marshmallowsandkeys · 4 years
((Figuring out which muses to keep or add. Likely the ones staying are Marth, Yuri, Flynn, Karol, Seles. Bunyan and Ike are debatable, along with Data Sora and Kyuubey. I might add Lloyd (or an AU Lloyd specifically) and Sync, and maybe an OC?))
((AU Lloyd is based on an old blog I used to run (and can’t even remember the associated e-mail too so it’s long gone))
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marshmallowsandkeys · 4 years
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((I’m still making promo art before formally making new threads again. Sorryyyyyyyy.))
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marshmallowsandkeys · 4 years
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((Fallen Ike is here!!! Right after Marth came home too lmao.))
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marshmallowsandkeys · 4 years
((I should... change my icon soon. and make another post again.))
((probably add some muses too?))
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marshmallowsandkeys · 4 years
((I come back to re-exist within space and time, only to learn that Berserker/Fallen Ike is now canon.))
((A character I RPed is canon))
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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“Ah! T-Thank you Mr. Marth!” Depite being new to the whole using weapons thing, knowing he was doing right made him feel really good inside. Maybe Red was a feirce warrior in a past life! …that or he watched too much anime, that could be it too.
His face then turned serious as he held the sword in his hands. He was a little worried of hurting his friend by accident since he was still new and unexperienced in the art of sword combat. Still Red will do his best to impress the hero king.
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“I-I’ll do my best.” Red says getting his concentration. There was a worry that he would mess up, but Prince Marth was trained in this sort of thing. Red takes a deep breath focusing on his movements. All he had to do was to try and move his blade downwards. So the boy raised up his sword and did exactly as Marth had instructed. He had to admit it was harder than it looked, his face sweating a little from the struggle.
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“…gruah….t-this is harder than it looks!”
It was nice, seeing Red’s face light up from being praised. Hopefully, this gets the boy more motivated with his weapon training. A part of Marth was concerned that this would be a passing interest, but then again... He wasn’t to judge what the trainer’s interests would be now and in the future.
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The prince chuckled slightly (feeling terrible for being mean-spirited) as Red put all he could into forcing Marth to lower his sword. 
“Here, perhaps I should put a handicap on myself?” he said, before holding the Falchion with just his right hand, instead of both, to give Red an advantage.
“Try once more, if you will.”
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
“…” He watched the other for a bit longer before giving a small sigh. Karol felt guilty about this, Yuri could guess that much. 
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“Don’t forget that we’re here to support you, alright?” A soft smile, reaching up to gently ruffle the other’s hair. “All for the guild and the guild for all, we’re not just going to stand by if you’re suffering.” 
Straightening up, he stretched. “Well, I’ll go get the gels for you, so just wait a bit.”
All for the guild and the guild for all... That’s right, he’s no longer alone. He’s no longer running from guild to guild, not like before. It wasn’t like before anymore.
He had a guild to stay in, had friends like Yuri. He wasn’t alone anymore.
He had to remember that.
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“Alright....” Karol muttered, watching as Yuri stood up. “... Hey, Yuri? Thanks again.”
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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“Yes, go ahead.” Deeper in her bag was more of the same, products glistening with the stamp of the Yggdmillennia logo. While their brand was known to be second-rate, Fiore had watched her uncle work hard over the years to build a conglomerate that could challenge the market leaders who looked down on them. She wished for their success tonight.
“I represent the Yggdimillennia Group. I’m assisting my uncle with sales. If it’s alright, I would like to bring these samples inside.”
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The little security guard did her very best to be thorough with the inspection, making sure nothing looked like it could hurt any of the other guests in the ball. Nothing pointy, nothing that could detonate...
“Un! This looks okay! You’re free to go in, madame...”
Bunyan paused.
“Mm... I’m sorry Madame representative from Yggdimillennia, I don’t know your name.”
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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✦✧   “Yuri, is something wrong?” Lucina had noticed him walking off, along with Fiora, so she had decided to come see him. However, when she noticed the other’s draconic wings, she quickly pulled out the sword from her side, “Yuri, do you have fell blood inside of you?” She eyed the other suspiciously. After all, she had fought Grima once before and, if this guy was a Grima version of the other.. she’d be forced to kill both of them before this world was doomed. ✧✦
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✦✧   Meanwhile, the other Yuri grumbled, standing up and glaring at the two, “You know it’s not nice to aim blades at someone, your highness.” He squinted at her, remembering seeing her around the strange land his mother raised him in. Was he at another world’s version of the camp?
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... Hold on. Lucina? And Fiora? Had something happened again? Still, he remained silent, watching as the not... him, the other him, had a stand off against the two girls.
He really wished he could understand what was going on right now, he really did. There was too many happening at once, and any solution involving rushing in would be suicide.
Should he just watch them play it out, then...?
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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“Must be a royalty thing, then.” Or for people who actually have families they know about. Yuri’s not expecting to know the feeling anytime soon, or at all, really. 
While it was nice to have that little chat, there was still this whole situation here. “So… any ideas on how to get out of here and back to our worlds?” 
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How to get back?
That was certainly the conundrum. If he could answer it easily, then...
Oh wait, yes he can. He’s been through this before.
“There should be a portal somewhere within this world. I’m unsure as to where it is currently, but it has been known to bring fighters from their realms to here.”
“And it can bring you back too. We simply need to find it.”
VS Yuri (World of Light)
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
((i’ve got one better for you:
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Yandere!Yuri with short hair))
-deep inhale-
@marshmallowsandkeys gdi you make me want Yandere!YurixLillian this is all your fault I hope you are pleased with yourself
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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Uh…. I don’t know why I edited these, but here. Yandere!Yuri Lowell for all your yandere!Yuri Lowell needs.
sprite taken from @tales-of-transparent
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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So like… this was for an RP I’m in Facebook for, but I decided to share this here too cos I’m pretty proud of it.
(And maybe use them for my multimuse RP blog—)
Original from here: https://tales-of-transparent.tumblr.com/post/153992744273/transparent-seles-feel-free-to-use
Also an edit of the edits, since her arm is actually extended in the original:
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marshmallowsandkeys · 5 years
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Hello I’m a dumbass for forgetting this account for a month. If ever I do it again, please do not hesitate to visit me at my main, @mallowkey, and yell at me there.
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marshmallowsandkeys · 6 years
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“I’m not sure which is frustrating to say to the least.” It was clear that the ‘angel’ wasn’t happy about the situation.
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“And no…. There haven’t been any sign of it wearing off.”
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“That’s... quite unfortunate” Marth lamented. “Is it uncomfortable to you? It doesn’t hurt, does it?”
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marshmallowsandkeys · 6 years
The red haired rubs the back of his head trying to remember, after a few moments he fragmented memory came up to his head. “I remember walking into a odd looking portal and a bright light.” He then lays back eyes looking at the blonde. 
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“Who and what were thous creatures who attacked me?” 
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“According to those who witnessed you, it was a Cockatrice” Flynn said without a beat. “But why would it be wandering near the capital...?”
That was a question for another time, however.
"Their usual habitat is the mountains, but for one to appear nearby... I would never have believed it.”
Flynn listened as Roy explained how he had gotten here.
“Odd portal... And it landed you here, is that right?”
Returning to Elibe | with @red-head-courage
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