dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
moved! please find me @dirtylimerick! 
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
same url, just a (hopefully) more organized blog. i won’t be dropping many threads, but most asks may not carry over since i think i’d like to start as fresh as possible.
my verses page there isn’t up yet, but the only change that i’m making to my verses is that my aftermath / post-film verse will now be my mainverse.
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
planning on moving by friday if not sooner! i'm currently stuck on choosing a tag for
- horses
- nightmares
- all ships but sean/riley
i know it's a bit weird to ask people for help with your own tags, but if anyone has any ideas let me know, especially if i have a ship (platonic, romantic, familial, anything) with you! since there aren't many good lines to pull from canon, i'm considering photography terms, or lines from poetry or music, but i'll take any suggestions. i'm woefully stuck lol
okay! so i have decided that i will eventually archive this blog and move it to a new blog (same url) but that won’t happen until i have my tags fully figured out, since it’s been… what? two or more years now and i still have placeholder tags for almost everything? lol
so, yes, things will continue as normal here for a while until i can get that sorted. i’ll be sure to post a link to the new blog when i move and hope to see you all there. c:
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
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Images 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Brandon Wilson
Image 5 - jeffgehr.es
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
@caterva​ said marshal from animal crossing looks like cale and now i can’t unsee it
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this makes his friendship with julian in my new leaf town reaaaally awkward...
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dirtylimericka · 3 years
that trope where muse A is in the ER for whatever reason and they’re disoriented and feel awful and they have this idea in their head they need to Get Up - who are these people? - someone said ‘sedative’, no, they need to get… they have to… get off them (muse A struggling against medical staff), and then muse B appears from seemingly absolutely nowhere and takes muse A’s hand and promises them they’re alright and tells them to sleep, they’re safe, and it’s muse B. so muse A - barely conscious at this point - begins to calm down, enough to be confused instead of urgent & struggling as the sedative takes hold, because they have found Muse B in all of the disorientation and they trust Muse B. That Trope. 10/10 A+ 
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