discardedchoices · 1 year
im in desperate need for a faggot makeout session
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discardedchoices · 3 years
*Ah, thank you.
Robin slowly sat down, careful not to make too much noise. Taking as little space as possible, glancing nervously around, they finally replied.
*Ch-chamomile sounds nice. Will you be making one for yourself aswell? For uh, for the conversation I mean...
@discardedchoices  A tea break
*Of course, please, have a seat!
They said, gesturing to the chair and table that sat nearby. Grimace paid no mind, perhaps something of comfort would be appreciated here. Perhaps something comforting like jasmine of chamomile?
*What would you be interested in, I have access to any flavor of tea you can imagine~ I can recommend a nice light jasmine, or a chamomile tea for you.
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discardedchoices · 3 years
Robin paid close attention to the little show Gasriel gave them. The icy steps already incredibly impressed them, and each new thing just pushed the feelings of amazement further and further. At the end they had troubles collecting their jaw from the floor. A stunning performance! And yet there was something... funny about it?
“Haha, this felt like a professional lesson on magic. Have you considered being a teacher?”
Not that they wanted lessons... It just sounded to them like a cool idea. Especially with all the ice magic.
“This is kinda leaving me speechless, you seem to be a really powerful wizard! Though ice stairs feel a bit... dangerous... More than the icicles...”
Their heart (if they have one) stopped for a second seeing him fall at that one moment. They sure wouldn’t want to break their back on those steps...
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention…
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discardedchoices · 3 years
((hey, i know i have a bunch of rps i gotta reply to, but my energy levels are negative recently. I also got quite a bunch of uni homework piling up and am trying to get a job, so any spare energy is getting used on that hopefully I’ll be able to become active again once I’m slightly less swarmed with that stuff but till then pls have patience with me
feel free to leave anything in askbox or messages or to tag me in anything, once I’m back I will reply to all
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discardedchoices · 3 years
*Hello there visitor, welcome to my humble storefront~ Feel free to take a look at my wares, today I have a special on my teas.
*Although, if you're not interested, I am also available for conversation. Sometimes taking a moment to relax from the busy world is important for the body and mind.
The pink addison says, the signature smile on their face, kind, welcoming.
*I'm, uh... I'm here for both actually, if you wouldn't mind that is...
When Robin heard about a tea seller, they couldn't help but stop by and see what they have to offer. They tried to offer a smile too, but buying anything was still a bit too stressful of an experience, so all they could give was a nervous grimace.
*Do you sell any flower based teas?
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discardedchoices · 3 years
((finally made a proper about document aslkdfjg link in the pinned post! the about link in the nav also redirects to it, or at least should
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discardedchoices · 3 years
The entire interaction was making Robin feel a little bit awkward. They’ve met friendly people before, but not this friendly, the unfamiliarity of the situation disrupting their rhythm. But they weren’t going to let that stop them from trying to make best of it.
“Ah, I will lead the way then.”
A bit lacking in confidence, they walked down the streets of Castle Town, till they reached a building resembling a giant blue mug, with a sign informing everyone that it’s the cafe. The inside was dimly lit with few lamps by the wall and a neon sign behind the counter, once again informing that it is indeed the cafe. For such a small place, it was fairly crowded, but soon Robin managed to find an empty table. From there, it was easy to see the menu on the wall, listing all kinds of drinks and desserts, from melted cheese, starfaits, various teas, to such things as butler juice, crushed bits, or simply, ‘The It’.
“Uhh, does anything on the menu catch your interest?”
Sephena in the world of techno shadows?
Another day on the planet the village.
Sephena was operating her new house shippy, a shippy that is able to bring her to different worlds, well she hoped but so far she only manage to make little dimensions in it.
Well time for old fashion worm hole hopping. She all of the sudden saw a hidden door, being a curious floof ball she enterd the door.
She was in a world with different beings and lots of weird shops, being with plus on their snouth, little stars with clothes on. And a human with a strange outfit.
She tapped her paw on the stranger “Hello human, do you know where I am”
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discardedchoices · 3 years
The conversation keeps their mind occupied. There is a lot of things to think about. Emotions, freedom, peace, safety... It’s got pretty philosophical. There are still a lot of questions that Robin has to find answer to, about themself, but those are things that come with time, and they have plenty.
“Freedom is just something I wasn’t supposed to have, so for me it’s like a special, forbidden gift. Something I can’t help but be greatful for.”
As the conversation turns more towards magic, they start acting more cheerful, visibly interested in the topic.
“A sword or a pencil? I always thought of magic as something like a hammer. Something that can be used as a tool, to fix and create, but just as easily can be used as a weapon, to hurt and destroy, regardless of form.
Having any magic teachers at all sounds cool. Someone to look up to, to follow, and ask for advice.”
To answer the last question, Robin smiled and raised a finger. On top of it formed a magic bullet, in the shape of a butterfly. It flew around their hand for a bit, and then disappeared
“I guess I could say yes.”
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention...
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discardedchoices · 3 years
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      YOU HAVE BEEN INVITED TO                                                          KRIS’S HALLOWEEN BASH !!
                    LOCATION :  Dreemurr Household Closet’s Dark World                                     ( you’ll understand when we get there ! )     TIME :   The 29th of October, to the 1st of November.  ( maybe a little longer… )
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discardedchoices · 3 years
Once they stand on the snow, they stop for a moment, looking around enamoured with the surroundings. They crouch and grab a bit of snow in their hand. They check how the texture feels like. The snow doesn’t melt in their hand, so after a bit they put it back on the ground.
“It’s pretty in here.
Yeah a vessel. It’s not as bad as it sounds I think...”
When asked about feelings, Robin gets lost in thoughts for a moment. Have they experienced emotions? Some definetily. Feelings of love, compassion? Well, those are things you feel towards other beings, right? They haven’t interacted with many...
“I am not sure. I mean, yeah, I feel things. I think.”
“I mean, because I was discarded, I am free now. I can do what I want and no one is controlling my actions. Freedom is... one of the few things that I have and it’s pretty important to me I think. Otherwise I’d be right now...”
They don’t finish the sentence, their thoughts escaping, focusing on what ifs, speculations. Their face has a hint of sadness during that moment. They focus back on the conversation once they notice the bubble of magic.
“Ohhh, is this another one of your spells? You can do quite a lot with your magic and you don’t even look that old! How long have you been training?”
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention…
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discardedchoices · 3 years
“I am familiar with the legend, and knew that monsters lived in mountain Ebott, but I didn’t know how the Underground looks from the inside, or that I wandered into the tunnels of this specific mountain. I really don’t pay attention where I’m going.”
It did take them quite a while to put all this togheter, even after everything Gasriel has told them. They are an airhead afterall.
They go back to the topic of their "soul”, pulling it out one more time.
“This is not a soul that’s been emptied of its trait, it’s a container made out of determination. Created for the purpose of keeping a soul inside it, allowing the soul to control the vessel made for it.”
After that Robin opened the “soul container” and briefly closed it, as if worried something might actually get inside it.
“I was created around one or two years ago, maybe three? I don’t really have a good grasp on time... Well, doesn’t matter. I was created for the sole purpose of being the Vessel for my Creator. But at the last moment I was discarded, last step of the plan never carried out.
His name reminds me of that time, glimpses of a lab. I don’t really know what happened.”
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention...
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discardedchoices · 3 years
Robin listened carefully to Gasriel’s explanation, and then kept quiet for a bit. They were thinking, putting the pieces of puzzle togheter and considering their options. Gasriel shared a lot about himself and those close to him, Robin might as well return the favor. Finally they start speaking, and while their voice is quiet, it’s still perfectly hearable.
“Long ago, two races ruled over Earth, humans and monsters. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell that requires the power of human souls to break.”
They know this story. After a short break, they continue.
“Mountain Ebott. Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return. I think I know where I am now. You shouldn’t worry about me being stuck. I have my ways of getting around.”
All they need is some corridors, which the underground is full of. After few turns they will find themself home.
“Also no need to worry about my safety. I’m not really a human, I don’t have the thing required in breaking the barrier.”
They put their hand on their chest, and pull out what looks like a red human soul. Except it is just a shell, see through and hollow inside, with just enough space to keep inside an actual soul. They keep it out for a moment, then hide it.
“I’m not even sure if this thing can be called a soul. Just a vessel for one.
You mentioned you live with Doctor Gaster, right?”
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention…
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discardedchoices · 3 years
Oh that... that sounds even worse actually. For a glimpse, fear was clearly visible on Robin’s face, though they tried to hide that. Maybe it’s not THAT bad, they think, but they can’t help but jump to conclusions. They stay quiet till the conversation goes back on the topic of Gaster.
“His son? What does he have to do with his void research?
Wait, wait, wait, I’m stranded here? What do you mean?”
They’ve never got stranded before. Even if they got lost, all they had to do is just walk forward, thinking of going home, and eventually they found themself back in their room. They look clearly confused now.
“I don’t really plan on messing with anyone. Are there any other threats?”
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention...
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discardedchoices · 3 years
Another world? They’re surprised, but only a bit. On one hand, they didn’t know other worlds existed. On the other hand, they knew there existed a Light World and Dark Worlds, so why wouldn’t there be other?
“Oh, that makes sense, doors do that sometimes.”
A door is what allows them to get back to their room, or to get from their room to different places. It is also a great allegory, but this is not a place to explain that.
“O-oh, I can give it a try. To be honest, I’ve only seen this town from afar, this is the first time I decided to go inside, but I will do my best. Are you hungry perhaps? I heard there is a pretty nice cafe here, it would be a good start I think.”
Which would make the first time they go buy something.
Sephena in the world of techno shadows?
Another day on the planet the village.
Sephena was operating her new house shippy, a shippy that is able to bring her to different worlds, well she hoped but so far she only manage to make little dimensions in it.
Well time for old fashion worm hole hopping. She all of the sudden saw a hidden door, being a curious floof ball she enterd the door.
She was in a world with different beings and lots of weird shops, being with plus on their snouth, little stars with clothes on. And a human with a strange outfit.
She tapped her paw on the stranger “Hello human, do you know where I am”
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discardedchoices · 3 years
“Machines? Like robots? Are you going to be making robots? Sentient robots?”
There is something inherently cool and also inherently scary about robots, from Robin’s perspective. On one hand, that’s a moving bundle of metals and cables, which is awesome. On the other hand it is a manufactured sentient being. Too close to home.
“Void research? That doesn’t sound like something one should mess with...”
They can’t really pinpoint it, but something about this conversation is constantly making their thoughts go back to their origin. The nervousness doesn’t go away. And that doctor... His name is so familiar and yet so distant.
“Oh, I just literally have nothing better to do. And also, aren’t we walking right now? Wait, are we going to a specific place for a specific reason?”
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention…
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discardedchoices · 3 years
The light reflecting from the white snow is almost blinding. Robin slowly walks outside the doors, each step making a soft crunch noise. They stop for a moment, and scoop some of the snow off the ground. It doesn’t melt in their hand.
“Ohh, it’s cold. I don’t really know how to describe it. Weirdly soft, haha.”
As they continue walking, they’re watching the scenery, clearly enamoured with its beauty. They’ve never seen anything like it... Right? And yet it feels familiar.
“Glowing plants, that does sound cool! Tho I think there is a joke to be made about the coolness of this place. Somewhere.”
They still have trouble with comedy. Maybe someday, they will make a good pun. Someday...
(( @an-overfilled-glass
Curiosity can take people to all kinds of places. Mountain Ebott at this point holds a status almost legendary, considering the amount of historical events that happened around it and inside it. Robin was wandering around the bottom, admiring the mountain in all its glory from different angles.
The point of this walk wasn’t sightseeing tho. They hoped that perhaps somewhere around this area they might find someone to talk to. Going to crowded places was still a bit much, but a traveller or two shouldn’t be too intimidating.
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discardedchoices · 3 years
"Ahh, that is fair."
Writing and cleaning vials... Yeah that doesn't sound too interesting. Especially if that's all you do days after days.
"Your own lab, what would you use it for? Do you have any plans?"
The job of a scientist sounds like it could be very interesting. Or very boring. Probably boring. That's what Robin was debating in their mind, when Gasriel asked a question they didn't know how to answer.
"Uhhh, I... I live by a small town. Little thing barely fits the definition, haha. I don't really have anything to do during the day, so I wander."
They got visibly nervous. Technically they weren't lying, but they weren't telling truth either.
(( @gasrieldreemurr
When you are wandering the world without care and looking where you place your steps, sometimes you find yourself in the most unusual places, not even realizing how you got there, where you are, and where you should go next. That’s how Robin found themself walking through the dimly lit corridors of Waterfall. They didn’t realize it yet, but an unknown ‘human’ in a place like that would quickly attract attention…
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