diabolikboo · 5 years
hey! i know its been a while but i want to start fresh, if youre still interested in diabolik lovers follow @diaboliknya !!!
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diabolikboo · 6 years
In that case, shu-san what do you listen to on your MP3 player there, huh?
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Oh, you know…
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diabolikboo · 6 years
Hiiii is roleplay a thing on this blog?
im fine with yall interacting with the characters! like personally asking them questions nd stuff, but as far as like roleplaying back and forth goes id have to say no ಗಾ ﹏ ಗಾ
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diabolikboo · 6 years
Mukami wedding dresses you’d like to put on your S/O including pictures cause I really don’t know all the styles XD Btw your blog is amazing
(*≧▽≦) yes of course!! tysm!
☆*:.。.o mukamis o.。.:*☆
+ ruki:
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+ yuuma: 
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+ azusa:
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+ kou:
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(=^-ω-^=) aaagh i hope these were okay!
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diabolikboo · 6 years
Reactions to the daddy/mommy/caregiver kink would be cool but don't stress over it 0000: I LOVE YOUR ANSWER V MUCH >u
。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。aa tysm! nsfw under the cut!
☆*:.。.o sakamakis o.。.:*☆
+ shuu: hed be a very tired daddy! but hed probably be one of the nicest out of this list. he would take his little on many dates, despite his fatigue. he would make sure that his little was well fed, getting enough sleep/taking enough naps, and he always spoils you with cute outfits and stuffed animals! he loves to see 
+ reiji: he is a strict daddy!! very strict. hed make sure you eat all of your veggies, and if you decided to be tough hed spoon feed them to you. hed be a very possessive daddy, hed love the adorable outfits you wore but he wouldnt want someone to see you in them and think the same things he does. he wouldnt want someone to fall for your cuteness! he buys you everything you ask for, and his favorite things to call you are little one, angelbaby and lovebug!
+ ayato: hes a playful daddy! he absolutely adores playing games with his little! hide n seek, peekaboo, and ring around the rosy are his favorites to play with you! hed probably set aside a room where you could regress in that had your toys/outfits/stuffies/etc! he gives his little tons of kisses, mostly on the face and wrist! and oh god the d a d jokes. he makes so many 24/7 and theyre all terrible, but he loves to see you giggle! whether it be at his joke or at him. 
+ kanato: kanato age regresses as well! so ill write both.
Σ>―kanato as a daddy♡→
+ hes not a very strict one! since he can relate. he always takes you to places like chucky cheese, or some variation of a carnival! he loves to see you have fun on all of the rides, and adores the smile on your face! he loves to carry you, and dress you in the cutest outfits! oh man if you ever misbehave though get ready for tickle t o r t u r e ! he’ll literally tickle you until you pee. but hes prepared to change a diaper/clean up the mess!
Σ>― kanato as a little ♡→
+ fussy! little! man! he prefers to wear diapers when he regresses, and super cute clothes! while regressing he will only eat sweets, dont even try to get him to even look at vegetables lmao. in the case that you both regress at the same time, he will always take naps with you! you guys would play games together, and color in coloring books!
+ laito: hes a very good daddy, like shuu! he makes sure that his little is happy and content, and makes sure that their temper tantrums never last too long! his favorite thing to do while youre regressing is tell you stories! he’ll heat up a glass of milk for you, he’ll lay you down on his chest and read to you until you fall asleep. he also loves playing with your hair, and putting it up in cute childish pigtails! he is very gentle with you while regressing, and tries his best to keep you out of harms way. 
+ subaru: at first, he wouldnt know how to react to your age regressing. hed do a ton of research, and make sure that he treated you accordingly. hed be overly gentle and when you threw temper tantrums hed be at a loss of what to do! when he got the hang of being a daddy though hed be the best daddy ever! need a bath? hes got it. teddy bear needs stitches? he’ll fix it. apple juice refill? anything you need hes right there! he really loves being a daddy, he believes that it helps both of you bond more, and he loves to spoil you! out of all the sakamakis he is the best suited to be one (in my opinion)
aagh sorry if this wasnt the best! ive never really written for things like this so i hope you it wasnt too bad ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
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diabolikboo · 6 years
HiiIIII ヽ(´∀`)ノ it meeee! My question is, out of sakamaki and mukami boys, who would prefer having a "little" s/o (someone who refers to them as daddy (or mister/sir etc) and loves them v much/loves attention and 'small' things like coloring/naps/etc) and who would prefer being cared for LIKE the little (would rather their S/o be more nonsexually dominant and be cuddled/cared for and may refer to their s/o as mommy or mistress or ma'am) TthANK YOU!!
nsfw/kink mentions under the cut!(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
small disclaimer i dont know much about the daddy/mommy/caregiver kink so sorry if this is really inaccurate! 
☆*:.。.o sakamakiso.。.:*☆
+ shuu: would prefer being a “daddy”
+ reiji: would prefer being a “daddy” (oh man i cant stress how much this would please him)
+ ayato: would prefer being a “daddy”
+ kanato:he could play the role of “daddy” and “little” 
+ laito: he could play the role of “daddy” and “little”
+ subaru: he could play the role of “daddy” and “little” (preferably daddy though)
☆*:.。.o mukamiso.。.:*☆
+ ruki: would prefer being a “daddy”
+ azusa: would prefer being a “little”
+ yuma: would prefer being a “daddy”
+ kou:he could play the role of “daddy” and “little”
aa im sorry i didnt know if u wanted like a reaction or just their preferred roles! if youd like me to redo this pls send another ask! (>﹏<)
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diabolikboo · 6 years
hello! if you don't mind, what are mun's main blogs? :D I like what you guys write and I'd like to follow your personals!
asdfsg this is so sweet aa!! tysm! (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ actually at the moment there is only one admin! my main blog is @peachyyguts ♡ (tw i reblog some gore and somewhat negative topics!)
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diabolikboo · 6 years
hi it doesn't say on mobile if requests are open but could i get S/M/T brothers with an s/o who is always sleep deprived, staying up for long times and not going to bed (u know?)??
`;:゛;`;・(°ε° ) get some sleep silly!!!
+ shuu: hed relate so much, yall would be taking naps together 24/7. though hed be kind of hypocritical about it. he doesnt care if he misses class or school work, hed gladly ditch for a nap! but he wouldnt let you do that very often, he actually really cares about your education and well being! hed make sure that you didnt stay up too late, and even take you to a doctor if it ended up being a situation where you couldnt sleep. 
+ reiji: hed see this is as a big problem! he has a very routine way of doing things, and when that routine is disturbed he gets uncomfortable. hed ask you questions like “why do you wish to stay awake so late?” and “darling, this doesnt benefit you in the slightest! is there something wrong?” hed remove you from school until he got you on a proper sleeping schedule, and hed be less strict since youd be too sleepy to understand his scoldings anyway. deep down hed be very concerned for your physical and mental health
+ ayato: he wouldnt really care about it at first, in fact hed take advantage of the time you were awake at night (to have some fun ;0) but after a while hed see how tired you were during the day, and how your blood tasted a bit different! hes kinda selfish so hed only start to act on it when it affected his meal times ;w; but hed still be genuinely concerned nonetheless! hed be kind of at a loss of what to do or how to approach the situation. hed make sure that you were eating healthy foods and make sure that you were asleep at acceptable times!
+ kanato: kanato can relate! he hardly ever sleeps, but somehow manages to pull of being fully aware (despite the obvious eye bags)! he has a hard time seeing things from other peoples perspectives, so to see you both have the same sleeping schedule but you be more fatigued than him would make him kind of angry and confused. “why can i sleep like this but they cant?? um??” hed try to take this opportunity to fix both of your sleeping schedules together!
+ laito: he is very concerned oh gosh!! you may think that he would take advantage of you being awake so late, but to him feeling fatigued isnt fun! he wants both of you to feel happy and healthy, so hed do all that he could to get you on a better sleeping schedule, and give you little rewards for ur progress! hed feed u many fruits and veggies as well!
+ subaru: nope nope nope!! sleepy and fatigued s/o is a big no no for him! at first hed blame himself, hed think that you too were spending too much time together thus causing you to stay up later. but once he found out that wasnt the case, hed take you straight to a doctor to prescribe some sleeping medication and vitamins! he just wants the best for you, and seeing you tired all the time would make him feel sad and helpless.
+ ruki: s/o?? is sleepy?? hes taking u right then and there to nap! he understands that staying up late can be really fun, but health comes first in his book! hed make sure that he went to bed when you did, so you werent alone in this journey! hed give you little treats as rewards for going to bed earlier, and itd give you more time and energy to go on dates during the day!
+ azusa: hes very worried about you!! he wouldnt talk about it at first, he wanted to see if it was just a faze or if it was an actual problem! when he realized it was an actual problem, hed be very very concerned. hed sit you down and have a semi serious talk about how you were doing and if you needed anything. hed do his best to regulate your sleeping habits, but depending on how stubborn you are it may be a challenge for him ;w;
+ yuma: oh man okay this boy is a softie alright hes tough but he does truly care about you. hed notice how late you were staying up and ask why you were doing it or what you were doing staying up so late. hed figure out the root of the problem, and whether it was insomnia or phone addiction hed fix it! he really cares about his s/o’s health.
+ kou: hes not really sure how to react! he doesnt see staying up late as a problem, but when he sees how it affects you he becomes worried. hed try to get you to get into bed earlier, where he could then sing to you or pat your back to lure you to sleep. hed eventually get you on a better sleep schedule and be super proud of his work! expect him to want a thank you ^^;;
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diabolikboo · 6 years
what do S&M&T think if their s/o is a tattoo artist?
☆⌒ヽ(*‘、^*) cute!!! (aagh sorry my limit is 2 households per ask! i may do the tsukinamis in a seperate post!)
☆*:.。.o sakamakiso.。.:*☆
+ shuu: he wouldnt care?? very much? hed think that it was pretty neat that they could make such beautiful art and transfer it onto skin, but other than that he wouldnt really say much! he may ask his s/o to give him a tattoo
+ reiji: oof reiji doesnt like things of this sort! (tattoos, piercings, etc.) youd have to sell him on it! while he doesnt appreciate body mods, he does appreciate art. if you could show him that its a passion of yours, hed accept it! but dont expect him to come asking u for a tattoo ;w;
+ ayato: oh hes sooo down for a tattoo!!! he thinks his s/o working as a tattoo artist is kinda hot, he enjoys body mods/tattoos very much!! expect him to ask for some tatts!。.:*☆
+ kanato: eehhh? it doesnt faze him. he wouldnt want a tattoo, but hes not opposed to people having them or having that as their line of work. hed love to watch you while working though!! he thinks its fascinating to see how people are willing to go through so much pain for a mark on their skin, and he really loves your artwork/style!
+ laito: he loves it! hed want 88238258623 tattoos. hed probably “that” guy to walk into ur tattoo parlor and ask for a dick tattoo or something like that! aa but yeah! he loves your chosen line of work!!
+ subaru: loves!! it!! soo!! much!!!! oh my goodness this boy would watch you while working 24/7! and hed be a frequent customer as well!! hed probably get some face tattoos, and some on the arm! hed probably want you both to get matching ones, just as a cute way to bond.
☆*:.。.o mukamiso.。.:*☆
+ ruki: ehheh?? he knows tattoos take a lot of work and it can be time consuming based on what the customer asks, and he wouldnt want you spending too much of your time at work! hed probably make you work from home, and perhaps set aside a room for you to set up a lil office!
+ azusa: oh y e s ! pain?? and pretty art?? hes all for it! hed be your most frequent customer, but youd have to let him know that you can run out of places to put tattoos! he may even want to try to give you a tattoo! be careful though his hands are gentle but shaky
+ yuma: he thinks its super cool!!! hes totally supportive, although hes a bit afraid to get a tattoo himself. hed be really interested in your works and how the actual process of giving a tattoo is done!
+ kou: yes!! hed absolutely love to get some tattoos if it werent for his idol career ;w; he doesnt want to damage his image or come off as intimidating to his fans! hed still be very supporting of your career decisions and love for you to draw for him sometime 
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diabolikboo · 7 years
Yuma-kun.. can I pretty please have a sugar cube?
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I suppose.. Only one!
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diabolikboo · 7 years
Yuma-kun, I’m 4’7 at the age of 15. My friends drag me around like I’m a teddy bear so I guess it’ll be easy for you! -nervously laughs-
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Oh? Well what an adorable little teddy bear for me to hold.
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diabolikboo · 7 years
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                     Diabolik Lovers Grand Edition PV
                                  Sakamaki Intro | Mukami Intro
All Gifs Made by Me. You may share them elsewhere as long as you link back to the original post.
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diabolikboo · 7 years
hewwo do u have a rules page? :00
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diabolikboo · 7 years
hoi!!! welcome back!! im glad stuff is getting better for you!! may i please have a list or thing of rules please? thank you so much
yes of course!! here you go!
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diabolikboo · 7 years
Could u do a scenario where both the S & M diaboys find out that there S/O is a Playboy bunny?? And how they found out??? Thank u so much I really like your blog!!!!!
sure sweet heart!
He found a few of the"outfits" you wore lying about your room, and saw the brand and tags that they came from. He put the pieces together and called you immediately, saying that he had someting urgent he needed to speak with you about.
Shuu: “Why didn’t you tell me? Such lewd outfits should only be worn in front of me, right? Wouldn’t you want me to see you like this, instead of others?”
Reiji: “This kind of behavior will not be tolerated! These outfits are extremely flashy and risque, I do not want other people seeing you in these outfits. Get rid of them.. Or perhaps I should keep them and make you wear them for me as punishment.”
Ayato: “These clothes, they’re yours right? I don’t really care, in fact it’s kinda hot but, just don’t wear them for other people, got it? If I catch you, you’ll be sorry.”
Kanato: Crying, he said “(Y/N)!! (Y/N)! How dare you? I know these are yours!! No wonder you’re gone sometimes, you work at that goddamn mansion! Well, not anymore. You’re mine, right? You love me? Don’t do this anymore. I do care about you..”
Laito: “Eh? How cute.. You know, I find this very interesting, and these outfits are so adorable. Won’t you wear them for me? Bunny ears and all? I want to see.”
Subaru: While blushing, he said “Huh?! T-these outfits are.. they are… Whatever! They’re despicable I hate them I don’t wanna see them on our bedroom floor again..” He storms off.
Ruki: “God, you really are more trouble than you’re worth. I cleaned them and out them in our ‘special’ drawer. Next time, try to be more discreet.”
Yuma: With a blush, he says “Sow! These outfits are so cute, I.. really like them! Put on the bunny ears, won’t you? Wear them all day.”
Kou: “Ahh (Y/N)! I had no idea you had an ‘alternate’ lifestyle. Such cute outfits and accessories, won’t you wear them for me instead? I’d love to see it..”
Azusa: “Hm?…. I found.. these in our room…. Am I not enough? I’m sorry.. Although I do like the outfits, I am… a bit jealous…”
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diabolikboo · 7 years
im back!
aa first of all i want to apologize for being gone for so long, ive been going through some stuff and i wont get too into detail but! i didnt have much motivation to write ;; but im back and im getting better, and i could really use the time to distract myself! thank you for giving my blog a look. i have deleted all of the asks in the ask box so i can start fresh! please feel free to send in anything new! once again, i am very sorry!
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diabolikboo · 7 years
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