I keep going to the river to pray  'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain And at most I’m sleeping all these demons away But your ghost, the ghost of you It keeps me awake…
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School mostly.
Exhaustion really sucks.
What’s making you exhuasted?
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Exhaustion really sucks.
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Gasping, Clare watched as Drew hit the floor. "Drew!" She exclaimed, kneeling down next to him as he started to wake a bit. Furrowing her brows, she looked to where his eyes were glancing at and watched him faint again. Clare bit her lip. Maybe she shouldn't have told him? She didn't know.
A few moments later, Drew finally awoke and she smiled down at the boy softly. "H-hey.." She said. "Are you okay?"
  Drew heard the words clear, she was pregnant. Drew stood there frozen thinking of the events that could have recently happened that would have made her pregnant. Suddenly after a minute or two of thinking the boy fainted. 
After a few minutes of being on the ground, Drew opened his eyes, rubbing his face making sure that everything was just a dream. Staring up at the billboard ahead of him, it was an advertisement for diapers. Once seeing the ad Drew fainted once again. 
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Clare tried to listen to Drew's 'comforting' words, but all she could think was that she was pregnant. Saint Clare is pregnant..
Looking at Drew in disbelief, Clare shook her head. "It's not an STD, Drew..." She said, swallowing thickly. "I-I'm pregnant.." She whispered loud enough for Drew to hear.
What was Clare going to do? She was pregnant and she had no idea what she was even going to tell Drew. Sighing unevenly, Clare heard foot steps come towards her and a concern voice ask a question.
Clare sobbed, shaking her head. “N-no…” She whispered. “Remember that...
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What was Clare going to do? She was pregnant and she had no idea what she was even going to tell Drew. Sighing unevenly, Clare heard foot steps come towards her and a concern voice ask a question.
Clare sobbed, shaking her head. "N-no..." She whispered. "Remember that night we had together in the prop room?" Clare asked, slowly looking up at Drew.
Clare nodded, standing up and smiled back at Drew as she walked back to the examination room. As she told the doctor her symptoms, Clare couldn’t help but think more and more of what her sickness could be. Flu? Cold? Sighing, the doctor took blood and said that they’d...
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Clare nodded, standing up and smiled back at Drew as she walked back to the examination room. As she told the doctor her symptoms, Clare couldn't help but think more and more of what her sickness could be. Flu? Cold? Sighing, the doctor took blood and said that they'd be right back with the results.
A few minutes later, the doctor came back with a piece of paper with her blood results on it. "So?" She asked the doctor. "You're pregnant, Clare." The doctor spoke slowly. Tears formed in Clare's eyes as she shook her head. How in th-- Drew.. Clare had sex with Drew. Cursing under her breath, Clare ran out of the room, past Drew and outside, taking a seat on a bench to breathe in the fresh air, tears running down her face.
Nodding in agreement, Clare sighed and looked over to Drew. “I made my appointment for 8:15,” She said, looking down at her watch. “Which is in ten minutes.” Clare took in a deep breath and smiled the best she could.
"I’m sure it’s just the flu..This doesn’t feel like...
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u pregnant dont lie.
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I'm not pregnant.
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Nodding in agreement, Clare sighed and looked over to Drew. "I made my appointment for 8:15," She said, looking down at her watch. "Which is in ten minutes." Clare took in a deep breath and smiled the best she could.
"I'm sure it's just the flu..This doesn't feel like it did when I had my cancer.." Clare admitted, biting her lip as she went through her symptoms in her head.
Hospital || Drew and Clare
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Thank god all I have is the flu
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Clare drove down the street of the hospital, thoughts racing through her mind as she drove. What if it was the cancer that was making her feel like complete shit? What if it was back? Tearing up, Clare shook her head and took in a deep breath, trying not to think of the worst. 
As soon as she got to the hospital, Clare parked her car and stepped out, walking into the emergency room to see Drew standing there waiting for her. With a side smile, she said, "Thank you, Drew...you really don't have to do this.." 
Hospital || Drew and Clare
Drew made his way first over towards the latest convience store that was open. Entering the store, he made sure to get the item that Clare had requested him to get. Grabbing the box of tissues he made his way over toward the stuffed animal section. Seeing the bear with the pink bow, Drew picked it up. Once paying for the items, he made his way towards the hospital by riding the city bus.
Once arriving at his destination, Drew made his way inside looking around for the young girl who was scared about something. As he spotted the young brunette, he made his way towards her. “Here, I got what you asked for.” 
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Will do.
I really hate being sick..
Meet you at the hospital?
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Meet you at the hospital?
I really hate being sick..
A teddy bear sounds nice too��thank you for doing this, Drew.
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A teddy bear sounds nice too...thank you for doing this, Drew.
I really hate being sick..
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I really hate being sick..
That would mean a lot to me, Drew. Thank you.
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That would mean a lot to me, Drew. Thank you.
I really hate being sick..
I’m already on my way there. I guess I’m just scared to be going alone.
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I'm already on my way there. I guess I'm just scared to be going alone.
I really hate being sick..
Thanks for calling me a baby, means a lot, Drew.
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