dilucsfavorite · 6 days
can we as a fandom not bother sebastian or shame him for what he chooses to do with his life cuz it's not really any of our business
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dilucsfavorite · 9 days
Did Aphmau ever explain what happened to Brian. Where did he go? Who was he working for????
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dilucsfavorite · 11 days
I have nothing else to write about so i'm gonna talk about my old Shadow knight headcanon post and expand on it..
The nether is a lot more organized than most (if not all) think. There are rules and regulations to make sure everything is working for the cause. No people so dedicated to a cause will have loose regulations. That is not feasible.
There are different ranks of shadow knights. We see only two types of positions: Head of the army, and army soldier (technically, also commanders but it was only said Zenix was one? So idk how accurate that is). However, I believe there should be more roles within the army. Those layers include: Leader > Sergeant > Commander > soldier/knight.
However, within those ranks there are different types of groups. There are Witches/Wizards, people who were gifted with strong powers are in a group, archers, and even a few select assassins. However, the main parts of the army were hand-to-hand fighters. There are a bunch of different weapon types. There are swords, great-swords, battle axes, spears, axes, and the more talented ones have daggers.
Here are some of the ranks i think the current known Shadow Knights would have(except Zane and Laurence)
Gene: Sergeant
Sasha: Commander
Zenix: Commander (before he went rogue)
Vylad: He was going to be a commander but rejected before he went off and went rogue as well.
Now, I am going to get into the culture of the nether and how others work around each other.
Sometimes, a person when a person dies in the nether or in the real world, they do not become shadow knight. People in the nether do not know how this happens. Sometimes it's not innocent people while the other half are innocent people. If they are weak (cannot become a good soldier) they are killed off. Stronger people become a shadow knight soldier. If they were sacrificed in the name of Shad, then those people are treated just a little better. The strongest ones have a more likely chance to lead a group of soldiers.
Now, onto the castle itself. There is a main throne room, dungeons, training grounds, and ana altar room with an alter to worship Shad/Shadow Lord. The insignia is everywhere and guards are everywhere on the premises. You cannot get away with something under the watchful eye of the nether.
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dilucsfavorite · 14 days
im in love with both of them........ yes
Please anyone listen to me yap about laur and gene
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dilucsfavorite · 15 days
I know this is such a regurgitated take, but MCD had so much wasted potential.
The idea that one group of friends will die, meet each other in a different life time, die again, and they cycle repeats is such a beautiful trope.
I love reincarnation tropes, I think they can be beautiful and a can symbolize loyalty and closeness to one another, while also simultaneously having angst and one sided love tropes.
I believe Jess and others could have made it a beautiful piece of media, but they squandered it because of poor writing. The amount of plot holes, storylines, and characters arcs she was trying to write, that a lot of it just fell flat.
They did try fixing it with my street and whatnot, but without MCD being complete, it feels like something is lacking within the characters. The fact that MCD never finished means we didn’t get to see the full storyline and how these characters developed around each other that could have possibly shown itself into the future.
Though, tbf she also messed up the future by making them so wildly out of character. I understand you have to update their way of speaking because they are in modern times and not medieval, but some of them were completely changed.
Anyways rant over IG. I was just thinking about what MCD and future could have been if it had been properly planned and written out and actually finished. Toodles
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
I have gotten inspired from my most recent ask, about my opinions on the DW. This time, I am going to talk about how I believe they are worshiped by the people, and how they affected the present world. Not going by village, just the general most common ways they are worshipped.
Irene: Much like how hospitals have the red cross symbolizing medicine and hospitals, Irene's symbol is that. Wherever a doctor and where a hospital is, is the Irene symbol. The matron symbolizes healing due to her many healing abilities, and so that translated over to hospitals and doctors when the idea of medicinal herbs and such were made popularized. Churches are typically where she is worshipped, sermons and days specified when they will join together and pray. The believers also believe that all plant life should be looked after and taken care of, destroyed only if necessary. Many of the bigger villages have green houses filled with medicinal herbs and native flowers that are religiously taken care of. However, there is a dark side. Bandits, kidnappers, just evil doers in general, use the promise of prosperity the name of Irene brings, to bring down and dangers unto others. There were even historically recorded times of people sacrificing others in the name of prosperity and good health.
Enki: Enki was the one who coined the idea of recording history and knowledge within books, less in murels. He was also someone that pushed education buildings and the idea that everyone should get the chance to learn, even if societies at the time did not want that to happen. He was also the cause of the publishing of the first maps to be made of the entire world and the nations. There is one major university using his symbol as the colleges symbol, even if that is not historically accurate. However, most books were destroyed in book burnings that he had created, ones not stored in a major library that is still hidden to this day. He is worshiped by scholars and sailors alike, though there is not one set place people worship him. Though the library could count.
Kul'Zak: Kul'Zaks symbol is used at camps and hotels people own in order to convey the idea that this is where wanderers and travellers can stay. He also had helped Enki publish the maps, though he was the one who had created them. He is not necessarily worshiped, but he has a small mantra that goes around camps that adventures learn, one that is said to bring safety and protection to those going between cities and nations.
Esmund: Esmund is the symbol of the guards order and is used at the guard training facilities around the different nations. He is the symbol of protection and people use his plus Irene's when them or a loved one is sick or injured. Irenes for health and healing, and Esmunds used for the protection of the person. It is also a symbol used alongside head guards, next to the cities symbol. It is only used by the head guards of said village, since they are the main protectors. It is rumored that one can learn the skin hardening ability he has, but it had only been done once, and it was an old man close to death.
Shad: Before he became the destroyer, he was the fighter. Unlike the idea of the protector, he was always on the front lines. He worked with blacksmiths to make different types of weapons that are used today, some were even the basis of better weapons made at later dates. He was worshiped among brash men who only want to become fighters within the wars, but he had the respect of weapon makers. When he became the destroyer, he was worshiped by small cult like villages, ones who praised him to the brashness he had faced as well. They do not believe in the other DWs, and they believe that Shad is the one and only being, the one true DW. Whenever someone was close to death, they were killed to be sacrificed to the Shadow Lord. When young promising fighters come along, they are sacrificed to Shad. Thus, the Shadow Knights began.
Menphia: She is actually the most less known DW, one who is not widely known. Only the oldest witches (and that's few) know of her and worship her. Other than that, there is folklore surrounding her. She would stay in the back lines and rain fire or ice balls from the sky to hit enemies in the lines. Though, that story became less of her and more of a ghost story that surrounds battle fields. That if the battle is gruesome enough, the sky would rain fireballs to torch those who dare make such a gruesome display on nature. Though that type of story is common within Irene believers. She was fine with being the most less known DW, as she did not want fame or worship.
YIPPEE!!!!!! I hope you like and pls expand on your own ideas as well :3
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
What's your opinion of Irene and the Divine Warriors? What were their dynamics?
Personal, a joke headcanon I have is that Irene is like a neurodivergent Jesus who doesn't pick up on social cues (romantic or otherwise) and is completely oblivious to the Shad/Esmund/(Enki) love square she's caught in. Menphia and Kul'zak are in the background cracking up and panicking because they're basically babysitting a God-like deity (Irene) with the mental awareness of a five-year-old, a traumatized possessive Great dane (shad), a giant Golden retriever (Esmund), and most of their days are consumed with trying not to let Enki die in the crossfire
Before I get into my opinions, I think that joke headcanon is super funny. Also, I'll refer to the Divine Warriors as DW during this entire thing just to make it more easier to write and everything.
As a whole, I believe they are a very dysfunctional family. The way I see them, none of them have romantic feelings for one another as I do not feel as if any of them have the time to even have emotional connections like romance. They all used to be the best of friends, but as the weight of being important people and powers came crashing down on them, so did their friendships.
Some dynamics include:
Enki and Kul'Zak: These two are the closest out of the bunch, they are good friends and trust each other with every fiber in their body. However, to history and to the others, these two rarely interacted. Most of their friendship was hidden within letters sent between the two of them.
Irene and Shad: I hated the dynamic between these two on the show. Like.. they loved each other.. but like they didn't? In my opinion, They are polar opposites, both power wise, personality wise, and philosophy wise. They butt heads a lot, but they have their moments. To me, they are the type of found family siblings that will insult and throw punches at each other, but god forbid someone else insults one or the other.
Now, like their names suggest, They all had jobs within the group, though all acted alone and were all worshiped by different groups of people.
Irene was obviously the healer of the group due to what her powers are and what her name suggests. Here's the thing, I believe her powers are like.. too god-like for an entity described multiple times to be a mortal being. Like.. bring people back to life?? Its like a badly written OC. While I do believe she has the best healing capabilities, and some healing powers, I do not think she should be able to bring people back to life. However, she is the person who makes healing medicine a thing to be studies, and not just something left to witches or healing magic users. She started the idea of doctors.
Enki is the keeper. As the name suggests, he is the keeper of all knowledge, he records everything that has happened within the divine warriors, history that has happened in every nation. I like to think that he has a giant library hidden deep beneath the earth's core. It is like the library of Alexandria, but it has never been found. Most scholars do not believe it exists. But it does.
Esmund the protector. I think he has some pretty cool magic, and since we don't know what is powers are, I am going to make something up. He is the protector, meant to protect the people and his matron. I believe he has the power to harden his skin, but he does not use this to his advantage during fights, he only uses it when the fight is getting tough (which rarely happens). I also believe is a tall, buff man. Intimidating to anyone who does not know him, but he has a giant heart.
Kul'Zak the wanderer. He goes between nations, gathers history, records art, records the people and rulers of villages, and also the resident map maker. He and Enki work close together to fill the library up to anything that can fit into it. Also, he blends in so much that it was no wonder that people did not know he was the wanderer.
Shad the destroyer. I believe his old title was Shad the fighter. Unlike Esmund, Shad was always on the front lines fighting. He never really protected anyone, but he was sure a fighter. He was the type to blindly go at it when it came to war, and it had gotten him in trouble many of times with the other DW. He got the title of destroyer during the war. The title of fighter is only kept within the Library that Enki has. Books and other history was destroyed in the book burning of history books.
Menphia the fury. She was usually in the back of wars, having magic that allowed things to fall from the sky to attack enemy lines. Things like fireballs and such. The reason why she is not so talked about is because she wanted it that way. She did not want to be known, she did not want to be remembered. In some regions, the story of the raining fireballs became that of myth, became a story. One that only happens during war full of magical energy converging. Menphia only wanted to live a quiet life, not fight others, espessially people she used to call her friends.
This took forever to type up but coming up with ideas like this was fun !!!!!
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
i want to start rewriting certain aspects of MCD, as I do think it has a lot of problems. I just.. don't know where to start. Honestly, just ask about a certain topic within the show, and ill try and give my opinion on how it could be made better. :3
I also don't really know what to post..
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
i think lucinda in mys timeline studied quantum physics as a way to better understand magic and witchcraft
Agreed. I believe she is incredibly smart and wants to learn so much more about the world that she’d study such hard concepts just to be able to achieve that.
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
I have a head cannon that shadow knights are able to change what their armor looks like. Like gene would have this typical big scary knight armor, probably the same with Zenix. But people like Sasha and Zane’s armor would fit more into their typical looks. Zane would have have his priest robes but it would look more red and demonic. Sasha’s armor would be more sleek and discrete as she kinda give me spy vibe. And I imagine Laurence’s would look more akin to either his season one look of more everyday clothes with bits of armor here and there or his armor that he got towards the end of season one. Also even if they choose to make their armor look like everyday clothes it would be just as protective as regular armor.
I just like the idea of someone like Laurence or Zane being in a fight and some swings a sword at their seemingly unprotected arm and the sword just shattering on impact. It may not look as protective but it’s strong as hell.
I am such a biased person when it comes to all of the shadow knights as a whole, as I love them all. I wish they had made them cooler, and I totally agree with this.
And you could go a step further into this idea, The idea that it would also help indicate which shadow knight is more loyal to the cause than others. Like what you said with Laurance, his armor still makes him look like a normal human being, because he still clings to his humanity, while someone like gene or zenix has the full gear on because they are loyal to the cause.
All and all, I really love this Hc. Thank you anon :3
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
Y’all, give me some mcd/my street headcanons. I’m curious about what some people think of the characters on the shows :3
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
I have a very important question,
If the mystreet cast would get a shared minecraft server. What would their playing styles be.
To start this conversation off, I think Garroth usually plays minecraft on peaceful mode. And when he plays on the shared server(that isn't peaceful), he cries for hours after his pet died and has a whole funeral for it.
Also, Dante has a purposefully ugly house that ruins spawn and everyone is upset about it.
This is an amazing question.
Nana would be the flower collector and the atmosphere builder. Though, she doesn’t build actual buildings. She’s just good at landscapes. Aphmau is also in the same boat.
Laurence and Aaron are the explorers. Laurence specializes in above ground exploration while Aaron loves mining and being in caves. He’s not scared of something like a warden.
Katelyn is absolutely the fighter. She uses all the materials to build everyone gear (even if they don’t use it) she also loves farming pillagers and bad omen affects for the added villager boots.
Travis is difficult, but I feel as if he’s be the red stone guy. He’d make sure they have so many automatic farms for their every need, at least the ones you can build. He thinks the idea of red stone is cool
Bonus characters: Vylad is the builder. He loves building and covering Travis’ ugly red stone contraptions. And Zane is like… Joel in X life with the church of donkey Jeremy (please get this reference) but it would be to my little horsies. Aphmau and Nana are easily convinced to join
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
I think Garroth likes to play animal crossing
Oh he’d love animal crossing. Does everything by the book too. He doesn’t use treasure islands. The only thing he does it speed up time if necessary
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dilucsfavorite · 1 month
Types of games the cast would play.. except I’m right. (Or just their favorite games) also tell me what you’d think they’d play as well !!!
Nana: she’d fall into gacha hell. Genshin? Plays it. Dislyte? Plays it. Cookie run kingdom? Plays it.
Aphmau: she’d also fall into gacha hell, but is a lot more sane about it than Nana. (Honorable mention, Final fantasy)
Laurence: story driven games, but also has to be open world to an extent. (Ex: red dead, subnatica, last of us)
Garroth: games more on the softer side. Doesn’t like games that are too intense for the player. He’s a casual gamer.
Katelyn: fighting games. Any type of fighting game. (But she has a soft spot for stardew valley)
Aaron: like Laurance, he likes story driven games. But likes games where he can make his own choices to affect the game (life is strange for example)
Travis: big Nintendo geek. Has played every Zelda game, every Mario game, pikman, donkey Kong. You name it, he’s probably played it.
Dante: in the same boat as Travis as well, but doesn’t just play Nintendo games. Avid user of his switch, so plays whatever is on it.
Yeah !!!
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dilucsfavorite · 2 months
I’m adding to this, I think Vylad or Travis would own a bird
Types of animals the cast would have.. except I am right. Garroth: sounds basic, but he would absolutely have a golden retriever.
Aphmau: Would have botha dog and a cat, but not particular on the breeds, just.. cat and dog :D
Laurance: He is a person who owns reptiles. Has a bearded dragon named Ungirth obviously.. But has two other enclosures with other reptiles. Wants a snake but roommates won't let him.
Katelyn: Okay, She'd either have a spider, or maybe a dog. She'd have a big breed like a great dane or maybe even a mastiff.
Zane: Cats, so many cats. Black cats mostly, and he can definitely tell them apart with ease.
Nana: She wouldn't have an animal. She would just take care of strays around her work or around the home. Doesn't matter the animal, she'll feed it.
Aaron: One really big cat and one really big dog. He is so able to train them so well too. They are the most well behaved in the neighborhood.
Travis: He would own a possum. he finds them so silly. He found a baby by itself and then simply kept it and took care of it.
Lucinda: She obviously still has Bigglesworth the owl. She loves that fella and he is also very well trained.
Dante: Does not have a dog but claims Garroths dog is his. (They fight on it)
Vylad: Large breed of cat, has to be very fluffy. They are stuck to each other like glue.
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dilucsfavorite · 2 months
I never understood why Levin cared so much for aph post-irene dimension. Like, kids that young do not have the best of memories, like aph would be a vague memory to Levin.
Like yeah Malachi and Zoey would tell him about her but that doesn't mean he remembers or know her. Garroth too for that matter since Levin was close with him as well.
I think that it was simply such a big plot hole, AND it could have been such a big angst opportunity to make the 15 years gone by and her son doesn't remember her, but she does.
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dilucsfavorite · 2 months
Next to a golden retriever, I also think Garroth would like having cats. Just look at sprinkles, he seems to really like cats.
Oh yeah totally. While I think he would love all animals a lot, I think he would be the type to have an extreme soft spot for dogs.
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