dirtydemonsdbz · 2 years
Follow me guys!
Hey all!
Long time no see, I hope you're all doing well 😊
I just came to let you all know I've opened a Tellonym account, because it seemed like fun 😆 So you can find me on there!
Also follow me on Facebook, Victoria Bates or @meitonapalace, or Instagram under coldphoenixirl, coldphoenixcosplay and meitonapalace.
Hopefully see you all soon! Xxx
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dirtydemonsdbz · 4 years
Hi! How did you serve your master on his special day? Did you avoid him this time or did spend the day on your knees and all fours, sucking and taking his demonic dick again like the little slut you are?
Frikiza: Umm...
King Piccolo: 😡 Do NOT speak to my queen that way! *grabs Anon by the throat and squeezes* Do you understand me?
Frikiza: *blush* 🥰 Piccolo... let them go. We don't have violence here. *now she's glad she spent the day doing exactly what Anon said*
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dirtydemonsdbz · 4 years
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Sneaky selfies from a photoshoot I won. I can't afford the actual photos which I'm gutted about because I wanted to buy them 😭 But oh well...
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dirtydemonsdbz · 4 years
To anyone wondering... yes. I um... I am doing cosplay pose commissions. Money is very tight lol. Not full nude, just suggestive  😬
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Trying out my boots for the Harley Quinn cosplay I’ll be doing in March. Please excuse the camera quality, my phone broke so I’m using an emergency one I bought for £15 lol. I’m not sure if the wig looks too tacky? It might be okay with the makeup and rest of the outfit though. Omg I’m so excited for the rest of it to arrive!!  😆 😆 😆 But I seriously need to work on my ass before then  😬
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dirtydemonsdbz · 4 years
So I just got my bike insurance renewal quote… it was a bit more than I was expecting 😅
So I’m opening writing commissions again!
I will write for the Dragonball Z, Undertale and Dark Crystal fandoms, or OCs.
I will do most horror/violence/nsfw, ask me for details. You must be 18 or over to request adult content. I will not write adult content if I suspect you are underage.
I charge £1 per 100 words and payment is due after the writing is complete.
If you can’t afford a commission but would still like to support my work, I do also have a kofi page under coldphoenix. All donations would be greatly appreciated!
For commission examples, the fics below are my most recent works, but you can go to my work blog @coldphoenixcreations to view the full range 😆
Life Goes On (DBZ Gochi songfic) 6338 words
Ton Of Bricks (Dark Crystal OC) 638 words
Confession (Dark Crystal OC/Canon comic translation) 1397 words
Signal boosts would be appreciated on this guys, thank you! 🙏❤❤❤
Also remember that I have published my own sci-fi/fantasy book Regal: God of War. You can get your copy from Amazon if you haven’t already, just look for me, Victoria Bates, and keep an eye out on @meitonapalace for updates on the sequel 😁
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dirtydemonsdbz · 4 years
Dirty (Sig x Ayuk filth)
I just wanna say @friskyhellspawn is so gross and I would not condone this at all 😂
Love you Shrig 😘😘😘
Warning: contains filth
“Ah… ooo… oh…” SkekAyuk groaned in bliss, his eyes sloppily rolling to the back of his skull. “Oh yeah…” He slid his hands down his exposed, enlarged belly, admiring its girth and enjoying every mouthful of food he’d shoved into it. He could still taste it all upon his tongue… If he did say so himself, he was damn good at what he did. He hadn’t been able to stop. The taste of his own cooking, mixed with fine essence… his gut was so full it ached and moaned, but he loved it. He’d slid his robes up, because the weight of them on his bulging belly was starting to get uncomfortable, but also… he just wanted to feel it. He wanted to touch it, and stroke it. Indulge in his own gluttony and how good it made him feel. Why not? “Uhh…” SkekAyuk moaned again and let out a long, loud belch. “Oof! Pardon me.” He looked down at the smaller being that sat on his knees, at the foot of Ayuk’s bed. “Sorry about that.” “No need to apologise.” SkekSig purred, trailing a hand across Ayuk’s throbbing gut. He could feel it moving under his fingers, groaning and bubbling as it dealt with the giant feast Ayuk had piled into it. “Feel better, baby?” “Mmm…” Ayuk moaned in elation, his three dicks immediately hardening at Sig’s touch. He was on the edge already, and now that Sig had his hands on him… yeah! “Open up!” He suddenly grabbed Sig’s head, and shoved it onto his organs. Sig accepted them willingly, and immediately began slurping at the dicks, coating them in his saliva. “Oh, yeah!” Ayuk grinned, his clenched fist banging against the bed. Dammit. Dammit! “Oh, that’s good!” He cried. “Yeah!”
He twisted and turned, his own palms sliding all over his full gut along with Sig’s. He just felt so damn great. Full, and drunk, and getting his dicks sucked. Actually, he was full… Ayuk started to realise that, amidst his own bliss. He was full of liquid. He hadn’t just eaten more than he should, he’d drank as well. Food and drink went well with essence, but now… oh, damn. He could feel it coming… oh, it felt good. Oh… oh, yes… oh, yes! “Aaaaaaaaaa…”
Sig’s eyes widened as a warm, bitter liquid began to fill his mouth. Not in one stream, but three. It wasn’t semen; Ayuk wasn’t quite there yet. It was… something else. Something that Ayuk enjoyed doing, especially when he was full and drunk. “Ooo…” Ayuk moaned in elation, his eyes closed and his palms gliding all over his body as he peed into Sig’s mouth, from all three of his organs. The liquid spilt from Sig’s beak, coming too fast for him to swallow it all. He swallowed what he could though, and Ayuk knew that. It made it even better. “Aaaaaa…” He managed to tear a hand away from the girth of his own gluttony for a moment, to place it upon Sig’s head, and hold him in place and make him consume it. He didn’t have to make him though, they both knew that. Sig was happy to. Happy to take whatever Ayuk had to offer… and it warmed Ayuk to know that. It was nice to be wanted, in every way. Sig even wanted his piss. “You’re great…” Ayuk purred, running a hand through Sig’s hair as the strong, thick streams finally started to thin out. Was he talking to Sig, or his own body, for making him feel so great? If they were both honest with themselves… it was probably both.
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dirtydemonsdbz · 4 years
Soothing (Sig x Lach)
Wee thing for @friskyhellspawn, because… they made me like this ship tbh lol. Sig belongs to them!
SkekLach closed her eyes and exhaled, a small smile forming upon her beak, in anticipation of what was to come. She had been looking forward to this… as she always did. Now though, more than ever. Life had been particularly cruel to her this week, and she wanted nothing more than to be soothed by Sig’s healing hands… and soothed she was.
She felt his fingers upon her face, softly sliding along her skin, and onto those terrible, painful pustules that spoiled her face. She used to be so beautiful… she still remembered it, and it pained her to do so. But, these hands… they made her feel beautiful again. Firm, soothing fingers slid over the sores, easing the tension in her skin. She wheezed and grunted, struggling to breathe as always, her sinuses blocked by these hideous things on her face. But… it got better. SkekSig grinned as he watched her expression change, as it always did. Her face relaxed, her mouth relaxed… the pustules leaked under his fingers, oozing out the thick gunk that put so much painful pressure on Lach’s face. He didn’t mind. He was here to sooth her, and soothing meant relieving her pain, and relieving her pain meant draining all that unwanted pus from her beautiful face. If it got on his fingers, he didn’t much care. Actually… he rather liked it. There was something about her weakness upon his skin, something about the fact that he was the one putting it there. There was a sort of… power, to it. Relaxing her, changing her mood… and having the fluids of her relaxation upon him. Knowing it was there because of him, and the skilful way in which he worked his hands. He liked it, in his own secret way… though he would never tell a single soul. “Mmm…” A low moan escaped her beak, much to Sig’s enjoyment. Her mouth was open slightly, her tongue curling inside it. She placed her hand upon his thigh and squeezed, to show her gratitude for his soothing hands. In just moments he’d managed to ease her pain; the tightness of her skin went away, the painful pressures of her sores gone. She could breathe better, she could feel better… prettier. Happier. Healthier. This was what she lived for. She adored their meetings. “Feel better?” Sig purred, sliding his thumbs along her cheekbones. There was fluid on her face, but he would get rid of that. He’d give her the full treatment, today especially. She seemed more tense than usual, more in need of tender loving care. He was happy to provide it. “Mm-hm.” Lach grinned, nudging her beak towards his fingers. “Keep it up.” “Hehe.” Sig smirked smugly, and obeyed. He felt her hands slide up onto his buttocks, as they often did. He was a beautiful thing, that Lach found attractive, especially when he was making her feel so good. It was never long before she craved a… ‘higher’ treatment from him. But… that would wait, today. She was in need of pampering first.
He picked up a towel, from beside her bed. Lach had been in the cold, her pustules had flared up much worse than usual, so Sig had come prepared. The towel was warm, and slightly damp. He placed it upon her face, and ran it over the sores, taking up all the gunk that had spilled from them. Lach let out a moan, enjoying the damp heat upon her skin. She felt clean, and fresh, and young… and beautiful. So beautiful. Nobody else took the time to make her feel like this. It was nice to be treated like a queen…
Sig smiled slightly, when he pulled the towel away, and looked at her face. The swelling of the pustules had gone down, the gunk disappeared… for now, anyway. It would come back when they got irritated again. But for now… she really was beautiful. Clean, relaxed, content… happy with herself. Breathing softly, with ease, pain free… he had the power to do that to her. Over and over again. And it usually earned him a good pounding afterwards. He enjoyed that part especially; Lach was an enjoyable lover. Today though, he resisted the urge to lean into the clawed hands on his buttocks, and he hesitated to coax the long, thick organs out from between her legs. Just for now, anyway. Just while he gave her a little extra treatment.
He put the towel down, and ran his hands down her neck. “Ooo…” Lach purred, enjoying the massage. He was doing the full body? Perfect… she really needed that today. She lay under him, relaxed and in enjoyment as his skilled hands worked their way down her body. He rubbed the knots from her neck and shoulders, and there were a few. Being in constant pain and examining tithings all day did damage to her posture; she was always tense. But, not now. His palms eased the tension in her shoulders, warmed her neck, her chest. He ran his hands across her broad frame, touching her in a way that nobody else did. The others thought her ugly, and undesirable… Sig didn’t think of her in that way. He enjoyed her body. Her face, and her girth. Actually, he got just as much pleasure from this as she did. It wouldn’t be fun otherwise. He liked to make her feel good; he liked to make her moan underneath him. He liked to feel her hands grabbing him, holding him in place because she didn’t want him to leave. He liked having that hold over her. That ego boost, that power. It made him feel… good.
His hands travelled down her chest, onto her large stomach. They slid over the soft, fleshy dome, kneading her skin and giving it the attention it deserved. The attention it didn’t get nearly as often as it should. That was what he was here for. “Ahhh…” Lach moaned softly, her hands travelling up Sig’s back. He could feel her arousal underneath him. He could feel all three of her organs poking against his entrance. It was ever so tempting to just slide onto them, and let her do what she wanted. But no… no. The rest of her body needed attention as well. Those three beasts would have to wait.
His hands moved down, onto her legs. Her tired, aching legs, that did nothing but carry her through cold weather and dirty villages. They went through a lot, and they deserved some recognition for that. He slid his palms firmly along her legs and thighs, kneading out the tension that the last couple of weeks had thrown onto them. She groaned beneath him, pushing her aching muscles into his palms. It felt so nice to have her legs soothed for a change. Nobody ever considered how hard her legs worked!
Sig massaged them up and down, as firmly as was comfortable for her, until the tight, tense muscles became soft and relaxed. Healed by his hands. Then he made his way down to her feet, and sniggered when she flinched slightly. “It tickles!” Lach barked. “You want me to stop?” Sig crooned, pressing his thumb into a big ball of tension. “Ah!” Lach gasped, and scrunched her eyes shut. “N-No… mmm!” She grinned, so thrilled her tail almost wagged. It hurt slightly, but it was so damn good! Just what she needed. She hadn’t realised how tense and sore her feet were until he’d started healing them. They were hot, and sweaty, but Sig didn’t mind that. He’d had his fingers on dirtier parts of her. “Ohhhh...” “Mm-hm…” Sig purred at the sound of her appreciative moan, and the firm grasp she still held on him, and he moved his beak down to her neck. “Feel better…?” “Mm…” Lach turned her head away, to allow him better access to her flesh as he began to softly bite it. His hands sliding back up her body, caressing her all over. She felt his teeth brush against her skin, leaving small marks upon her… marks that were eased by his warm, wet tongue. Gliding down her body; down her neck, down her chest, her stomach. He bit her before he licked her, leaving a trail of affection down her frame. It was slightly painful, but… damn, did it feel good. She was in heaven! His hands never stopped fondling her, worshipping her flesh as keenly as his mouth. He moved lower, and lower, until his hands tugged at the soft flesh of her hips and moved round to grope the base of her tail. Lach let out a loud gasp, flinching slightly at the glory of it. That was a sensitive spot right there! And he touched it so skilfully, so firmly. All the while his mouth moving down her, planting bite marks upon her flesh and slathering them with his tongue… until he reached her organs, and his tongue slid across them… and SkekLach really started to lose it.
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
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A delicious gift but a bit dangerous too (more like DEADLY lmao) 😋😂
AND A LINK TO MY DROPBOX WITH UNCENSORED STUFF: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eookd1q6ownv5p2/AABfmBwt0puX91Iy2VPhdg-oa?dl=0
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
Instead of cutting your cock of you could simply use some viagra in order to make love to your wife. And Frikiza, I too do not believe that he would ever not want to fuck you.
Frikiza: *blushes* 🥰
King Piccolo: Honestly, I don't want to think about it. What's the point? I will be eternally young 😁
Tambourine: What about in that fic that Mun never wrote?
King Piccolo: 😒 It was never written.
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
But it would benefit their relationship. He doesn't have to tell anyone. Ask him if he would do that, please.
King Piccolo: The last time I was old, not being able to do that didn't bother me much... but... I had other things on my mind...
Cymbal: Like being trapping in a rice cooker and planning to take over the world?
King Piccolo: 😡 Yes.
Frikiza: Well... when we're old, maybe we won't want to. It'll be centuries from now, we might be too tired, Pickle.
King Piccolo: *looks at her* ... ... I can't imagine ever not wanting to fuck you.
Frikiza: Awww 😊❤
King Piccolo: And if it doesn't work... 😡 It's coming off and I'm growing a new one.
Frikiza: 😬
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
Something I've wanted to tell you for a while : if King Piccolo is pissed about not being able to 'get it up anymore' in his old age he could always use some viagra :D
That's true, he could 😂 I think he would feel embarrassed to though
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
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Caught playing with toys! 😈👀
Finally I at least sketched this… also this got the ban as always even tho it’s technically just showing the ass SO let’s see how this one does.
UNCENSORED STUFF ON MY DROPBOX AS ALWAY: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/eookd1q6ownv5p2/AABfmBwt0puX91Iy2VPhdg-oa?dl=0
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
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New shortstory Page on my Twitter :
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
Omg 😱❤❤❤
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Happy Friday the 13th!!! 🖤
I'm not home so you only get this hasty sketch without my usual signature 😂
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
I know I keep saying it but I just love the colours I'm sorry 😂😂 I know the point of the thing is sex but I'm just loving the rainbow lol
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Zircon party over on twitter~
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
I may be sliding into your DM, but I'm imagining sliding into your face 👀👀
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dirtydemonsdbz · 5 years
Ooo I like both versions! 😆
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The dear @filthyball gave me her permission to color her Outlines (Thank you very much on this place ^^)
In the First Picture you can see the original Artwork of @filthyball. The second Picture is my colo version.
I really enjoy give color to other great Artists outlines. It was really Fun !
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