dirkstrider11 · 9 years
Take the title of the last song you heard and add "in my ass"
Blessings in my ass
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
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Merry Krismas to @chris-stuck / @askthestargazers i love your art and i learn a lot from your streams. Thanks for a wonderful year and I hope you like what i think is considered art
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
i just
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
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dumb mermaid boyfs
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
Yep that’s me @davekat-daughter
alien: *abducts me*
me: omg huge fan thx
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
A chair
Look to your left. The first thing you see is what you would hoard as a dragon.
A box. Great.
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
have you seen that text post where it talks about short people walking next to tall people and how they should slow down, and then someone replied with something like "well we dont have forever so wear some rollerskates and hold onto my sleeves" you should totally draw kagehina based off of this, i think it would be extremely cute!
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I can’t imagine Hinata would have trouble keeping up with all the titans in his life since that’s never held him back before, but hell if I’m gonna pass up the opportunity to put Hinata in pink roller skates:
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
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Greatest conversation starter ever, my phone case. Photo by rottenlaifu.tumblr.com #durarara #haikyuu #free #iwaoi
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
the signs as cats
Aries: the cat that scratches everyone who tries to pick them up, but is super loving when you leave them be
Taurus: sleepy kitty who always finds the one sunny spot in the house
Gemini: the cat that you can never find and is always getting into the most random shit
Cancer: the cat that is constantly wrapping around your legs and you're terrified of tripping over/stepping on them
Leo: they run EVERYWHERE. always darting in and out of places like a bullet. good luck catching them
Virgo: super sweet kitty that turns on you the second they want to be let go
Libra: the cat that uses the entire house as a scratching post
Scorpio: they stare at you. constantly. they're always watching. their stare looks right through your soul
Sagittarius: the cat that ends up in the strangest places: on top of doors, hanging from chandeliers, tiptoeing over curtain rods, you name it they've been ther
Capricorn: the cat that brings you dead critters with a smug look on their face
Aquarius: the wacky cat that's always doing the strange things, like swatting at thin air and pouncing on nothing
Pisces: the cat that yowls when you stop petting it, and purrs super loud when you start again
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
Yes, Yes they do
Welcome To Night Vale.
A fandom that is so fucked up it makes sense.
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
So cute
this changed my life
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
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Greek Mythology/Roman Empire on tumblr
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
Sirius: What did you get for Remus?
James: A new mug, a briefcase with his name branded on it, his favorite tea imported from India, and a box of caramel cauldrons.
Sirius: Well, how did you know he wanted all that?
James: Because last week he said to us, “For my birthday, I’d really like a new mug, a briefcase with my name branded on it, my favorite tea from India, and a box of caramel cauldrons.”
Sirius: What was I doing when he said that?
James: Staring at him.
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
Season 2 of Haikyuu!! is coming up...
which means we get to see this
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
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So I was rereading Harry Potter, when I came across this and thought- what if instead of Cedric Diggory, Cassius Warrington had been chosen to compete in the Triwizard Tournament?
Imagine Dumbledore calling out the name of the Hogwarts champion and it isn’t a Gryffindor, or a Ravenclaw, or even a Hufflepuff, but it’s a Slytherin. A student from a House most people hate.
Imagine Cassius Warrington getting up, and three out of four Houses are booing at him and shouting things like “NO!” or, “We can’t have a Slytherin champion!” or demanding a retry. But he’s a Slytherin- he’s been dealing with this shit since he got sorted, so he keeps his head high and joins the other champions.
Imagine Harry trying to catch Warrington alone because he doesn’t really want to associate with Slytherins (plus Malfoy has this tendency of being around the guy ALL THE TIME since he got chosen), but at the same time he’s also fair enough not to want him to walk into the first task unprepared.
Imagine Warrington walking over to Harry a few months later, and Ron and Hermione both jump into a protective stance, wands out, but instead of attacking Harry he just tells him to stick the egg underwater. (Because Slytherins don’t forget those who helped them out).
Imagine Warrington and Harry helping each other out in the labyrinth.
Imagine Harry being devastated when Peter kills Warrington- because Voldemort doesn’t care what house they’re form, a spare is a spare.
Imagine the uproar that causes among the Slytherins, because some of their parents really are Death Eaters and they know what really happened.
Imagine Slytherins fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts and shouting “This is for Cassius!”
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dirkstrider11 · 9 years
Super duper sweet!!!
If you reblog this before June 1 2015, I will write your URL down and stick it in a jar or whatever. Over the summer I will take the jar of URL’s and I will scatter them around. They may get taped to public loos, they may be thrown into crowds at festivals, or they may get put under napkins at restaurants.
Some one may find your URL, and who knows, they could message you telling you where they found it. 
You have until June 1 to reblog
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