diaryofalinguist · 53 minutes
This 7th of May, 2024, we use our own language again!
If your language, native or not, is something other than English, on May 7th you can speak that language all day!
You’ll blog in your chosen language(s) all day: text posts, replies, tags (except triggers and organizational tags).
Regardless of what language people choose to speak to you, you can answer in your own.
Non-verbal, non-written languages (like sign language, dialects, otherwise non-written languages) are more than welcome! See my FAQ for tips
English native speakers can participate in any other language they're studying/have studied/know.
The tag is gonna be #Speak Your Language Day or #spyld for short.
Please submit me some language facts for me to share on this day <3
Pinned post and FAQ
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diaryofalinguist · 7 days
Ich bin heute ziemlich traurig. Ich will so sehr Deutsch mit jemand sprechen, aber ich kenne keine Leute, die Deutsch sprechen. Meine freundin sagt, dass ich ihn Deutsch lehren kann, aber nur im Sommer, weil jetzt wir beide Prüfungen haben. Wenn ich zur Uni gehe, werde ich deutschprachige Leute kennenlernen, aber ich will nicht so lange warten.
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diaryofalinguist · 28 days
Update: Mexicans convinced the South Korean ambassador to Mexico to come out and take a shot of tequila with them.
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diaryofalinguist · 1 month
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
this is a friendly reminder that language proficiency levels aren't 100% accurate and appliable to everyone. you can be able to talk about evolution and use the subjunctive mood but have no idea how to describe your daily activities. you can not know many synonims but be adept at explaining stuff. you can be able to name every single thing at the supermarket but unable to form a sentence with reported speech. you can not remember jobs names but know slang and dialects. you can read the classics but barely speak or write.
language learning is multifaceted and it's completely normal to develop certain skills before others. sometimes it's because some are easier for a particular person. sometimes it's because some are more useful in one's context. the point is, whatever set of skills you have, it's great. keep going.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Gracias! No sé nunca dónde debería poner palabras como "hoy," o "aún," así que tu corrección fue muy útil. Aunque no entiendo por que tengo que usar "repasé." Quería decir "I've revised, but I'm still nervous," por que generalmente he repasando, pero no acababa de terminar de repasar. Debería aún usar "ya repasé" o algo diferente?
Tengo un examen de psicología hoy. He revisado, pero tengo aún un poco miedo. No sé por qué. Generalmente saco buenas notas en mi clase de psicología.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
I love love love etymology because it's like every word has a back story intertwined with so many other words and through that you see ideas and culture and history and people and it's so beautiful okay I love word stories
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Tengo un examen de psicología hoy. He revisado, pero tengo aún un poco miedo. No sé por qué. Generalmente saco buenas notas en mi clase de psicología.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
About me/Über mich/Acerca de mí:
- Val
- 18 (01/04/2005)
- UK
- They/she - sie/ihr - ella
- B2 Deutsch
- A2-B1 Español (no estoy segura)
Additional information below/Weitere Informationen weiter unten/Información adicional aquí abajo
For the purpose of practicality, I'll write this in English for now, as it'll be the most universally understood:
My name is Val, I'm 18, I'm from the UK so my native language is English, and I'm currently awaiting decisions from universities in order to study foreign languages. I'm hoping to study German and Japanese as part of my university course, while also taking advantage of university wide language programmes to begin learning Russian. I had about a year of dedicated Japanese study when I was around 12, and I remember a lot of the basics, but nothing meaningful enough to post here or probably even classify as A1, however I can read hiragana and katakana fairly well to this day.
My interest in languages has been an integral part of my life as far back as my memory reaches. Before the age of ten, a family friend conducted at home French lessons with me. I'd say when I got to secondary school and was put into French and German classes my enthusiasm really blossomed. I was pulled out of school at the age of 11 to be homeschooled, and filled the majority of my time independently teaching myself Japanese. I slowly came to a point of being able to have an incredibly basic conversation with others before being placed back into traditional schooling and losing the free time I had for Japanese, and my studying fizzled out.
When I returned to school, I chose German as a GCSE. Despite being behind, I quickly caught up. By halfway through year 10, though, Covid was at its peak, and due to my school's safety measures combined with my mum being high risk, I was pulled out of school yet again. I later returned to do my A-levels there, having no GCSEs or formal exam experience whatsoever. This was when I chose German as an A-Level. Despite these various setbacks, I achieved a high grade I'm incredibly proud of. I'm now completing a voluntary 3rd year of college in order to complete an AS course I began last year as a full A-level. From September this year, I've had the opportunity to join my German teacher's year 11 GCSE Spanish class and will be taking the exam at the end of the year. My only prior experience with the language was the studying I began in June in order to prepare for joining the class. Since October I've also been asked to assist my German teachers in their lower year classes as a voluntary teaching assistant, an opportunity which I'm elated over.
I'm currently hoping to be able to become a language teacher in the future, even likely abroad. I'd eventually like to get a TEFL/TESOL qualification for this as well and gain the opportunity to teach my native language as a foreign one in another country. I'm quite sold on this idea, and I've wanted to be a teacher since I was 8, but I'm still keeping my options open to the idea of translation as well as any other job ideas and opportunities that might strike me in the next few years. As long as I get to engage with foreign languages day to day, I'm interested.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Es ist sehr schwer. Ich will so sehr Japanisch wieder beginnen, aber ich weiß, dass es nicht praktisch ist. Ich kann mich an so viel erinnern, und ich will so so so sehr mehr lernen, aber ich muss auf die Uni warten, oder ich würde alles schon wissen, und ich würde gar nichts machen.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Creo que mi español está mejorando mucho. Últimamente puedo hablar más rápido más a menudo sin pensando, y puedo escribir extremadamente muy facilmente. Cuándo pienso, es generalmente sobre la conjugación de un verbo, si tengo que usar el subjuntivo, o si no sé una palabra.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Heute habe ich wieder meiner Deutschlehrerin geholfen. Manche Leute in meiner Schule denken, dass meine Lehrerin extrem streng ist, aber ich glaube das nicht. Ich denke, dass diese Leute oft sehr problematisch für sie sind, also ist sie nicht so nett. Sie ist immer so hilfsbereit und ich bin so glücklich, dass sie meine Lehrerin ist. Ich habe 3 Deutschlehrerin und die Studenten denken, dass sie alle echt schrecklich sind. Ich kann das gar nicht verstehen. Ehrlich zu sein, ist es wahrscheinlich, weil ich immer ein "goody two shoes" bin. Einer der unteren Klassen hatten heute eine Prüfung, also gab es nur 2 Mädchen in ihrer erster Stunde mit mir. Sie haben eine Sprachprüfung geübt und ich war so nostalgisch. Ich erinnerte mich an meiner Sprachprüfung. Ich hatte so viel Angst, dass ich die ganze Nacht vor der Prüfung und auch der Morgen der Prüfung geweint hat. Ich habe ein Foto von mir dieses Tag, wo meine Maskara über mein ganzes Gesicht ist. Es ist jetzt sehr lustig, aber ich war richtig so nervös. Ich dachte, dass ich mich eigentlich übergeben würde. Ich müss für meine 3 Psychologie Prüfungen studieren, aber im Moment habe ich keine Motivation. Ich bin frustriert. Ich will ehrlich wiederholen, aber ich kann gar nicht konzentrieren. Es ist jetzt noch wichtiger, weil ich heute ein Angebot der Universität von Newcastle bekommen habe, der meine zweite Wahl ist, und sie wollen, dass ich ein C in Psychologie bekommen. Im Moment bekomme ich A's, aber ich müss noch versuchen, um sicher zu sein, dass ich einen Platz an der Universität von Cardiff oder Newcastle haben werde.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Best language learning tips & masterlists from other bloggers I’ve come across
(these posts are not my own!)
THE HOLY GRAIL of language learning (-> seriously tho, this is the BEST thing I’ve ever come across)
Some language learning exercises and tips
20 Favorite Language Learning Tips
what should you be reading to maximize your language learning?
tips for learning a language (things i wish i knew before i started)
language learning and langblr tips
Tips on how to read in your target language for longer periods of time
Tips and inspiration from Fluent in 3 months by Benny Lewis
Tips for learning a sign language
Tips for relearning your second first language
How to:
how to self teach a new language
learning a language: how to
learning languages and how to make it fun
how to study languages
how to practice speaking in a foreign language
how to learn a language when you don’t know where to start
how to make a schedule for language learning
How to keep track of learning more than one language at the same time
Language Study Master Post
Swedish Resources Masterpost
French Resouces Masterpost
Italian Resources Masterpost
Resource List for Learning German
Language-Sanctuary Langblr Challenge
language learning checkerboard challenge
Word lists:
2+ months of language learning prompts
list of words you need to know in your target language, in 3 levels
Other stuff:
bullet journal dedicated to language learning
over 400 language related youtube channels in 50+ languages
TED talks about language (learning)
Learning the Alien Languages of Star Trek
Feel free to reblog and add your own lists / masterlists!
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Well played, crow. Well played
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大 means 'big.' It's used as the place name for Omiya station.
犬 the extra stroke exactly where the crow is standing changes the meaning to 'dog.' So now it's dog-o-miya station.
This crow understands Japanese and is a genius prankster.
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Every single person studying a language when they recognize the most basic word of the language in a text or a video
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
Estoy muy enferma ahora mismo. Eugh. Tengo muchos deberes para el martes pero no sé si podré hacerlos porque hoy me pasé todo el día en la cama intentando dormir. Pero me siento muy culpable sobre ello. Porque tengo mis exámenes de español en abril-mayo y no quiero perder tiempo.
Ayer fui a la universidad de Cardiff con mi padre. Esta semana recibimos un coche eléctrico nuevo, pero no tuvemos tuvimos un coche eléctrico nunca y no sabíamos el tiempo para cargarlo, asi qué llegamos muy tarde. Sin embargo los profesores eran muy amables y aún hablaron conmigo sobre la carrera.
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