digimon-delta · 2 years
The Reboot and Sleepers websites are back online! Apologies for the long downtime. Please let us know if you find anything broken 🙂
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digimon-delta · 2 years
Why your website stop?
Have to move hosting. It'll probably be down for a little while.
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digimon-delta · 3 years
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Eyyyyy, the Big Task of re-making all of the Reboot profiles to not be Flash is finally done! This update also fixes the Pixel Art Gallery, and the Character Q&A pages. Also updated the fan-art gallery with any pieces done since the last update, or that we'd missed! If you stumble upon any errors with the updated profiles, please let us know!
With regards to the ever-increasing amount of questions in our inbox about the return of Sleepers, well...
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At this point, we’re not going to make any announcements or promises unless we’ve got a backlog of updates to post (which we do not, currently). We don’t want to give people hope only to do another false start. 
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digimon-delta · 4 years
Hi, I'm not sure if it's just my computer being an ass, but check out the character pages? I think at least in Katrina's one the "random facts" are cut D:
Ah, just a small code error where I forgot to account for hers being longer. Is fixed now! Thanks for pointing it out :)
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digimon-delta · 4 years
Hi! Are there any plans to back up Digimon Delta with regard to the discontinuation of Flash? I know a lot of the site uses it, and I think it would be absolutely devastating to lose Reboot and Sleepers. :(
(i know a lot easier said than done) (and sorry if this has been addressed!)
The Sleepers site actually has already been updated to account for that! All the profiles are now in HTML form :) The Reboot site is uh, a considerably larger undertaking (many many more characters to re-do the profiles for), but it will also eventually be updated to not use Flash as well.
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digimon-delta · 4 years
Even after several years, Piper has (understandably) no intention of forgiving Rose, is she?
Sorry for the super long delay in responding!
Simply put, no. She has no intention of ever forgiving Rose. Things are not as icy as they were between them, but Piper still treats Rose with a certain degree of coolness and mistrust. Which... was and still can be a strain on Hunter and the relationships he has with his sister and with Piper. There have been some talks between Hunter and Piper. Some ‘real talk’ talks, issues they’ve worked through; but it can still be troubling.
Piper will not, under any circumstances, be alone with Rose if it can be helped. And if she has to be, she won’t let her guard down. Rose put her through hell, and while Piper understands that she was lashing out and a lot of Rose’s issues stem from her upbringing and her dependence on Hunter, its no excuse.
So yeah, no. She’s not really going to forgive her for kidnapping her and threatening to kill her. :B
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digimon-delta · 4 years
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digimon-delta · 4 years
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Whoops my hand slipped. [x]
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digimon-delta · 5 years
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I saw this on my dashboard and it had to happen.
Caesarmon belongs to @blustersquall
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digimon-delta · 6 years
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Day 04! RNG gave me Tom and Poemon (figured digimon partners would count as one. My list would be way too full of digimon OCs if it didn’t ahahah). He’s giving her a “good job” kiss :>
They’re from a group project I worked on with @blustersquall and @eatmypussyliketherussianfamine, Digimon Reboot. It’s a finished series, so if you were to start reading it, you wouldn’t have to worry about cliffhangers ;D (until the sequel ahahah;;; )
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digimon-delta · 6 years
Oh this is adorable!! Love their expressions, they’re hilarious!
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I tried dressed Caesar of Fate to Caesarmon of digboon Reboot.
I like these parodies very much.
Caesarmon Digimon reboot @digimon-delta @xuza @bluster-squall
Gaius Iulius Caesar Fate / Grand Order
Art by Antaleus
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digimon-delta · 6 years
Totally random question, but for the corrupt evolution with Irbimon, why was he in particular given the corrupt evolution rather than someone else? Personally, I always found it interesting that he was given that. And if another Digimon was to go through that, which one would it been in y'all's opinion? I love ya'lls work by the way!
If memory serves, Irbimon was chosen because we wanted to show their connection and Eva didnt really have anything going on. Frankie was depressed, James betrays the group, Piper was kidnapped and tortured, Tom was trying to hold everyone together, Reyez was working with the military. Rose and Hunter were dealing with mommy issues.
It’s one of those plot points that should we ever go back and rework bits of Reboot, that would be one of them. It did come out of nowhere at first, and in retrospect it would be nice to build up to it more.
Otherwise, probably Odocomon if she were pushed further. Or Hatimon with her Mega if she had been more against what Rose was doing.
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digimon-delta · 6 years
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A trade with @xuzaxuza of her adorable Anzumon ;v; I had so much fun drawing this, I feel like I actually improved a little :’D Since he and his human partner Ryan are associated with the spades symbol, I drew him holding an ace of spades.
Anzumon belongs to @xuzaxuza and appears in @digimon-delta‘s story “digimon sleepers”, which you should read : D (maybe read “digimon reboot” first actually, oops)
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digimon-delta · 6 years
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Thought I might post some larger versions of the Sleepers character soundtracks here since they’re rather small on the website :> I’m quite pleased with them and the graphic style they’re done in!
Featuring @blustersquall‘s, @helloboogie‘s, and my characters!
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digimon-delta · 6 years
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And here we go! The Sleepers return update has launched! Check out the new episode, the new content, and let us know what you think! :D
Digimon Sleepers | Official Website - Facebook - Twitter
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digimon-delta · 6 years
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Spends an hour figuring out things that will basically never be seen. But I thought it was funny and wanted to share. @helloboogie‘s Muertomon!
I am… very thankful for that poncho lmao. What even are pelvis bones????
Muertomon already had extremely cartoony/unrealistic limb bone anatomy so I could go fairly nuts with the rest of his skeleton, but I still wanted to keep it at least vaguely anatomically “”correct”” :P His collarbone pieces are attached to his shoulder blades and sorta fold over the top.
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digimon-delta · 6 years
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Sleeper’s was released on October 5th 2013, so why not use the same date as a deadline for the series’ return? ;) With a deadline finally set, we can’t turn back now!
Also, to tide you guys over until then, we’re teasing the first scene of Episode 15! Hope you enjoy~!
The early afternoon city air, bumper to bumper traffic, and the wave of pedestrians on the busy sidewalks were not particularly welcoming. Each of them found that they had not missed the sights and sounds of their city life as much as they had initially thought they would, and being back in the throngs of it was actually quite jarring to the senses.
After walking through the gateway that Conquest created, they had all taken a few minutes to get their bearings.
"Why... are we here?" Katrina asked, looking up at the sky as Ashramon curled up around her neck.
Adrian lifted his eyebrows. "Why are any of us here, cher?" He smirked.
"I mean outside, jerk," Katrina retorted, shoving him a little. "We were at your house when Rubimon transported us, I thought we were going to remain there?"
"Your bodies were transported too, remember?" Rubimon reminded her. "Not like before, when your physical selves remained here. It makes sense that your bodies would be in a different location."
"In correlation to where we were in the Digital World?" Blaire prompted.
"Yes and no." Rubimon shrugged. "The Digital World is much larger than you would think, and the distance we traveled there... is not as exact as it is to your world. I imagine Conquest's gateway dropped us off to the nearest location to a power source."
Ryan ruffled his hands through his hair. "This whole traveling from different worlds thing really confuses me."
"I try not to think about it," admitted Blaire with a grin. "Makes my head hurt to do so."
Adrian stretched his arms above his head. "Let's get movin' 'den. Our house ain't far."
Without argument, the group began the trip to the house the boys shared. It was only about a twenty minute walk away, by Adrian's guess. The In-Training Digimon all hid in bags, or around necks, or on shoulders, looking as inconspicuous as possible, while Rubimon walked in the middle of the four humans, their legs and bodies keeping her relatively hidden from passers-by.
The return journey to the house didn't take as long as they had thought. Despite their slow pace due to their own individual tiredness, and the fact the streets were full of people, they made good time. They were able to avoid most questions about Rubimon by explaining she was a shy child in a costume, getting ready for Halloween early. Really early.
The only ones curious about Rubimon were children anyway, and since Rubimon had had experience with their curiosity in the past, she was the most adept at handling their questions. She kept her calm like a pro when they poked her face and pulled her tail and wings, thinking them only parts of a costume and not realizing that she felt each pinch and pull.
“I dunno 'bout ya'll, but I'm so tired…,” Adrian yawned, stretching then resting his hands behind his head. "I feel like I could sleep for a week."
"I want a long shower, and my bed," Katrina agreed. "Or maybe a bath." She hid a small yawn behind her hand. "Yeah... a long soak and my bed."
Blaire spoke up, “So we're going to Atlas Corp tomorrow then, considering if we did it today we'd all probably fall asleep in the lobby." She grinned a little, though even she had to admit her eyes burnt slightly as she kept them open.
It was funny to think how in the Digital World none of them of had really noticed their basic bodily requirements. They had slept and eaten, but never felt the essence of sleepiness or hunger.
Suddenly, being back in their own world, it was as if their bodies were catching up with themselves and each person was overwhelmed by the senses. Their desire for sleep, and food, and simple things like a shower.
“Yeah," Ryan said cheerfully and smiled. "We can all have the evening to recuperate and then get the last two vials tomorrow. Finally.” He had a new boost to his attitude and step. More confidence since the conflict with Conquest, and his one-to-one with Katrina, which neither of them had mentioned the details of to the others.
He had said more than once during their walk to the house about how he was going to talk to Heather, how he was going to put his foot down and stand up for himself. How he wasn't going to be manipulated, or forced into a situation, or given an ultimatum. That he and Anzumon came as a package, and that was something Heather was going to have to come to terms with, if she wanted to be with him. And if not... then they would simply have to go their separate ways.
Adrian and Blaire had both been the most vocal in their support of Ryan's new and improved attitude, while Katrina had kept remained quiet, but when asked her opinion had been positive and supportive overall, if not as enthusiastic as the others.
As they reached the corner of the street the house was on, Blaire came to a stop and hoisted her pink studded backpack into her arms, close to her chest.
"Well loves, this is where I leave you!" she announced happily.
Adrian made a face. “Aww, c'mon now cher. I can give ya a ride later!" he insisted, enjoying the group banter and the bonding they were experiencing. "C'mon back to da' house for a bit!"
While not faced with Behemon, strange locations, and just not being in the Digital World, the group of them together had a nice dynamic. They had an ease of communication which wasn't forced or difficult, something they had not really experienced in the Digital World due to the constant threat of impending doom which loomed over them all the time.
“Nah, it's fine." Blaire waved a hand dismissively. "I could do with some time to myself anyway—" A form in her bag moved and she unzipped part of it. The big, bright blue eyes of Calamon peeked out curiously, causing Blaire to smile. "Well... to an extent, at least.”
"Alright then," Katrina chuckled slightly. “Text us when you make it home. Be safe.” She smiled warmly at the other woman.
Blaire raised her eyebrows in reaction to the sentiment. “Don't do that, it's creepy,” she mocked playfully, amused. "Go back to being cold and detached."
Katrina's face fell flat. She rolled her eyes with a light scoff.  “Remind me never to be nice to you. Ever.”
Blaire poked her tongue out. "Whatever." With a parting goodbye to the others, she turned and crossed the street, disappearing into the people bustling about their own daily business.
"Guess I should get home, too," Katrina admitted, touching her earring.
"C'mon back wit' us," Adrian said to her. "Eleanor might still be at our place, maybe she can check you haven't broken ya arm."
"I can move my fingers," Katrina said, doing so for effect. "It’s not broken. Probably just bruised or something." She had kept her arm hooked into the nook of her coat, finding it less painful when it was supported than when she had it hanging as it would have normally been.
"Come back with us anyway," Ryan urged her, beginning to walk, leading the way towards the house. "One of us can give you a lift home when you want to go."
Katrina stared at his back, and then gave Adrian a level stare. "This... isn't about Rick or something, is it? Some weird attempt to shove us together in his home territory?"
Adrian grinned. "Nah. Rick will be 'dere, but we promise, no shenanigans from either of us where he's concerned. Any and all interaction, awkward as they will be, will be all him."
"Oh good," Katrina sighed. She followed Ryan regardless, the temptation of a sit down in a comfortable chair more of a draw than anything else. It would be a nice break between walking to their house and then walking to her own apartment a bit later.
Stay tuned for October to read the rest!
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