dirkjohnshots · 7 years
You are born without emotions; to compensate this, you started a donation box where people could donate their unwanted emotions. You’ve lived a life filled with sadness, fear and regret until one day, someone donates happiness.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
Everyone with the same name shares knowledge. If one Bob gets a degree in electrical engineering, then all Bob’s have this knowledge readily available. Soon, everyone starts naming their kids similar names until factions form. Your parents rebelled and named you something original.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
And for a moment, you could see it…The City’s Guardian Spirit
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
A magician has to go through airport security.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
You decide to revisit an old online MMO that you played as a kid, you create a new account, and whilst playing you bump into your old account, still active, the child version of yourself has been trapped in the game since you left.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
Person A has the power to see/sense injuries (anything from bruises to broken bones to hypothermia). They meet Person B when they see suspicious or worrying injuries on them as they walk past each other.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
Gemstuck- Lost
Chapter 1: Aspherical Lapis
      Soft breeze, flowing grass, an open plain to the left of an unkempt forest, a land uninhabited even by the previous owners of this planet. A soft glow resonates from the ground on top of a small hill, waiting for its time to burst out in full bloom. Hesitant gems make their way to this area unknowingly, merely following the soft glow of their gems. One would say they were scared for what awaited them, but that would be controversial.
      Paraiba Tourmaline, a rarity these days, and as a result, one of the higher classes of blue. They are often sought to for personal guidance, often those who had been relieved of their responsibilities and sent off to be a common gem. They guide others by giving insight through one’s own thoughts and experiences, leading them towards a road that can fulfill the gems need for purpose.
     Zircon, a middle class blue, used to alleviate new lands of negative energy and toxins, a necessity after a rather bad takeover of a poisoned planet by some rather ill-mannered species.
      Both gems were of completely different fields and in high demand with every new conquering, as a result, neither would have ever known of the others specific existence. Yet their gems glowed for each other, as if they’d known one another long before.
      They met for the first time, a few feet away from the open plain, hidden from all sight except each other. They met eyes, confused as to who the other was. The Zircon bowed out of politeness, acknowledged with a question both had in the back of their heads.
      “What are you here for?” Paraiba Tourmaline asked, the gemstone on her right hand glowing a soft brilliance of an electric blue. Zircon straightened themselves, meeting the higher blue’s gaze with confusion.
      “I apologize for my lack of knowledge.” Zircon replied, a customary answer when lacking the knowledge to enlighten another. The gemstone in between their shoulder blades emitted a vivid blue.
      “Your gemstone has lead you here also I assume?” More of a stating tone than questioning.
      Zircon nodded. “Yes, it had suddenly started glowing after I finished relieving a plot of land of its toxins. I followed the pull and was lead here.” She gestured, leading both gazes towards the plain before them, only then noticing the soft blue glow emanating from the ground on the top of a small hill. Both gems stared, neither wanting to step forward for fear of what could await them.
      A distant sound of a running river, a strong breeze, and a cold chill that the gems would never forget. The glow from the top of the hill brightened, almost blinding, shooting up as if they were being warped, and the hill gave way to a small head, then shoulders and back which carried a lapis stone with orange flecks in the center. A new gem was blooming right before their very eyes. They felt a strange pull, as if they had to go and claim them as their own, protect them, guide them. As Lapis rose from the ground, the palms of their hands could be seen and in the right was, a sapphire, rather dark and streaky despite its perfect shape.
      It was when the two gems noticed the sapphire stone that they became detached and further confused. Is it possible for a fusion to be harvested? They gave each other a questioning look, suspicious of the other, before the light gave way and the small form was able to be seen more clearly. Both stepped closer, hidden from sight of the new gem.
      It was disgusting. It’s as if it’s skin couldn’t decide what shade it wanted to be, ranging from various bright blues to dark ones. So discolored, so patchy, it’s small size could be forgiven seeing as they only just emerged and would need time to reform but the golden specks that corroded their form would signal one to avert their eyes so as to not be scarred. Its hair was so short, quite unbecoming, even for a lapis.
      Both of the speculating gems stopped glowing, sending relief through their minds. They stared at the new gem, once in a while acknowledging one another with accusing glances towards each other’s gems. They both had an idea of what was happening, they’d read about this in books, though it had been folktales of a past dystopian civilization where a pair particularly infatuated with one another, gems would glow, signaling the expectation of a new gem to call their own and to grow and care for until the gem could provide for themselves.
      Of course those had only been stories from gems with too much time on their hands and no guidance for purpose. Yet it was the only explanation, and neither was accepting of it.
      They fled, leaving the young gem behind. Speaking of it only to each other when they arrived to civilization in hushed tones. Both agreed to go back to homeworld, to their own private lands where they could speak in secrecy of the event. They each brought their own books of folktales they’d gotten on a whim, all of which explaining how the gem came to fruition, but not explaining its form.
      Eventually they came across a headline in a newspaper article.
Headline News:
      As homeworld starts sending out soldiers to take over several planets at once for the first time, more and more are coming back corrupted causing stricter resistance breeding. Coincidentally as more gems are being made and sent off to fight wars, corrupted gems become a higher probability, leading to a higher chance of mutated gems.
      This had to be no more than a few thousand years ago, something neither had paid much attention to, yet there it was, an answer to the question they’d both been asking, one neither was too keen of and rather disgusted about. Zircon crushed the article between her fingers, feeling rather displeased with the outcome. That thing was a direct result of she and Tourmaline, something they were supposed to burden themselves with for years. She placed her hand over her stomach, suddenly feeling ill, she didn’t understand, what was happening? Had the foul thing poisoned her? Was it toxic? She felt a sudden pang of a horrid sensation she had no word for, she felt bad, responsible for what happened, she felt as if she could have done something to prevent it and failed. This was her job, to rid the land of toxins, and yet, as she thought of the new gem, she was brought to her knees in deep remorse.
      Tourmaline stepped in immediately, tapping into Zircon’s emotions, learning from them, and guided her towards a stable mindset, never leaving her side, patient every step of the way.
      “I can’t believe.” Zircon whispered. “We became ‘parents’ of a mutant.” Tourmaline rubbed soothing circles on Zircons back, sending positive energy to her, calming her slowly.
      “We won’t speak of this to anyone.” Tourmaline promised. “That mutant is not ours.”
      Back in the field, where the breeze has settled down and the grass sways gently, a child stands before their hole, lost.
      They stay where they are, taking in the long plains and soft grass. The bearing trees behind them with leaves waving as if to shooing away the new gem. The sound of a distant river calls for them but the child stands, expectantly, not moving.
      Eventually the sun starts to rest, the child not having moved from their spot, waiting for something, someone, if there even was anyone out there for them. Eventually they understand there is nothing to wait for and make their way towards the distant river on foot.
      They follow the pull in their stomach, leading them towards the sound of the river, yet as the sound grew closer, the child found nothing of the sorts, and instead, from the top of a tall hill, came across a civilization of several different gems, each a different color. The child went to climb down, and with misfortune of stepping on a weak rock, fell. They closed their eyes tight, scared, then felt the light touch of the ground beneath them, opening their eyes to see themselves seated on the ground.
      If not for the sound of flowing water, they would have stopped to marvel at themselves. Instead, they stepped forward and found themselves at a gate, guarded by two gems of the same color, they were identical, perhaps they came from the same hole?
      The child walked past the two guards, riddled with shock as the child entered the city they were assigned to. The child passed several gems, each stopping to stare at them in shock, some dropping whatever their hands were occupied with. The child grew nervous, queasy, unsure, only the sound of water pushing them forward. Eventually they arrived to a plaza, of which only blue gems inhabited, from which the center were speakers which emitted the sound of rushing water. The gems glowered down at the confused child, before uttering the first word the new gem would ever hear and identify themselves with.
 “Mutant.” An accusing tone, as if the child chose to be what they were. The crowd burst with unconcealed murmurs. “Those are real?” “So those stories weren’t just folktales.” “I KNEW it.” “Do the diamonds know?” “It’s so ugly.” “How disgusting.” “Why does it have two gems?” Unnatural. Freak. Monstrous. Vile. Repulsive. “Shatter it.” 
      The two guards before the gate approached the thing, swords at the ready. The mutant ran. 
       Several slurs were thrown at the child. They covered their ears in an attempt to block out the sounds. It was no use, there was so much noise, they needed to run, faster, faster, faster. The child sped up at an alarming speed, evading the tip of a guard’s fingers and rushing past the gates on the opposite end of which they came. They didn’t stop until the sun awoke, raising its head from its pillow of a mountain, shining light upon the child’s golden freckles and revealed patches of bright and dark skin. Their legs gave out in the middle of a jungle. Everything looked the same, the child no longer knew it’s left from right, they slapped their hands over their ears, the sound of wind rustling leaves and birds cawing and chirping proving too much for the poor child.
      They had no idea where they were, and with a speeding mind they quickly became emotionally overwhelmed. They dropped to the ground, bringing their knees to their chest, hiding their face behind them and gave way to silent tears.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
Prologue: Paraiba Tourmaline, Zircon
       Gems. Emotionless, indifferent, cruel, perfectionists, flawed, yet narcissistic. They weren’t meant to come to fruition on their own, there’s a reason they’re harvested, so for a gem to spring forth without anyone having expected it? How burdensome that would be. They come forth as we see fit and with a purpose, if they cannot fulfill it, then they’re thrown aside as common gem, and another is made to take their place, after all, everyone can be replaced, and eventually they all are, no one stays for long, except the diamonds, our diamonds. Of course, those are the lucky ones, the ones who can at least be a part of society to some degree with no shame, after all with so many gems that are made and eventually used up until there was no need for so many, you may as well not let such resources go to waste and save them for another day, they all had purposes that were to be fulfilled at one point or another.
      Then there’s the others, the one’s no gems talk about seeing as there was no way for them to exist. For homeworld to create an instable gem would be a preposterous thought, they never made errors, there’s a reason the gems are elite compared to all other species. Gems don’t waste time, especially not our diamonds.
       So for a mutant to exist, that would be improbable. All those news articles speculating such things are only frivolous entertainment, unnecessary, what was the point? Gems are perfect beings, prideful of their work, they take over planets with a simple wave of their respective diamonds hand and within a year we’ve achieved a new area with which to create our own lands.
       As for the species that originally habituate them, gone, there’s no need. Anything they offer is either useless or something gems can provide for themselves, may as well get rid of them, who wants to take care of an entire species that’s not even worth their time? So erratic, so boisterous, so hindering, such species can barely take orders, no point in letting them stay in a place they don’t own.
     Headline News: “As homeworld starts sending out soldiers to take over several planets at once for the first time, more and more are coming back corrupted causing stricter resistance breeding. Coincidentally as more gems are being made and sent off to fight wars, corrupted gems become a higher probability, leading to a higher chance of mutated gems.“
      Mutated gems, how preposterous.
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dirkjohnshots · 7 years
DirkJohn shits *shots
So I see you’ve crawled into the dark depths of DirkJohn hell, welcome! :3
In this blog I’ll be writing all sorts of DirkJohn short stories (and if it gets popular or highly requested I’ll turn it into a full story) and maybe some art.
If there’s a story you’ve been wanting to see written with Dirk and John just send an ask and I’ll put it down as a request and get to it soon as possible.
These are the tags in case anyone wants to know, I use them to organize things but if you have a trigger don’t be afraid to send an ask. They are subject to change.
Short stories: take a fucking sip babes Full stories: shots Requests: shorts to be (a long with number) Art: art Convos & stuff: have some water Off anon: [insert username]
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