#español langblr
Una introducción para el bicho molesto
Tengo muchos nombres, uno es Julés (como Julia o Julió) o puedes llamate Reyes
Uso el pronombre elle
Soy de los estádos únidos, pero quiero mudarse a México cuando habré tenido mi rentas propias suficiente.
(Esta no está importante)Una porción de mi família tenían origenes en México, pero ahora la cultura y nuestros caras solo es blanco. No hablaban nada español hasta reciente años. Estoy aprendiendo (y estaré estando por mi vida), pero pronto, sentí que español hablame. Como si, sé la lenguaje de mi corazón, de la alma.
No siempre uso el diccionario, pero yo todavía uso lo mucho. ;-; Yo no puedo aprender en un clase ahora, porque tengo muchas otras responsibilidades. Tanto aprendo que puedo para leiendo con mi diccionario. ¿Es lo que es, no?
Me gusta ganar amigos o lenguaje compañeros, preguntas y comentarios son muchos bienvenidos.
Por favor dicesme (¿digasme?) si encuentras un error.
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↑ el bicho (un escarabajo)(perdón su patas. ellos son feo pero nosotros amaremos nuestro hijo)(no sabé crear una lupa solo con letras y punctuacion)
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diaryofalinguist · 2 months
About me/Über mich/Acerca de mí:
- Val
- 18 (01/04/2005)
- UK
- They/she - sie/ihr - ella
- B2 Deutsch
- A2-B1 Español (no estoy segura)
Additional information below/Weitere Informationen weiter unten/Información adicional aquí abajo
For the purpose of practicality, I'll write this in English for now, as it'll be the most universally understood:
My name is Val, I'm 18, I'm from the UK so my native language is English, and I'm currently awaiting decisions from universities in order to study foreign languages. I'm hoping to study German and Japanese as part of my university course, while also taking advantage of university wide language programmes to begin learning Russian. I had about a year of dedicated Japanese study when I was around 12, and I remember a lot of the basics, but nothing meaningful enough to post here or probably even classify as A1, however I can read hiragana and katakana fairly well to this day.
My interest in languages has been an integral part of my life as far back as my memory reaches. Before the age of ten, a family friend conducted at home French lessons with me. I'd say when I got to secondary school and was put into French and German classes my enthusiasm really blossomed. I was pulled out of school at the age of 11 to be homeschooled, and filled the majority of my time independently teaching myself Japanese. I slowly came to a point of being able to have an incredibly basic conversation with others before being placed back into traditional schooling and losing the free time I had for Japanese, and my studying fizzled out.
When I returned to school, I chose German as a GCSE. Despite being behind, I quickly caught up. By halfway through year 10, though, Covid was at its peak, and due to my school's safety measures combined with my mum being high risk, I was pulled out of school yet again. I later returned to do my A-levels there, having no GCSEs or formal exam experience whatsoever. This was when I chose German as an A-Level. Despite these various setbacks, I achieved a high grade I'm incredibly proud of. I'm now completing a voluntary 3rd year of college in order to complete an AS course I began last year as a full A-level. From September this year, I've had the opportunity to join my German teacher's year 11 GCSE Spanish class and will be taking the exam at the end of the year. My only prior experience with the language was the studying I began in June in order to prepare for joining the class. Since October I've also been asked to assist my German teachers in their lower year classes as a voluntary teaching assistant, an opportunity which I'm elated over.
I'm currently hoping to be able to become a language teacher in the future, even likely abroad. I'd eventually like to get a TEFL/TESOL qualification for this as well and gain the opportunity to teach my native language as a foreign one in another country. I'm quite sold on this idea, and I've wanted to be a teacher since I was 8, but I'm still keeping my options open to the idea of translation as well as any other job ideas and opportunities that might strike me in the next few years. As long as I get to engage with foreign languages day to day, I'm interested.
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atusion · 1 year
conversé en español con un hombre que mi papá quiso hablarlo (pero mi papá no habla español), fue una conversación cortita pero hablé sin muchos problemas, la cosa que olvidé fue la frase 'ningún problema', solo pude recordar la frase en italiano jajaja entonces dije 'no problema' pq él me entendió de todas modas. también él me dijo algo sobre un carro y no pude oír/entender todos los detalles pero entendí que él tuvo un problema con el carro. estoy muy orgullosa de mi mismo y muy emocionada por otra oportunidad para practicar en el futuro <3
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Some days you have to study in bed as a compromise, because otherwise you wouldn’t study at all.
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
Comparison of a few verbs in three Romance languages: Italian, Catalan, and Spanish.
Video by paoloymar.
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ros3ybabe · 1 month
Spanish Media/Input Recommendations?
Can you guys comment me some good media/input recommendations for someone learning Mexican/Spain Spanish? I' talking about any and all that you guys find interesting, whether you learned Spanish on your own or it's your native language!
Tv Shows
Youtube channels
Songs/Musical Artists
Favorite Spanish teachers/tutors on Italki
Literally anything!
Thank you guys <3
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spider-incarnate · 5 months
reccomendaciones de youtubers españoles
archivo mitologíco - si te gusta la mitología este canal es perfecto. los episodios duran 10-30 minutos, son muy interesantes y tienen animaciones bonitas. el canal tiene un foco en mitología griegas, pero a veces habla de otros mitologías, como la nórdica.
wissbegierde - él tiene muchos videos sobre diferentes lenguas, ambos lenguas reales & conlangs. también habla de cómo aprender lenguas.
leyendas & videojuegos - este canal es un canal de ensayos, historia, curiosidades y diseño de videojuegos. los topicos son siempre interesantes.
infoprimates - un otro canal sobre lengas, este tiempo con animaciones. creo que los videos son muy divertidos :].
jaime - él tiene muchos videos sobre música y tecnología y es muy interesante. él tambien tiene un otro canal cuando él habla de muchos mas tópicos.
perdón si tengo errores, y porfa corregirme :]
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safije · 2 months
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Oldest Spanish - Chinese dictionary found in University of Santo Thomas, Philippines. This 400 year old dictionary called “Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum” translated Spanish to Mandarin as well as Hokkien, a language from China's southern Fujian Province and spoken by many Chinese Filipinos.
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lupusmaxima · 5 months
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some late night studying for my spanish exam. estoy estudiando los tiempos verbales y no puedo recordar cuando usar imperfecto o pretérito indefinido… y los complementos directos/indirectos aye mi cerebro no funciona.
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allinllachuteruteru · 6 months
Don’t mind me just gonna sliiidddeee this textbook right in here…
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saintfrancesworld · 3 days
Currently filled with a strange and envious longing of those who are fluent in more than one language, who can read and write poetry in more than one language.
(Spanish is calling to me. I will answer.)
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Starting my Spanish learning journey
Started with writing out common phrases
Any other tips?
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gatomontanyes · 1 month
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| Summer 2023, Valencia, España
Throwback to Summer last year when we found this interesting secondhand bookstore in Valencia, Spain. It's called El Club de Los Libros Libres. The rule is simple, bring as many books you want then exchange for the same amount of "new" books you want. It's a cute idea to recycle and give new life to these old books.
There are multiple languages aside from Spanish and Valencian, such as Italian, German, and French. I found some Russian books too.
If you are in Valencia, perhaps take a quick stop. It's located very close to Platja de la Malva-Rosa.
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So much you can get done when you take yourself on a study date!!
It’s too expensive though dont even wanna look at my bank account
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Resource List for Learning Spanish
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn Spanish but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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huevo-rojo · 2 days
una frase por día:
necesité estudiar para mi examen mañana pero no quise entonces estudié un poco. solo rehíce las dos tareas (de verdad, rehíce una y miré las soluciones para la segunda).
ahora, estoy nerviose que no me despertaré a tiempo para el examen (es en la mañana y no soy madrugadore).
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cosas hice practicar/aprender español:
este post
un lección de duolingo (racha de 10 días)
escuché a un episodio de "coffee break spanish" (mientras estuve caminando en el parque de nuevo)
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