dieuthaosposts · 6 months
Week 10: Social Media Governance
The concept of social media governance presented here is consistent with the idea of a general structure proposed by corporate governance theory. The strategic use of social media in communications requires resources like knowledgeable personnel, state-of-the-art equipment, sufficient money, and encouraging corporate cultures and structures (Linke, Zerfass & Fink 2013). The notion of the public interest has always served as the foundation for these assessments of media administration and performance. The public interest is a well-established concept in the sphere of conventional media governance. Politicians have used it as a guide for creating and assessing policies, and certain media professionals—like journalists—have also used it as a criterion for professionalism. Additionally, social justice organizations have employed it as an argumentative and evaluative tool for evaluating media performance and speaking out for the broader public. Media governance is by definition a broader concept than media regulation and policy. All things considered, it is perhaps preferable to define media governance as the regulatory conversations, acts, and outcomes that take place both inside and outside of the state (Napoli 2014).
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Online harassment is an ongoing utilization of information and communication technologies by an individual or group to cause harm to another person. Online threats, humiliation, or dishonor might be a component of this. This includes expressions of discriminatory beliefs and actions, including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableist assumptions. It also addresses other unwanted online sexual conduct, such as cyberstalking and image-based sexual abuse (Durham University n.d.). Online harassment, also known as cyberbullying, is a horrible and widespread issue that hurts individuals by exploiting technology. It can take many different forms, all of which are meant to hurt or humiliate the victim. One approach to achieve this may be to send unpleasant or even violent emails that are unsolicited or threatening. Bullies may even try to use other people as accomplices in their pain, bombarding the victim's inbox with messages or sending a ton of identical emails. They can also spread rumors and false information using social media, messaging services, and any other online platform. Making derogatory comments about the victim online could be the worst tactic. This is spreading derogatory or inaccurate information to harm their reputation (Government of Canada 2020). The victim's desire to utilize and interact with digital environments may also be adversely affected by online harassment (Haslop, O'Rourke & Southern 2021). 
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Compared to older adults, younger people are more likely to face online abuse, and they are also more likely to experience more severe kinds of harassment. According to the research, 64% of those under 30 have experienced some form of online harassment, making them the only generation where the majority has experienced these kinds of behaviors. People's likelihood of experiencing different types of online abuse also differs according to their gender. Generally speaking, men report being the victims of online harassment at a little greater rate than women (43% vs. 38%), however similar numbers of men and women claim to have experienced more severe kinds of abuse (Vogels 2021).
Online abuse thrives in the absence of adequate social media governance. It can be challenging to draw the line between abuse and free expression, appropriately filter vast amounts of data, and deal with the obscurity that gives harassers more leeway. To stop harassment, platforms need to have clear policies, user reporting tools, and transparency measures in place. In the future, platforms, governments, and civil society organizations will need to collaborate. Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven technology solutions can help detect potential harassment, but user education about proper online behavior is crucial.
To sum up, the principles of public interest and corporate governance offer a solid foundation for developing efficient social media governance. Social media companies require explicit rules, reporting mechanisms, and specialized resources to address the pervasive problem of online harassment, just as conventional media are held responsible. Although there are obstacles to overcome, such as defining harassment and content control, cooperation between governments, platforms, and civil society groups is essential. AI technological developments can be helpful, but in the end, encouraging safe and welcoming online environments for all users requires user education on responsible online conduct.
Durham University n.d., What is online harassment? - Report + Support - Durham University, reportandsupport.durham.ac.uk.
2. Government of Canada, CC for OH and S 2020, Internet Harassment or Cyberbullying: OSH Answers, www.ccohs.ca.
3. Haslop, C, O’Rourke, F & Southern, R 2021, ‘#NoSnowflakes: The toleration of harassment and an emergent gender-related digital divide, in a UK student online culture’, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 1418–1438.
4. Linke, A, Zerfass, A & Fink, S 2013, ‘Social media governance: regulatory frameworks for successful online communications’, Journal of Communication Management, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 270–286.
5. Napoli, PM 2014, ‘Social Media and the Public Interest: Governance of News Platforms in the Realm of Individual and Algorithmic Gatekeepers’, SSRN Electronic Journal, vol. 39, no. 9.
6. Vogels, EA 2021, ‘The state of online harassment’, Pew Research Center, 13 January.
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dieuthaosposts · 6 months
Week 9: Social Gaming
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries (2022) define a game as an enjoyable pastime that often has rules and a win-or-lose outcome. One of the earliest ways that people have interacted socially is via games, which are an essential element of every culture. Games are structured forms of play that let individuals focus on exercising and extend beyond their immediate imagination. Uncertainty over results, established regulations, rivalry, a distinct location and time, elements of chance and fiction, defined goals, and individual enjoyment are typical characteristics of games (Wikipedia Contributors 2019). Playing a game is trying to reach a certain situation with the only tools available to you  The rules forbid using more effective tools in favor of less effective ones (constitutive rules), and the rules are accepted only because they allow you to engage in this kind of behavior (lusory attitude) (Jaakko 2016)
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A group of individuals who gather together because they have a common interest in video games is referred to as a gaming community. These communities may be found both online and offline, offering participants a place to communicate, share ideas, and build enduring relationships. Players can find friendship, support, and chances to improve their gaming abilities in a gaming community. Through establishing social bonds and offering a sense of community, gaming communities are vital to the gaming scene. They provide a forum for participants to talk about tactics, celebrate victories, and exchange stories. Additionally, these communities provide a forum for direct communication between players and creators, fostering insightful comments and cooperative efforts (TwistedXvs 2023).
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Social games that live on social networking sites can be able to provide a special setting for lighthearted socializing. Social games' built-in systems do push players to communicate with one another to succeed in the game. Social games are very popular gaming apps that are included in social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. Happy Farm was introduced by Facebook in April 2009. During that year, the game reached its highest point with over two million monthly active players, contributing between 30 and 40 percent of Facebook's monthly income (Hou 2011).
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Additionally, gaming platforms are typically divided into other categories. Consoles are dedicated gaming devices; they can be stationary, like the Xbox and PlayStation, or portable, like the Nintendo Switch. With the right games loaded, users may also enjoy gaming on their personal computers (PCs). Web games may be played cross-platform on a variety of devices with the use of a web browser. Lastly, mobile games may be downloaded via app stores and are made for smartphones and tablets (aws n.d.).
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Competitive gaming is knowledgeable, skilled players who utilize strategy and expertise to outsmart their rivals. Professional gamers frequently invest a significant amount of time mastering their skills (HeroVired 2023).
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Thanks to the rise of websites like Twitch and YouTube Gaming, game streaming—the practice of watching live or recorded broadcasts of other people's video gameplay—has grown significantly in popularity in recent years (Tammy Lin et al. 2019). By streaming the material via the Internet, game streaming enables players to play video games on their mobile devices or low-power PCs (pgmag n.d.).
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A significant portion of the gaming community has developed a growing love for modding. It is an open-source community where modifications, code, and innovations are shared. Game modifications can be accomplished in several methods, such as via manipulating the game's code or by unpacking files. The majority of the game modification is carried out with open-source tools. This indicates that the instructions and code are posted online so that everyone may access and use them (Simmons University, n.d.).
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In conclusion, games have always been a popular way for people to socialize and have fun. They have existed in many different historical eras and cultures. The video game sector has been growing because of the development of gaming platforms, which include PCs, consoles, mobile phones, and web browsers. This has also made gaming more accessible. Gaming communities foster a strong sense of friendship among players and promote collaboration between players and content developers. The gaming business is always evolving, and trends like social gaming, competitive gaming, game streaming, and game modding all help to enhance the entire gaming experience.
aws n.d., Gaming platform - Games Industry Lens, docs.aws.amazon.com.
HeroVired 2023, What is Competitive Gaming? Meaning, Elements & Future, Hero Vired.
Hou, J 2011, Uses and gratifications of social games: Blending social networking and game play, firstmonday.org, viewed 13 March 2024, <https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/download/3517/3020>.
Jaakko, S 2016, ‘The Game Definition Game: A Review’, Games and Culture, vol. 12, no. 6.
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries 2022, game, Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com.
pgmag n.d., Definition of game streaming, PCMAG, viewed 17 March 2024, .
Simmons University n.d., About Game Modding, web.simmons.edu.
TwistedXvs 2023, Gaming Community Definition: Uniting Passionate Players | IwannaPVP.com, www.iwannapvp.com.
Tammy Lin, J-H, Bowman, N, Lin, S-F & Chen, Y-S 2019, ‘Setting the digital stage: Defining game streaming as an entertainment experience’, Entertainment Computing, vol. 31, p. 100309.
Wikipedia Contributors 2019, History of games, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation.
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dieuthaosposts · 6 months
Week 8: Face Filters
Week 8: Face Filters 
Augmented Reality (AR) is a version of Virtual Environments (VE), sometimes known as Virtual Reality. In contrast, augmented reality (AR) allows the user to perceive the actual environment with virtual things placed or composited onto it. As a result, AR augments rather than replaces reality (Azuma 1997) and it becomes a filter nowadays. Filters have become an essential component of contemporary imagery. Instagram was one of the first sites that truly promoted filters, and today they are ubiquitous, allowing us to make our selfies and other images appear brighter, dull, grungy, or vintage than in real life (Chalfen 2015).
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Snapchat was launched in 2011. It is a smartphone app that shows shared material for a limited time. It is dependent on mobile mobility; photographs and images may be captured anywhere, at anytime. People use Snapchat to exchange images, interact, and socialize (Alsaggaf 2021). Beauty filters are a prominent type of object used by young women on Snapchat and Instagram. A beauty filter is a photo-editing application that allows users to smooth out their complexion, brighten their lips and eyes, shape their nose, change their jawline and cheekbones, and more. Because of these beauty filters, young women are turning to cosmetic surgeons to change their looks to look like their filtered photographs (a trend known as Snapchat dysmorphia) (Eshiet 2020).
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Aside from beauty filters, there are two other filters. Face filters allow users to change their facial characteristics, apply virtual cosmetics, add accessories, or morph into various characters or creatures. World filters enhance the user's surroundings by introducing virtual items, effects, or animations. These filters may transform an ordinary view into a vivid, bizarre, or fantasy-filled environment (Later n.d.).
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Gender and filters create a complicated environment. While both men and women use Instagram editing filters (Iftikhar et al. 2023) found that women use them more frequently. This is consistent with research showing that some men see filtered selfies as feminine, which could reinforce conventional masculinity within the community (Lavrence & Cambre 2020). Interestingly, studies suggest that boys use filters for enjoyment, while girls frequently use them to improve their attractiveness (Prescott, 2020). Beyond societal standards, filters may be an effective tool for self-discovery. For some transgender persons, filters can be a method of "cracking their egg," an analogy for understanding their gender identification varies from their initial identification (Anne Brown 2022).
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Social media filters and selfie editing may be understood from a variety of critical perspectives. Social comparison theory was first suggested by social psychologist Leon Festinger in 1954. It describes how people assess their thoughts and wants by comparing themselves to others (Wikipedia, 2024). The social comparison hypothesis holds that people have a natural need to compare themselves to external pictures to assess their own beliefs and talents. These visuals might be an analogy to physical reality or a comparison to others. People look at others' pictures to see if they are obtainable and genuine, and then they compare themselves, others, and idealized visualizations. Selfie editing requires social comparison because it is based on self-evaluation of looks. Selfie-editing may be motivated by dissatisfaction with one's appearance in selfies or a desire to appear better than others, both as a result of self-evaluation. (Chae 2017).
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Objectification Theory is a psychological process in which people see themselves as things to be judged based on their appearance (Feltman and Szymanski 2017). It is like looking at oneself through the prism of conventional beauty expectations. For example, when taking a selfie, you may find yourself using filters to satisfy these requirements. This process can result in greater body shame, appearance anxiety, and diminished awareness of interior feelings (Feltman & Szymanski, 2017). Individuals who engage in picture editing activity are more concerned with their looks, therefore it is appealing for them to anticipate the reactions of other users to the changed photo and perceive themselves from an outsider's perspective (Ozimek et al. 2023).
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Neoliberalism Theory has been widely recognized as a political and economic rationality characterized by outsourcing, a 'rolling back' and withdrawal of the state from many areas of social provision, and an emphasis 'that human well-being can best be advanced by releasing one's entrepreneurial rights and abilities within a legal structure characterized by strong property rights' (Elias & Gill 2017). The relationship between capitalism and social media filters is intriguing if not necessarily a direct impact. Individual responsibility and accomplishment are central to neoliberalism. Social media filters may be viewed as a tool for individuals to manage their online image and positively promote themselves, which aligns with this individual perspective.
To summarize, social media filters have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, they provide an enjoyable and creative outlet for self-expression and identity exploration. AR filters might be useful for self-discovery, especially for transgender people. According to social comparison theory, the continual onslaught of nicely filtered selfies might cause social comparison and feelings of insufficiency. The pressure to meet unattainable beauty standards can exacerbate objectification theory, resulting in body shame and anxiety. Furthermore, the emphasis on self-branding is consistent with neoliberal theory, perhaps leading to a culture concerned with self-promotion above authenticity.
Azuma, RT 1997, ‘A Survey of Augmented Reality’, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 355–385.
Alsaggaf, R 2021, ‘The Impact of Snapchat Beautifying Filters on Beauty Standards and Self-image: A Self-Discrepancy Approach’, paper presented at The European Conference on Arts & Humanities.
Anne Brown, E 2022, Social media filters are helping people explore their gender identity, MIT Technology Review.
Chalfen, R 2015, ‘Seeing ourselves through technology – How we use selfies, blogs, and wearable devices to see and shape ourselves by Jill Walker Rettberg’, Visual Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 348–350.
Chae, J 2017, ‘Virtual makeover: Selfie-taking and social media use increase selfie-editing frequency through social comparison’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 66, no. 66, pp. 370–376.
Elias, AS & Gill, R 2017, ‘Beauty surveillance: The digital self-monitoring cultures of neoliberalism’, European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 59–77.
Fan, X, Chai, Z, Deng, N & Dong, X 2020, ‘Adoption of augmented reality in online retailing and consumers’ product attitude: A cognitive perspective’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 53, p. 101986.
Feltman, CE & Szymanski, DM 2017, ‘Instagram Use and Self-Objectification: The Roles of Internalization, Comparison, Appearance Commentary, and Feminism’, Sex Roles, vol. 78, no. 5-6, pp. 311–324.
Iftikhar, I, Bushra Yasmeen, Nadeem, M & Ahmad, N 2023, ‘Filtered reality: Exploring gender differences in Instagram use, social conformity pressure, and regret among young adults’, Journal of Human Behavior in The Social Environment, Haworth Press, pp. 1–19.
Kumar, H & Nanda Agarwal, M 2023, ‘Filtering the reality: Exploring the dark and bright sides of augmented reality–based filters on social media’, pp. 1–22.
Lavrence, C & Cambre, C 2020, ‘“Do I Look Like My Selfie?”: Filters and the Digital-Forensic Gaze’, Social Media + Society, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 20563051209551
Later n.d., What is a Filter? | Later Social Media Glossary, later.com, viewed 12 March 2024,.
Ozimek, P, Lainas, S, Bierhoff, H-W & Rohmann, E 2023, ‘How photo editing in social media shapes self-perceived attractiveness and self-esteem via self-objectification and physical appearance comparisons’, BMC Psychology, vol. 11, no. 1.
Pescott, CK 2020, ‘“I Wish I was Wearing a Filter Right Now”: An Exploration of Identity Formation and Subjectivity of 10- and 11-Year Olds’ Social Media Use’, Social Media + Society, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 205630512096515.
Wikipedia 2024, Social comparison theory, Wikipedia, viewed 12 March 2024, .
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dieuthaosposts · 7 months
Week 7: Body Modification
The PHA's public information campaigns unit is responsible for the overall conceptualization, management, execution, and evaluation of multi-media campaigns addressing various health challenges and activities. The activities are intended to raise awareness of major health issues and urge organizations and individuals to seek assistance and knowledge (Public Health Agency, 2022). Several health-related projects are promoted on social media, like the Ice Bucket Challenge, which raises awareness of ALS. The campaign's viral success raised more than $100 million for the ALS Foundation in only 30 days, funding many research efforts. It even led to a breakthrough in 2016, when an innovative gene associated with the illness was uncovered, potentially opening the door to new medicines (Wright n.d.).
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Micro-celebrities are non-traditional celebrities, including bloggers, vloggers, fitness models, and "instafamous" individuals with a large social media following. The usage of micro-celebrities as a commercial communication method has been used in a range of sectors, with fitness and gym culture being the most prevalent (Djafarova & Thompson 2020).
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Pornification refers to the changes brought about by technological developments in the creation, distribution, and consumption of pornographic content. In addition to media technical transformations, pornification can refer to changes in pornographic authority and regulation as wide liberalization and deregulation processes (Paasonen 2016). Pornification is the presentation of heterosexuals or a 'porn chic' manner intended for a male audience (Drenten, Gurrieri, & Tyler 2019).
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Marginalized communities have difficult options while developing and executing their identities. They may choose or feel compelled to adhere to the dominant group's standards and principles, so abandoning other identities (Kay n.d.). Today, marginalized communities include those who are excluded due to ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, or language (Pratt & Fowler 2022). Digital marginalization refers to persons who do not own or use the Internet, or who have restricted access to fast and reliable Internet connections. Digital marginalization impacts not just those with limited access and ability, but also their social status. Digital marginalization is the reproduction of marginality in digital environments such as social media. Consider regulations that compel users to submit their passport names or pictures on social media, which may expose LGBTQ+ users to outings (Eickers & Rath, 2021).
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Body image is an individual's subjective view of the body. It is a multidimensional notion that encompasses our views, emotions, and ideas about our bodies, as well as our reactions to those observations, ideas, and emotions. Negative body image can manifest as an inaccurate perception of size or shape, such as seeing areas of one's body or the complete body as different than they are, as well as more general feelings of discomfort, dissatisfaction, shame, or concern about one's body. Body dissatisfaction is a subcategory of negative body image that commonly refers to having unpleasant thoughts or feelings about one's body image. Being dissatisfied with one's looks or weight may raise the risk of eating disorders or the development of a diagnostic eating disorder (Lindsay Capozzi 2022). Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a serious illness that requires extensive assessment. It is a condition in which an individual becomes preoccupied with a perceived flaw in their appearance. BDD becomes so intense that it has a major influence on the person's life (Ekern 2022).
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To avoid negative body image and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, consumers and producers should be aware of these body modification techniques. The first step in understanding bodily change as a cultural process is production. This encompasses all of the decisions and tasks that must be completed before implementing a change. This section discusses moderator professions, rules, job divisions, reward schemes, administrators, and rules or regulations. The second step is to disseminate. The distribution channels impact cultural producers' decisions as they construct cultural forms. The bodies of people wearing modifications act as the primary distribution method. These bodies limit and support the process's outcome. Finally, cultural forms, such as physiological changes, must be processed by people. Consumption refers to how a group or audience absorbs and applies culture. Customers, not producers, are ultimately responsible for imparting meaning to changes (Lanes 2017).
In conclusion, understanding the complex relationship between public health campaigns, body image, and digital marginalization is crucial for addressing health concerns and creating awareness. The use of microcelebrities, as well as the societal implications of pornography, highlight the importance of creating and consuming responsible material. Recognizing the roles of production, distribution, and consumption in shaping cultural views regarding body image and health can help us build a more supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. Addressing negative body image and body dysmorphic disorder needs more awareness, education, and legislative changes that prioritize mental health and well-being.
Djafarova, E & Thompson, M 2020, ‘Exploring the Credibility of Fitness Instagram Micro-Celebrities on Young British Males’, ATHENS JOURNAL OF MASS MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 131–146.
Drenten, J, Gurrieri, L & Tyler, M 2019, ‘Sexualized labour in digital culture: Instagram influencers, porn chic and the monetization of attention’, Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 27, no. 1.
Ekern, J 2022, Body Image & Weight Issues: What Causes Negative Views, Eating Disorder Hope.
Kay, R n.d., Identity and Marginality.
Lindsay Capozzi 2022, Body Dissatisfaction, Body Image Disturbance, Body Dysmorphia: A Primer for Providers, Caregivers and Media, policylab.chop.edu.
Lane, DC 2017, ‘Understanding body modification: A process-based framework’, Sociology Compass, vol. 11, no. 7, p. e12495.
Paasonen, S 2016, Pornification and the Mainstreaming of Sex.
Pratt, A & Fowler, T 2022, Deconstructing Bias: Marginalization - NICHD Connection - Science@NICHD, science.nichd.nih.gov.
Public Health Agency 2022, Public information campaigns | HSC Public Health Agency, www.publichealth.hscni.net.
Wright, T n.d., 5 of the most impactful health campaigns, Thrive.
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dieuthaosposts · 7 months
Slow Fashion and Social Media
The slow fashion movement is made up of companies that value craftsmanship, good stewardship, and high-quality items. As a result, they naturally encourage sustainability by employing more ethical sourcing and manufacturing processes and using organic, recycled, or long-lasting materials (Brewer 2019). Furthermore, labor participating in the production of such items is paid higher salaries and is better protected than its counterparts in the fast fashion industry's supply chains. Slow fashion companies encourage sustainability in sourcing, manufacturing, and consumption by emphasizing connections between raw materials, designers, craftspeople, retailers, and customers. Slow fashion does not relate to a slow manufacturing process, but rather to a concept of attention that considers stakeholders' requirements as well as the impact of fashion production on workers, customers, and ecosystems (Chhabra, Sindhi & Nandy 2022). The term “slow fashion” is used to segment and differentiate garments produced in the growth fashion model freshly; and to offer a new marketing angle on products and brands that happen to have a long heritage, durable pieces or classic designs (Fletcher 2010).
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Slow fashion is also described as something long-lasting and made from recycled or natural components. Sharon Astyk authored an article about "slow clothing" for the online Groovy Green Magazine in 2006. The author expresses worry about the garment industry's effects on impoverishment, agricultural production, pesticide use, and animal abuse. Slow fashion is a notion that promotes sustainability in the fashion business based on contemporary ideals and goals. It demands additional infrastructure and a slower flow of goods (Johansson 2010). The slow fashion customer is concerned about all individuals in the value chain, including manufacturers and society itself. They are concerned about sustainable businesses in sustainable markets (Domingos, Vale, & Faria 2022).
Social media is an essential instrument for spreading slow fashion's influence and changing customers' perceptions about the environment. Fashion Revolution's most well-known campaign set up the hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes, which encouraged customers to ask firms they buy from on social media. Another social media campaign using the hashtag #LovedClothesLast has turned the emphasis from transparency to the use and disposal stages of the fashion life cycle, encouraging customers to find ways to keep their clothes in use for as long as possible. Significantly, social media provides a forum for different opinion makers and influencers to magnify their views in support of sustainable lifestyles (Vladimirova et al., 2023).
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In conclusion, slow fashion is a movement that promotes sustainability, workmanship, and good governance in the fashion business. In contrast to quick fashion, it prioritizes responsible purchasing, sustainable production practices, and the use of organic, recycled, or durable materials. Slow fashion firms are concerned not just with the quality of their products, but also with fair labor standards and better working conditions for all manufacturing workers. Slow fashion is gaining popularity as a result of social media campaigns and the advocacy of more sustainable lifestyles by public figures and influencers. Consumers who support slow fashion may help to create a better future for the fashion industry, workers, and the environment.
Reference list
Brewer, MK 2019, ‘Slow Fashion in a Fast Fashion World: Promoting Sustainability and Responsibility’, Laws, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 24.
Chhabra, S, Sindhi, S & Nandy, M 2022, ‘Factors Affecting the Adoption of Slow Fashion – an Exploratory Study of Multiple Stakeholders’, Journal of Macromarketing, vol. 42, no. 4, p. 027614672211162.
Domingos, M, Vale, VT & Faria, S 2022, ‘Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review’, Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 2860.
Johansson, E 2010, ‘Slow fashion - the answer for a sustainable fashion industry?’
Vladimirova, K, Henninger, CE, Alosaimi, S, Brydges, T, H. Choopani, Hanlon, M, Iran, S, McCormick, H & Zhou, S 2023, ‘Exploring the influence of social media on sustainable fashion consumption: A systematic literature review and future research agenda’, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1–22.
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dieuthaosposts · 7 months
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dieuthaosposts · 8 months
Digital Citizenship, Hashtag Publics, Political Engagement and Activism
Digital citizenship and involvement encompass a variety of operations, including creation, consumption, communication, play, socializing, investigation, communication, learning, and labor. Skilled digital citizens can adapt to new and daily problems in education, work, employability, leisure, social inclusion, and engagement while respecting human rights and cultural disparities (Council of Europe, 2022). Digital citizenship, as defined by Choi and Cristol (2021), focuses on online involvement and civic duty (social, political, and cultural concerns) at both the micro and macro levels. Digital citizenship has mostly (but not indefinitely) evolved to act as a concept of "appropriate" internet use. It exists and is handled through three interrelated and frequently conflicting levels of control: state regulation, technical restrictions, and localized non-governmental or entrepreneurial educational initiatives. These layers of control are difficult to describe since they function at several levels: global, transnational, national, and local. Each layer alternates between governance by code (law, software, algorithms, and protocols) and governance by design (norms, social or informal rules of practice) (McCosker, 2016).
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"Platform studies" is a new topic for digital media research, a collection of methodologies that look into the underlying computer systems that enable creative activity (Bogost & Montfort 2009). Platform studies look at the connections between computer systems' hardware and software architecture and the creative works created on these machines (Douglass & Wardrip-Fruin 2009). The term 'platform' has several connotations, including computing, politics, and structure. For example, YouTube is intended to be an open-armed, democratic facilitator of speech, rather than a privileged censor with normative and technological constraints. Platformisation causes the (re-)organisation of social norms around platforms, while these practices also influence a platform's institutional characteristics. Finally, the combined actions of both end-users and complementors, as well as the reaction of platform administrators to these activities, decide whether a platform continues to expand or fails (Poell, Nieborg, & Dijck 2019).
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To increase the popularity of social platforms, hashtags must be included, particularly when discussing social concerns, which translates as "hashtag activism". The act of gathering public support for a cause using social media has grown in popularity as a means of effecting political change in the real world (Pratim Goswami 2018).  It has been noticed that hashtag activism has emerged as a data tag for campaigning for an issue, allowing social media users to join in and voice their opinions across platforms via a short statement. One example of "hashtag activism" is the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion.The campaign was started in 2015 by reproductive rights activist Amelia Bonow, who revealed on Facebook her abortion experience at Planned Parenthood after the United States House of Representatives opted to discontinue financing the organization. Lindy West, one of Bonow's friends, used the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion and it was shared with her thousands of Twitter followers. Following that, #ShoutYourAbortion became a symbol of the de-stigmatization of abortion stories, serving as a platform for women's honest and genuine voices about their experiences that contradict traditional perspectives (Kim & Lee 2022). Although it was created to allow women to share their abortion experiences to raise awareness of decreased funding for abortion services and to minimize the procedure itself, it has also served as a platform for the hashtag to be co-opted to legitimize hegemonic pro-life arguments that contradict women's experiences (Allan 2021).
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To summarize, digital citizenship involves many facets of online participation, such as production, consumption, communication, play, socializing, exploration, learning, and labor, all while respecting human rights and cultural variations. Choi and Cristol (2021) describe digital citizenship as online interaction and civic obligation at both micro and macro levels. The idea of "appropriate" internet use has developed over time, and it is managed by three interconnected and opposing layers of control: state legislation, technological constraints, and locally based non-governmental or entrepreneurial education programs. Hashtag activism, a type of social media advocacy for an issue that uses brief remarks with data tags, has grown in popularity as a way of bringing about real-world political change (Pratim Goswami 2018). While the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion was created to allow women to share their abortion experiences to raise awareness of reduced funding for abortion services and to reduce abortion procedures themselves, it has also been co-opted to validate dominant pro-life claims that go against women's experiences (Allan 2021). Overall, digital citizenship necessitates the ability to adapt to new challenges in different sectors of life while respecting human rights and cultural variations, and it is regulated by a variety of authorities at the global, transnational, national, and regional levels.
Allan, B 2021, ‘Exploring the use of Twitter and the #ShoutYourAbortion Hashtag in How Women Confront and Challenge Abortion Stigma’, McMaster University School of Social Work.
Bogost, I & Montfort, N 2009, ‘Platform Studies: Frequently Questioned Answers’, p. 2.
Choi, M & Cristol, D 2021, ‘Digital Citizenship with Intersectionality Lens: Towards Participatory Democracy Driven Digital Citizenship Education’, Theory Into Practice, vol. 60, no. 4.
Douglass, J & Wardrip-Fruin, N 2009, ‘Software / Platform Studies’, in Proceedings of the Digital Arts and Cultural Conference, University of California.
Kim, Y & Lee, S 2022, ‘#ShoutYourAbortion on Instagram: Exploring the Visual Representation of Hashtag Movement and the Public’s Responses’, SAGE Open, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 215824402210933.
McCosker, A 2016, ‘Managing Digital Citizenship: Cyber Safety as Three Layers of Control’, in Negotiating Digital Citizenship: Control, Contest and Culture, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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dieuthaosposts · 8 months
Conflict between fandoms
Fandom refers to a specific type of reception. To become a fan, it is necessary to acquire the preferred reading manner, include humorous references, and relate the work to one's personal life. Fandom serves as a basis for activism. Fandom is an alternative social network. Fans strive to construct a 'weekend-only environment' that is apart from the mainstream societal notions of employment. Fandom is distinguished by its rejection of conventional values and actions and its embrace of deeply felt emotions and passionately pursued pleasures (Jeroen de Kloet and Liesbet van Zoonen, n.d.). Conflict between fandoms is described as disagreements or animosity between groups of fans. These disagreements can arise for a variety of reasons, including conflicting opinions on the quality of the content, the representation of the characters, the actions of the producers or performers, and the behavior of fan organizations. Fandom wars, as they are sometimes known, may lead to heated debates, name-calling, and even cyberbullying. While some arguments are trivial and brief, some can have serious consequences, such as hurting a franchise's brand or causing harm to the persons involved. 
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Conflicts between fandom can emerge in a variety of ways. They occur particularly in the sphere of entertainment. Fandom tension arises in films and movies when characters face discrimination based on race. Racebending is also postcolonial in that it highlights fandom's limits, such as the existence of colorism, with fans frequently casting lighter-skinned performers. Racebending has also failed to generate significant fan support for canonical non-white characters (Allison Maura Mccracken et al. 2020). On Tumblr, Harry Potter racebending refers to the practice of picturing or presenting characters from the Harry Potter series as having different racial or cultural backgrounds from those depicted in the novels. There are certain fandom conflicts on reality shows. For example, the franchise's two most successful shows, "The Real Housewives of New York City" (RHONY) and "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" (RHOBH), have an extensive history of fan rivalry. RHONY supporters typically criticize the program for being "fake" and "scripted," whereas RHOBH viewers criticize it for being "boring" and "predictable." This rivalry has produced heated online debates and, on occasion, in-person clashes between fans.
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In conclusion, although fandom fosters enthusiastic organizations and activity, it also produces disagreements generated by opposing ideas and perceptions. These "fandom wars" can range from casual conversation to deadly online attacks, including disagreements about character depictions and arguments about inclusiveness and realism. Because these debates are typically the consequence of deeply held sentiments for representation, it is vital to understand their complexities and foster cross-cultural understanding. Because these debates are typically the consequence of deeply held sentiments for representation, it is vital to understand their complexities and foster cross-cultural tolerance. It is critical to remember that, despite differences, all fandoms share a love of original content, and open communication may lead to fruitful arguments and a more diverse fan experience.
Allison Maura Mccracken, Cho, A, Louisa Ellen Stein & Indira Neill Hoch 2020, A Tumblr book: platform and cultures, University Of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
Jeroen de Kloet & Liesbet van Zoonen n.d., ‘Fan Culture – Performing Difference’, in Media Studies : Key Issues and Debate.
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dieuthaosposts · 8 months
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr, a social networking site that prioritizes short-form content, boasts over 529 million blogs with a diverse range of material including fan fiction, art, memes, and advice. It is particularly popular among young people, with half of all visitors under the age of 25 (Chang et al. 2014). Tumblr's unique combination of blogging and social networking allows for immediate feedback on posts and provides a community centered around shared interests. Additionally, Tumblr has a thriving LGBT+ community that offers a safe space for individuals to explore their identities and connect with their community (Team 2022)
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Tumblr provided trans users with the necessary changeability, network isolation, and identity authenticity, as well as the queer qualities of plurality, movement, and uncertainty, for gender transition. Trans technology facilitates trans experiences in various ways, but it must go beyond that. It must also maintain regulations and a business model that accepts adult or sexual content—an essential component of transitional and intersectional community development for many trans bloggers—without labelling it as sexual and eliminating it (Haimson et al. 2019).  
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Tumblr creates the environment for a varied and inspiring feminist community. The platform's ability to provide textual content with selfies makes it ideal for communication studies. Posts inside these hashtags are seen regardless of follower count, community activity, or amount of reactions, enabling diverse views to be recognized. According to Reif, Miller, and Taddicken (2022), the goal of #bodypositive is to create varied feminist places that encourage women to embrace their beauty.
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In conclusion, Tumblr's unique features, such as its focus on short-form content, combination of blogging and social networking, and diverse community, make it a popular platform among young people. Its vibrant LGBT+ community provides a secure environment for individuals to explore their identities and connect with their community. Moreover, Tumblr's ability to create varied and inspiring feminist communities makes it an ideal platform for communication studies. Reference
Chang, Y, Tang, L, Inagaki, Y & Liu, Y 2014, ‘What is Tumblr’, ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 21–29.
2. Haimson, OL, Dame-Griff, A, Capello, E & Richter, Z 2019, ‘Tumblr was a trans technology: the meaning, importance, history, and future of trans technologies’, Feminist Media Studies, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1–17.
3. Reif, A, Miller, I & Taddicken, M 2022, ‘“Love the Skin You‘re In ”: An Analysis of Women’s Self-Presentation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive’.
4. Team, IM 2022, What is Tumblr? -- What parents need to know, Internet Matters, viewed 20 January 2024, <https://www.internetmatters.org/hub/news-blogs/what-is-tumblr/#:~:text=Tumblr%20is%20a%20short-form>.
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