'm hoping that my Skyrim save doesn't fall apart. I still have like a good forty or so entries left so... we'll be good for now! To be honest the most upsetting part of the possible save death would be all the time I have put into writing these. I've delved into Elder Scrolls lore to try and ensure that it all makes sense. With my specific fascination with Wayrest I even went and got Daggerfall started and running so I can mess with the Knightly Orders and Nobles there. Fantastic and free game you can play through Daggerfall Unity. Though I doubt anyone reading fucking Skyrim modded playthrough RP is unfamiliar. Thank you to all that do read this, even if you don't like it. Anyways, enough rambling, back to some more entries!
Last Seed, 18th, 4E 201
This place has turned itself into some form of giant death trap. I do not know what the Nords of old were trying to protect but I am left wondering how long these contraptions of death have been left swinging. I managed to easily dodge through the swinging axes, and was perceptive enough to notice the hanging jars of burning oil, ready to be released. Another note to self, do not burn these undead. The smell was nearly enough to make me throw up right then and there. Would have been a terrible way to go out, mid swordfight. Nonetheless, as I venture deeper inside the purpose of this Golden Claw became apparent. Another wall with symbols on it required my touch. The Golden Claw was no more than a key! To be used to enter this large cave area. I found an excavation site nearby, and gathered a few remnants from it. However that was hardly the oddest thing that happened. There was this wall, etched into it some form of runes. A language long since forgotten, perhaps? What matters most is that as I approached this wall, I found myself absorbing some type of magic. Just like the runes, I can only assume that this magic is ancient and esoteric. I only hope that whatever it is that I absorbed is not evil in some form. It was quite heavily guarded after all. Maybe this is what the undead here were trying to protect? I will have to speak to some local wizards, to help understand what I have uncovered. There was one last undead foe that rose from their tomb, though they were still easily dispatched. It also seemed to shout at me, propelling magic through its voice. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. I found another piece of possible treasure on its corpse (though it was technically already a corpse), some slab of rock with something etched into it. I lived through the catacombs, but now I just have more and more questions.
Last Seed, 19th, 4E 201
I went down from where that catacomb left me, and decided to head back to that quaint little town I had seen earlier. Riverwood is what it is called. Along the way I stumbled across another piece of odd architecture, though unlike the catacomb. I don't know what it is, but I found a note nearby, and I am yet to read it. Will do so after this entry. Anyways, after resting at the local inn (that makes two), I stopped by the local merchant to acquire supplies and food. Apparently the Golden Claw was some relic of his, which I kindly returned. Got paid 400 septims for that, my first quest complete, even if I completed it unknowingly. I am pretty well stocked on food now, and also managed to tackle another little trouble-spot. A nearby mine. I had seen bandits near it, and so I went in assuming that the mine was being attacked by them. Little did I know, the bandits had completely taken control of it. They were still weak compared to me, easily felled by my blade. The poor miners inside though, I found a journal that spoke about how they were enslaved by the bandits, forced to mine the iron in the cave under cruel cruel conditions. I hope that they receive a pleasant rest, from the Divine Mother. I am headed back to Whiterun, I need to meet with the court wizard there. Maybe they can help explain what magic I absorbed in that catacomb.
Last Seed, 19th, 4E 201
I have arrived back in Whiterun. After some shopping, I have decided to relax at the Bannered Mare. This will be the last journal entry for today, as I plan on getting myself drunk. Though, there are already plans for tomorrow. I read the note I found on the unknown structure. Apparently it was Dwemer? Either way, I have the remains of someone to find. Sounds like it'll be fun. I also spoke with the person who owns the inn, a lovely lady by the name of Hulda. They were not kidding about Nord size, as the woman towers over me! Anyways, the lass spoke of some odd going ons in the town of Helgen. I checked my map, it is not far from Riverwood. I have no clue what that is about, might be related to the tensions I have heard about going on in Skyrim, with the Stormcloaks and the Imperials. Either way, another place I need to check out.
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diabeticlady · 5 months
Some more Skyrim Stuff
I got one like on the previous "entry" so that is more than enough for me! Even if the account had "bot" in their name, leaving me less than confident that they are a real person. Who knows, I'm new here. Anyways, off to Bleak Falls Barrow!
Last Seed, 18th, 4E 201
A handful of bandits were roaming outside the structure. Now I really am excited to see what sort of treasures possibly wait inside! The structure is enormous now that I am standing next to it. Is this what Ancient Nord architecture looks like? It is all incredibly fascinating! I sometimes pity the fact that I did not decide to focus too much on my studies of history. Because here I am, looking right at it. Do these bandits even know or understand what they are looking at? It is simply magnificent. I decided to tackle the ruins early. I made camp and prayed to Mara before falling into a quick slumber. It was a chilly night, but I kept the campfire close. That coupled with some of the thicker blankets gifted to me once I announced that I would be journeying to Skyim made the night easy and simple. I will have to stock up on food once I leave though, I am running a little low. Either way, there are so many more secrets inside!
Last Seed, 18th, 4E 201
The bandits have nestled their way inside too it seems. Found them around a fire. The area was littered with the bodies of bandits and skeevers. Only two were alive, they somehow didn't hear me entering through the door. I kept myself silent, using that crossbow training my father graced me with from his time with the Knights of Stendarr. A useful weapon for the ne'er-do-wells of Skyrim and daedra. It is good to know that I have not lost my martial prowess during the long journey here and the even longer break from adventuring. Moving deeper into the structure its purpose became swiftly apparent. This is a tomb! The Nords have their own peculiar beliefs about the afterlife, so it can only be assumed that this tomb serves the purpose of protecting the dead that reach whatever the name of their afterlife is. Nonetheless, it seems to be doing a terrible job at that, as the corpses have come to life. The bandits have not lasted long, as I have found more of their corpses. Once again Stendarr blesses me where the Divine Mother can not lend Her aid. The foul undead spawn are easily dispatched, cut into pieces by my blade. The bandits also spoke of some sort of "Golden Claw", a possible relic? I do not know what its purpose is but I intend on finding it.
Last Seed, 18th, 4E 201 Evil lurks in every corner. I swear I can hear the undead laughing and howling deeper into the catacombs. While the Divine Mother protects, I pray to Stendarr that the undead will be brought back to their deathbeds by my blade. I have managed to acquire the Golden Claw too, having to defeat a terrible and disgusting giant spider to do so. A man was wrapped in its web, and when I cut him down he lunged at me. The foolish bandit had no clue who they were messing with, as my claymore cut them through their weak armor. The Golden Claw has symbols etched onto its bottom, similar to some pillars I saw before. A simple puzzle, one that another bandit failed to see through. I almost pity them. As I venture deeper and deeper into the catacombs I now realize that this place is much bigger than I had previously thought. For now I will only seek wherever this place ends. It feels like it would be best to come back to here eventually. Perhaps when I am better at picking locks? (Who knows, maybe I'll get TWO whole likes this time. I don't really care that much, it is just kind of fun to put the shit that I make out into the world)
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diabeticlady · 6 months
Some Skyrim Stuff :3
Never did this social media thing but- I have always wanted to share what I've written out in the world. Most of the things I write are from text roleplay, and I could easily make 1000s of posts about that but I'd rather not have to write an explanation and background that is as long as the piece itself. So instead I decided to take from my current modded Skyrim playthrough. With the power granted to me by a mod called Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn, I have been spending more time roleplaying my character's thoughts inside of her journal as opposed to doing Skyrim stuff! Like- delving into dungeons and doing quests. It has been a wonderful experience thus far. Anyways, getting to the point, this is the first two journal entries I wrote. My Breton Noble, Summer Whittington, has arrived to the city of Whiterun after a lengthy carriage trip from Wayrest.
Last Seed, 17th, 4E 201 I have finally arrived! Weeks of travel by carriage (which has left my poor ass in complete disarray. Note to self, the extra septim fee for cushioned seats is a must have, lest I lose my best feature) finally finished. It was late at night when I arrived at Whiterun, and my journey to the inn was a blur. I barely have any memory of walking through these streets. The innkeeper was a nice lady, and the bard could play a pretty tune. Tempted to check out every inn in Skyrim. Nonetheless, the Whiterun streets are lively. I checked out a few shops, and gathered up some supplies. No plans on going too far away from Whiterun but I know for a fact I am going to end up far from the inn. I can barely contain my excitement writing this. I hope I don't look too queer smiling at my notebook. One of the guards is looking at me strange. I need to stop writing my thoughts and actually go about exploring this place. That is why I am here.
Last Seed, 17th, 4E 201 Alright, I have actually moved from the sanctuary of Whiterun. And immediately my eyes are beset on some far off structure. Looming over the city and myself, planted firmly atop one of the mountains nearby. I had heard stories of ancient ruins scattering Skyrim's lands but to think that one is so near civilization boggles my mind. Surely it must be completely decrepit, with hundreds of adventurers having already scoured through the area, robbing it of its treasures. Nonetheless, I am fascinated by its architecture. It seemingly calls to me, pulling me towards it. I have already decided that it will be the first location I visit. I hike towards it now. I passed by a smaller town, apparently named Riverwood. While nearby I used my crossbow to take out a stag-like creature, made of natural resources. It was like a tree come to life. I hope that I did not just kill some druid's lifetime work. Not quite in the mood to be attacked by bees or mauled by a bear. As I rise up the mountain the air has turned terribly chilly. Some foolish bandits attempted to attack me. They were slayed easily, the training I received from father's master-at-arms came in quite handy. The claymore crafted for me by our local blacksmith cut through them easily. While it is not Mara's way, protection of myself was most important. The ruins are not far. I will pray to the Divine Mother before entering the structure.
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